高考英语总复习 语法先行 情态动词同步检测1(含解析)(1).doc_第1页
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高考英语总复习 语法先行 情态动词同步检测1(含解析)(1).doc_第4页




情态动词1单项选择:1-waiter! how soon can i get my food? i just have half an hour left before my train leaves.- it _ be ready in five minutes.a. may b. should c. could d need2why didnt sam attend the party yesterday evening? he _ not have wanted to see me.a. shouldb. mightc. couldd. would3excuse me, mr. brown. _ you speak chinese?yes, butt only a little.a. shallb. mustc. mayd. can4if you _ smoke in the room, please keep the windows open.a. should b. may c. shall d. must5 is there an express to beijing tonight? there _ be, but youd better call the booking office to make sure. a. can b. mightc. willd. must 6facts prove that the worlds economic development is not a win-lose game but one in which all _ be winners.a. canb. shallc. mustd. would7do you still go jogging every morning?yes, i cant think of a _ way to start a day.a. better b. best c. worse d. worst8-i didnt go to work today. -you _; its sunday today.a. mustnt have b. didnt need to c. cant have d. neednt have9shall i inform him of the change of the schedule right now?i am afraid you _, in case he comes late for the meeting.a. will b. must c. may d. can10the train is to start soon and mary hasnt turned up what _ have happened to her?a can b might c may d should11what he said suggested he _ angry with us so i suggest you _ an apology to him.a. should be; should makeb. should be; madec. was; maked. was; to make12holiday shopping _be a tiring experiencethere are so many places to visit and choices to makeacan bmay cshall dwill13what a pity! considering his ability and experience, he _ have done better.a. need b. must c. might d. can14where _ mary have put the empty bottles? she _ them away. they must be somewhere. a. can; cant have thrown b. must; needntc. must; must have thrownd. can; mustnt have thrown15 - where are you going for the weekend?- i havent decided yet. i _ go fishing with my friends. a. should b. might c. can d. must 16she _play a joke on him in case he becomes angry a. dares not b. dares not to c. dare not d .not dare17- did you pass the driving test? - no. i _ it, but i had little time practicing.a. could have passed b. must have passedc. cant have passed d. shouldnt have passed18 who is absent from the lecture today? _you ask? peter, of course.a. would b. can c. could d. need19- my cats really fat. - you _ have given her so much food. a. wouldnt b. couldnt c. shouldnt d. mustnt 20why are your eyes so red? you _ have slept well last night.yeah, i stayed up late writing a report.a. cant b. mustnt c. neednt d. wont1234567891011121314151617181920阅读理解: i am a writer. i spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of languagethe way it can evoke (唤起) an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth.language is the tool of my trade. and i use them allall the englishes i grew up with. born into a chinese family that had recently arrived in california, ive been giving more thought to the kind of english my mother speaks. like others, i have described it to people as “broken” english. but i feel embarrassed to say that. it has always bothered me that i can think of no way to describe it other than“broken”, as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness. ive heard other terms used, “limited english,” for example. but they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including peoples perceptions(认识)of the limited english speaker. i know this for a fact, because when i was growing up, my mothers “limited” english limited my perception of her. i was ashamed of her english. i believed that her english reflected the quality of what she had to say. that is, because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect. and i had plenty of evidence to support me:the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her. i started writing fiction in 1985. and for reasons i wont get into today, i began to write stories using all the englishes i grew up with:the english she used with me, which for lack of a better term might be described as “broken” ; and what i imagine to be her translation of her chinese, her internal (内在的) language, and for that i sought to preserve the essence, but neither an english nor a chinese structure. i wanted to catch what language ability tests can never show:her intention, her feelings, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts. 1. by saying “language is the tool of my trade”, the author means that.a. she uses english in foreign tradeb. she is fascinated by languagesc. she works as a translatord. she is a writer by profession2. the author used to think of her mothers english as.a. impolite b. amusingc. imperfectd. practical3. which of the following is true according to paragraph 3? a. americans do not understand broken english.b. the authors mother was not respected sometimes. c. the authors mother had positive influence on her. d. broken english always reflects imperfect thoughts.4. the author gradually realizes her mothers english is.a. well structured b. in the old stylec. easy to translate d. rich in meaning5. what is the passage mainly about? a. the change of the authors attitude to her mothers english. b. the limitation of the authors perception of her mother. c. the authors misunderstanding of “limited” english. d. the authors experiences of using broken english. 参考答案:情态动词11b考情态动词:句意:-服务员,我多久能拿到我的食物?在我的火车离开前我还有半小时剩下。-五分钟后应该就可以准备好了。a. may可以,b. should应该,c. could能够,d need需要,选b。2b【解析】 考查情态动词,should 应该,might 可能,could 能够,would 会,句意:为什么萨姆没有参加昨天的聚会?他可能不想见到我吧。故选b。3d试题分析:考察情态动词用法。本句指的情态动词can表示具有某种能力。句意:对不起,布朗先生,你能讲汉语吗?是的,不过只有一点点。shall通常表示允诺,强制,命令等;must必须;may也许。故d正确。4d试题分析:考查情态动词:a. should应该b. may 可以c. shall将,会,可以,d. must必须,偏要,句意:如果你偏要抽烟,请把窗户打开。选d。5b【解析】情态动词表推测can用于否定句或疑问句中; might用于肯定句语气轻;will 表意愿;must表肯定推测。6a试题分析:考察情态动词辨析。can能够;可能;有时会(表示一种客观的可能性);shall表示强制,允诺,命令,要求;或者法律规定要做的事情;must必须,一定;would会;句意:事实证明世界经济的发展不是一个输或者赢的比赛,而是一个所有的方面都可能成为胜利者的比赛。根据句意可知本句的can表示可能。故a正确。7a试题分析:考查固定用法:情态动词的否定和比较级连用表示最高级的用法,canta better way固定短语,解释为不能再好了,就是很好的意思,句意:-你每天早上还慢跑吗?是,我想不到更好的开始一天的办法了。选a。8b9b试题分析:考查情态动词, 句意:-我要现在通知他日程的改变吗?-恐怕你必须告诉他了。以防他开会迟到。根据“in case he comes late for the meeting.”的语境, 只有must(必须) 才符合。will“愿意”,may“可以”,can“能够”,选b。10a 试题分析:考查情态动词表示推测。can have done可能做了某事;might/may have done也许做了某事;should have done本不应该做某事;句意:火车就要出发了,mary仍然没有出现。她可能发生了什么事情呢?根据句意是对过去发生的事情的推测。故a正确。11 c【解析】本题考查动词用法。suggest作“暗示,表明”讲,用真实语气,作“建议”讲,用虚拟语气,根据句意第一个suggest为“暗示,表明”,第二个为“建议”,故选c。12a 试题分析:考查情态动词。a可能;b也许;c表示命令,警告,强制;d将要,会;句意:度假时购物可能是一个让人疲惫的经历。有如此多的地方可以去,也要做出很多的选择。故a正确。13c分析:考察情态动词用法。need have done本需要做某事,实际上却未做;must have done一定做了某事;might have done也许做了某事;can have done可能做了某事(用于疑问句或者否定句)。14a.考查情态动词的用法:完成时,表示推测的时候,用于疑问和否定句,第一空是用于疑问句,用,第二空是用于否定句,过去不可能做了什么,句意:玛丽把空瓶子放在哪里呢?她不可能扔了的。一定在什么地方。选。15b试题分析:考察情态动词。should应该,


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