



2009生产处内部人员英语培训资料 船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)1 还习惯吗?Have you got used to life here?2 完全可以。By all means.3 小心,当心。Be careful (Take care).4 正是这样,对啦。Just so.5 好,可以,行。All right.6 请休息会儿。Have a rest (break), please.7 哦,我明白了。Oh, I see.8 给你,接着。Here you are.9 您好!见到您很高兴。How do you do? Im very glad to meet you.10 让我来介绍一下在座的各位先生。林先生,我们厂的厂长;王先生,厂长总工;吴 先生,船体车间主任。Let me introduce the gentlemen present here. This is Mr.Lin, our shipyard director; Mr.Wang, our chief engineer. Mr.Wu, director of the hull shop.11 欢迎您到我们船厂来!welcome to our shipyard!12 请坐!Sit down please.13 请喝茶。Please have a cup of tea.14 喂,您好吗?(熟人之间)Hi, how are you?15 很好,谢谢。您好吗?Fine, thank you, and how are you?16 很好,谢谢!Very well, thanks.17 我们现在就开始工作好吗?Shall we start our work now?18 请这边走。This way, please.19 我可以进来吗?May I come in?20 请进!Yes, please.21 请问您有什么事和我商讨?What business would you like to talk with me about?22 船东想在船上做些变化。The ship owner wants to make some changes in the hull.23 这样的事,我只能晚些时候回答您。In that case, I need to answer you later.24 好的。如果你做出了决定,请尽快告诉我。OK. If you make the decision, please tell me soon.25 有一个舱口盖有点问题,我想和你谈谈。There is something wrong with the hatch cover. I would like to discuss it with you.26 对不起,我听不懂您讲话,您能说得慢一点吗?Im sorry. I cant follow you. Can you speak slowly?27 我的意思是我想和您谈一谈舱口盖的问题。I mean I want to talk with you about the hatch cover.28 噢,我懂了。到我办公室去详谈。Oh, I see. Lets go to my office and talk it in detail.29 那再好不过了。That couldnt be better.30 我想要一份这种图纸。I would like a copy of this drawing.31 对不起,我帮不了这个忙。您可以到技术科去要。Im sorry. I cant help you. You may ask the technical department for it.32 您知道电话号码?Do you know the telephone number?33 分机号是4557。Its 4557 extension.34 非常愿意帮助您!My pleasure!35 那样更好一些。Thats better36 抓好扶手。Please hold the handrails well.37 请看这(那)个。Look at this (that) one.38 请用对讲机。Please use your talk-back.39 请继续,我听着呢!Go on please. Im listening40 一点也不麻烦。Its no trouble.41 我不懂。I dont understand.42 就是这些,完了。Thats all.43 听我说。Listen to me.44 再来一次。Once more. Once again.45 我要象这样的。I want something like this.46 请再说一便好吗?I beg your pardon.47 现在可以开始了吗?Shall we begin now?48 这样可以了吗?Is this all right?49 让我检查一下。Let me have a check.50 问题(毛病)在哪儿?Whats the trouble? Whats wrong with it?51 这鼓风机怎么了?Whats wrong with the blower?52 质量(设备)怎么样?HowWhat about quality (equipment)? 53 那个单词是什么意思?What dose that word mean? Whats the meaning of that word?54 有件事情要和你谈一谈。Theres something I should like to speak to you about.55 我得等多久?How long do I have to wait?56 有件事情我要解释一下。There is a certain matter I want to explain.57 到什么时候你才有空?Up to what time shall you be free/when will you be free?58 位置不对。The position is wrong.59 图纸有问题。Theres something wrong with the drawing.60 别当心,很容易解决的。Dont worry. Thats easy to deal with.61 这是唯一可以解决的办法。This is the only way out.62 如果你能够的话,尽量早一些来。Try to come earlier, if you can.63 我在三点中左右等你。Ill look out for you at about three.64 一定要想办法做。Do try to do.65 恐怕你在这一点上弄错了。Im afraid you are mistaken there.66 那也正是我所认为的。Thats just what I think.67 我的意见也是那样。Thats my opinion too.68 我们一定去好吗?Shall we go together?69 开始验收吧?Lets start to check some items.70 我打电话给你,怎么样?Suppose I telephone to you.71 您同意接受吗?Will you accept it?72 我们十分愿意接受这个提议。We are quite ready to accept the advice.73 可能。Possibly (Probably)74 这是我的名片。This is my business card.75 您满意吗?Are you satisfied with it?76 我希望再见到你。Im looking forward to seeing you again.77 让我们喝杯茶休息一下吧。Lets take a tea break.78 禁止抽烟。No smoking.79 谢谢你的夸奖。Thank for your compliment.80 请说慢一点。Please speak more slowly.81 请写在这儿。Please write it here.82 我不认为如此。I dont think so.83 多可惜!what a pity!84 真遗憾。Thats too bad.85 振动(温度、压力、速度)是正常的。The vibration(temperature、pressure、speed) is normal.86 压力大于正常值。The pressure is more than normal87 速度低于正常值。The speed is less than normal.88 对不起,还没完工呢。Sorry, it has not been finished yet.89 提交(验收)成功。Submission (delivery) is okay.90 你们船厂造什么船?What kind ships do you build?91 集装箱船,散装船,还有一些驳船。Container ships, bulk carriers, and some barges.92 你厂吊车最大起重能力是多少?How much is the maximum lifting capacity in your shipyard?93 300吨,是船台用起重机,跨度72m。300 tons, it is a berth derrick, the span being 72m.94 在这里,你们怎么样对钢板进行预处理?Here, how do you pre-treat (prepare) the steel plates?95 我们用抛丸(喷沙)的方法。We call it short-blasting (sand-blasting).96 抛丸后还要将钢板涂漆吗?After short-blasting, do you paint the steel plates?97 是的,我们称之为车间底漆。Yes, we do. And we call it priming paint.98 钢板移动的速度是多少?How fast is the plate moving?99 大约每分钟5米。About 5m a minute.100 你们怎样切割钢板?How do you cut a steel plate?101 小于10mm的钢板,用机械切割法。For plates has than 10mm,we use mechanical cutting method.102 那么大于10mm的呢?How about the plates over 10mm(thicker plates)?103 我们用火焰切割法。一般这些切割都是数控的。We use the flame cutting method. Most of the cutting is done by numericalcontrol(N/C).104 怎样将钢板加工成不同的形状呢?How do you make the steel plate into different shapes?105 我们有不同种类的冲、压机械。可滚压,弯制和折边。We use different kinds of press machines. We can roll, bend, or flange a plate.106 型材怎样加工呢,像球扁钢,角钢和一些加强材?How do you shape the different sections, such as, bulb plates, angle bars, and other stiffeners.107 用同样的方法。但我们也用水火弯板法;该法主要用于加工不规则形状,像球鼻艏。By the same method, but we also use the line-heating methods. This can shape irregular parts, such as bulbous bow.108 你怎样知道弯制合格了呢?How do you know the bending is good?109 我们用样板来检验。We will check it with templates.110 在焊接钢板,肋骨,甲板横梁时,你们用什么焊接方法?What welding methods do you use in connecting the plates, frames, and beams?111 对于长直接板缝,我们用埋弧焊或二氧化碳气体保护焊;拐角处和小地方,还用手工焊。For straight seams, we use submerged arc welding or carbon dioxide welding; for some corners and small areas, we still use manual welding.112 就水密舱壁而言,怎样检查其水密性?For watertight bulkheads, how do you check the watertightness?113 靠压缩空气或水压力。By compressed air or by water pressure.114 双层底分段是在胎架上造的吗?Is the double bottom block built on pin jigs?115 是的,里面的一些管件也已经装好了。Yes, some pipes in it have also been fitted.116 分段大合龙在哪里进行?Where is the grand-block joining done?117 在船台上。On the building berth.118 在你们船厂船舶怎样下水?How is a ship launched in your shipyard?119 我们通常采用纵向下水方式。We usually launch a ship by end launching.120 船台和下水支架有什么区别?Whats the difference between building-berth and launching-cradle?121 船台是固定的地面支撑,下水支架仅用于下水时用。后者在下水时与船体一起滑入水中。Building berth is the fixed ground support and launching-cradle is only used before launching. The latter will be sliding together with the ship into the water. 122 舾装工作包括哪些?What work does the outfitting include?123 除了船壳结构外所有的部分,像管子,(甲板)起重机,桅杆,索具,主机,机械设备,电缆和居住舱室的装饰。All the parts except the hull structure, such as pipes, derricks, masts, rigging, main engines, machinery, electrical cables, and accommodation services etc.124 一般情况下你们什么时候开始舾装工作?When do you begin the outfitting generally?125 有些管路舾装在制造小分段时就开始了,也叫做分段预舾装;其它的在船舶下水后进行。Some piping outfitting is done when building sub-blocks, that is, on-block outfitting; others are done after launching.126 有怎么多加工好的管子!可是怎样才能找到你所需要的管件呢?There are so many fabricated pipes! How can you find the pipe piece you need?127 对每个管件我们都编了号,并且将所有的管件存放在不同的托盘中。We give each pipe a coded number, and we store all the pipe pieces in different pallets.128 机舱中有许多管系,像燃油系统,冷却系统,滑油系统,消防系统,怎样识别它们?There are many piping systems in the engine room, such as fuel oil system, cooling system, lubricating system, fire-fighting system. How do you identify them?129 靠不同的颜色条。例如,蓝色表示冷却水,红色表示消防用水,黄色表示润滑油。By different color tapes. For example, blue means cooling water, red for fire fighting, yellow for lubricating oil etc.130 当安装一管件时,你怎样决定管件在船上的确切位置?When fitting a piece of pipe, how do you determine the exact position on board a ship?131 看图纸,图纸上清楚地表明了管件的三维尺寸。We do it with the help of drawings. The drawing shows clearly the three dimensional position of a certain pipe.132 怎样打开舱口盖?How can you lift the hatch cover?133 使用液压系统。We lift the hatch cover by hydraulic system.134 怎样保证舱口盖水密?How is the hatch cover kept watertight?135 借助于橡胶密封条,将其安装在舱口围板四周。By rubber strips. Weve installed the strips along the hatch coamings.136 甲板上的舾装包括哪些?What outfitting should be done on deck?137 包括以下部件的安装:锚机,绞车,带缆桩,导缆孔,桅杆,甲板起重机,通风口和各种索具。That includes the installation of windlasses, winches, bollards, masts, deck cranes, vent pipes and different kinds of rigging.138 有这么多的舾装工作要做,你们将工程分包出去吗?There is so much outfitting work. Do you subcontract some of them?139 时的,我们把所有的细木工舾装都分包出去。这将节约我们很多的时间。Yes, we subcontract almost all the joiner work. This will save us lots of time.140 居住舱室有哪些舾装工作?What outfitting is include in the living quarters?141 主要指门窗的安装,地板的铺设,内置式家具的安装和油漆。It refers to installing doors, windows, laying floor covering, fitting built-in furniture, and painting.142 位了防止腐蚀,油漆是很重要的,对吗?In order to prevent hull corrosion, painting is very important, isnt it?143 是的,有很多油漆,有的合适船体水上部分,有的适合于水下部分。Quite right, there are many kinds of paint, and some are suitable for above-water use, and some are for underwater.144 油漆的涂层有多厚?How thick is the coating film?145 这取决于不同种类的油漆。涂层的厚度可能是30,75或者145微米。That depends on the different paint types. The film thickness may be 30m, 75m, or 145m.(micron meters).146 喷漆时对温度有要求吗?Are there any requirements for the temperature when painting?147 有。通常温度应介于-10C到40C之间,相对湿度应介于50%-80%。也要有好的通风。Sure usually the temperature should be from (minus) -10C to 40C(Celsius),and the relative humidity should be between 50% and 80%. Good ventilation is also quite necessary.148 怎样知道面漆涂层质量是好的?How do you know the finish coating is of good quality?149 您可以靠肉眼观察。如果表面光滑,无裂纹,不起泡,一般说是好的。但必须得到检查人员或船东的许可。You can check the surface by your eyes. If the surface is smooth and there is no crack is no blisters on it, usually the painting is good. But it must be approved by the painting surveyor or the ship owner.150 交船前怎样对船体外板进行油漆?Before delivering the ship to the owner, how do you paint the shell plating?151 一般在干船坞中进行。We will do this in a drydock.152 机舱位于什么部位?Where is the main engine located?153 通常在船艉。Usually at the stern of the ship.154 这条船上有多少台发电机。How many generators are there are there on board the ship?155 四台。其中一台是应急发电机。There are four. One of them is an emergency generator.156 这间舱室有怎么多的泵,用在什么上的?There are so many pumps in this room, what are they used for?157 它们是燃油泵,润滑油泵,压载水泵,淡水泵,海水泵,和舭部液舱泵等。They are F.O. pumps, ballast pumps, fresh water pumps, sea water pumps, and bilge pumps.158 泵有几种?How many types of pumps are there?159 通常有两种:往复式和离心式。Usually there are two types. One is called the displacement pump and the other is called the centrifugal pump.160 为什么需要压缩空气?Why do we need compressed air?161 在船上主要用于启动主机。It is mainly used on board ship for staring main engines.162 油水分离器也是必要的,是吗?Oil/water separators are necessary, arent they?163 是的。它们可以使油水分开,从而使排放的水保持清洁。Yes, they can keep oil and water apart and keep the discharged water clean.164 热交换器是用于冷却的吗?Are the heat exchangers used for cooling?165 是的,它们用于冷却空气,水和润滑油等。Yes, they are used for cooling air, water, lubricating oil etc.166 轴的对中任务完成了吗?Has the shaft alignment been finished?167 还没有。这需要反复的测量和计算,经验也很重要。Not yet, it needs repeated measuring and calculation, and some experience is also very important.168 轴的尾轴承安装顺序如何?How do you install the afterward bearing of the shaft?169 首先要镗孔,然后安装尾轴管,接下来装炮铜或白合金制的轴承套,也叫轴承。First you need the boring for the shaft, then install the stern tube into the stern frame, next fit the gun-metal or white-metal bush.170 你的意思是轴会与轴承套直接摩擦吗?Do you mean the shaft will run against the bush?171 不,在轴承内侧有一些槽,槽中嵌着橡皮条。这些橡皮条支撑着尾轴。No, inside the bush, some rubber strips are pressed into the grooves. These strips support the shaft.172 怎样安装螺旋桨?How do you install the propeller?173 现在许多螺旋桨都是无键的,用液压来拆装。Now many propellers are kevless, so we install or remove a propeller by hydraulic pressure.174 我想船上会有越来越多的电器安装,你这样认为吗?I think that there are more and more electrical installations on board. Do you think so?175 是的。特别是机舱控制,货物吊运和电子设备。Of course, especially the main engine room control, cargo handing, and electronic systems.176 我想主机控制是最复杂的。I think the main engine control is the most complicated.177 你说得对。因为主配电板安装在这里。You are quite right, since main switchboards are located there.178 主配电板能控制什么?What can the main switchboards consist of several panels: group starter panels, consumer panels, lighting panel, diesel generator panels etc.179 主配电板通常包括几个控制面板:组合启动面板,用户板,照明面板,菜油发电机面板等。Usually the main switchboards consist of several panels: group starter panels, consumer panels, lighting panel, diesel generator panels etc.180 报警系统包括在上面的面板中吗?The alarm system is also included in the above panels?181 是的。主配电板中也可进行岸电和船电的切换和控制。Yes, and there can also be the power interchange between shore supply and ship supply.182 一些控制可以自动完成吗?Can some controlling be done automatically?183 当然。有两种方式可供选择:自动和手动。Certainly, there are two modes for your selection: automatic mode and manual mode.184 船上电缆的铺设是由你们船厂的电工人员完成的吗?Are the electric cables laid out by your shipyard electricians?185 说得对。而且对电缆铺设还有些要求。电缆端部要配接头。Thats right. And there are some requirements for the cable laying. Moreover, all cable ends must be fitted with connectors.186 怎样固定电缆?How do you fix a cable?187 单根电缆可用焊在结构上的电缆夹头;成组电缆用金属电缆悬挂架。Single cables may be fixed by clips welded to structures; cables in groups are supported by metal cable hangers.188 电缆穿过水密舱壁怎么办?What do you do if a cable passes through a watertight bulkhead?189 那样的话,需要安装专用的密封过管来确保水密。In that case, special stuffing tube will be used to keep the watertightness.190 一般来说,怎样保护电缆免受破坏?Generally, how are the cables protected from damage?191 在舱口及露天甲板处,用可拆卸的金属盖板:在一些高温和冷冻区,我们都将电缆进行绝热、防冷等保护。In places such as hatches, and open decks, we use removable metal coverings, in some hot or refrigerated places, we use insulated cables.船用机械设备安装用语(English for Installation of Marine Machine)192 所以螺母应该用冲击锤上紧。All the nuts should be tightened up with an impact wrench.193 应把螺旋桨拆下。The propeller should be dismantled.194 液压缸应镗圆。The hydraulic cylinder should be bored round.195 操舵装置仍偏差2度。The steering gear still has a deviation of 2 degrees.196 请检查一下尾轴锥形部分。Please check the conical part of the stern shaft.197 舵机和舵轮的运动不一致。The steering gear is not in step with the steering wheel.198 舵角指示器的误差太大。The error of the rudder angle indicator is too large.199 指示器应调整。The indicator water system had been installed.200 生活用水系统出了什么毛病?Whats wrong with the domestic water system?201 磨削缸套,除去刮痕。Remove the scuffings by grinding the linear.202 做一个拆装汽缸盖螺帽用的环形扳手。Make a ring spanner for the nuts of the cylinder cover.203 环形扳手在哪里?Where is the ring spanner?204 环形扳手在我这里。The ring spanner is in my hand.205 你需要扳手吗?Do you need the spanner?206 请把环形扳手给我。Please give me the ring spanner.207 请检查一下油水分离器。Please inspect the oil/water separator.208 1号起重机已经拆除。No.1 cargo winch has been removed.209 起重机已经安装。Cargo winch has been installed.210 请仔细检查一下。Please inspect it carefully.211 鼓风机应装在哪儿?Where is the blower installed.212 所有阀闸都应拆除。All the gates have to be disconnected.213 泵打不出压力。The pump fails to build up pressure.214 拆开泵检查密封。Dismantle the pump to check its seal.215 我们已经完成管路系统的安装。We have complete the installation of the piping.216 管路出了什么问题?Whats wrong with the piping system?217 管子漏气。There is the air leakage from the pipe.218 恒温器动作迟钝。The motion of the thermostat is stagnant.219 制冷设备失灵了。The refrigerating plant is out of operation.220 使锌板与外壳接触良好。Bring the zinc plates into good contact with the casing.221 安全阀是成对安装的。Relieve valves are mounted in pairs.222 安全阀安装在锅炉上。Relieve valves are mounted on the boiler.223 这台舵机是什么型号的?What type is the steering gear?224 这种舵机是电动液压式的。This steering gear is of the electrohydraulic type.225 舵机是船上很重要的设备之一。The steering gear is one of the most important devices in the ship.226 舵机的主要功能是控制船舶的航向。The main function of the steering gear is to control the ships course.227 这台制冷机的能量是多少?What is the capacity of this refrigerator.228 螺旋桨出了什么问题?Whats wrong with the propeller?229 螺旋桨工作不稳定。The propeller cant work well.230 阀体内部应涂上漆。The inner part of the valve body should be coated with the paint.231 尾门需要重新安装。The stern door should be reassembled.232 起货机已经安装好了。The cargo winch has been installed.233 盘车机坏了。The turning gear is damaged.234 我们正在安装起锚设备。We are installing anchor handling machinery.235 检查一下造水机。Make a check of the fresh water generator.236 锚机刹车失灵。The break of the windlass is out of order.237 请将锚机修一下。Please make the windlass repaired.238 起重机安装好了没有?Had the cargo crane been installed?239 请将这个穿舱件改成水密的。Please change this penetration piece into watertight construction.240 这个箱柜怎么没有安装泄放阀?Why didnt you fit a drain valve on this tank?241 这样布置给以后操作及维护工作带来不便。Such an arrangement is inconvenient to the future operation and maintenance.242 控制箱振动太厉害。The control box vibrates seriously.243 我们在安装避雷装置。We are installing the lightning arresters.244 避雷装置安装在哪里?Where are the lightning arresters installed?245 装上散件并定位好。Loading piece parts and positioning well.246 阀门传动装置安装在另一舱室。The valve actuating device is installed in another room.247 蒸汽室的空间太大。The size of the steam chest is too big.248 这些结构的焊接变形太严重了。The welding distortion of these structure is too serious.249 螺旋桨的安装已经完成。The mounting of propeller has been finished.250 请进行螺旋桨胶合连接。Please bond the propeller to shaft.251 螺旋桨液压无键连接。Mounting of propeller by hydraulic jack.252 螺旋桨的螺距需要矫正。Check of propeller pitch is needed.253 螺旋桨锥孔修正。Scrapping of propeller boss.254 计算法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by calculation method.255 轴承负荷法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by loading method.256 平轴法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by direct co


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