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Part B 第 一 课 时 一、课时教学内容与目标1. 能够听、说、读、写表示月份单词:June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2. 初步了解各个月份中的一些节日的英语表达方式。 3. 让学生能说出自己最喜欢的月份。二、易考点I. 单项选择-When is Christmas? - Its December.A on B at C inII. 根据汉语意思写出相对应的单词。七月_ 八月_ 九月_十月_ 十一月_ 十二月_三、学困点和易错点单词June, July, August, September, October, November, December的读音和书写。四、教学活动 Step 1. Preview.1. Greetings. 2. Revision.T:When is the winter vacation/ Tree Planting Day/ Easter/ May Day/ ? Ss: Its in January/February/ March/ (Ask several students answer this question to review the words from January to June.)Step 2. Presentation1. Show the picture of the summer vacation, ask: When is the summer vacation?2. Learn the new word:July.(自然拼读法,分音节认读。并板书缩写形式。)T:July, July, spell it please. S:Read after teacher and spell the word. T: Ask several students spell this word. Write down the sentences: When is the summer vacation? Its in June.3. Use the same way to learn other new words.4. Teach to read the new words.5. Read the new words in groups. (boys and girls)6. 总结缩写形式和完整形式的关系:缩写形式是完整形式的前三个字母后加一个圆点。September除外.Step 3 Practice 1. Read quickly.2. T: When is the summer vacation / Mid-Autumn Day/?S: Its in July/August/ September/Then recite these new wordsT: Write down these new words in orderS: Say the words according to the order.(JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember-July). 3. Practice the dialogue.T:Whats your favourite month? S: June/ July/ August/ September/ October/ November/ December.T: Why?S: Because 4. Finish the exercises on the book.Step 4 : Homework1.完成June, July, August, September, October, November, December在四线三格上的写法。2.写一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子。五、板书设计Unit 3 My school calendar the summer vacation Teachers Day Chinas National Day When is America


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