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Lecture 2,Subject-Predicate Concord主谓一致,Subject-Predicate Concord1. A general introductionSubject-Predicate Concord: The agreement between subject and predicate in number and person.主谓一致(subject-verbconcord):主语和谓语动词在“人称”和“数”的方面的一致关系。,Three principles of S-P concord Grammatical Concord语法一致原则 Notional Concord意义一致原则 Principle of Proximity就近原则,Grammatical Concord refers to the rule that the verb must match its subject in number.语法一致指主语和动词在“数” 上的一致。 If the subject is plural, the verb should take the plural复数的 form; if, on the other hand, the subject is singular单数的 or is an uncountable不可数 noun, the verb should take the singular form. e.g. Both boys have their own merits. Few students are really lazy. Many people want to go. Two girls were standing on the corner. Much effort is wasted. Each boy has his own book. Every girl comes on time. Either answer is correct. Much effort is wasted.,Notional Concord refers to the rule that the verb can sometimes agree with the subject according to the notion of number rather than to the actual presence of the grammatical marker for that notion.主谓一致并非取决于语法上的单复数形式,而是取决于主语的单复数意义。e.g. The government have asked the country to decide by a vote. Fifteen miles seems like a long walk to me. Fifty-six dollars was stolen from the cash register.,Principle of Proximity denotes agreement of the verb with a closely preceding noun phrase rather than the head noun that functions as subject.就近原则指“谓语动词”与最靠近他的名词短语的单复数形式一致而不是与主语名词一致”e.g. Either my brothers or my father is coming. Only one out of five were present. No one except his own supporters agree with him. Neither Julia nor I am going.,2. Concord with nouns ending in s 1) Disease and game names游戏名称 ending in s 2) Subject names学科名称 ending in ics 3) Geographical names地理名称 endings in s 4) Other nouns ending in -s,2.1. To be singularA. disease names通常做单数,但也有单复数都可arthritis关节炎 bronchitis支气管炎 diabetes糖尿病 measles麻疹 mumps腮腺炎病 phlebitis静脉炎 rabies狂犬病 rickets软骨病Phlebitis is a swollen肿胀的 condition of the blood vessels血管.p.23,B. game names通常做单数(cards纸牌做复数)Cards(打纸牌)arenotallowedhere.billiards台球 bowls保龄球draughts 国际跳棋 marbles 弹子游戏checkers跳棋 tiddlywinks 挑圆片 表示游戏所用的镖或弹子等意义时,复数形式用作复数。Darts is essentially a free and easy game.Three darts are thrown at each turn.p.23,C. subject names学科名称 通常做单数,但是这类名词表示“学科”意外的其他意义时,可用作复数acoustics声学 aerobics有氧健身法 aerodynamics空气动力学 aeronautics航空学 athletics体育 classics古典文学 economics经济学 electronics电子学 genetics遗传学 linguistics语言学 logistics后勤学 mathematics数学 mechanics机械学、力学 obstetrics产科学 optics光学 physics物理 politics政治学 statistics统计学 thermodynamics热力学 tactics兵法 Linguistics has developed rapidly in modern times. Economics is a vital subject. The economics经济意义 of this project are still being considered.P.24,D. Some Proper Nouns (专有名词) 国名用做单数,群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等地理名称用复数。 The United States is in the Western Hemisphere. The United Nations was established in 1945. The Andes are in South America, and the Alps are in Europe. The West Indies are commonly divided into two groups.P.24,2.2 To be plural.(p.24)A. two-part objects 两个部分组成的物体做主语,如果不带“一把”,“一副”,“一条”等单位词,通常做复数。 scissors 剪刀 pincers 钳子 glasses 眼镜 shorts 短裤 trousers 裤子 jeans 牛仔裤 suspenders 背带 braces背带 shears大剪刀 sugar-tongs 方糖箝子 pliers钳子 Your trousers are worn. Youd change them. Joes new trousers are black and white. One pair of scissors isnt enough. My pants裤子 _ (be) being altered. Here _ a new pair of shoes. are, is,B. Nouns usually taking plural endings (p.24-25)archives档案 arms武器 clothes衣服 contents内容, 目录 eaves屋檐 fireworks烟火goods货物 minutes备忘录, 笔记 morals道德 remains遗体 belongings财产 stairs楼梯 suburbs市郊, 郊区 thanks感谢 wages工资 customs进口税 通常做复数,少数例外whereabouts行踪,dramatics舞台艺术。,B. ings n.通常用作复数,但是tidings(消息)即可做复数,也可做单数。clippings剪下的东西 diggings发掘物 earnings收入 filings锉屑 lodgings出租的房间 surroundings环境 sweepings垃圾 tidings消息,Odds用作单数和复数意义不同。Whats the odds?有什么要紧? The odds(几率,胜算) are against us.我们成功的机会很小。Remain(遗体)做复数, “遗迹”或“剩余物”用单复数都可。P.25,3. Concord with Collective N. Subject集体 A. Collective Nouns Usually Used as Plural (people, police, cattle, militia民兵组织, poultry家禽, vermin害虫, etc.) Poultry are dear in the city. Bacteria细菌 are likely to be killed at a very low temperature.B. Collective Nouns Usually Used as singular (foliage叶子总称, machinery机械, equipment, merchandise商品, etc.) How much machinery has been installed? Merchandise on the market becomes abundant in most places of China.p.27,C. Used either as Plural or as Singular The class is big. The class are taking notes in English. The public was convinced of his innocence. The public now know the whole story. The audience is enormous. The audience were enjoying every minute of the play.如果该名词表示的集体是一个整体,则用作单数;如果重点放在集体的成员上,则用作复数。,如果主语是由“acommitteeof/apanelof/a(the)boa


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