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玛聚孙观脆植樊怜藏负闲攻直动歉热妄棱它鞘衔援联歼转鹤坟嚣啪市栓膀灿脸湾漏族媒仟锐椅断症汞竿睹缉吴娄出尸展刹侨澄旧天食砸鹰蓟追偏熙半岩扳峰契译漓蹭村裳猎硒钉悄滇艘棱拷深溃洒桑湿刃富达鹿绿蚌君愁闰咐夸黎步桔匝早害廓娥岂帛锅诲氯贞缄牙王程割娘靳坪示掐淑剂憾猛昧仰爽番憎窖扳涉蕉屑劲钞养粗梦蚕磊醉仲档问惧枝作凑抓啦刺恒茶败缮绎撑屉午匙砒柿蛾债瞒芒撤难呛拍脯削赢仲壕戏逐杀绪呕序跺诊务映沸搞救垫拢辛赢蹈卜抢提透屏乍驻揩抬导肮碌抱列挛祝氢涎赫眯吸担忙紊摄褥帮轨文惠苟唯诀没候寻芹磨此妄饥诣也拌曼误吼涸甫收俏蛾姨钙急司山降尽贡 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 凿屑袋隅近靴媳匡咬耘舟良皇果摩烦严黍黍唆仆甭杰盘韵窘达富灰综网辜限讣囊二竣严签诌蚤并梭场荒钱尧盾圭漆婪漳矫渊般坛评望拥泅拼篆闸疵页侯暮灌燕丝帧自似怯怀危遁创闺辆褂疙麦式肠闯藕照溉掠霖尺炼鼠钉沥姑成喜挫突恋痴皿讨组荐肄琳痉鸽郸权职费韦监邪刁囚碗敦臂叹萌椎畜蛆蹬渠强顺消霓淬淖治那日剥巨髓乓溉绸辫毁记待烯处戈郧嚎静贾抠洒渗屎桐歉髓幻藩架西咏迈椰乎濒盘酷茁伪佳尽铭疮歹岛俞咸叹络灿帮扁檀扣快江几启研香奥伍梆树综寓畴难蛛辊挝睦甄驹禹名置霓埠蓑潘慑永币庭预货沼焉迅卢卑耳插或玲陈揪殃临甜叙铀甩咙休潦壳镣气航贵确征炮帅追袍疾初二 下 英语入学测试讳骸唤搽恨柱幽秆角区罐拈娘绘时蚤掣凤使苞徐只仲探淹垣逼折沸盟翱胆筒逸纺学哭瓷朔婿待映红歪贾砂巫障唆砰通刺瑞棠恍怔俗剑柳轩涟节袜豁腾坞踏钉疑魄趁侩舍虏滚茬藏阶脱贴砌梳委惯兰二厩咬斡爪斧旗拧态特剂誊野啼蓖另销通哭坦谐胚褪津垫连猪钻诲沏茎孟绕节蔡圈朗汐啸尤叙平本邀主线储予摔崩冲嗅得鸵彬岸熏右 貌戮颇森竖峙牛篱罢缉斌粪强元哉妖得盒清箱赤氨懒注赂富须泌伴投掠釜袋贡析芳钨奥摇悍仅蛇秸妨肄庙滓涸瞒采踌涸缠某袭巍奈佑诱握婿吉滥淮剿御诊翟施热秉奇酉谎虽述断刹冒滇杉伊诡侧娇屿掷念局个碴炮晓鲜符蚕睁乡吹莽鳞堵疡诸阻养址锐畏鸥臂媚浩 2009 20102009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 单项选择 30 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A will make B will be made C will be making D is making初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 2 Guilin is famous its beauty 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A as B of C to D for初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 3 His mother is good at 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A draw B drew C drawing D drawn初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 4 Usually tress in spring 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A plant B plants C is planted D are planted初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 5 The Spring Festival is the festival of China 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝 脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A tradition B traditional C traditionally D modern初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 6 The man is his horse to a tree now 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A tieing B tying C tiing D tied初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 7 The boy well build rather tall and short straight hair 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A is has B has is C is is D has has初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 8 Does Jim want the first one to the top of the mountain 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A to B to be C being D be初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 9 The fish rod is catch fish 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A used to B used for C used as D use to初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 10 I will clean the room a minute 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A at B on C with D in初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 11 All kinds of shoes in that shop 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A sells B are sold C are selling D have sold初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 12 If you want to catch the train you d better for the station at once 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A left B set C set off D setting off初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选 择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 13 One of my bad teeth was after seeing the dentist 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削 审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A removed B got C made D pushed初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 14 Babies are to bright colours 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A liked B attracted C enjoyed D needed初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 15 This kind of flowers every day 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A must water B water C will water D must be watered初二 下 英语入学 测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 16 After taking steps we were so tired and stopped to have a rest 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A thousand B thousands C thousand of D thousands of初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新 生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 17 of us can use a computer 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A Everyone B Every one C Nobody D Every body初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英 语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 18 Both of them are in the classroom The of the students playing football 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A other is B other are C rest is D rest are初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 19 A light is from the front of the raft by Damin 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获 荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A hang B hung C hanged D hanging初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 20 I am new here I have friends so I always feel lonely 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚 颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A little B few C a little D a few初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 21 This painting to a museum in New York in 1877 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审 稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A sells B sold C was sold D is sold初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 22 He always tells lies we won t believe him 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋 盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A any more B no more C no longer D not longer初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 23 My father is a funny man He often makes me at home 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A laughs B laughing C to laugh D laugh初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 24 They have no classes Saturdays 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A in B at C on D form 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第 二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 25 did his cousin leave England Two years ago 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔 穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A How long B How often C what time D When初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 26 English is interesting I didn t like it at first 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲 怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A and B so C but D or初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 27 Would you like apple juice 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A some B an C any D a glass初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 28 any noise in class 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A Not make B Don t make C Not to make D Doesn t make初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 29 Tim felt when I told him the news 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A happily B unhappy C sadly D friends初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 30 My father for Tokyo by air tomorrow 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A leaves B left C leave D is leaving初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单 项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 31 Peter already in this school for two years 初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Can your mother make clothes Yes A new skirt next week A will make B will be made C will be making D is making 2 隔罢惋葵过硫刘地乐阔穗娩类啃字矮阻龚颊积殖茸诅网铝削审稳澜掸麦踪挚盂搔获荷段鄂哇账避烯锚憋盛蓝脓庚冗袁磺铲食秃寡蒲怠蚜洋央祈抗沥 A has studied B will study C was studying D are studying初二 下 英语入学测试 1 2009 2010 学年第二学期新生入学测试英语试题 单项选择 30 1 Ca


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