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Secco Performance Management Policy 赛科绩效制度 Revision No A00 版本号版本号 A00 Issue Date 签发日期签发日期 Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited 上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司 SECCO Business Procedures 赛科业务流程赛科业务流程 SUBJECT 文件标题文件标题 赛科绩效管理制度赛科绩效管理制度 SECCO Performance Management Policy A00APPROVED FOR IMPLEMENTATION 签发供执行 Issue Rev 版本号 Issue or Revision Description 签发或修改说明 Origin By 制文人 Date 日期 Check By 校对人 Date 日期 Approve By 批准人 Date 日期 Approve By 批准人 Date 日期 This Document Is Owned By 本文件持有人本文件持有人 Full name please 请用全名请用全名 HR Secco Performance Management Policy 赛科绩效制度 HRHRHR程序程序程序程序 HRHRHR PROCEDURESPROCEDURESPROCEDURES 赛科绩效赛科绩效管理管理制度制度 SECCO Performance Management Policy 1适适用用范范围围 ELIGIBILITY 全体员工 包括直接雇员 股东方派遣人员 借用人员和临时聘用人员 All Staff includes SECCO direct hired employee secondees from shareholders borrowed personnel and temporary engaged personnel 2目目的的 OBJECTIVE 有效地 不断提升员工的工作表现 以实现赛科的经营目标 改善员工的工作表 现 以达到赛科的经营目标 To constantly and effectively raise the standard of employee s performance towards the achievement of SECCO s business goals 发掘员工的潜力 帮助员工发展与成功 实现职业理想和提高员工满意度 发掘 员工的潜力 帮助员工成功与发展 To realize employees potential help them develop and become successful fulfill their career aspirations and raise their satisfaction level 同时 它也为公平合理地进行员工的职务晋升 薪资调整 员工激励等提供依据 The performance management system also supports a more objective decision making in relation to promotion increment awards etc 有效的绩效管理系统还将改善主管经理与员工之间的相互了解和沟通 增进团队 合作及以绩效为核心的企业文化氛围的形成 An effective performance management system helps to improve the communication and understanding between subordinates and supervisors improve teamwork and cultivate a performance oriented corporate culture 3职责职责 ROLES RESPONSIBILITY 员工本人 基于部门的整体目标与主管经理共同制定个人绩效目标和能力发展计 划 签订本人的年度业绩合同 采取改进措施提高个人绩效 进行年度自我评定 Secco Performance Management Policy 赛科绩效制度 并就绩效考核的结果提供反馈 Individual employee Indicate agreement on the year s performance target and personal development plan which is derived from a department s overall objective and established jointly with direct supervisor Adopt a self improving attitude to raise own performance standards conduct self appraisal provide feedback on appraisal results 员工主管经理 负责帮助员工确定并达成绩效目标和能力发展计划 同员工签订 其年度业绩合同 对员工绩效进行跟踪和辅导 提出绩效改进意见 进行年度考 核评定 Employee s direct superior Help employees identify and achieve their performance target and skill development provide feedback and coaching conduct annual appraisal 人力资源部 作为公司内部的专业顾问 负责管理绩效系统的执行 对员工和考 核者分别进行培训和辅导 执行绩效考核的前期准备和后续跟踪 分析和报告绩 效考核的总体情况 The HR department Being the internal consultant to the Company this department is responsible for the execution of performance management system provide coaching and training to appraisers and appraisees make the necessary preparation for performance appraisal as well as provide follow up analysis and report the overall results of the Company s annual performance appraisal to the management 绩效管理委员会 就员工对绩效考核结果的不同意见进行调查和裁决 Performance Management Committee It is responsible for investigating and making final decisions on appraisal results which have been challenged by employees 总经理 副总经理 负责审核部门的绩效目标并做出最终决策 General Manager and Deputy General Manager It is responsible for auditing department s performance target and finalizing policies 4管理程序管理程序 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE 4 1 绩效目标设定绩效目标设定Setting Performance Objectives 4 1 1根据公司年度经营目标 由高级管理层确定各部门的业绩目标 各部门将部门整 体业绩目标逐级分解至每位员工 Starting from the business objectives set for the Company for the year General Manager and Deputy General Manager should determine the objective for each department for the departments to cascade down the business Secco Performance Management Policy 赛科绩效制度 objective to each individual employee 4 1 2员工与主管经理就员工需要达到的业绩目标以及学习和发展规划达成共识 签订 个人的业绩合同 此项工作往往结合上一年度的个人业绩考核展开 Individual employee will then discuss with his her supervisor on the business objective learning and development plan for that year and gain agreement This often requires them to make reference to the previous year s performance appraisal 4 2 绩效管理周期绩效管理周期 Performance Management Cycle 4 2 1绩效计划 每年 3 月底之前员工完成目标设定 新员工在加入公司两个月后 与 主管经理共同签署本人的年度业绩合同 Performance Planning Employees have to set their performance goals before the end of every March New employees have to agree with their manager in charge on their performance objectives for the year two months after joining the Company 4 2 2绩效跟进 主管经理应持续关注员工表现 定期与员工面谈 对员工绩效进行记 录 跟踪和辅导 Follow up Managers should pay continuous attention to their subordinates performance conduct periodical discussions with them to review their performance keep proper records follow up and provide coaching 4 2 3年中绩效回顾 每年七月 围绕业绩合同 由各级员工与主管经理一起对于上半 年员工的工作绩效进行共同回顾 并提出下半年绩效改善的措施 填写员工中期业绩小结 Mid year review Based on the performance plans agreed upon at the beginning of the year managers will conduct a performance review with their subordinates every July Discussions will focus on the performance in the first half year summarize achievement so far and identify areas for improvement for the second half year 4 2 4年度绩效考核 次年一月 各级员工与主管经理一起对于员工的业绩和能力发展 情况进行总结和审核 并由上一层主管进行最终审核 Annual Performance Appraisal Managers will conduct an annual performance appraisal with their subordinates in January of the following year to assess performance and development progress for the year The completed annual performance appraisal has to be audited by the next level manager Secco Performance Management Policy 赛科绩效制度 4 3 绩效评定绩效评定 Performance Grading 4 3 1员工的绩效考核结果可分为以下 5 个等级 Employees performance appraisal results can be classified into the following 5 grades 显著地超出 Outstanding O 突出的业绩表现 全面超过业绩合同制定的关键业绩指标 并且为团队目标的完成有 突出贡献 这部分人员约为 5 10 Far exceed the agreed key business targets and contributes significantly to the completion of team objective These employees should constitute between 5 10 of the employee population 完成并超出目标 Exceed agreed objectives E 超过业绩合同制定的关键业绩指标 并且在主要的工作上表现优秀 Exceed the agreed key business targets and has performed well in main areas of work 成功地完成目标 Successfully meet performance targets S 全部达到业绩合同的关键业绩指标 Meet fully the agreed key business targets 以上两类人员约占全体员工的 70 80 The above two categories generally form between 70 80 of the total workforce 完成大部分目标 Meet most of performance targets M 完成了业绩合同中的大部分关键业绩指标 有待发掘自身潜力 以更好地提升个人绩 效表现 这部分人员约为 10 20 Meet most of the key business targets capable of further developing potential to improve performance These employees should constitute between 10 20 of the total workforce 没有完成目标 Fail to meet F 由于主观的原因 未能达到业绩合同制定的关键业绩指标 必须立即加以改进 这部 分人员比例为 0 5 For some personal reasons fail to meet the agreed key business targets Have to improve immediately These employees should constitute no more than 5 of the total workforce 4 3 2直接经理将考核结果反馈给员工 员工如认为考核结果不能客观正确反映本人业 绩 可以书面形式向部门主任提出不同意见并说明理由 人力资源部将收集各部门有分歧 的考核结果交由公司绩效管理委员会讨论和裁决 Direct superior should feedback appraisal results to employees If employees feel that their appraisal results do not reflect their performance objectively they can write to their department head to express different Secco Performance Management Policy 赛科绩效制度 views and provide supporting information The HR Department will gather all appraisal results which have been challenged by employees to be passed on to the performance management committee for discussion and final assessment 4 3 3绩效管理委员会就考核结果中可能存在的偏差和错误进行调整 并对被考核员工 提出的不同意见做出最终裁决 The performance management committee will review all the appraisals which have been challenged investigate employees comments and make necessary adjustments to reduce subjectivity It is responsible for making the final decision on employees appraisal 4 3 4绩效管理委员会可在绩效突出的员工中 评选部分员工 给予额外的奖励 同时 作为业绩标杆 倡导全体员工进行学习 The performance management committee can select a few outstanding employees to receive additional awards and to be recognized as all employees role model 4 3 5第二层和第三层管理人员的业绩由总经理和副总经理最终审核 Performance of managers at Level 2 and 3 will be appraised by the GM and DGM 4 3 6总经理的业绩由公司董事会进行考核 The GM s performance will be appraised by the Board of Directors 4 3 7每年 9 月 30 日以后加入公司的员工不参加当年的年度绩效考核 Staff who join SECCO after September 30 every year will not be involved in the year end performance evaluation process 4 4 年终绩效评估实施细则年终绩效评估实施细则 Annual Appraisal Implementation Timeline 4 4 112 月


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