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定时训练(9).专题特训(代词)根据语境用适当的代词填空,然后熟读深思。1usually there might be a lot of accidents in the heavy fog.i happened to witness _ this morning.解析句意:通常在雾中会发生很多事故,我今天早上就碰巧看到了一起。此处表示“一起事故”应用one (accident)。答案one2the power failure made_ difficult for us to complete the task on time.解析句意:停电使得我们按时完成任务变得相当困难。此处空格内为形式宾语,替代后面的不定式短语,故用it。答案it3which of these resorts do you like best?_they are both hot and crowded.解析句意:“这些旅游胜地你最喜欢哪个?”“一个都不喜欢,他们都太热而且太拥挤。”表示“三者或三者以上都不”用none。答案none4she wanted a job,_ she had never experienced before.解析句意:她想得到一份工作,一份她以前从未经历过的工作。此处空格处代表a job,应用one代替。答案one5what major will you choose when you are at university?_ but english,which has brought terrible dreams to me for the past 12 years.解析句意:“你上了大学打算选择什么专业?”“除英语外什么都行,英语在这过去的12年中给我带来很多噩梦。”anything but意为“根本不”,符合题意。答案anything6i know you want to borrow money but i dont have _ at hand myself.解析句意:我知道你想借钱,但我手头上一点也没有。此处not any (money)表示“没有一点钱”,符合题意。答案any7what about the price of these washing machines?they are equal in price to,if not cheaper than,_ at the other shops in the street.解析句意:“这些洗衣机的价格怎样?”“他们与街上其他的商店相比,如果说不便宜,至少和他们的价格一样。”此处空格内的代词代替the washing machines,应用those代替。答案those8may i ask for leave tomorrow?no,you cant._ applying for the scholarship must be present.解析句意:“我明天可以请假吗?”“不,你不能,任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。”anyone表示“任何人”,符合题意。答案anyone9to her joy,della earned first the trust of her students and then _ of her colleagues.解析句意:della先赢得了学生的信任,然后赢得了同事的信任,此处用于替代不可数名词trust,故用that。如果代替可数复数名词用those或the ones。答案that10_can be good at something for 40 years if he doesnt love it.解析句意:如果他不喜欢的话,不可能会有人40年擅长一件事情。nobody意为“没有人”。答案nobody11ive lived in new york and chicago,but dont like _ of them very much.解析句意:我在纽约和芝加哥都居住过,但这两个地方我都不喜欢。短语not.eitherneither(两者都不)。答案either12although rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years,she lost _ of her enthusiasm for life.解析句意:虽然rosemary这些年患上了一种严重的疾病,但是她并没丧失对生活的热情。根据语境可知选否定词。故答案选c。答案none13at our factory there are a few machines similar to _ described in this magazine.解析句意:在我们工厂有一些与这份杂志中描述的相似的机器。those替代可数名词复数,而that替代不可数名词。答案those14the traffic on the main street has a longer green signal than _ on the small ones.解析通常可以用that替代不可数名词,those替代复数名词。此处the traffic为不可数名词,故用that来替代。答案that15its an eitheror situationwe can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do _解析句意:这是一个只能二选一的处境我们可以在今年买一辆新车,或者去度假,但是我们不可能两件事都做。not.both表不完全否定(并非两者都)。答案both16recycling is one way to protect the environment,reusing is_解析句意:回收是保护环境的一种方式;再利用是另一种方式。another“(泛指)另一个,再一个”;可替代a/onen.。答案another.完形填空 体裁:议论文话题:个人情感时间:15分钟for a long time i saw happiness as a huge banner(横幅)across the finish line of a long race.i felt that only when i _1_ certain things could i finally be happy in my life.most of the time i felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and _2_ would win the race.at other times i would _3_ like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous _4_ hoping to reach that banner a little faster._5_,i began to see that no matter how long i raced towards it,the banner was never any _6_i finally decided one day to _7_ and take a break.it was then that i saw my _8_ sitting beside me.it had been with me as i _9_ hard to support my family,as i played with my children and heard their _10_ and even when i was _11_ with my wife at my side looking after me.it had been with me as i raced towards that stupid banner.i just didnt have the _12_ to see it.there is an old chinese proverb that says,“tension is what you think you should be._13_ is who you are.” perhaps we all should stop our race towards the _14_ life we think we should have and _15_ the life we have now.happiness will never be found under some banner far away.it will be found _16_ your own heart,soul and mind.it will be found when you _17_ that others love you just as you do.dont be a tortoise or rabbit when it comes to your happiness.be a playful puppy and carry your stick of _18_ with you everywhere you go._19_ yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness you are _20_ there.【语篇导读】本文为议论文。当我们满怀期待、行色匆匆地去追逐幸福时,幸福其实就在我们身边,只是毫不起眼罢了。1a.forgot bmissed covercame daccomplished解析作者在谈论自己最初对幸福的理解。他认为只有先成就了事业,才能最终获得自己想要的幸福。上句中的“.across the finish line of a long race”暗示本空答案为accomplish(完成,实现)。overcome战胜,克服;forget遗忘;miss思念,错过。答案d2a.safe bsteady ccalm dquiet解析本句中作者把自己比作乌龟。首先,c、d两项意思相近,同比排除;其次,根据英语叠词的修辞手段,不难看出a、b两项中,与slow意思相近的词是steady,slow and steady意思是“稳扎稳打的”。答案b3a.act brun cjump dwalk解析本句中作者把自己比作兔子。在通往幸福的道路上,作者有时表现得像(act like)一只急功近利的兔子。答案a4a.place bheight cspeed dtime解析由下文hoping to reach that banner a little faster(希望更快到达那条横幅)提示可知这里指的是速度。答案c5a.generally bgraduallycunfortunately dfirstly解析在漫长的追求幸福的过程中,作者逐渐地(gradually)明白了一个道理。generally一般地,通常;unfortunately不幸地,遗憾地;firstly首先。答案b6a.clearer blower ccloser dsmaller解析作者渐渐明白,无论向着那条横幅跑多久,它都不会离你更近。答案c7a.settle in bstart off cstop by dsit down解析根据下文的and take a break (休息一会儿)可判断出答案选d项。sit down坐下;settle in 定居;start off 动身;stop by顺路拜访。答案d8a.happiness bgoal csuccess dfriendship解析当作者停下追逐的脚步,坐下来休息时,他发现幸福原来就在身边。答案a9a.studied bfought cexercised dworked解析根据下文的to support my family(养家)可知,这里指努力工作。a:学习,研究;b:斗争,战斗;c:练习,锻炼。答案d10a.laughter bcomplaints cstories dbreathing解析和孩子们一起玩耍,听到的自然是他们的欢笑声,而不是complaint(投诉),story(故事), breathing(呼吸)。答案a11a.lonely btired csick dhungry解析根据下文的with my wife at my side looking after me (妻子陪在我身边照顾我)可判断,这里指作者生病的时候。答案c12a.courage bchance cwisdom dstrength解析幸福就在身边,发现它需要的是智慧(wisdom),而非勇气(courage)、机会(chance)或力气(strength)。答案c13a.stress brelaxation cfailure dpain解析根据上文“你认为你应该的样子”以及下文“你本来的样子”可判断出,这两句话是相对而言的。tension(紧张)的反义词是relaxation(放松)。stress压力;failure失败;pain痛苦。答案b14a.real bperfect ccommon dcolorful解析人们不应该一味地去追求所谓的完美的生活,从而错过了身边的幸福。答案b15a.enjoy bchange cimprove dcreate解析追求完美的生活不会带来幸福,幸福在当下,享受在当下。答案a16a.from bon cover din解析幸福在你的内心和灵魂里。答案d17a.realize bbelieve chope dadmit解析幸福是一种内心的感受,所以只有当你意识到(realize)别人爱你正如你爱他们一样的时候,你才会发现幸福。答案a18a.sorrow bresponsibilitycfortune djoy解析无论走到哪里都要快乐。选项中只有d项与文章中心词happiness相符合。sorrow悲伤;responsibility责任;fortune命运。答案d19a.carry bmake cpush dtake解析动词take 可以表示“to go with sb from one place to another,especially to guide or lead them带去,引领”,这里指将自己带离这场比赛。carry sth out执行;make sth out辨认清楚,填写;push sth out大量生产。答案d20a.never bstill calready dever解析要明白在提到爱与幸福的时候,你就已经身处其中了。答案c.阅读理解 体裁:议论文话题:社会关注时间:6分钟more than one in four children alive in britain today will celebrate their 100th birthday,official figures showed.the special figures show a huge social change,with todays children likely to survive far longer than their parents or grandparents.of the 12.4 million children aged 16 and under,3.3 million (27%) will become someone who is a hundred years old or older.in a class of 30 children,eight can live to be 100.and the rest of the children are likely to get to an old age,even though they will not make it to three figures.experts warned that children may live to 100,but that they will not get their state pension until they are 70 or beyond.the state pension age is rising to 66 for both men and women by 2020,and the government has warned it will continue to rise.laith khalaf,a pension expert,said,“living to an old age is lucky if you can afford it,but a nuisance if you cant.those without enough savings will be depending on the state pension which will be changed.”it also increases the possibility of millions of people surviving until their 100th birthday with a poor quality of life because of poor health and little money.millions of older people have no pensions,no savings and no plans about how they are going to pay for their retirement other than to carry on working.if the older population demands more resources,then they have to come from their own wealth or the government.laith said,“millions of people will be spending over a third of their lives in retirement.it is high time that we reformed the state pension system.we want to make it fair for future generation.”【语篇导读】官方数据表明,现在的英国儿童会比他们的长辈活得更久。令人担心的是,这将会给政府带来巨大的养老负担。1from the first paragraph we can learn that _atodays children probably live longer than their parentsbfew of british children are expected to live to an old agecmore than 30% of children aged 16 can live to be 100d20% of british children will celebrate their 100th birthday解析考查细节理解。根据文章第一段的第二句“the special figures show a huge social change,with todays children likely to survive far longer than their parents or grandparents.”可知,现在的英国儿童可能会比他们的长辈活得更久,故选a。答案a2the underlined word “nuisance” in paragraph 2 probably means _asomebody who is disabledbsomebody who is dishonestcsomething that causes troubledsomething that is incorrect解析考查词义猜测。根据上下文可知,画线词所在句表示“如果你能够承担养老的费用,长寿是一种幸运,但如果承担不起,那就会是一种麻烦”,故nuisancesomething that causes trouble,答案为c。答案c3what kind of life will people living to 100 probably face?aa high quality of life because of the development of technology.ba low quality of life because of bad health and limited money.ca high quality of life because of the increase in food price.da low quality of life because of the present government.解析考查细节理解。根据第三段的第一句“it also increases the possibility of millions of people surviving until their 100th birthday with a poor quality of life because of poor health and little money.”可知,活到100岁的人可能会面临因身体差、资金有限而造成生活质量降低的问题,即b项正确。答案b4what can be inferred from the text?athe retirement age will be raised to 70 or beyond.bthe government will provide job chances for the retired.cthe state pension age for men is different from that for women.dit will increase the governments pressure if more children live to 100.解析考查推理判断。根据第三段的最后一句“if the old


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