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六年级英语上册期末复习资料(深港版) Unit 1 A healthy body重点词汇centimetre(cm) n. 公分,厘米 kilogram(kg)n. 千克light a. 轻的;明亮的;浅色的 strong a. 强(壮)的lift v. 兴起;抬起 pull-up n. 引体向上than conj. 比 cheer v. 欢呼;喝彩;lazy a. 懒惰的 finish line n. 终点线wake up 醒来 congratulation n. 祝贺,庆贺body n. 身体 different a. 不同的,有差异的重点句型I was short.This year, Im taller and heavier.Im taller than Kim now.Unit 2 The natural world重点词汇country n. 国家;农村 flag n. 旗New Zealand n. 新西兰 place n. 地方,处所island n. 岛 world n. 世界Mount Qomolangma珠穆朗玛峰 winner n. 获胜者province n. 省 surfer n. 冲浪运动员amazing a. 令人惊异的 splendid a. 灿烂的,辉煌的famous a. 著名的 building 建筑物;房屋;大楼Potala Palace n. 布达拉宫 village n. 村庄,乡村enjoy v. 享受之乐趣 show n. 演出;展示,展览(会)knife n. 小刀;匕首;刀片 the Dead Sea 死海nothing n. 没有东西 most n. 大部分,大多数重点句型Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the worldThe longest river in China is the Changjiang River.What is the highest mountain in the world?Unit3 Space重点词汇sun n. 太阳,阳光 huge a. 巨大的,庞大的moon n. 月球;月光 planet n. 行星bright a. 明亮的;聪明的 question n. 问题talk v. 谈话,讲话 the solar system 太阳系fix v.修理;安装 sunrise n. 黎明,拂晓sunset n. 日落(时分) minute n. 分钟;一会儿float v. 漂浮,浮动 sleep n. 睡觉living a. 活着的around prep. 在周围 more a. 更(多)hour n. 小时重点句型The sun is huge. Its much bigger than the Earth.The Earth is one of the hottest planets. 形容词的比较级和最高级知识讲解及练习. 常见的形容词及比较级和最高级的构成(规则变化):. 在单词末尾加_ 构成比较级; 加the 和_ 构成最高级。如: small(小的)_ (更小的) _ _ (最小的)small小的short短的long长的kind和蔼的 clean干净的smart机灵的cold寒冷的cool凉爽的cheap便宜的few 少量的heavy 重的light 轻的 . 在单词末尾加_ 构成比较级; 加the 和_ 构成最高级。如: nice(漂亮的)_ (更漂亮的) _ (最漂亮的) nice漂亮的large 大的white白的fine好的 . 先改单词末尾的_ 为_, 加_ 构成比较级; 加the 和_ 构成最高级。如: funny(风趣的)_ (更风趣的) _ (最风趣的)funny 风趣的scary恐怖的 pretty漂亮的friend友好的ugly难看的lazy懒惰的 shy害羞的 curly卷曲的heavy重的 easy容易的 . 先双写在单词末尾的_字母 , 再加_ 构成比较级;加the 和_ 构成最高级。如: red(红的)_ (更红的) _ (最红的)red 红的big大的 hot热的thin瘦的fat胖的 . 在单词前加_构成比较级;加_ _ 构成最高级 如:interesting(有趣的)_ (更有趣的)_ (最有趣的)原级比较级最高级good/ wellbetterbestmany/ muchmoremostbad / badly(坏地)worseworstlittlelessleastfarfarther距离/ further(深奥的)farthest/ furthest. 特殊变化 . 形容词比较级的用法:表示两者(人或物)的比较。 比较级+than从句表示两者比较( A 比较级+than B ). 他比我高。He is _ (tall) than me. 他的头发比我的短。His hair is _(short) than _. He has _ (short) hair than _. Tom比我胖。 Tom is _ (fat) than me. 谁跑得快些,Lucy 还是Lily? Who runs _, Lucy or Lily? . 英语比语文重要。English is _ (important) than Chinese. 我来的比你晚。I come _ (late) than you. 他比你小2岁。Hes 2 years _ than you. 表示两者“相等”用,as+形容词原级+比较对象: (A as 原级 B )他和我一样高。 He is as _ (tall) as I/me.英语比语文重要。English is as _ (important) as Chinese.他的头发和我的头发一样长。His hair is _ _ _ mine.他学习和你一样努力。He works _ hard _ you. 比较级前可用much (很多)/ a little(稍微)等表示程度;比较: He is much _(heavy) this year than last year Tom is 157cm,Jack is 155cm,Tom is alittle _(tall)than Jack“比较级 +and+ 比较级”表示“越来越” 天气越来越冷了。Its getting _ and _(cold) “The+ 比较级,the+ 比较级”表示“越,就越越多越好 The _, the _. 形容词最高级的用法:表示三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,其中有一个超过其他几个。形容词最高级前要加the,后面通常带of(in)短语来说明比较的范围(of 后的名词或代词表示与主语属同一类;in 表示时间或空间范围)。在我们班上他最高。 He is _ ( tall) _ our class.玛丽是这三个学生中最小的。Mary is _ (young) _ the three students.【Exercise】一出下列单词的比较级1.tall_2.quiet_ 3.funny_4.heavy_5.thin_6.big_7.outgoing_8.wild_9.little_10.good_11.bad_12.many_二、单选题1.Tina is _ than Linda.A.shortB.more shorterC.shorterD.shorter2.This question is _ than that one.A.easyerB.more easy C.easy D.easier3.Im _ younger than her.A.a fewB.a littleC.littleD.few4.Lily is _ of the three.A.tallerB.tallestC.the tallerD.tall 5.The box is _ heavier than that one.Unit5 Faster, higher and stronger重点词汇metre (m) n. 米,公尺 runner n. 赛跑者;操作者hurdle n. 跨栏 team n. 队,组second n. 秒 medal n. 奖牌jumper n. 跳跃的人 better 较好的,更好的;好些dragon n. 龙 record n. 记录;唱片move v. 移动,搬动 without prep. 没有per prep. 每,每一 gold a. 金的,黄金的重点句型Youre a better jumper this year than last year.Alice is the best jumper in the school.They won more medals than Dragon Team.They won the most medals and they are in first placeUnit6 Famous stories重点词汇Mulan n. 花木兰smart a. 聪明的 brave a. 勇敢的hard-working 努力工作的 Journey to the West 西游记Monkey King 孙悟空 funny a.有趣的,滑稽可笑的Cinderella 灰姑娘 honest a.诚实的,正直的kind a.善良的 interesting a.有趣的character n.人物 laugh v. 笑,大笑Snow White 白雪公主 happily ad. 幸福地,快乐地everywhere ad. 到处 build v. 建筑;造night n. 夜;夜间 finally ad. 最后重点句型I like Monkey King the best.He is the most interesting character.She is more beautiful than Cinderella.Unit7 International food重点词汇fork n. 叉,餐叉 spoon n. 匙,调羹lunchtime n. 午餐时间 add v. 添加,增加cut v. 切,剪,削,割 popular a. 流行的,大众的cocoa n. 可可粉 South America南美洲taste v. 品尝,尝味 Europe n. 欧洲among prep. 在中间 shape n. 形状,外形mix v. 混合,搅拌 Italy n. 意大利special a. 特别的,专门的 anything pron. 什么事(物)Italian a. 意大利(人)的 similar a. 相似的, 像cheese n. 奶酪 cream n. 奶油,乳脂重点句型I like vegetables so I brought vegetable soup. I need some water or juice.I put in lots of chocolate and sugar.Its delicious but its not healthy to eat too much sweet foodbut,and,so,or的用法一 基本区别so表示所以,但是和中文的不一样,不能和because连用!or是或者/否则。例句:Would you want a cup of coffee or a cup of milk?你想要一杯咖啡或者一杯牛奶吗?Hurry up, or you will be late!抓紧,否则你会迟到!but表示转折,but后接的句子和前一句所表达的意思是相反的and“和”。和上一句意思相同,表示并列的。二 练习题1. You may do it yourself, ask someone to help you. 2. It was hard work, they really enjoyed it. 3. It was our first lesson, the teacher didnt know all our names. 4. He is short strong. 5. There is no air water on the moon.6. He went there by train she went there by airplane. 7. They made faces, we all laughed. 8. The baby watched listened. 9. I dont like fish, I like chicken. 10. My classmates all went to the park, I didnt go.深港版英语六年级上学期 重要句型1.你想告诉别人,去年你身高138cm,体重29kg,应该怎么说:_2.你想告诉别人你经常锻炼所以今年你很强壮,应该怎么说?_3


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