新鲁教版英语(五四制)六年级下册课件unit 10 is there a post office near here section_第1页
新鲁教版英语(五四制)六年级下册课件unit 10 is there a post office near here section_第2页
新鲁教版英语(五四制)六年级下册课件unit 10 is there a post office near here section_第3页
新鲁教版英语(五四制)六年级下册课件unit 10 is there a post office near here section_第4页
新鲁教版英语(五四制)六年级下册课件unit 10 is there a post office near here section_第5页
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Unit10Isthereapostofficenearhere SectionA zxxkw park restaurant hotel garden Leadin zxxkw postoffice bridge bank library zxxkw hospital airport payphone supermarket road street avenue highway zxxkw park garden Yes thereis It son No thereisn t hospital payphone Istherea an nearhere intheneighborhood zxxkw 1aMatchthewordswiththeplacesinthepicture 1 postoffice 2 policestation 3 hotel 4 restaurant 5 bank 6 hospital 7 street 8 payphone 9 park f a e i b h g d d c zxxkw Isthereabanknearhere Yes there sabankonCenterStreet zxxkw Isthereapostofficenearhere Yes thereis There soneonBridgeStreet zxxkw onthebox underthebox inthebox Whereisthesoccerball It s Presentation zxxkw Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox infrontof zxxkw Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox behind Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox near zxxkw Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox nextto zxxkw acrossfrom Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox zxxkw big It s thebigbox thesmallbox small Whereisthesoccerball betweenand big zxxkw Whereisthepayphone It sacrossfromthelibrary acrossfrom zxxkw Whereisthepayphone It snexttothelibrary nextto zxxkw between and Whereisthepayphone It sbetweenthepostofficeandthelibrary Whereisthepayphone It sontheGreenStreet on zxxkw Whereisthepayphone It sinfrontofthelibrary infrontof zxxkw 2dRole playtheconversation Tony Hi excuseme Linda Yes HowcanIhelpyou Tony Well I mnewintown Isthereabanknearhere Linda Yes thereis It sonCenterStreet It sacrossfromthepark Tony Oh where sCenterStreet Linda It snottoofarfromhere Icanwalkwithyou Tony Oh that sgreat Thankssomuch Linda Noproblem zxxkw 3bLookatthemapin3aandwritethreesentences Thebankisnexttothehospitalandacrossfromthepark 1 2 3 zxxkw Paul Excuseme Isthereahotelintheneighborhood Nancy Yes thereis Justgostraightandturnleft It sdownBridgeStreetontheright It snexttoasupermarket Paul Thankyouverymuch Nancy You rewelcome TaskReadandfindPaulandNancyinthepicture zxxkw Excuseme Istherea an nearhere Yes thereis No thereisn t Whereisthe It s Thankyouverymuch You rewelcome behindnexttobetween and acrossfrominfrontofon 小结 school bank supermarket park bank hotel bookshop restaurant CenterStreet XingfuStreet GostraightdownCenterStreet turnleft There


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