高考英语一轮复习 Unit 12 Culture Shock单元综合测试 北师大版必修4(1).doc_第1页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit 12 Culture Shock单元综合测试 北师大版必修4(1).doc_第2页




2015届高三英语一轮复习:unit 12culture shock 对 点 题 组.用所给词的适当形式填空1they_(exchange) things according to the cost of production in the old days.2last year he visited the high school_(attach) to anhui normal university.3the student was so_(absorb) in the book that he didnt hear the bell.4the_(major) of the young people in the village have visited the great wall.5she_(bear) the responsibility for the most of the changes.答案1.exchanged2.attached3.absorbed4.majority5.bore.选词填空stare at,owing to, exchange.for.,at ones request,be attached to,be sensitive to,absorb,be familiar to/with1we_the land we live on.2its rude to_people all the time.3a writer mustnt_criticism.4the game was put off_the rain.5mary lay on sofa,_in her book.6id like to_my old cell phone_a 3g one,but my wife doesnt agree.7the internet song_us,so we_its singer.8tom arrived at the party_.答案1.are attached to2.stare at3.be sensitive to4.owing to5.absorbed6.exchange;for7.is familiar to; are familiar with8.at my request.完成句子1_(每次他来看我),he always buy some presents for me.2there are so many shoes to choose from, and i really dont know_(买哪一双)3i _(找到这所学校有困难)that i will work in.4he_(把健康归功于)plenty of exercise and a regular life.5who will_(给客人送行)at the station this afternoon?答案1.every/each time he came to see me2.which pair to buy3.have a difficult time (in) finding the school4.owes his good health to5.see the guests off.微写作(先翻译下面的句子,然后连成一篇50词左右的小短文)1自从我到伦敦以来已经三个月了,没给你写信我感到抱歉。(owe sb an apology)2我一直专心学习英国文学。(be absorbed in)3我已熟悉了这里的生活,也就是说我已习惯了他们的风俗和文化。(be familiar with,get/be used to)4我现在已依恋了这个国家。(be attached to)_【参考范文】 its three months since my arrival in london.i certainly owe you an apology for not writing to you.i have been absorbed in studying english literature.and i have been familiar with the life her


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