



中山大学软件学院软件工程专业本科生课程教学大纲Course Profile for Undergraduates Majoring in Software Engineering最近更新 / Revision : 2010.04.30课程编号Course CodeSE-806课程名称Course Title手机平台应用开发(Google共建)Mobile Phone Application Development ( Supported by Google )课程类别Course Type专业选修课Elective学分Credits3周学时Hours per Week2(3)总学时Total Hours理论环节Lecture Sessions34实验环节Laboratory Sessions20学时合计Total54开课学期Semester第三学年秋季学期Fall/Spring/Summer semester, 3rd year课程负责人Course Coordinator刘宁副教授Associate Prof. Ning LIUEmail:Homepage:/ln/主要授课教师Principal Instructors刘宁副教授Prof. Ning LIU教学助理配置Teaching Assistants每班配置2名TA,负责批改作业、实验报告并指导实验过程。1 TA per class of students. Teaching assistant assists the instructor in grading weekly assignments and compiler projects, and tutoring at lab-time.课外交流时间Office Hours主讲教师:每周2小时。Instructor: 2 hours per week. 教学助理:无。TA: N/A. 课程主页HomepagePENDING讨论社区ForumPENDING课程描述Course Description手机移动设备已成为越来越重要的软件开发平台,本课程将基于GPhone介绍Android手机平台上的应用软件开发方法、技术与工具。Android自从发布之日就成为科技界的焦点,利用Android SDK可轻松地为GPhone创建应用程序。本课程提供Android SDK和GPhone开发的全面信息,对Android应用程序的架构、UI设计、数据库存储等进行了深入浅出的介绍,同时对GPhone开发的基本流程、原理进行了讲解。Mobile phones become an important platform for software development. This course will introduce the methodologies, technologies and tools of mobile phone appication development. Gphone has become the focus of the scientific research community since it was first launched. Developer can easily create the application for GPhone by using Android . This course will provide with comprehensive information of Android and GPhone development, introduce the architecture of application development, UI design, SQLite Database in simple terms, and also explain the basic process and principle of GPhone development. 先修课程Prerequisites1. 数据结构与算法(Data Structure and Algorithm)2. C语言程序设计(Programming in C)3. 计算机组成与原理(Principles of Computer Organization)后续课程Successive CoursesN/A理论教学部分Lecture Sessions教材TextbookRick Rogers, John Lombardo, Zigurd Mednieks, and Blake Meike. Android Application Development. OReilly Media, 2009, ISBN 978-0-596-52147-9暂无中译版教学参考书References1. Google Android程序设计指南 出版社:电子工业出版社页码:392 页出版日期:2009年10月ISBN: 9787121096679版本:第1版装帧:平装2. Ed Brunette.Hello, android introducing googles mobile development platform ISBN:978-1934356494张波 高朝勤 杨越 等译 Android基础教程人民邮电出版社,2009年11月ISBN:71152153673. E2ECloud工作室深入浅出Google Android人民邮电出版社,2009年08月ISBN:97871152006934. 盖索林、王世江,Google Android开发入门指南人民邮电出版社,2009年11月,ISBN:9787115213945教学方法ApproachTheoretical lectures combined with some practical projects. 理论课程配合实际的实验项目。Interactive and heuristic discussions in classroom. 师生间互动及启发性探索。理论教学内容LecturesPart1 Android Development Foundation1. Android Overview (2 hr)Get to know Android; the tools required to develop programs; set up Android development environment under Windows/Linux platform; Android SDK; using the help documentation.2. Introduction to SDK (2 hr)Basic concept; architecture of Android; Android.jar and internal structure; the skills of reading SDK documentation; typical kits; core development kit API; optional API.3. Android Application Development (4 hr)Creat the “Hello World” project; layout design; run the finished application in the Android Emulator; event handler; set breakpoint and debug Android Applications; the tools for debugging.4. Structure of Android Application (3 hr)Components of an Android Application (including Activity,Broadcast and Intent Receiver,Service,Content Provider); composition of project (including R.java and AndroidManifest.xml).5. Basic components of Android (3 hr)UI elements(Android Views, ViewGroups, layouts, LayoutParams) and related instantiation; menu,ListView,Dialog,toast,notification and related instantiation; introdution to common Widget.Part2 Android Core Services6. UI event handling (2 hr)Event Listener; UI event procedure; listening for touch events; listening for key events.7. Persistent Data Storage (4 hr)Overview; introduction to SQLite Database; SharedPreferences; access and manipulate data by Content Provider; application instantiation explanation.8. Intent and Broadcast (2 hr) Basic concept; Intent Objects; specify an Activity by Intent objects; Broadcast in Android; Broadcast Receiver and related instantiation.9. Service (2 hr)Basic concept; how to use Service; Android Service lifecycle; learn Service by instantiation.10. Signing and Publishing on Android Market (2 hr)Background and purpose; featured applications in Market; apply for a Market Account; create a signing certificate; packaging,signing and publishing an application on Android Market.Part3 Android Senior Development11. Widget (3 hr)What are Widgets; standard Widget anatomy; Widget development; development notes; examples of Widgets; try to develop a Widget instantiation.12. Google API (3 hr)Steps of developing GPS-based geographic applications; obtain a Map API Key; how to use Google Maps; MapView.13. Commercial-grade Android applications (2 hr)Performance optimization; UI optimization; related notes;Totally 34 hours. 布置作业AssignmentsNone实验教学部分Laboratory Sessions实验课时间Lab Hours20hours实验课地点Lab VenueSame as lecture classroom (no laboratory is needed). 与理论课相同课室,不另行安排实验室。实验课方式Lab ApproachAll programming projects are finished within the extracurricula time. Lab hours in the classroom focus on core labs, discussions and presentations of the analysis and design of the programming projects. 综合实验设计项目在课外完成,实验课堂主要做综合实验设计项目相关的核心实验、讨论与展示。课外实验辅导Additional TutoringN/A实验教学内容Practices / LabsProject #11. Experimental of Button event handling (1 hr)2. Experimental of using Intent Object (1 hr)3. Experimental of using Bundle Object (2 hr) Goals:Design a register / login dialog box, registering / logining by remote connection or local database connection, to achieve the following functions: Enter user name and password; Obtain the information from user name and password; Progress bar; Timeout handling; Jump to homepage when login successful; Search and add to friends.Project #24. Experimental of using SQLite Database (2 hr)5. Experimental of using Service (2 hr)6. Design a Simple but complete Notepad application (2 hr) 7. Design a Media Player (2 hr)Goals:Design a Mobile Blog on the basis of the first stage. User can configurate and manage his blog by writing down and broadcasting his mood and state,including adding records, photos, tags and replying comments. Also, user can play music in the background when he is operating.Project #38. Experimental of using Widget (2 hr)9. Experimental of using Google API (2 hr) 10. Design a track recorder (4 hr)Goals:Design a GPS track recorder on the basis of the first and second stage.It will recoed your start point or end point when you click “START” button or “END” buton,and show your track o


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