高考英语二轮复习 高效书面表达专题卷6(含解析).doc_第1页
高考英语二轮复习 高效书面表达专题卷6(含解析).doc_第2页
高考英语二轮复习 高效书面表达专题卷6(含解析).doc_第3页
高考英语二轮复习 高效书面表达专题卷6(含解析).doc_第4页




2015届高考英语二轮复习 高效书面表达专题卷6(含解析)1写作(writing) (共2题;a题满分10分,b题满分20分,计30分)a) suppose you are sally. you borrowed from sophie a travel guide-book which you are now returning. please write a thankful letter of about 80 words, in addition to those given. use your imagination in creating details. dear sophie, thank you for the guide-book you lent me six months ago. with the help of this book i was able to visit many places. yours, sally 2请以“share and care”为题,结合生活实际,写一篇100词左右的短文寄给21世纪中学生英文报。3上星期五晚上,你的邻居李娜在救人时被车撞到,导致右腿骨折,但事后她并不后悔。请你就以上事件用英语写一篇100-120词的短文,内容包括:1. 李娜的事迹;2. 你对见义勇为的看法参考词汇:fracture (使。骨折),heroic actsdriving home last friday evening, my neighbor li na saw a young woman lying in the middle of the road with her head and body full of blood, obviously knocked down by a passing car.4高考越来越近,面对繁重的学习任务,担心考试成绩,很多同学表示压力很大,请你向校报写一封信,信中内容应包括: 分析同学压力大的原因提出减压的方法(至少两种建议)表达期望,预祝同学们考试成功注意:(1)词数不少于80;(2)在答题卡上作答;(3)书信格式及开头结尾均已给出(不计入总词数)。参考词汇 高考:college entrance exam5高三阶段学习比较紧张,科学的学习方法显得十分重要。最近你在你班做了一个有关学习方法的调查,下表是你调查出的两种不同的学习方法,请你用英语简述表格内容并提出你的建议(至少两点)。课内课外你的建议一些同学上课专心听讲,经常向老师请教疑难问题花较少的时间完成作业,早休息,上课保持旺盛的精力12另一些同学上课打瞌睡,漏掉许多要点花较多的时间完成作业,熬夜学习,导致注意力无法集中注意:1可根据内容要点适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译。 2词数150左右。 3文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。recently, i have made a survey in my class on how they study. they have different methods. 参考答案1dear sophie,im returning the guide-book which you lent me six months ago. im very thankful to you, for it was a great help to me. it was with the help of this book that i was able to visit many places.i am sure that i would have been lost many times if it had not been for this book. besides, i learned a lot about the history of those places. thank you again.with best wishes! yours, sally【解析】2share and carerecent months has seen severe droughts and floods in many parts of china, leaving us wondering what to do for our common home-the earth. my answer is: learn to share and care. we must share responsibilities and tenderly care for her in our daily life. first, we can cut down energy consumption by turning off air-conditioners a while, switching off unnecessary lights and walking or cycling instead of driving. besides, we should refuse to live in a throw-away society by using less one-off products. but most importantly, public awareness of sharing and caring is to be further promoted. in general, only when we share and care can we protect our home and live comfortably in it. otherwise, we may become homeless or live like vagabonds.【解析】略3driving home last friday evening, my neighbor li na saw a young woman lying in the middle of the road with her head and body full of blood, obviously knocked down by a passing car.she looked around, noticing there was no one helping the unconscious woman. without a second thought, she walked towards the woman.just as she was busy with the woman, a car came to her at fast speed. she pushed away the woman just in time but had no time to run for herself. unfortunately, she was knocked down by the car and had her leg fractured. the car driver took her and the woman immediately to the hospital.after the accident, i went to the hospital to visit her. i asked her how she felt and she said she didnt regret what she did.li nas heroic acts eventually saved the woman. it occours to me that there are still lots of good people around the world. we are expected to learn from them by helping others in need . only in this way can we make our world a better place to live in.【解析】试题分析:这是一篇提纲类书面表达,题目给出了话题和要点,有两个要点,但是不是很具体,考生要根据要点进行拓展发挥,不能有遗漏,内容一定要充实,这就要求增加了难度。在写作的过程中,要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型,如强调句,倒装句等,让文章更上档次。同时在列举措施的时候要使用合适的连接词如:first,second, besides, whats more等,让文章看起来很有条理,也很流畅。本篇文章在写作时不要啰嗦,力求简洁。【亮点说明】所给范文语言简洁,运用了一些词组和好的句子:be busy with忙于, at fast speed快速,in time及时, knocked down 撞倒,had her leg fractured腿骨折. in need有需要, she looked around, noticing there was no one helping the unconscious woman. i asked her how she felt and she said she didnt regret what she did.这句话用了宾语从句, it occours to me that there are still lots of good people around the world. 这句话用了固定句型, only in this way can we make our world a better place to live in.这句话用了倒装句。考点:考查提纲类书面表达4dear editor:as the college entrance exam is close, many students are under great pressure,resulting in a lot of problems.some students cant sleep well and find it difficult to concentrate on class. some studentsare always in a bad mood. there are many reasons accounting for these problems. they areafraid that they wont get the ideal scores they expect. they are worried they cant live up to their parents expectations. they even think their future will be totally dark if they fail. these students are almost stressed out.so how to relieve pressure? listen to some music when you feel tired. talk to your friends,your teachers or your parents when you lose confidence. taking exercise and going out to enjoyfresh air are also necessary.those mentioned above are all my suggestions. hopefully these tips can help you. wish yousuccess in the college entrance exam!yours sincerely,lihua【解析】考察班开放性作文【写作指导】本文属于班开放性作文。要求写信给校报说明现象,分析原因,提出方法,表达期望。也属于议论文的范围,所以使用第三人称和一般现在时。要点:1. 高考越来越近,面对繁重的学习任务,担心考试成绩,很多同学表示压力很大;2.原因:担心无法考到高分,达不到父母的期望值。3,方法:听音乐,与朋友交流,多锻炼;4.表达期望:预祝同学们考试成功【一句多译】参加锻炼和出去呼吸新鲜空气也很必要。taking exercise and going out to enjoy fresh air are also necessary.it is also necessary to take exercise and go out to enjoy fresh air5one possible version:recently, i have made a survey in my class on how they study. they have different methods.some students listen to the teachers attentively in class, trying to catch everything that the teachers say. besides, they consult teachers as often as possible if they have any problems. in this way they spend less time doing their homework after class and have m


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