



牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块九)高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 Witnessing time板块:Task作 者:徐申叶Thoughts on the design:本单元的Task是一个要求学生在课堂内进行的开放式的任务型活动的学习内容,该课型重要的特点是以任务的形式,培养学生听,说,读,写的综合技能。本课以伦敦塔为主线,重点通过听力技能训练,培养学生获取信息的能力。通过一篇补充阅读,拓展学生对有关伦敦塔的背景知识的了解,为Task 板块最后一个关于伦敦塔写作的任务奠定基础。本课的主要特点是环环相扣,学以致用,在学习中及时训练,在训练中提高。Teaching aims:After learning the lesson, students will be able to get familiar with the discourse markers. They are trained in listening to pay special attention to the discourse markers so that they can get a better understanding while listening to a lecture or a radio programme. At the same time, some basic information on the Tower of London is also acquired, making preparations for the writing task in the next period.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in1. Tell the students the following information: At the very beginning, Id like to tell you what we will do during this period. First of all, we would like to talk about discourse markers. Second, we will do two listening practices. And finally, we would like to read a booklet. Is it clear to you?(ppt4) Ask students how I arranged the information just now. Present the term: discourse markers. Explanation通过对本课时教学步骤安排的说明导入本单元第一个技能训练的主题:标记词,让学生初步感受标记词在英语口语表达中的运用,同时也作为第二部分听力训练中听写标记词的简单热身训练。2. Ask the Ss to scan the introduction on discourse markers and find out the functions of discourse markers. (ppt5)Explanation通过阅读标记词的介绍和分类,初步系统掌握标记词的概念,分类和用法。3. Ask Ss to read a short passage and use suitable discourse markers to fill in the blanks. (ppt7)Explanation学以致用,通过填词训练帮助学生巩固对标记词的理解和运用。Step 2 Listening practice1. Just now we talked about the discourse markers, and now lets think about another kind of mark, that is, landmark. (1) Answer the question: what historic buildings are landmarks of London? (ppt9) (2) What do you know about the Tower of London? Is it only made up of one tower? What was it used as in history? Please go through the main points of Step 1 A. Answer questions 2 and 3. (ppt10)Explanation从标记词引出听力的主题:伦敦的标志建筑伦敦塔。通过提问激发学生已有的对伦敦塔的背景知识,同时通过阅读回答问题的形式,为下一步的听力训练做好准备。2. (1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape carefully, try to catch the main idea and write down discourse markers at the same time. Ask them to listen again and check the answers. (ppt 10)(2) Ask Ss to guess the possible answers in part B, and then listen to the tape and take down the main points. (ppt 11)Explanation通过要求学生对听力材料的预测,培养学生在做听力时养成预测、验证、再预测的积极的听力训练思维模式,同时也能使学生在做听力训练时更有针对性。Step 3 Reading for more information about the Tower of LondonAsk Ss to read the booklet about some famous events that took place in the Tower of London. Fill in the missing information on the table. (ppt12)Explanation以表格的形式,清晰明了地展示了两名在伦敦塔内的遇害者的遭遇及其时间和原因,为下一步的口语表达和写作做好准备。Step 4 DiscussionWhat can we infer from the story of Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh? (ppt13)Explanation引导学生以两名遇害者的不幸经历、君主统治者的喜怒无常、以及命运的多变为话题进行自由表达。培养学生的判断、领悟和归纳和表达能力,进一步为下面的写作奠定基础。Step 5 WritingAsk Ss to rewrite the passage, focusing on the reasons for the killing in the first paragraph and encourage Ss to add their comments on the death in the second paragraph and use as many discourse markers in the writing as possible. Revise the writing with their partner.Start like this:Para. 1: Some British Kings in history were really cruel. Let me give you two examples Para. 2: As I was saying Explanation引导学生围绕本课话题尽可能多地运用标记词来改写短文,一方面是为了提高学生的写作能力,另一方面也是为了及时巩固运用标记的能力,做到现学现用。通过要求学生之间相互修改,可以取长补短,共同提高写作


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