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笔者一直被一个问题所困扰:“ 从初中到高中,学生积累了一定的词汇和语法知识,经历了 数次考试,学习也可谓勤奋,但为何依旧成效甚微,不该犯的错误却屡见不鲜 ” ?其具体表 现为:词汇方面词义范围不分,词性不分,忽视搭配等;语法上主谓不一致,粘连句,虚词 错误等;语用上忽视语境,中英文一一对应等。长期教学实践中, 笔者终于找到其症结所在 -汉语固有的逻辑思维模式。 汉语作为一种东方语言, 英语作为一种西方语言, 它们之间 所蕴涵的逻辑思维是截然相反的。如对地址的表达,汉语的逻辑思维是从大到小, 如:某省 某市某县某镇;而英语的逻辑思维是从小到大,如:某镇某县某市某省。认真分析的话,我 们会发现:从简单的词汇,到复杂的语句成分构成,再到地道的语用, 两种语言的逻辑思维 完全是南辕北辙!正是如此,从而导致了解题和语用中错误不断。为此,经过探讨和总结, 特将英语中常用的几种逻辑思维模式总结如下,以达抛砖引玉。一 分隔 “ ”分隔是指在两个本应紧紧相连的两个成分或两个分句之间, 插入其它成分从而被隔开的一种 语序变动现象。分隔现象是英语和汉语之间的一个显著区别,因此最容易干扰我们对句意, 文意的理解,打断正常的解题思路。 能起分隔作用的有短语(介词短语,分词短语和不定式 短语等 ,从句和附加成分(插入语,同位语,独立成分等 。常见分隔方式如下:1 主谓分隔 He, however, didnt understand at all the theory on which I based my invention.(然而, 他对我发明的理论基础一窍不通。 Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, which, of course, made the others envy him. (海伦对她小儿子比对其他孩子和善得多,当然这遭到其他孩子的嫉 妒。 Anyway, that evening, which Ill tell you more about later, ended up staying at Rachels place. (不管怎样,那天晚上我就呆在了 Rachel 的住所,这件事我以后还会和你讲。 2 动宾分隔It is better for you to take with you whatever you need most anytime.(你最好把你最需要 的任何东西都带走。 All of us demanded of him whether he had heard from her recently.(我们大家都问他最近 是否收到她的来信。 3 系表分隔Einstein was in the eyes of a young friend, a simple, modest and ordinary man.(在青年朋 友眼里,爱因斯坦是位纯朴,谦逊的普通人。 4 定语分隔There is no report to us of any accident.(没有向我们作任何有关事故方面的报道。 5 定语从句与先行词分隔The days are gone when we Chinese were bullied by the invaders.(中国人受侵略者欺负 的日子一去不复返了。 6 同位语与先行词分隔The question sometimes comes to my mind whether it was worth the effort.(有时我会想 到这样一个问题:是否值得花这么大力气。 Ther e is no doubt, in my opinion, that what matters is not ones looks, but ones inner thoughts. (我深信,不是一个人的外表重要,而是他的内在。 7 介宾分隔I am not interested in, to tell the truth, this town and its people.(实话告诉你,我对这座城 市及城里人不感兴趣。 二 前移 “ ”英文中, 为了增强语言表达力, 丰富表达思想, 往往会打破常规, 通常将宾语, 宾语补足语, 主语补足语,状语等前移到句首,给人一种突然的感觉。如下示例:1 Upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends.(宾语 前移一个国家的命运决定于这个国家全体国民所受的教育。Her appearance all admired, while her personality few praised. 大家都羡慕她长得漂亮, 但很少有人称赞她的个性。Whatever trouble Mr. White had dealing with the case, he would stick to his own opinion. 无论史密斯先生在解决此事中有多大麻烦,他都将坚持自己的观点。2 A scandal I call it.(宾补前移我把这叫丑闻。3 So angry was he that he couldnt speak a word.(表语前移他如此生气以至于一句话也 说不出来。Raining hard as it is, Im going out for a walk.4 Here are some letters for you to type.(地点状语前移这有几封信要你给打印出来。 From the valley came a tinkling sound. 从山谷穿来叮叮的驼铃声。5 To sleep late in the morning, he switched off the alarm oclock. (目的状语前移为了早 上晚起,他关掉了闹钟。Rather than take a bus, he prefers to go to work on foot. 他宁愿步行去上班也不愿乘坐公 交。6 Only by hard study and much patience can one master a foreign language.(方式状语前 移一个人只有努力学习且有耐心才能掌握一门外语。Tom, as does his brother, studies hard. 汤姆和弟弟一样学习努力。7 Should both of us change into 2 butterflies, we would fly away with the wind together.(条 件状语前移三 反说 “ ”英文中不难发现, 当我们表达某种意义时, 有时不从正面着手, 而是从反面或者侧面入手进 行阐述,笔者将其结构称为 “ 正话反说 ” :1 表达说话人强烈感情的疑问句含明显肯定意义。Who does not know? (= Everybody knows.Why not do some shopping? (= Lets do some shopping.2 “ 否定词 + without” ,双重否定,表肯定意义。There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。I cannot see the picture without thinking of my mother. 每次见到这张相片我都会想起我妈 妈。3 cannot / never too / over / enough 表示 “ 非常 ” 。You cannot be too careful while driving. 开车时,你越小心越好。He cannot see you soon enough. 他想很快见到你。The importance cannot be over emphasized. 其重要性再怎么强调也不为过。4 not until “ 直到 才 ” 。The bus didnt leave until all the seats were taken. 直到车上坐满了乘客,汽车才开走。 Not until he failed did he realize what mistakes he had made. 直到失败了他才明白所犯的 错误是什么。5 “no + 比较级 + than” 结构(= as + 比较级反义词的原级 + as “ 与 一样 ” 。I regret to tell you her English is no better than yours. 很遗憾,她的英语和你一样差。6 “ 否定词(no / not / never / nothing + v + 比较级 ” 结构:I cant agree more. 我完全同意。Nothing is more important than knowledge. 只是最重要。7 “ 否定词(no / not / never / nothing + v + a / an + 比较级 + 单数名词 ” 结构表示 “ 最 的 ” 。We have never seen a more interesting film than this one. 这是我们看过的最有趣的电影。 8 其它一些结构: - What did you say?- So you werent listening to me. The WTO cannot live up to its name if it doesnt include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. 如果世贸组织不包括一个拥有世界人口五分之一的国家, 那它就名不副实。 Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.四 避免重复 “ ”避免用词重复是英语句子的又一大特点, 主要是通过使用代词, 同义词, 近义词和省略等手 段来避免重复的。从词类角度看,重复的多是名词,动词和形容词这些实词,而词义较抽象 的代词,介词,助动词等虚词则不怕重复,可谓 “ 避实就虚 ” 。受汉语表达习惯的影响,中学 生在表达时,常不自觉地加上不必要的修饰语,这点虽符合汉语的表达习惯,但译成英文, 则既累赘, 又失表达的准确。 如 “ 请给我们多提宝贵意见 ” , 译文不必说:Please give us your valuable opinions (valuable多余 。 正确的说法是:Your opinions will be appreciated. 具体 如下:1 使用代词避免重复Can you mend this chair? I broke it yesterday.2 使用同义词避免重复s extraordinary performance was learning to operate anine, the animal had learned to drive a vehicle. 这只猴子最出色的表演是学开拖拉机。 到 9岁时,它已学会独自驾驶拖拉机了。 (第二句用 animal 和 vehicle 代替上文的 monkey 和 tractor ,虽前者意义宽泛,但在特定的上下文中不会引起误解,而且行文也显得活泼了。 3 使用省略避免重复 He spoke for the first motion and against the second. (the second = the second motion (省略名词 Some books are to be tasted, others (are to be swallowed, and some few (are to be chewed and digest. 书有可浅尝者,有可尽食者,少数则需咀嚼消化。 (省略动词 Robert seemed angry, and George certainly was (angry. 罗伯特似乎生气了,而乔治 肯定是生气了。 (省略形容词 I didnt notice it until too late. (= until it was too late. 等我注意这事时, 已经太晚了。 (省 略从句五 平行结构 “ ”平行结构指的是相同的语法结构, 它要求有同等重要的思想、 概念, 并列的句子成分要用同 类的语法形式来表达, 要用并列连词连接。 平行结构是一种修辞手法, 它可以使句子前后保 持平衡和协调,从而增加语言的连贯性。 如:Fishing is his favorite hobby, and _.A. hed like to collect coins as well B. he feels like collecting coins, tooC. to collect coins is also his hobby D. collecting coins also gives him great pleasure 此题考查平行结构, and 连接两个以动名词作主语的平行分句,前一分句是 主语 +系动词 +表语 ,后一分句是 主语 +谓语 +宾语 ,构成平行结构。正确答案为 D 。平行结构常常使用并列连词,如 and, but, or, neither.nor, either.or, not only.but also, not.but 等, 我们在使用这些并列连词时要注意它们所连接的应该是名词和名词, 副词和副 词,分词和分词,不定式和不定式,动词对动词,句子和句子等,而不能其中一个概念用分 词结构表达, 而另一个概念用不定式或从句来表达。 比如下面两个句子就违反了平行结构的 准则: Do some nice things for your parents that they dont expect, like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the floors.“ 做饭 ” 、 “ 刷碗 ” 、 “ 洗衣服 ” 、 “ 拖地 ” 在本句中应为并列结构,故应用相同的语法形式,都用动 名词,所以应将 clean 改为 cleaning 。 Mr. Johnson was young, energetic, and having interest in many activities.这个句子中的三个表语具有相同的语法功能, 都是说明主语的, 应该放在相同的结构中, 都 用形容词。 因此, 应该把 having interest in many activities改为 interested in many activities。 平行结构有下面几种常见形式:1. 名词平行结构The patients symptoms were fever, dizziness, and headache. 病人的症状是发烧、头晕 和头痛。2. 形容词、副词平行结构Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、 富有、聪明。The work is handsomely and skillfully done. 这项工作做得漂亮,有水平。3. 分词平行结构The boys were running, shouting and laughing. 男孩子们一边跑,一边喊叫着、笑着。 The old man returned home, disappointed and exhausted. 老人回到了家里精疲力竭,非 常失望。4. 动名词平行结构Henrys work is reading books and writing book reviews.亨利的工作是读读书,写写书评。 Alice said shed prefer swimming to playing tennis in such hot weather.爱丽斯说在这样的 热天她宁愿游泳而不去打网球。5. 动词不定式平行结构Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. (Francis Bacon 有些书是应当尝尝滋味的, 有些书是应当吞食下去的, 有少数书 是应当咀嚼和消化的。On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. 另一方面, 40%的同 学认为应收门票, 他们认为门票费可以作为支付园林工人及其他工作人员的工资和购买新花 木的费用。6. 介词短语平行结构We went to the museum by bike instead of by bus. 我们骑自行车而不是坐汽车去博物馆。 Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书使人愉悦,使人高雅,使人聪 慧。7. 谓语动词平行结构May you keep fit, study well and work hard. 祝你身体好,学习好,工作好。8. 整句结构平行Should the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket or turned over to the policeman? Should the extra change received at the store be forgotten or returned? Nobody will know except you. 在大街上捡到的钱包是装进自己的口袋里还是应该交给警察?商店多找给我们 的零钱是被忘掉还是应该被归还?这些除了你自己之外谁也不会知道。六 主句唯一 “ ”1主句专一原则英语为 “ 树式结构 ” , 即任何一个句子中有且只能有一个主句。 就如同一棵树, 主干是唯一的, 树枝可以为多个, 每一树枝有一连接点和树干相连。 就是说英语每一个分句与主句通过连接 词与其连接。而汉语为 “ 竹式结构 ” ,即各分句间互相并列。例如 “ 你不做,我做 ” ,听话者肯 定知道两分句间的逻辑关系。但要是英文,则可以理解为多种逻辑关系,如 “ 如果你不做, 我做 ” ; “ 因为你不做,所以我做 ” ; “ 既然你不做,那么我做 ” ; “ 即使你不做,我也做 ” 等。因 此,这点也是中学生英语学习中,因受固有汉语思维模式的影响, 而最容易出错的地方。故 解题时, 需要首先判断原题中已经给出的句子结构, 如果已经有一个主句, 那么就绝对不能 够再出现另一个主句,除非中间有连接词进行联系。例 1:Although he is considered a great writer, _。A. his works are not widely read B. but his works are not widely readC. however his works are not widely read D. still his works are not widely read【分析】 :although 是连词后加主谓宾 , 是从句;根据主句专一原则, B C 都是由连词 but, however 引导 , 所以不能选 , 不然就两个从句无主句。 still 用于肯定句和疑问句中 , 而本句是 否定句 , 要用 yet 并且也只能用于句尾使用才可以,所以本题正确答案是 A ,句意为:“ 尽管 他被认为是一个伟大的作家 , 他的作品并未有普遍地研读 ” 。例 2:You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find


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