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题目Unit3A Lets learn年级学科Grade 5English课型新授课教学目标1. 能够听、说、读、写单词或词组Jan、Feb、March、Apr、May、Jun、winter vacation等。并灵活地运用到句子当中。2. 能够听、说、认、读6个月份的名称,并能书写其缩写格式。3. 能够就6个月份进行四季划分。4. 能够使用句型:When is Tree Planting day? It is in March.教学重难点教学重点:听说读写单词Jan, Feb, March, Apr, May, Jun以及词组New Years Day, winter vacation等教学难点:January和February的发音。教学方法直接法、交际型教学法、任务型教学法相结合教学准备硬件:电脑、电子白板软件:PPT, Media Player教学设计思路从歌曲、儿歌和谈话引入新课,从学生最熟悉的日期入手,在讲解每个月份的单词时,加入了该月份的节日,让学生了解各个节日的英文表达方式,丰富了课堂教学。不同单词的教学采用不同的教学方式,March,April和May三个单词以及sports meet,school trip,Easter Party上一课时中已经涉及到,学生也并不陌生,所以根据读音拼写单词,重点放在单词的拼写上。January和February比较难读,重点放在单词的朗读上。June的读音也略有难度,纠正发音后尽量让学生能够拼写。在新课最后,通过师生对话的形式,请同学们说一说每个月份的节日,并帮助老师动手贴在相应的月份旁边。教学过程设计意图时间安排Step I. Warm up and review1. Enjoy a song: Whats your favourite season?2. Greetings.3. Chant4. Free talk.Which season do you like best? Why? (请3-4人回答)T: We know in one year, therere four seasons. In one year, how many months?T: Yes, therere 12 months in one year.Step II. Presentation and practice1. Teach “month”a. Show the students “monkey thanks”b. Read it.2. Teach “April”a. T: Which month is it now? S: Its . (April)b. Spell the word.c. Introduce the short form of April.d. Which day is in April?3. Teach “May”a. S: School trip is in April. T: Yes, school trip is in April. But if the weather is not warm, maybe it is in May, too.b. Write “may”. Let the student find the mistake. We must use big letter M.c. Introduce May Day and Mothers Day. Say something about the things you can do for your mom in May.4. Teach “March”a. Look, think and choose.T: April and May are in spring. Which month is in spring, too?b. Try to write the word. Show “car, star”c. Write the short form.d. Introduce Tree Planting Day. Its in March.5. Teach “January, February”a. Listen and answer: Is Spring Festival in spring?b. Listen and judge.c. Introduce New Years Day is in January. Spring Festival is usually in February. Spell the two words one by one.d. Fill in the blanks.e. Write the words again.6. Teach “June”a. T: Do you like winter vacation? S: . T: Some children like winter vacation, because Spring Festival is in winter vacation. Some children like summer vacation, because they can go swimming and eat ice cream. But my son likes Childrens Day very much, because his birthday is on Childrens Day. He can get many gifts. When is Childrens Day? Oh, yes, its in June.b. Read the word.c. Show the short form.d. Introduce Fathers Day is in June.Step III. Consolidation and Extension1. Open the book, listen and repeat.2. Read and say.T: Whats it? S1: . . .T: When is ? S1: Its in 3. Read and say. P254. Summary.Step IV. Homework1. 听读:听P25录音并跟读5遍。2. 抄写:P25月份的单词各一行。3. 合作:运用所学句型考一考你的5位同学某个节日在几月份,并记录是否正确。歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛。复习chant,引出季节。师生问答有关季节的问题,复习旧知,为新课做铺垫。由一年有4个季节过渡到一年有12个月份。April在上一课时中有所涉及,学生已经会读,重点放在拼写上。引导学生注意月份的单词首字母大写的规律。情感教育:母亲节,感恩母亲通过已知的词语,根据字母的发音,写出新词。让学生自己凭借着自己的经验,自己获取知识,会更加牢固的记忆。听文章,解决问题。在文章中呈现新词January, February. 这两个词比较难读,所以在课堂中请中等及中等以下的学生来读一读,既纠正了发音又给了他们表现的机会。再听一次短文,完成练习,补充单词,又把January, February写了一遍,加深记忆。从学生熟悉的Childrens Day引出June,过渡自然。PPT呈现节日或活动图片,请学生说出英文并贴在相应月份下Step I. Warm up and review3-4 minutesStep II.Presentation and practice25 minutesStep III. Consolidation and Extension10 minutes板书设计 Unit3 My school calendar A. Lets learnJanuary Jan. New Years Day


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