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基于plc的自动售货机的设计(西门子S7-200) 摘要 自动售货机是一种全新的商业零售形式,20世纪70年代自日本和欧美发展起来。它又被称为24小时营业的微型超市。从自动售货机的发展趋势来看,它的出现是由于劳动密集型的产业构造向技术密集型社会转变的产物。大量生产、大量消费以及消费模式和销售环境的 .摘要自动售货机是一种全新的商业零售形式,20世纪70年代自日本和欧美发展起来。它又被称为24小时营业的微型超市。从自动售货机的发展趋势来看,它的出现是由于劳动密集型的产业构造向技术密集型社会转变的产物。大量生产、大量消费以及消费模式和销售环境的变化,要求出现新的流通渠道;而相对的超市、百货购物中心等新的流通渠道的产生,人工费用也不断上升;再加上场地的局限性以及购物的便利性等这些因素的制约,无人自动售货机作为一种必须的机器便应运而生了。本次设计的题目是自动售货机,主要是应用西门子S7-200型PLC的梯形图来设计控制程序,并简单介绍相关的知识.PLC 是在继电器控制技术、计算机技术和现代通信技术的基础上逐步发展起来的一项先进的控制技术。关键词  自动售货机,梯形图,外部接线图,定时器,外部接线图vending machine based on DigestAs a brand new commercial retail form, the development of vending machine began in Japan, Europe and America in 1970s, which is also called the 24-hour micro-shop. From the perspective of the development trend of vending machine, its emergence is the product of the transition from the labor-intensive industrial structure to the technology-intensive society. Mass production, mass consumption, and the transformation of consumption patterns and sales environment asks for new distribution channels. New distribution channels like super market and shopping mall are accompanied with increasing labor costs; in addition, there are also constraint factors such as the limitation of locations and convenience for shopping, vending machine emerged as the times require as a necessary machine. The subject of this design is Vending Machine, which uses the Siemens S7-200 PLC ladder diagram to design the control program and also briefly introduces related knowledge. PLC is an advanced control technology gradually developed on the basis of the relay control technology, computer technology and modern communication technology.Keywords vending machine, ladder diagram, timer, external wiring diagram自动售货机设计的主要内容1.此自动售货机可以投入五角、一元的硬币;2.如果顾客投入硬币在限定的时间内(2分钟)不按任何按键,自动售货机将退还所投硬币;3.当投入硬币的总值等于或才超过物品价值时,对应的物品指示灯亮绿灯;4.当物品对应的指示灯亮绿灯时,按下按下相应的按键,相应的物品排出,同时指示灯绿灯闪烁;5.如果顾客投入硬币总值超过所选物品的价值时,自动售货机会自动将余款退还顾客;6.当顾客成功购买完一件物品后20秒无操作,自动售货机会自动将余款退还顾客;7找零时顾客可选择退一元的还是五角的8.如果顾客投入硬币后又不想买物品,按下退款按键,自动售货机会自动将余款退还顾客; 9.当物品不足时,对应的物品指示灯亮红灯,顾客按下相应的按键无反应(不出物品,不减余额),并向总部发送所缺物品。(期待完成的内容)  目录第1章 摘要                        - II第2章 毕业设计论文正文            - -1-2.1 PLC的简单介绍                       - -3-2.1.1 PLC的定义                    - -3-2.1.2 PLC的工作原理                - -3- 2.1.3 PLC的循环扫描                - -4-2.1.4 PLC的硬件组成                - -4-2.1.5 PLC的编程语言                - -5-2.1.6 PLC的特点                    - -5-2.2.自动售货机的设计过程                - -6-2.2.1自动售货机设计的主要内容      - -6-2.2.2 自动售货机设计软元件         - -6-2.2.3 自动售货机的基本功能         - -8- 2.2.4 自动售货机I/O点的分配       - -9-2.2.5 顺序功能图(SFC)            - -10-2.2.6 梯形图(LAD)                - -12-2.2.7自动售货机设计的梯形图(LAD)- -13-2.2.8 自动售货机说明书            - -21-2.2.9 自动售货机的外部接线图      - -21-2.2.10 自动售货机仿真             - -22-第3章 毕业设计结论                - -24-参考文献                           - -25- 致谢                               - -26-附录                              - -27- 摘  要:本试验以纽荷尔脐橙为试验材料研究在不同的水分胁迫下,叶片中脱落酸(ABA)含量的变化。在其它条件均相同的情况下,分别以最大土壤含水量60%,40%,20%,为试验组,以CK(正常浇水)作为试验对照组。在柑橘苗木达到试验所设计的胁迫后,连续控制30天,然后运用液相色谱—质谱法对叶片中的ABA含量进行测定,试验结果表明随着土壤含水量的降低,纽荷尔脐橙叶片中ABA的含量逐渐升高。关键字:水分胁迫;纽荷尔脐橙;脱落酸;含量Studies on abscisic acid content of Newhall navel orange leaves under water stressAbstract: This experiment studies on leaf abscisic acid content (ABA content) changes of Newhall navel orange which is regarded as experimental material under various water stress. Under the circumstances of other conditions are equal, take the maximum soil water content as 60%, 40%, 20% respectively for the test group, while CK (normal watering) as the control group. After Tangerine nursery stocks reach the designed water stress, they will be under 30 days continuous control, after that the ABA content of leaves will be measured in the way of high—performance liquid chromatography. The results show that with the decreasing of water content, ABA content increased gradually. Keywords: water stress; Newhall Navel Orange; abscisic acid; content 目  录      6900字摘要    1关键字    11  前言    21.1  柑橘方面的水分胁迫的研究    21.2  国内外水分胁迫的研究进展    22  材料与方法    32.1  试验器材    32.2  试验地点    32.3  试验设计    32.4  测定内容与方法    32.4.1  测定内容    32.4.2  试验方法:    42.4.3  采样及测定前处理    42.4.4   ABA含量的测定    43  结果分析    5 3.1  控水测定    53.2  ABA测定    54  讨论    75  展望    8参考文献    8致谢    10 基于遥感影像的城市交通信息提取研究(5200字)摘  要: 从影像获取信息是人类获取知识的主要来源之一,尤其是21世纪是个信息化的时代,如何高效的处理解读海量的图像数据是整个社会信息化过程中面临的重要问题。而随着科技的发展,遥感技术已经形成了向高分辨率和高光谱分辨率发展的趋势。而如何利用这些信息源完成对遥感影像的解读和信息的提取便变得非常重要。本文将通过面向对象法和基于像素光谱信息法自动提取现状地物来进行线状地物的自动提取。关键词: 交通  线状地物  自动提取  遥感影像Based On Remote Sensing Image Of The Urban Transportation Information Extraction ResearchAbstract: Pick to obtain information from images is the main source of human knowledge, especially one of the 21st century is the information time, how to efficient handling huge amounts of image data interpretation of social informatization is the whole process of the important problem facing. But with the development of science and technology, remote sensing technology has formed to high resolution and high spectral resolution development trend. And how to use these sources of remote sensing image completed the interpretation and information extraction becomes very important. Key words:  traffic line features automatic extraction remote sensing image摘要  中共中央在2005年提出要构建社会主义和谐社会,应该是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会1。这是我们党从全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的全局出发提出的一项重大任务,适应了我国改革发展进入关键时期的客观要求,体现了广大人民群众的根本利益和共同愿望。未来的二十年,对于我们的社会主义建设来说,既面临“黄金发展期”,2又面临“矛盾凸显期”3。我们必须处理好、协调好各方面的利益,特别是社会中弱势群体尤其是城市弱势群体的生存和发展情况。中国城市弱势群体的现状如何,他们面临着怎样的问题,致使这一群体产生的原因及如何应对,解决这一问题对于我们建设和谐社会有何重大意义,本文重点对这些问题进行初步的探讨。关键词  和谐社会;城市弱势群体;现状;成因;对策 The Problems and Countermeasures of City Disadvantaged-groups in the Progress of Building a Harmonious SocietyZhang Zi-qiang Abstract  In 2005, The Party Central Committee put forwards to build a harmonious society, which should be democratic and legal, fair and just, sincere and friendly, full of vigor, stable and in good order, in harmony with human and nature. It is a great task our Party raised on building an overall Well-off society and creating a new situation on China characteristic socialism. Of course, it adapts to the critical period of our reform and development, reflects the fundamental interests and common desires of the broad masses of the people. Facing not only the golden development period, but also the period of many contradictions appearment in the future 20 years, we must deal with and coordinate every aspect benefit, especially the social disadvantaged groups including the city ones’existense and development. Then, how is the status quo of them, what matters they confront, what reasons and how to resolve, what it means to building our harmonious society while solving these problems, the article trys to make a skin-deep inquiry into them. Key words  harmonious society ; city disadvantaged-groups ; status quo; reason; countermeasures提 纲   字一、我国城市弱势群体的界定二、我国城市弱势群体的现状及其成因(一)现状(二)成因1就业体制转轨不到位2社会保障制度不健全3收入分配机制不规范4个人综合素质不过硬5. 自身的生理性弱势三、解决城市弱势群体问题的对策(一)完善社会保险制度。(二)完善分配调节制度。(三)完善社会救助制度。(四)消除歧视,真正树立“以人为本”的观念。四、解决城市弱势群体问题对于构建社会主义和谐社会的重大意义(一)解决城市弱势群体问题是巩固中国共产党执政地位的需要。(二)解决城市弱势群体问题是社会主义题中应有之义。(三)解决城市弱势群体问题,是使整个社会充满创造活力的需要。(四)解决城市弱势群体问题,是维护社会安定有序的需要。 ST宝利来公司财务分析及评价(字)摘  要:财务分析与评价作为企业决策的支持系统,在企业管理中起着举足轻重的地位。本文以ST宝利来公司为研究对象,以其近三年的财务报表为基础,运用比较分析法、趋势分析法、比率分析法、水平分析法、垂直分析法等基本财务分析方法,详细分析了宝利来公司的经营状况和财务状况。在完成上述分析后,本文再综合杜邦分析法对该公司进行了综合分析及评价。关键词:财务分析;杜邦分析;财务比率;盈利能力 ST Polaroid Financial Analysis and EvaluationAbstract: Financial analysis and evaluation as enterprise decision-making support system, in the enterprise management plays an important position. Based on ST baolilai company as the research object, with its nearly 3 years of financial statements as a basis for the use of comparative analysis, the trend analysis, ratio analysis, horizontal analysis, vertical analysis and other basic financial analysis method, a detailed analysis on the baolilai company performance and financial conditions. After completing the above analysis, this paper again after the comprehensive dupont analysis conducted a comprehensive analysis and evaluation. Key words:Financial Analysis ;Dupont analysis ; Financial Ratios ;Profitability从谚语中解读日本传统的亲子关系和女性地位(附答辩记录)(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查报告,毕业论文字)摘 要:谚语是蕴涵文化价值最丰富的语言单位,是民族语言长期发展的产物,也是人们长期生活经验的总结和智慧的结晶,它负载了丰富的文化内涵,折射了精彩的人文世界。如果说语言是文化的一面镜子,那么谚语就是更加集中的凝结着民族文化信息的载体。因此,通过谚语我们可以从一个侧面,在一定程度上了解一个民族的思维方式、价值观念、心理特征等文化信息。家庭关系是所有人际关系中最基本也是最重要的关系,因此,可以通过谚语来研究关于日本人的亲子关系和女性地位的传统家庭文化的特征及其和语言、文化的关系。首先,为了弄清楚何谓谚语,本文会简单的介绍谚语的定义和功能。然后,通过谚语分析日本人的亲子关系和女性地位,并在此基础之上探求其和语言、文化的关系。通过谚语研究日本传统的亲子关系和女性地位的特征所研究的不仅仅在于日语谚语,更是为了探究语言的文化的深层联系。个人以为可以对今后的日语教育起到作用。关键词:谚语;日语;文化;亲子关系;女性地位諺見日本人伝統的親子関係女性地位 要旨:民族言語長期発展産物、生活経験結晶、知恵泉言。言語文化鏡、民族精神状態文明程度参照言。換言、通、側面民族思惟方式、行動、価値観、美意識見出。家族関係人間関係中最基本的最重要関係、従、通日本人親子関係女性地位伝統的家族文化特徴及言語、文化関係検討。本稿、明、定義機能簡単紹介。、通日本人親子関係女性地位特徴分析上言語文化関係探求。通日本人伝統的親子関係女性地位特徴研究日本語、言語文化深探究。日本語教育役立思。:日本語文化親子関係女性地位我国茶饮料市场分析与营销对策(字)摘  要:随着我国经济的迅速发展,改革开放的进一步深入,饮料行业也不断发展,茶饮料的发展尤为突出,本文通过对我国茶饮料市场进行研究分析,找出我国茶饮料市场中所存在的问题,从市场细分与定位策略、产品策略、品牌策略、促销策略四个方面,有针对性的提出适合饮料企业发展的营销策略以提供参考。关键词:茶饮料;市场营销;营销对策;  Our Tea Beverage Market Analysis And Marketing CountermeasuersAbstract:With Chinas rapid economic development, reform and open policy the further thorough, the beverage industry also unceasing development, the development of tea beverage, particularly prominent based on our tea beverage market analysis, out our tea beverage market, the problems from the market segmentation and orientation strategy, product strategy, brand strategy, promotion strategy four aspects, targeted proposed suits the beverage marketing strategy to the development of the enterprise to provide the reference。Key words:tea beverage; marketing; marketing countermeasuers; 一、绪论2    (一)选题研究意义2    (二)国内外研究动态2        1.关于我国茶饮料市场现状的研究2        2.我国企业茶饮料营销存在问题的研究3     2.微观环境8三、我国茶饮料市场所存在的问题8(一)企业内部管理出现的问题8    1.忽视内部营销8    2.营销模式落后8 (四)渠道策略11(五)品牌策略11(四)促销策略12    1.广告策略12    2.人员推销12     3.公共宣传13五、结束语13参考文献 13致谢13 我国注册会计师行业存在的问题及对策研究(字)摘  要:随着社会经济的发展,注册会计师行业已经成为经济活动中不可或缺的行业。但在其发展过程中,相应的存在一系列的问题阻碍着其发展。本文对我国注册会计师行业发展过程中存在的问题进行分析,发现其存在的问题主要集中在行业的从业人员,会计师事务所,行业监管等方面。面对这些存在的问题,如何有针对性的提出相应的对策,将是本文所探索、研究的内容。关键词:注册会计师行业;会计从业人员;会计师事务所;行业监管 Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Certified Public Accountant Industry in ChinaAbstract:With the development of socio-economic, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) industry has become an indispensable profession in economic activity. However, in the course of its development, there also existed a number of pr


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