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Practical Project DesignPractical Business Project Designand Thesis WritingAssignment 01Assignment specification (BA Program)英语专业必修课程作业要求 (专升本课程)Course:Practical Business Project DesignAssignment:01 (Units 1-5)Assignment title:Problem Identification & Analysis, Rationale & Bibliography, Project Design, and Project Proposal重要声明:本课程的各阶段作业要求以网院在平台上发布的作业要求为准,而不是根据教材中的作业要求完成作业。姓名: _ 学籍号: _ 年级: 学习中心: _辅导教师: There are FIVE parts in this assignment. Please refer to units 1-5 of Practical Business Project Design for guidance and support to this assignment. The information in brackets indicates the specific unit you can refer to. Part One Problem Identification and Description (Unit 1)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS: - Choose a general problem area from the following SIX areas of problems:l a problem in customer service l a problem in finance planning and assessmentl a problem in product promotionl a problem in technology utilization in business l a problem in staff managementl a problem in advertising planning or market research- Narrow down the problem you have chosen and think of the possible approach(es). You are strongly suggested to choose a business you engage in, or know about, or can have easy access to.- Describe the specific project problem and the approach(es), showing how that problem relates to your own business experience. Explain why the problem is significant and researchable. Insert your description after the prompt in the space below. (Suggested length: 200 - 300 words.) Description of Project Problem FOR TUTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessment Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改已就项目拟解决的问题与辅导老师讨论并获得认可。The problem was discussed with the tutor and approved.阐述了项目与作者本人的关系。Specific personal experience with this problem is expressed.问题描述清楚详细,具有可研究性。Discussion of the problem is clear and detailed enough to show that the problem was researchable.阐述了解决方法,表明项目可实施。General approach to the problem was discussed to show the project was practical.阐述了项目对企业及本人的意义。Significance of the project in relation to personal and business development is discussed.语言正确、准确,无歧义。Description is presented in clear, accurate and unambiguous English.Tutors Comments:Part Two Problem Analysis (Unit 2)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:Write a problem analysis of your project in distinct stages, using analytic methods described in your textbook. Your analysis should include the following information:1) a discussion of the current situation concerning both internal factors such as FHPI (i.e. financial status, human resources, physical resources, information resources (customer or client profiles); and external factors such as PEST (i.e. political, economic, social and technological) related to your problem; 2) a discussion on needs and wants analysis related to your problem; 3) a SWOT analysis of the situation related to your problem. Write your text under the following blank space according to the above areas. (Suggested length: 500 - 800 words)FOR TUTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessment Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改问题分析包括SWOT分析的三个阶段,即:状况分析、需求分析及SWOT表。The analysis contains the three identifiable stages of a SWOT analysis, i.e. situation analysis, needs analysis, and a SWOT profile.SWOT分析逻辑清楚,包括导言段和总结段。The SWOT analysis is presented in a logical manner, with an introductory paragraph stating the purpose and a summary paragraph leading to a solution.状况分析涵盖与项目相关的内、外部因素分析。The situation analysis covers both internal and external factors related to the research project.需求分析方法客观、科学。The student used objective and scientific analytic methods in the needs analysis of the people or situation concerned.明确阐述、讨论了需求分析所涉及的人员、步骤及结果。The subjects, process, and results of the needs analysis are clearly discussed and presented.通过逻辑推理和客观事实来说明主要原因,提出的解决方案可行且与主要原因相关。The student used logical reasoning and factual evidence to determine which of the causes was most significant, and the solution proposed is practical and connected with the key cause of the problem.语言正确、准确,无歧义。Analysis is presented in clear, accurate and unambiguous English.Tutors Comments:Part Three Project Rationale & Bibliography DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:1) Project Rationale (Unit 3)Introduce the rationale of your project. The rationale should explain the basis for the approach(es) taken in researching the problem and proving the hypothesis. The rationale should be more than 500 words. Insert your writing under the heading below.Project Rationale 2) Bibliography (Unit 3Activity 2, Unit 10Activity 4)Insert the bibliography in the space below. All the English references should come before the Chinese ones. The English words should be in Time New Roman 12, the Chinese characters in 宋体12, and the space between lines should be 1.5.BibliographyFOR TUTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessment Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改项目理论基础与项目问题密切相关,说明了理论及调研方法。The rationale is relevant to the project problem, and covers both theoretical and methodological supports of the research project.字数500字以上。The rationale is more than 500 words.引用文献至少出自五本书籍或文章。No less than 5 references are cited in the Rationale.引用文献出处与“参考书目”所列书目相对应。Complete information for the references cited in the paper appears in the Bibliography.参考书目格式规范,符合要求。The Bibliography is formatted correctly.Tutors Comments:Part Four Project Design (units 3-5)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:Describe a project plan to solve the problem you have identified. Your plan should be practical and realistic, i.e. it can be actually implemented and finished within the limit of your time, cost, labor, and power. Your project plan should include the following elements:- project goal and objective(s) (Unit 3Activity 1)- project hypothesis (Unit 3Activity 1)- project schedule, i.e. activities planned to take place and the time scale (please explain both in words and in flow chart) (Unit 4Activity 1 & 3)- critical path analysis (Unit 4Activity 3)- people involved in the activities and their responsibilities (Unit 4Activity 1)- cost consideration (please explain both in words and in table) (Unit 4 Activity1 & 2)- risk analysis concerning people, time and product and your proposed protective measures (Unit 4Activity 2)- plan for the monitoring and evaluation of the project (Unit 4Activity 3)Write your text under the following blank space according to the above areas. (Suggested length: about 1000 words.)FOR TUTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessment Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改项目设计内容连贯、一致。The entire plan for the projects design is coherent and consistent.介绍了项目的长远目标和近期目标。目标明确,具有现实性。The discussion of the project objectives is clear, relevant and realistic, covering both the general goal and specific objectives.项目假设与项目问题相关,可被检验。The project hypothesis is related to the project problem, well presented and provable.项目任务围绕目标,有可操作性。The activities are practical and objective-oriented.任务流程表路径清晰、布局整齐。The activity flow chart is clearly presented and nicely laid out.清楚地介绍了项目参与人员及其角色。The people involved in the activities are clearly named and their roles are clearly defined.任务时间表清楚明了,合乎逻辑,可用于监控项目实施。The time-scale for the activities is clear, realistic, logical, and can serve as a practical tool for monitoring the projects implementation.项目成本考虑全面、可行。Consideration of relevant costs is comprehensive and practical.成本表清楚明了,布局整齐。The cost consideration table is clearly presented and nicely laid out.从人员、时间和成果等角度分析了项目风险,并提出防范措施。A risk analysis involving people, timeframes and products is clearly presented, along with proposed protective measures.介绍了详细的监控工具和有效的评估方法。There is a practical plan for monitoring and evaluating the project, including detailed monitoring tools and effective evaluation methods.语言正确、准确,无歧义。The whole project plan is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous English.Tutors Comments:Part Five Project Proposal (units 5 & 7) DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:To apply to write a BA degree paper at our university, you need to submit a proposal with the following items in the designated language or languages:l A title that accurately reflects the topic (Chinese and English)l An outline with three levels (English)l An abstract of proposal (Chinese)Insert your description after the prompts in the space below.Fill in each of the following blanks with a phrase, which may help you specify your plan and form the title. The specific problem you plan to tackle in the project: _(e.g.: rising staff turnover, decreasing sales volume, loss of regular customers)The approach(es) you plan to employ to solve the problem: _ (e.g.: new incentive policy, making ads on TV, updating loyalty scheme)1) A title (Unit 5Activity 1)English Title (between 10 to 20 words):_中文标题(10-20字):_2) A three-level outline of your project design: (Unit 5Activity 1, Unit 7Activity 1)3)选题意义(约400字): (Unit 7Activity 1)(选题意义应包含对以下内容的论述:项目起源/背景、项目假设、项目目标、研究意义等。The abstract of project proposal should include information on: the motives, hypothesis, objectives, and significance of your research.)FOR TUTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessment Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改标题为短语形式。The title (in English and Chinese) is presented in the form of phrase.标题简要明了,体现项目问题及主要解决方法。The title is clear, concise and includes key words that express the problem and key method.英文标题的第一个单词和所有实词(名词、动词、形容词和副词)的首字母大写。In the English title, the first letter of the first word and those of all the following content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) are capitalized.标题字数在10至20之间。The title contains between 10 and 20 English words or Chinese characters.大纲至少为三级标题。The outline is presented with at least three levels.一级和二级标题中第一个单词和所有实词(名词、动词、形容词和副词)的首字母大写;三级标题中只有第一个单词的首字母大写。 In the first-layer and second-layer headings the first letter of the first word and those of all the following content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) are capitalized; in the third-layer headings, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.选题意义包括所有要点,字数约为400字。The abstract of project proposal has covered all the required points and contains about 400 words.语言正确、准确,无歧义。Description is presented in clear, accurate and unambiguous English.Tutors Comments:第一次作业范例(商务英语方向)说明本范例涵盖项目设计及论文写作课程(商务英语方向)第一次作业各部分。每部分提供一至两个范例,并附点评。各范例均选自往届较好的论文,但文中仍有个别语言错误,且内容、结构和格式均以当时的学士论文要求为标准,因此范例仅供参考,请勿抄袭。在此谨对提供范例的学生表示衷心感谢!Part One Problem Identification and DescriptionSample Description of Project ProblemThe author is a frequent visitor to the Sunny Fitness Center and has been loyal to it since its establishment two years ago. The business is facing some problems recently due to fierce competition in the market. So the author decided to use the center as the subject for the practical business project design. The center has plenty of first-rate fitness equipment and a large fitness area. It has easy vehicle access with plenty of parking space. The staff members are friendly and knowledgeable. However, there are so many fitness centers in the downtown area, and all of them are equipped with excellent facilities. Many customers are thinking of shifting to those new facilities. So the author thinks maintaining customer loyalty is the biggest problem the fitness center faces. In order to maintain customers loyalty, the author thinks the center needs to have a better understanding of the customers apart from a general picture of its own place in the fitness market. Only by knowing its customers well can they take appropriate measures pertinent to the problem facing the center. It is believed that market research on consumer behavior at the fitness center will help provide a clear picture of its customers needs and wants, and give us a firm basis for measures to maintain customers loyalty. (217words)点评本范例介绍了作者本人与项目发生所在企业或单位的关系(a frequent visitor/ has been loyal to it),明确描述了面临的问题(how to maintain customers loyalty),问题焦点集中,并提出了初步的解决办法(market research on consumer behavior at the fitness center),言简意赅地指出了项目对该企业发展的意义(help provide a clear picture of its customers needs and wants, and give us a firm basis for measures to maintain customers loyalty),长度符合字数要求。若能说明此次项目对作者个人而言的意义将更好。Part Two Problem AnalysisSample Problem AnalysisTo better understand the problem of customer loyalty, the author conducted a SWOT analysis, comprised of a situation analysis of the centers business in general, a needs analysis of the key factors concerning the center, and a SWOT profile summarizing Sunnys business advantages and disadvantages. 1 Situation Analysis of Sunny Fitness Centerl Physical resourcesSunny Fitness Center was founded in 2002, and covers an area of 2800 square meters in downtown Beijing. It was the only gymnasium in the area until the beginning of 2005. Well-equipped with a comfortable lobby and facilities such as treadmills, strength systems, cycles, climbers, a stretch trainer, etc., the center provides a highly standardized fitness environment for all customers. l Human resourcesThe center has 40 qualified staff working in 5 departments. All senior instructors have international certification for sport and fitness professionals. Since the author often goes to the center for exercise, at times the author also works for the center by collecting and analyzing customers feedback. Miss Zhao and Miss Zhou are two receptionists at the front desk, who offers help by distributing and collecting survey forms. l Financial resourcesThe center has attracted 800 members since its founding and the annual revenue reached RMB 9.25 million in 2004. The center reserves a percentage of its yearly revenue for business improvement. The budget for this year is RMB 550,000 and will be used to improve the centers facilities and promotions. The budget also covers the authors market research.l PEST analysisChina has a stable political, economic, and social environment. The government encourages all citizens to participate in daily exercise. As the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing pays great attention to sports promotion work. Fitness centers have become the major facilities for peoples daily exercise, creating great market potential. Since Chinas accession to the WTO, countless multinational companies have expanded their business in Beijing, which brings new momentum to the development of Beijings economy. The living standard of people in Beijing comes tops that of all domestic cities. New technologies also help fitness facilities to provide better and more customized services. As a result, fitness centers in Beijing are facing both opportunities and challenges. To cope with the rapid development of the fitness market, Sunny Fitness Center must take action to solve the problem of customer loyalty and maintain its competitiveness. Otherwise, it would be left out of this fiercely competitive market. 2 Needs Analysis of Sunny Fitness CenterA market research project looking for factors affecting customer loyalty to the center must narrow the research problem through a needs analysis of the centers staff. The goal is to find out what sort of customer information would be considered crucial.First, a questionnaire was designed covering aspects that were thought to be included in a market survey of a fitness center. Then the forms were distributed to all 40 staff of the center. In about two weeks, all 40 forms were returned to the front desk. They were sorted according to the subjects department and then analyzed. (See Appendix II. Please refer to Activity 1, Task 3 for sample questionnaire design.)The results showed that over 80% of the centers employees are energetic young people in their twenties and thirties. There are 24 males and 16 females. Most staff showed great


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