



单选题 unit2 cdbda bccbd adbca dacac 1 Though it was difficult Carlos knew the only thing to do would be to admit cheating on the test A honestly B honor C honorable D honest 2 Debbie is very to the plight of homeless people and always gets very emotional when she sees them on the street A empathy B empathetic C sympathy D sympathetic 3 Certain types of birds often develop the skill of and sound like they can speak A impressions B mimicry C personification D imitating 4 As babies develop they need to learn to before they can walk A run B climb C swim D crawl 5 When he was a child Tony lost all vision in his right eye so he feels for the difficulties faced by blind people A empathy B empathetic C sympathy D sympathetic 6 Kindergarten teachers often have to reprimand their students for A mimicry B misbehaviour C misery D misunderstanding 7 During the Christmas holiday many people feel a surge of and give to charities A malevolence B discipline C benevolence D sensitivity 8 Babies usually cry when they feel because they have no other way to express themselves A distinguished B dishonest C distressed D discouraged 9 Different cultures have different ways of their children A authorizing B disciplining C obeying D sympathizing 10 The research project was an success we managed to prove our theory conclusively A overage B overdue C overnight D overall 11 Thomas has no to the feelings of others he always makes very negative and offensive comments A sensitivity B sense C sensory D sensitive 12 No matter where Sue goes something major happens it s like she takes the along with her A comedy B tragedy C romance D drama 13 He reached out and her cheek tenderly A scratched B stroked C wiped D massaged 14 Brian felt incredible pressure and made a decision which ultimately turned out to be a big mistake A haste B hastily C hasty D hasten 15 The events of this morning were making everyone feel very depressed and lonely A sober B moderate C blissful D welcome 16 My brother was interested in taking that psychology class at school A eagerly B excitedly C impatiently D keenly 17 That documentary about the of African refugees won all the major awards A plight B flight C blight D slight 18 Her little sister is still just a n she turns six months next week A toddler B teenage C infant D adolescent 19 Children love to the actions they see in others so be careful what you do A imitate B irritate C instigate D implicate 20 The photographs strong memories of our holidays in France A damaged B impaired C evoked D imitated uint 3 cbacb abdad 11 The police presence at airports seemed to double after the bomb threat A overage B overdue C overnight D overall 12 In order to information from people investigators sometimes use questionable methods A extort B extract C exchange D exert 13 It is a federal crime to a lawyer in a courtroom A impersonate B personify C personalize D impersonal 14 After the September 11 attacks in the United States the government took extreme measures to make sure it wouldn t happen again A radical B revolutionary C terrorist D activist 15 International business and have made the world very interconnected and countries dependent on one another A online banking B commerce C credit cards D retail 16 I think pop up ads on the Internet and spam in my e mail inbox are terribly so much so that it might be an invasion of privacy A offensive B offense C defensive D defense 17 Online retailers such as Amazon and iTunes are so successful that they have become names A obvious B household C opportunistic D offensive 18 The new facial recognition security system knows who you are and if you have access to the building A anonymously B obviously C tastefully D automatically 19 Today s students simply have to go to find the answer to almost any homework question A online B Internet C Web D computer 20 After my store was broken into the police officer drove me home as a A prerequisite B prevention C pretension D precaution uint 4 badaa bcbdc 11 Your statement had a that I don t think you intended to make do you really think he should go to jail A denotation B connotation C commotion D proliferation 12 Tony tends to a lot of his stories you shouldn t believe absolutely everything he says A exaggerate B exaggeration C implicate D implication 13 Politicians need to be careful what they do or they will damage their public A picture B illustration C depiction D image 14 I don t agree with a lot of what he says I still think he s a good prime minister A nevertheless B although C while D whereas 15 Newspaper journalists are not required to reveal their if it might get that person in trouble A source B editor C writer D resource 16 In the courtroom the suspect s to the lawyer s questions was enough for the jury to know he was guilty A action B reaction C reactionary D actionable 17 Before the meeting began the secretary tried to the ground rules and guidelines A estimate B devastate C establish D deconstruct 18 I enjoy reading the essays in the newspaper every morning since they aren t as impartial as the articles A viewpoint B editorial C perspective D belief 19 She took many classes in school to prepare for a life reporting the news around the world A journal B journalist C journey D journalism 20 The police won t comment on an investigation since they still don t have all the answers A oncoming B online C ongoing D onward unit 7 acada bbdab dbcac bcddc 1 Dogs share many of the same as humans and can easily show emotion A attributes B distributes C tributes D reattributes 2 Compared to my pet frog that horse seemed like a animal A miniature B typical C giant D short 3 It might be hard to believe but some ants are of carrying more than ten times their body weight A capable B capability C able D ability 4 Over millions of years animals on Earth and adapted to many different environments A grew B involved C developed D evolved 5 Polar bears are able to stay warm in such cold places because they have a thick of fat beneath their fur A layer B coat C sheet D stack 6 Many animals like chipmunks live underground in vast networks of that they dig A holes B tunnels C openings D caves 7 Elephants are often called animals because of their size beauty and elegance A enormous B magnificent C interesting D compelling 8 Scientists have been studying DNA for years but they ve only a fraction of the information it contains A covered B recovered C discovered D uncovered 9 Charles Darwin suggested that humans and apes such as chimpanzees shared a similar from a common ancestor A descent B ascent C descendent D descendant 10 There is a famous story about a lion that had a thorn stuck in its A hand B paw C hoof D flipper 11 When he wants to go outside my dog will bark at the front door until someone opens it A unreliably B previously C distractedly D repeatedly 12 Penguins may look a little silly walking on land but they through water beautifully A leap B glide C squirm D drape 13 When a tiger shows its teeth that s an that it is about to attack A indicate B indicative C indication D ind


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