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书面表达专题卷41基础写作(15分)执信中学将举行广州亚运会志愿者选拔大赛,选拔3名优秀志愿者推荐给亚组委。现正接受同学们报名。请你用英语拟一份报名公告,必须包含以下内容:报名条件1. 志愿参加第十六届亚运会志愿者服务。2. 具备出色的英语口语交流能力。选拔赛内容1.英语演讲。自我介绍并表明自己对亚运志愿者工作的热情。2. 关于亚运会知识和广州风土人情的问答。3. 才艺展示,表明自己能胜任相应的职责。1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2短文的开头已为你写好。 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 volunteer selection competitionzhixin high school is about to hold a selection competition to pick out the best three volunteers who are going to be recommended to the organizing committee of guangzhou asian games. the details are as follows.226(2010福建省漳州三中高三上学期第二次月考) 假定你是某中学高三学生魏华。在面临毕业之前,你的在大学就读的美国朋友sam来信询问你是否考虑了今后在大学的学习方向或专业,请你根据以下内容,给他回一封信。你自己的学习状况、兴趣爱好;你目前的初步考虑;向他征求意见;内容可适当发挥。注意:字数120左右。 信的开头和结尾已为你给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:major 专业 speciality 专长dear sam,thanks for your letter. _yours,wei hua3写作 (共1小题,满分15分)【写作内容】最近, 学校学生会提议全校同学参与一项公益活动。以下是活动内容:活动时间在纪念5.12大地震两周年之际活动内容你每购买一张主题为“carry on with love”的贺卡,就意味着你向乡村孩子赠送了一本儿童读物。每张贺卡售价10元,含1.2元邮资。活动目的通过参加这一项目,希望为灾区学校、乡村学校筹集到300,000本图书。购买方式可从http:/ 链接到 “淘宝网专营店 (taobao shop)”。【写作要求】请用5个句子表达以上全部内容. 首句和尾句已给出, 不包括在5个句子中。dear students, we hope all of you can take an active part in such a public-interest program that love will be gathered and carried on. _looking forward to your support.students union 4假设你们班最近就科学家是否应该克隆人展开了辩论,请根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,说明这次辩论的情况并表明你的态度。 赞成(20%):1. 有利于促进科学领域取得突破; 2. 克隆智力过人的伟大科学家,人类将拥有更多有非凡贡献的人。 反对(80%):1. 违背社会公德; 2. 克隆人没有父母,无法象正常人一样生活。 你的态度: 注意:开头已给出,不计入总词数。 recently our class has had a debate on whether scientists should clone the human beings or not. the results of this debate are as follows:_5假如你是李华,你对国际刊物克隆中对克隆人的辩论感兴趣。【写作内容】:请你根据最近你们在英语角中对该问题的辩论情况,写一篇短文。文章的开头已给出。68%的人反对克隆人32%的人赞成有节制地克隆人理由1造成伦理危机;理由1克隆出高智商的人, 优化人类2人与克隆人争夺生活空间2克隆人的器官,为医疗所有。你的看法伦理:ethics 优化:optimize【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。im interested in the discussion about human cloning held in your magazine cloning. we students, at english corner, have two different opinions. _6假设你是新华中学的学生李华, 将参加主题为lets pick up a book and read 的英语演讲比赛。请你撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:目前很多学生课余时间沉溺于网络,远离书本,导致记忆力减退,对学习失去兴趣等问题。阅读的益处,如:开阔视野、增强理解力、提高成绩等。注意:1. 词数: 120词左右2. 演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。good morning, everyone,im li hua from xinhua middle school. the topic of my speech is “lets pick up a book and read”. _ _thank you!yours,li hua参考答案1 possible version: volunteer selecting competitionzhixin high school is about to hold a selection competition to pick out the best three volunteers who are going to be recommended to the organizing committee of guangzhou asian games. the details are as follows.first of all ,every applicant must be ready to serve as a volunteer for the 16 th asian games out of his own will 。as an international sports event ,it requires all the volunteers should possess excellent oral english to communicate with foreign visitors 。during the competition ,the candidates should firstly deliver a speech in english ,in which they are supposed to introduce themselves and express their enthusiasm for being a volunteer 。then it、 is followed by a quiz about the、 knowledge of asian games and the local conditions and customs of guangzhou 。the last but most important section is that every competitor is given an opportunity to show their talents to prove they are capable of undertaking (equal to )the responsibilities of being a volunteer。【解析】2one possible version:dear sam,thanks for your letter. yes, its only half a year before my graduation and i am thinking of the courses i am going to take in the university. as you know, i am very interested in english as well as in chinese and physics. i also do quite well in most of the subjects in this school. so it is rather difficult for me to make up my mind as to what should be my major in future. i often consider taking literature as my specialty, since i can write good compositions and poems. but my father said it was not easy to make a living by writing. as a college student, you must have some special advice. i shall be very grateful to you for any suggestions from you. yours,wei hua【解析】3possible version:dear students, we hope all of you can take an active part in such a public-interest program that love will be gathered and carried on. it is the two-year anniversary of the may 12 earthquake. if you buy one “carry on with love” postcard, it means you have presented one childrens book to one rural child. each postcard costs 10 yuan, including 1.2 yuan for the postage. by participating in this program, we hope to collect 300,000 books for the children in rural schools or schools in the disaster area. if you are interested, please link to the “taobao shop” from http:/. looking forward to your support. students union 【解析】4recently our class has had a debate on whether scientists should clone the human beings or not. the results of this debate are as follows:there is one in five of the students who support the idea. it can make great breakthroughs in the scientific fields, and on the other hand, if we clone many great scientists, the human will own many people who have the gifts to make many contributions to the world. however, there are eighty percent of the students who are not for the idea. firstly, it is against the society moral standards. secondly, the cloned have no parents, and cant lead a normal life as common people do.all in all, i think there will be too many dangers if we dont control this manner. so we should prepare more for this advanced technology.【解析】略5im interested in the discussion about human cloning held in your magazine cloning. we students, at english corner, have two different opinions. about 68% students oppose a cloned human because human cloning is bound to create ethics crises and once cloned, a cloned human would struggle the life space with the human race. however, 32% are in favour of taking control of the clone. they think a cloned human of high intelligence could optimize the humanity. it could be also a good idea to use cloned organs for medical purpose. in my opinion, law should be made to strengthen the management of the clone technology and forbid the illegal clone.【解析】本文是一篇关于支持还是反对克隆人的议论文,形式是学生非常熟悉的,要点都已经给出。考生只需要把中文翻译成英语即可。在写作时注意使用高级词汇和合适的连接词,在发表个人看法时,要提出符合法律,合法即可。6good morning, everyone,i am li hua from xinhua middle school. the topic of my speech is “lets pick up a book and read”.nowadays, with the growth of the internet, many teenagers


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