七年级英语下册 unit 12 what did you do last weekend达标测试卷课件新版人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语下册 unit 12 what did you do last weekend达标测试卷课件新版人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语下册 unit 12 what did you do last weekend达标测试卷课件新版人教新目标版_第3页
七年级英语下册 unit 12 what did you do last weekend达标测试卷课件新版人教新目标版_第4页
七年级英语下册 unit 12 what did you do last weekend达标测试卷课件新版人教新目标版_第5页
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关键词语选择 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 你将听到五个句子 请在每小题所给的A B C三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语 每个句子读两遍 B 1 A riverB lakeC pool B 2 A scaredB scaryC danger A 3 A forestB mountainC hall A 4 A flyakiteB flyaplaneC readabook B 5 A shouttoB shoutatC shortof 短对话理解 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 你将听到十段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的A B C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍 C 6 WhatdidJackdolastSunday C 7 WhatwastheterriblesurpriseforTony A 8 Wheredoestheboywanttogo C 9 WhatdoesMarkhave C 10 What stheweatherlikenow B 11 WherewasTomlastnight A Hewasatschool B Hewasathome C Hewasatwork A 12 HowwasLinda sweekend A Itwasboring B Itwasallright C Itwasverynice C 13 Whatdidtheboydolastnight A HewatchedTV B Hedidhishomework C Hecleanedhisroom C 14 WhattimedidBillgettothepark A At8 30 B At8 10 C At8 50 A 15 WhatdoesRickythinkofactionmovies A Exciting B Boring C Interesting 长对话理解 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 你将听到两段对话 每段对话后有几个小题 请在每小题所给的A B C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍 听下面一段对话 回答第16至17小题 A 16 WheredidMr Greengo A Paris B London C HongKong B 17 WhendidMr Greengothere A Lastmonth B Lastweek C Lastyear 听下面一段对话 回答第18至20小题 C 18 Whatwilltheweatherbelikethisafternoon A Sunny B Cloudy C Rainy B 19 Whataretheygoingtodotomorrowafternoon A Gofishing B Goswimming C Playfootball B 20 Whenwilltheymeet A Atthreeo clock B Atfouro clock C Atfiveo clock 短文理解 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 你将听到一篇短文 短文后有五个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的A B C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍 B 21 WhatdidJohndoonSaturdaymorning A Heplayedfootball B Hecleanedhisroom C Hedidthemathhomework A 22 WhatdoesJohnthinkofhismathhomework A Easy B Interesting C Difficult B 23 WhendidJohngotohisaunt shome A OnSaturdayafternoon B OnSaturdayevening C OnSundaymorning A 24 WhatsportdidJohndothenextmorning A Swimming B Football C Basketball A 25 HowlongdidJohnwatchTVonSundayevening A For1hour B For2hours C For3hours 信息转换 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容 写出下面表格中所缺的单词 每空仅填一词 短文读两遍 单项填空 共15小题 每小题1分 满分15分 从每小题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项 B 31 天津中考 Tianjinis beautifulcityin northofChina A a aB a theC the D the D 32 达州中考 WhereisMaryflying SheisflyingtoFrancesoon Shewillarrive Paris themorningofJuly2 A to onB at onC in inD in on C 33 Shewastoo tomovewhenshesawthesnake A scaryB happyC scaredD interested B 34 AlanwantstofindajobintheUSAso isimportantforhimtolearnEnglishwell A thisB itC heD there C 35 Heoftenpractices Englishathome A tospeakB spokeC speakingD speak C 36 IsawDale intheriveronmywayhome A swimsB toswimC swimmingD toswimming A 37 Thecamerais expensive Ican taffordit A so thatB such thatC so astoD enough that C 38 Ifeelsomething underthebed Really Letmehavealook A moveB movedC movingD tomove D 39 yourmomathometoday Yes butshe yesterday A Was wasn tB Is isn tC Was isn tD Is wasn t B 40 贵阳中考 Haveyoureadtoday snewspaper Yes It sreallyboring Thereis init A somethingnewB nothingnewC anythingnewD newnothing A 41 Therearethirteen inthepicture A sheepB cowC horseD chicken B 42 Mr BrownflewtoNewYorktwodays A beforeB agoC yetD after A 43 Lucyusually herhomeworkbeforedinner Butyesterdayshe itafterdinner A does didB does doesC did doesD did did B 44 德州中考 Ifyouhaveanyquestions youcan yourhandsandasktheteacher A pickupB putupC putdownD takeout B 45 Howwasyourweekend Jim A IwasfineB ItwasgreatC ItwassunnyD Yes itwas 完形填空 共20小题 每小题1 5分 满分30分 阅读下列短文 从每小题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项 AI mJoefromtheUnitedStates Myfavorite 46 ofaweekisSunday 47 Sundaysmymotherdoesn tgotowork Sheusually 48 withme Sometimessheisathomeandmakesdeliciousfoodforme Sometimesshetakesmetothe 49 toswim LastSundaymymotherdidn tgotowork either Theweatherwasbeautiful soshe 50 metothebeachinthemorning We 51 beachvolleyballthere Intheafternoon Iwenttothecountrysidewithmymother Wewenttherebybike Wevisitedafarmasvisitorsandpickedsomeappleswiththefarmers Afterthatwewentfishing Itwas 52 funthatIdidn twanttogohome At7 00p m we 53 togohome Onthewayhome Iwasalittle 54 Andmymothertookmetoaparktorelax I 55 kitesthereforhalfanhour Whatagreatdayitwas IloveSundaysandIlovestayingwithmymother BYesterdaywasSunday The 56 washot Let sgotothebeach DadsaidtoPolly Pollywasveryhappybecauseshecould 57 there Pollywenttothebeach 58 momanddad Whenthey 59 there theysawmanypeopleonthebeach Somepeopleswaminthewater 60 someplayedwithabeachball Pollyranhappily Let sswim shesaidtodad Pollyanddadwere 61 andthirsty 口渴的 afterswimming Theydranksomewaterandhadarest Momboughtthemsomeice cream Itis 62 Thankyou mom saidPolly ThenPolly 63 somebeautifulshells 贝壳 onthebeach Whenitbecame 64 Pollyandherparentsleftthebeach Ontheirwayhome theywenttoa 65 andhaddinnerthere Todayisgreat saidPolly 补全对话 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 根据对话内容 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 其中有两个为多余选项 A YouknowIlikeswimmingverymuch B Whatdidyoudothen C Ireallyhadfun D Wheredidyougo E Whendidyougo F Didyougotothebeach G Whatwastheweatherlikethere Mike Hello Emily Howwasyourweekend Emily Itwasn tgood Mike 66 D Emily Iwasathomebecauseitwasrainy Mike 67 B Emily Ididsomereadinginthemorningandplayedcomputergamesintheafternoon Howaboutyou Wheredidyougo Mike Iwenttothesummercampwithmyclassmates Emily 68 F Mike Yes wedid Emily Thatsoundsgood Didyougoswimming Mike Yes wedid 69 A Emily Ithinkyouhadagoodtime Mike Yes Idid 70 C A YouknowIlikeswimmingverymuch B Whatdidyoudothen C Ireallyhadfun D Wheredidyougo E Whendidyougo F Didyougotothebeach G Whatwastheweatherlikethere 阅读理解 共20小题 每小题2分 满分40分 阅读下列短文 从每小题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项 AHerearesomeofJohn sdiaries 日记 B 71 WhatwastheweatherlikeonSaturday A Fine B Cloudy C Rainy D Snowy C 72 Theunderlinedword hungry means inChinese A 着急的B 悠闲的C 饥饿的D 瞌睡的 D 73 WhatdidJohnhaveforlunchonSunday A Somericeandvegetables B Somehamburgersandbread C Abowlofnoodlesandsomechicken D Twohamburgersandsomevegetables A 74 JohnstayedatthehotelonSundaybecause A itrainedthatdayB hedidn tliketogooutC helikedwatchingTVthereD hewantedtohaveagoodsleepthere C 75 WhichofthefollowingisTRUE A ItwaswindyandcoolonFriday B JohnwenttoTian anmenSquarehimself C Johnthoughtteachingthechildrentoswimwasfun D JohnwatchedaninterestingmovieonSundayevening BDearLiNan Myweekendwasgreat OnSaturdayIwenttoseemyauntSusaninSouthWales 威尔士 AuntSusanhastwodaughters OneisanartistinWashington andtheotherworksasateacherinNewYork HersonJackworksinBeijingasareporter 记者 AndthatdaymyunclePeterwenttothecountrysidetoseehisparents soIonlysawSusanandLucythere AuntSusanandLucywereveryhappytoseeme Er IforgottotellyouaboutLucy Sheisanoldcat Sheisfifteenyearsold butsheisveryhealthy Shecancatchmiceinthegarden SometimesshegoestothefruitshopnearAuntSusan shousetoplaywithawhitedog Well intheeveningAuntSusantookmetoseeaninterestingmovie OnSundaymorningmyunclecamebackhomefromthecountryside Intheafternoonhetookmetovisithisfarm OfcourseIhadfunthere Yours Rose C 76 Rose sauntlivesin A WashingtonB BeijingC SouthWalesD NewYork B 77 AuntSusanhas children A twoB threeC fourD five B 78 Jackisa n A teacherB reporterC farmerD artist A 79 OnSaturdayeveningRose A wenttoseeamovieB wenttoJack spartyC wenttoheruncle sfarmD playedwithLucy B 80 WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaboutLucy A Lucyworksinthefruitshop B LucyisanoldcatinSusan shouse C Lucylikeswatchingmovies D Lucyisn tverywell CDearGrandma Howareyou LastSaturdayIwenttoLongBaywithmyparents Wegotupat6 00a m Weatebreakfastat6 30a m andafterhalfanhourweleftforLongBay Myfatherisagooddriverandhedroveveryfast ButIhavetosaythetripwasalittlelong WhenwegotoutofourcarandgottoLongBay itwasalready 已经 teno clock Firstweswaminthewaterforanhour Thenweplayedcricket 板球 foranhour Itwastimetohavelunch Weateabiglunchinarestaurant IntheafternoonmymotherandIenjoyedthesunshineonthebeach Myfatherwentfishing Hedidn tgetanyfish butitwasveryrelaxing Soonitwastimetogohome MyparentsandIleftLongBay WehadagreatdaylastSaturday MyparentsandIwillgotoseeyouthisweekend Imissyouverymuch Kate C 81 WhendidKateleavehomelastSaturday A At6 00a m B At6 30a m C At7 00a m D At7 30a m A 82 HowdidKategotoLongBay A Bycar B Bybus C Bytrain D Byplane D 83 HowlongdidittakeKatetogettoLongBay A Halfanhour B Aboutanhour C Abouttwohours D Aboutthreehours B 84 WhatdidKate sfatherdointheafternoon A Hewentswimming B Hewentfishing C Heplayedcricket D Heenjoyedthesunshine D 85 WhichofthefollowingisTRUE A Katedidn tswiminthewater B Kate sfatherdidn thavelunch C Kate smotherwasgoodatdriving D Katewillseehergrandmathisweekend 阅读下面短文 并用英语回答问题 请注意每小题后面的词数要求 DDearJenny Ihadagreatweekend Iwentcampingwithmycousinsinasmallvillage Thevillagewasfar sowedrovethere Ittookussixhourstogetthere Therewasabeautifullakeinthevillageandweputupourthreetentsbythelake Intheevening wemadeafire Thenwesataroundthefireandtoldinterestingstories Thenextmorning wetookphotosinthevillage Thepeopletherewereveryfriendly Someofthemas


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