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英诗的节奏和格律 诗常被看作是用 节奏创造的美 它不仅供人阅读与欣赏 而且是供人吟诵的 一首诗往往包含若干诗节 stanza 或 strophe 每一节诗又分若干行 verse 或 line 每一行诗又可 分成若干音步 foot 每一行诗又可分成若干音步 foot 音 步是由重读音节按照一定的规则排列而成的 由此产生诗的格 律 meter 或 measure 英诗讲求节奏 rhythm 与和声 harmony 而节奏与和声来自诗的格律 音步和韵脚 英诗 的格律 音步和韵脚是有一定规律的 对这种规律的研究与描 述便是 作诗法 prosody 在每一个音步中 我们常用 代表重读音节 称作 扬 用 表示非重读音节 称作 抑 依照重读音节与非重读音节的排列规律 我们可以 把英诗的格律分为以下几种 抑扬格抑扬格 Iambus the iambic foot 即构成一行诗的每一 个音步都是由一个非重读音节加上一个重读音节构成的 例如 I wan der d l one lyas a cloud That floats on high o er vales and hills Williams Words worth The Daffodils And o er the hills and far away Beyond their ut most pur ple rim Beyond the night across the day Throu all the world shefol low d him Lord Alfred Tennyson The Day dream The Departure IV 扬抑格扬抑格 Troches the trochaic foot 即每一个音步都是由 一个重读音节加上一个非重读音节构成的 Art is long and Time is fleeting Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A Psalm of Life Men of England wherefore plough For the lords who lay you low Percy B Shelley Song to the Men of England 扬抑抑格扬抑抑格 Dactyl the dactylic foot 即每一个音 步包含一个重读音节加上两个非重读音节 Merrily merrily shall I live now Under the bloss om that hangs on the bough William Shakespeare The Tempest 抑抑扬格抑抑扬格 Anapaest the anapaestic foot 即由两个非重读 音节加上一个重读音节组成一个音步 Like a child from the womb like a ghost from the tomb I arise and unbuild it again Percy B Shelley The Cloud 以上四种格律是英诗的最基本的 也是最常用的格律 还 有三种比较少见的格律 抑扬抑格抑扬抑格 Amphibrach the amphibrachy foot 即 一个音步由三个音节组成 其中第一和第三音节为非重读音节 第二音节为重读音节 扬扬格扬扬格 Spondee 即一个音步内的两个音节全是重读音 节 抑抑格抑抑格 Pyrrhic 即一个音步内包含两个全是轻读的 音节 一个诗行可以有不同数目的音步 根据诗行所含有的音步 有以下 1 一音步 monometer Thus I Pass by And die 2 二音步 dimeter Rich the treasure Sweet the pleasure 3 三音步 trimeter O well for the fish erman s boy That he shouts with his sis ter at play O well for the sail lad That he sings in his boat on the bay 4 四音步 tetrameter Soldier rest Thy warfare o er Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking Dream of battled fields no more Days of danger nights of waking this is trochaic tetrameter 5 pentameter The cur few tolls the kell of part ing day The low ing herd winds slow ly o er the lea The plough man home ward plods his wear y way And leaves the world to dark ness and to me This poem is iambic pentameter 6 Hexameter On a mountain stretched be neath a hoary willow Lay a shepherd swain and viewed the rolling billow the trochaic hexameter 7 Heptameter seldom used in English poem Cursed be the so cial wants that sin against the strength of youth Cursed be the so cial lies that warp us from the liv ing truth Cursed be the sick ly forms that err from hon estna ture s rule 8 Octameter seldom used in English poetry But when I sit down to reson think to take my stand nor swerve While I triumph o er a se cret wrung from nature s reserve In you come with your cold music till I creep through every nerve Image includes visual image auditory ima


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