



鹏程学校导学方案励志语言:Think twice before you do. 三思而后行。科目English 课题Lesson 1 Back to school!()编号01设计人 杨青梅 修订杨青梅班级姓名学 习目 标1 掌握新词汇:physics, recent2. 识别新词汇:Sandra, Cox教学重难点1. how do you like?2. Introduce to 3. Introduce to 学生自主学习课堂同步导案自主预习一. 掌握下列词汇及短语:1. physics _ 2. Silk Road _3. holiday _ 4. exciting _ 5. the first day of a new term _6. such a long holiday_ 7. one of _ 8. the same as_ 9. talk to_ 10. make new friends_ 11. look for_12. make a class picture_13. good luck _14. recent pictures of myself_合作探究一. 读课文回答问题。(完成课本第三页第一题)二. 难点讲解:1. How do you like the first day of a new term? _(翻译) how do you like 意为“你认为怎么样?”同义句型为: what do you think of eg: 你认为这件毛衣怎么样?._? _?2. one is Sandra and the other is Mary. 一个是桑德拉另一个是玛丽 one the other 意为“一个另一个”eg: I have two bags, one is blue, the other is red.(两个中的另一个)【辨析】other, others, the other, the others和 another1) other泛指“另外的,别的”没有范围的限制,修饰复数名词时相当于 others ;the other表单数时特指两者中的“另外一个”;其后跟复数名词时指两部分中的“另一部分”意为“剩下的,其余的”,有范围限制,复数为the others。注:other+复数名词=others the other+复数名词=the othersEx: 1.Is this your shoe? -Yes, it is. But where is _?2. Betty has come back, but _ students in the class arent here yet. 2) another指“又一个,另一个”, 没有范围的限制.I dont like this shirt, please show me _. 3. You can introduce yourself to her. 你可以把你自己介绍给她. Introduce to 把介绍给eg: I want _ (introduce) the girl to you, Lily. 课堂检测1. Sunday is the f_ day of the week.2. This term we have a new subject- p_.3. Danny was happy to see his c_ after the holiday.4. In r_ years, air pollution(污染) becomes terrible.5. C_ is a kind of animal in the desert.课后作业1. Grandpa Li has two sons. One is in Shanghai, _ is in Guangzhou.2. There are many children in the park, some are running,_ are walking.3. Im so glad_( introduce) my new friend to you.4. This game is too _ (excited)5. He doesnt know what _(do) next.Teaching steps: Step1. Check the part 1 of students guiding cases,help them find their mistakes.Step2. New words. Step3. Listening.Step4. Reading.Step5. Discuss and show the structures in part2Step6. Exercises.课后反思鹏程学校导学方案励志语言:Think twice before you do. 三思而后行。科目English 课题Lesson 1 Back to school!()编号02设计人 杨青梅 修订杨青梅班级姓名学 习目 标掌握exciting的用法教学重难点1. so和such 的区别2. the same as学生自主学习课堂同步导案自主预习根据课文内容填空:1. You always like to _ new friends.2. Tomorrow we will make a _ _, but I dont have any good _ _ of myself.3. We took many on the _ _.4. Its _ the same as Grade 75. I wanted to _ _ Sandra, but I didnt know how_ _.合作探究一. 听力练习(完成课本第三页第二题)二. 难点讲解:1. I was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday. 长假之后能看到我的同班同学们我很开心 be happy to do sth.意为_ such a long holiday 意思是_其同义短语为 so long a holiday; 当被修饰的名词为可数名词单数时,such和so 均可修饰此短语,结构为: such+a/an+adj.+n.(单) so+adj.+a/an+n.(单)Ex: such a good boy = _ = so interesting a book2. Thats exciting! 那真是太棒了! 此句中exciting为形容词, 意为“令人感到高兴的”描述物的; 其同义词为excited, 意为“兴奋地,激动的”描述人的. 与这两个词语用法相同的单词还有:interesting和interested; boring 和bored; amazing 和amazedeg: When we heard the _ news, we were _.(excite) This book is _, he is _ in it. (interest)课堂检测用方框中所给的单词及短语填空。(完成课本第三题,核对并纠错。)课后作业小练笔:根据提示写短文. How do you like Grade 8? what is new this term? Are there any new students in your class? Do you have any new subjects? What are they?. ._1. 物理学 35最近的现代的 3 6借给借出2. 作弊,欺骗 37接下来的,接着的 体育馆,健身房3. 尴尬的,窘迫的 敌人,仇人 交易,处理,应付 某人,有人 英格兰 有丰富知识的,博学的4. 鼓励,支持 讨论,谈论 有耐心的,能忍耐的,病人 钢琴 牛仔裤 愉快,快乐,满足5. 当地人,本地的,当地的 表演演出6. 劝告忠告建议 同意 用胶水将物体粘合,胶水7. 立即地,马上地 高兴地乐意的8. 在前面,向前 薄饼 柠檬9. 比萨饼 憎恨讨厌 也(用在否定句中)10. 用梳子梳头,梳子 豌豆 豆荚11. 抄写,复制,复制品12. 意想不到的事,使惊奇 愤怒的,生气的Teaching steps: Step1. Check


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