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Unit 3 At the zoo lesson 1教学内容:A Lets talk /Draw and say词汇:giraffe,tall,short,fat,so句型:Its tall/short/fat/thin.教学目标:1、 能够在图片和老师的帮助下理解对话大意。2、 能够在语境中理解Its tall/short/fat.的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用Its+adj.描述动物的外形特征。3、 能够朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。4、 能够自己简笔画5、 常见的小动物,并运用学到的语言结构描述自己的作品。教学重点:掌握词汇:giraffe,tall,short,fat,so掌握句型:Its tall/short/fat/thin.教学难点:能够听懂,认读句型Its (so) tall/short/fat/thin.教学工具:多媒体,课件课时:一课时教学过程:(1) Review/Warm-up(课件呈现动物们的图片)T:Look!What can you see in the picture?Ss:elephant,tiger,monkey.T:Yes,we can see many kinds of animals.Theyre so cute.Lets see them again.(课件呈现单个动物图片)T:What is it?(点学生回答)S:Its an/a elephant,tiger,panda,monkey,bear.T:Excellent!T:How about this one?(呈现giraffe的图片)What is it?Do you know?Ss:I dont know./Giraffe.T:Its a giraffe.(教学giraffe,学生跟读)T:Do you remember this chant?(课件呈现上学期学过的一个Lets chant,学生先听后唱)Ss:Yes!T:Lets chant again!T:Do you know where can we see these animals?Ss:ZOO!T:At the zoo.(教师讲解at the zoo,图片呈现)T:Today,well go to the zoo and learn something more about animals.(2) PresentationStep 1: Lets talk(课件呈现giraffe和baby giraffe的图片)T:Look!What can you see in thepicture?Ss:Its a giraffe and a baby giraffe.T:Yes,look at that giraffe.Its tall.Look at that baby giraffe.Its short.(课件呈现tall和short单词,教学单词,板书Its so tall.和Its so short.再教读这些句子,并用强调的语气和肢体语言强化so的意义,请学生跟读后让学生齐读。)T:Do you understand the meaning of “so”?Lets look and say!(课件呈现西瓜、老鼠、姚明的图片,让学生尝试说,老师给予评价。)(课件呈现两只猴子的图片)T:What animals cany you see?Ss:Theyre monkeys.T:Yes,look at that monkey.(手指胖猴子)Its fat.Look at that monkey.(手指瘦猴子)Its thin.(课件呈现fat、thin,教学单词,学生跟读,点学生读,教师评价。)(课件呈现胖猪的图片)T:Look at that pig.请学生回答Its so fat.(并板书) Look at that dog.请学生回答Its so thin.(并板书)(呈现bear、zoom和zip的图片,让学生完成填空,教师给予评价。)1、 Look at that _.Its_and_.2、 Look at_.Its so _.3、 Look at_.Its so _.(课件呈现Lets talk的问题图片。)T:Well,lets go to learn lets talk.Look at the questions.After listening the tape,well answer the questions.1. Where are they ?2. Who are they ?3. The giraffe is _and _. The bear is _and _.(回答完问题后,学生跟读lets talk,然后请同学翻译课文里的句子,最后分角色朗读课文。)Step 2: Draw and sayT:Now,please draw any animal you like and talk about your picture when you finished.(教师组织学生画出自己喜欢的动物,然后请学生上台展示并介绍:Look at my .Its (so) .之后,组织学生根据情景图片进行pairwork 练习。


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