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Part Reading Comprehension Skimming and Scanning Directions In this part you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions For questions 31 37 mark Y for YES if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage N for NO if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage NG for NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage For questions 38 40 complete the sentences with the information given in the passage How to live to be 200 Twenty years ago I knew a man called Jiggins who had the health habits He used to take a cold plunge every morning He said it opened his pores After it he took a hot sponge He said it close the pores He got so skill that he could open and shut his pores at will Jiggins used to stand and breathe at an open window for half an hour before dressing He said it expanded his lungs He might of course have had it done in a shoe store with a boot stretcher but after all it cost him nothing this way and what was half an hour After he had got his undershirt on Jiggins used to hitch himself up like a dog in harness and do Shadow exercises He did them forwards backwards and hind side up He could have got a job as a dog anywhere He spent all his time at this kind of thing In his spare time at the office he used to lie on his stomach on the floor and see if he could lift himself up with his knuckles If he could then he tried some other way until he found one that he couldn t do Then he could spend the rest of his lunch hour on his stomach perfectly happy In the evenings in his room he used to lift iron bars cannonballs heavy dumb bells and haul himself up to the ceiling with his teeth You could hear the thumps half a mile He liked it He spent half the night slinging himself around his room He said it made his brain clear When he got his brain perfectly clear he went to bed and slept As soon as he woke he began clearing it again Jiggins is dead He was of course a pioneer but the fact that he dumbbelled himself to death at an early age does not prevent a whole generation of young men from following in his path They are ridden by the Health Mania They make themselves a nuisance They get up at impossible hours They go out in silly little suits and run Marathon heats before breakfast They chase around barefoot to get the dew on their feet They hunt for ozone They bother about pepsin They won t eat meat because it has too much nitrogen They won t eat fruit because it hasn t any They prefer albumen and starch and nitrogen to huckleberry pie and doughnuts They won t drink water out of a tap They won t eat sardines out of a can They won t use oysters out of a pail They won t drink milk out of glass They are afraid of alcohol in any shape Yes sir afraid Cowards And after all their fuss they presently incur some simple old fashioned illness and die like anybody else Now people of this sort have no chance to attain any great age They are on the wrong track Listen Do you want to live to be really old to enjoy a grand green exuberant boastful old age or to make yourself a nuisance to your whole neighborhood with your reminiscences Then cut out all this nonsense Cut it out Get up in the morning at a sensible hour The time to get up is when you have to not before If your office opens at eleven get up at ten thirty Take your chance on ozone There isn t any such thing anyway Or if there is you can buy a thermos bottle full for five cents and put it on a shelf in your cupboard If your work begins at seven in the morning get up at ten minutes earlier but don t be earlier enough to say that you like it It isn t exhilarating and you know it Also drop all that cold bath nonsense You never did it when you were a boy Don t be a fool now If you must take a bath you do not really need to take it warm The pressure of getting out of a cold bed and creeping into a hot bath beats a cold plunge to death In any case stop gassing about your tub and your shower as if you were the only man who ever washed Next take the question of germs and bacilli Don t be scared of them That s all That s the whole thing and if you once get on to that you never need to worry again If you see a bacilli walk right up to it and look it in the eye If one flies into your room strikes at it with your hand or with a towel Hit it as hard as you can between the neck and the throat It will soon get sick of that But as a matter of fact a bacilli is perfectly quiet and harmless If you are not afraid of it speak to it Call out to it to lie down It will understand I had a bacilli once called Fido It would come and lie at my feet while I was working I never knew a more affectionate companion and when it was run over by an automobile I buried it in the garden with genuine sorrow Understand that it is only a fad of modern medicine to say that cholera and typhoid and diphtheria are caused by bacilli and germs nonsense Cholera is caused by a frightful pain in the stomach and diphtheria is caused by trying to cure a sore throat Now take the question of food Eat what you want Eat lots of it Yes eat too much of it Eat till you can just stagger across the room with it and prop it up against a sofa cushion Eat everything that you like until you can t eat any more The only test is can you pay for it If you can t pay for it don t eat it And listen don t worry as to whether your food contains starch or albumen or gluten or nitrogen If you are fool enough to want these things go and buy them and eat all you want of them Go to a laundry and get a bag of starch and eat your fill of it Eat it and take a good long drink of glue after it and a spoonful of Portland cement That will gluten you good and solid If you like nitrogen go and get a druggist to give you a canful of it at the soda counter and let you sip it with a straw Only don t think that you can mix all these things up with your food There isn t any nitrogen or phosphorus or albumen in ordinary things to eat In any decent household all that sort of stuff is washed out in the kitchen sink before the food is put on the table And just one word about fresh air and exercise Don t bother with either of them Get your room full of good air then shut up the windows and keep it It will keep for years Anyway don t keep using your lungs all the time Let them rest As for exercise if you have to take it take it and put up with it But as long as you have the price of a hack and can hire other people to play baseball for you and run races and do gymnastics when you sit in the shade and smoke and watch them great heavens what more do you want 31 Jiggins got up very early took a cold bath did exercise whenever he had time during the work and lifted dumbbell etc in the evening as a result he lived a long life 32 Health Mania people have a chance to attain great age and make themselves a nuisance to their whole neighborhood with their reminiscences 33 People who make great fuss about health become cowards and dare not eat or drink many things 34 Eat as much as possible and sleep as late as you can and you are sure to live a long life 35 If you cut out all the things as Higgins did you could enjoy a long and good life 36 Germs and bacilli are not the sources of diseases and they can be good to one s health 37 The author writes this article in a satirical way which is very thought provoking 31 Y N NG 32 Y N NG 33 Y N NG 34 Y N NG 35 Y N NG 36 Y N NG 37 Y N NG 38 Why don t you sit and smoke as long as you can afford to hire other people to play baseball for you and 39 Drop the cold bath nonsense and enjoy the pressure of getting out of a cold bed and 40 Cut out all this nonsense to live to the really old to enjoy a grand green exuberant Part Reading Comprehension Reading in Depth Section A Directions In this section there is a passage with ten blanks numbered from 41 to 50 You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage Read the passage through carefully before making your choices Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter Please fill in each blank with a letter You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once The flood of women into the job market boosted economic growth and changed U S society in many ways Many in home jobs that used to be done 41 by women ranging from family shopping to preparing meals to doing 42 work still need to be done by someone Husbands and children now do some of these jobs a 43 that has changed the target market for many products Or a working woman may face a crushing poverty of time and look for help elsewhere creating opportunities for producers of frozen meals child care centers dry cleaners financial services and the like Although there is still a big wage 44 between men and women the income working women 45 gives them new independence and buying power For example women now 46 about half of all cars Not long ago many cars dealers 47 women shoppers by ignoring them or suggesting that they come back with their husbands Now car companies have realized that women are 48 customers It s interesting that some leading Japanese car dealers were the first to 49 pay attention to women customers In Japan fewer women have jobs or buy cars the Japanese society is still very much male oriented Perhaps it was the 50 contrast with Japanese society that prompted American firms to pay more attention to women buyers A scale F affordable K voluntary B retailed G situation L excessive C earn H really M insulted D extreme I potential N purchase E technically J gap O primarily Section B Directions There are 2 passages in this section Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A B C and D You should decide on the best choice Passage One Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage As we have seen the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits smoking and failure to exercise The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further Imagine a person who is about the right weight but does not eat very nutritious 有营养的 foods who feels OK but exercises only occasionally who goes to work every day but is not an outstanding worker who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts but sleeps a lot and often feels tired This person is not ill He may not even be at risk for any particular disease But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely not ill and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body s special needs Both types have simply been called well In recent years however some health specialists have begun to apply the terms well and wellness only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise and they make a point of monitoring their body s condition Most importantly perhaps people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health Even people who have a physical disease or handicap 缺陷 may be well in this new sense if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations Wellness may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve but as an ideal that people can strive for And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life 51 Today medical care is placing more stress on A keeping people in a healthy physical condition B monitoring patients body functions C removing people s bad living habits D ensuring people s psychological well being 52 In the first paragraph people are reminded that A good health is more than not being ill B drinking even if not to excess could be harmful C regular health checks are essential to keeping fit D prevention is more difficult than cure 53 Traditionally a person is considered well if he A does not have any unhealthy living habits B does not have any physical handicaps C is able to handle his daily routines D is free from any kind of disease 54 According to the author the true meaning of wellness is for people A to best satisfy their body s special needs B to strive to maintain the best possible health C to meet the strictest standards of body health D to keep a proper balance between work and leisure 55 According to the author which of the following groups of people would be considered healthy A People who have strong muscles as well as slim figures B People who are not presently experiencing any symptoms of disease C People who try to be as healthy as possible regardless of their limitations D People who can recover from illness even without seeking medical care Passage Two Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage Global warming may or may not be the greatest environmental crisis of the 21st century but regardless of whether it is or isn t we won t do much about it We will argue over it and may even as a nation make some fairy solemn sounding commitments to avoid it But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem the less likely they are to be observed Al Gore calls global warming an inconvenient truth as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution But the real truth is that we don t know enough to relieve global warming and without major technological breakthroughs we can t do much about it From 2003 to 2050 the world s population is projected to grow from 6 4 billion to 9 1 billion a 42 increase If energy use per person and technology remain the same total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions mainly carbon dioxide will be 42 higher in 2050 But that s too low because societies that grow richer use more energy We need economic growth unless we condemn the world s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else s living standards With modest growth energy use and greenhouse emissions will more than double by 2050 No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom limits on electricity usage driving and travel that might cut back global warming Still politicians want to show they re doing something Consider the Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书 It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn t But it hasn t reduced carbon dioxide emissions up about 25 since1990 and many signatories 签字国 didn t adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008 2012 targets The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster the only solution is new technology Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with


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