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锦屏高级中学20162017学年第一学期高二英语期中试题(时间120分钟,满分120分)第一卷(选择题,共80分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When did the woman make the speech? A. This morning B. Yesterday C. The day before yesterday2. What is the woman doing?A. Refusing to help B. Asking for permission C. Giving advice3. On which floor is the doctors office? A. The first floor B. The fourth floor C. The seventeenth floor4. How much should a student pay for the match? A. $6 B. $4 C. $25. Where did the man go yesterday after work? A. To Marys home B. To his office C. To the cinema第二节 (共15小题) 请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7、8题。6. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Which bus the woman should take B. Whether the woman should go C. When the woman should go7. Where is the woman going? A. To the bus stop of the No.7 bus B. To Susans home C. To the hospital8. Which bus did the man take yesterday? A. The No.30 bus B. The No.13 bus C. The No.7 bus听第7段材料,回答第9、10、11题。9. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a restaurant B. At a shop C. In an office10.How many dishes does the woman order?A. Two B. Three C. Four11.What does the woman want to have for dessert? A. Ice cream B. Chocolate cake C. Fresh fruit听第8段材料,回答第12、13、14题。12. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Interviewer and intervieweeB. Employer and employee C. Waiter and customer13.How much does the company pay the employee for the first year? A. $15,000 B. $10,500 C. $12,50014. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.A beginner has a years training period.B. The man has no experience in the job he is applying for.C. The man is not quite satisfied with the company.听第9段材料,回答第15、16、17题。15. What was the weather like in the Caribbean? A. It was hot B. It was warm C. It was cool16. What problem did the woman meet when she was travelling in the Caribbean.? A. She had some language problems. B. She had no problems. C. It was difficult to find a hotel.17. Which of the following were cheap in the Caribbean? A. Clothes B. Gold jewels C. Toys听第10段材料,回答第18、19、20题。18. What is the speaker doing? A. Introducing his family B. Asking people to join them C. Asking people to buy their newspaper19. What is the most important for the people they need? A. Experience B. Knowledge of printing C. Writing and typing skills20. What is the best reason for joining the newspaper? A. To make a lot of money. B. To become an excellent editor. C. To get some interesting experiences.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( ) 21. She looks very happy. She _ have passed the exam. -I guess so. Its not difficult after all.A. should B. could C. must D. might( ) 22. The girl is very sensitive _ other peoples comments.A. to B. for C. at D. with( ) 23. However, we shouldnt produce more things from raw materials, _ is growing smaller and smaller.A. which of supply B. the supply of that C. the supply of them D. the supply of which( ) 24. The first mammal _ successfully from an adult was Dolly the sheep.A. cloned B. being cloned C. to be cloned D. cloning( ) 25. Henry seems to be very nervous. Thats because this is the first time he _ the doctors suggestion.A. has admitted B. has adopted C. has argued D. has absorbed( ) 26. Many people are excited about new technology, which may frighten others, _.A. however B. therefore C. though D. besides( ) 27. I talked to my friend about it, and hes _ giving up the plan.A. in need of B. in honour of C. in memory of D. in favour of( ) 28. Nowhere _ a person to help me at that time.A. I could find B. could I find C. should I find D. I should find( ) 29. There are about 1200 students in our school, their ages _ from 16 to 19.A. ranged B. to range C. ranging D. having ranged( ) 30. When his mother came in, the boy pretended _ books.A. to be reading B. to read C. to have read D. reading第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I came to the United States ten years ago. At that time, I always said that I 31 to study but things like work and my kids would not 32 me to start. Actually, I knew that those were only my 33 . What really stopped me was that I was 34 to start learning again. I never believed I could do it. One day, my sons friends would come 35 and see him, but my son 36 , because all of his friends spoke English but I didnt. He told me he was also 37 because I could never help him with his homework. That day, I told 38 , “Rocio, believe in yourself and start 39 .” That night I couldnt sleep. All night long, I thought about where I could go to study 40 . The next day, I tried to find a school for adults . 41 , I failed. After supper, I took the kids to the 42 . On the way back, we decided to take a new route (路线) to forget about the boring movie we just saw. But we were unlucky to find we got 43_ . I was trying to find our way home 44 I found Chaffey College, a summer school that offered classes for 45 . We finally got home, and I started to ask for 46 about the college, such as how much I had to pay. A week later, I went to Chaffey College. It was 47 but I did it. One Saturday, my daughter was asked to write a story for her homework. It was about the person she 48 . She wrote that I was the person she admired the most 49 I had started going to college. I was 50 by her words and studied harder.( ) 31. A. liked B. planned C. used D. failed( ) 32. A. let B. stop C. allow D. encourage( ) 33. A. wishes B. mistakes C. excuses D. chances( ) 34. A. afraid B. lazy C. late D. ready( ) 35. A. about B. over C. across D. down( ) 36. A. followed B. forgot C. missed D. refused( ) 37. A. nervous B. surprised C. sad D. frightened( ) 38. A. my son B. my daughter C. my husband D. myself( ) 39. A. learning B. working C. living D. playing( ) 40. A. French B. Japanese C. Chinese D. English( ) 41. A. Clearly B. Unluckily C. Suddenly D. Hardly( ) 42. A. restaurant B. concert C. cinema D. park( ) 43. A. hurt B. lost C. dressed D. tired( ) 44. A. while B. since C. when D. if( ) 45. A. children B. boys C. girls D. adults( ) 46. A. service B. tips C. information D. pictures( ) 47. A. impossible B. difficult C. useless D. dangerous( ) 48. A. hated B. believed C. admired D. liked( ) 49. A. because B. so C. until D. though( ) 50 A. saved B. attracted C. warned D. moved第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AIn the deep blue Indian Ocean, theres a beautiful island country called Maldives(马尔代夫). Its the smallest in population and area of all the Asian countries. Every year, millions of tourists go there to enjoy the wonderful scenery. And in recent years, more and more people would like to visit it, why? Because the little island country is in trouble. If global warming continues, scientists say, the country will go down into the ocean within 100 years. That means Maldives might disappear. Maldives is the lowest country on the Earth-its highest point is only 2.4m above sea level. Because of greenhouse gas emissions(排放), sea level will rise between 9cm and 88cm by 2100. If the scientists are correct, most of Maldives will be covered by water in years. The Maldivian government has realized the terrible results from global warming to the country and is trying to ask for help from the world. The president even has a plan to buy a new land and move his country and people to the new place. The fate of the island is in the hands of the people in the world. Its believed that no one wants to see this little island country disappear from the world. ( ) 51.What can we know about Maldives from the passage? A. It lies in the Pacific Ocean. B. It is the lowest country in the world. C. It is the smallest country in population and area in the world. D. It will go down into the ocean by 2100. ( ) 52. More and more people would like to visit Maldives in recent years, because _. A. the country might disappear in the future C. its people are friendly B. the country is becoming more and more beautiful D. its a beautiful island country( ) 53. According to the passage, the rise of sea level is caused by _. A. greenhouse gas emissions B. serious pollution C. fast development D. tourists around the worldBLong ago, a young queen received a very special present. It was a magic box and it could bring happiness to the whole kingdom. But it must be opened in a place full of kindness. The queen travelled all over her kingdom, looking for the kindest people. When she collected them all, she opened the magic box. However, nothing happened. Finally, the queen decided to return to her castle. On her way, she saw a poor little boy. He looked very hungry. The queen wanted to give the boy some food, but she didnt have any with her. Then the boy asked, “Could you please give me that box in your hands? I want to sell it for a little money.” At first, the queen hesitated, because she had been told that the box was magic. However, when seeing how poor the little boy was, she gave it to him. The boy took the box and opened it. Immediately, all the wonderful things started flying out of the box with the sound of a song. It said, “Why do you look for it in others? Kindness always starts in yourself.” The queen enjoyed all the wonderful things from the magic box and shared them with her people. She became the best queen ever. ( ) 54. How did the queen probably feel after she opened the box? A. Excited B. Afraid C. Tired D. Disappointed( ) 55. The queen gave the box to the boy because _. A. she wanted to help him B. the boy offered a good price C. she didnt like it any more D. she thought the boy was kind( ) 56. What happened at the end of the story? A. The boy sold the box for a lot of money. B. The box brought happiness to the kingdom. C. The queen returned the box to its owner. D. The queen continued to look for the kindest people.( ) 57. The writer wants to tell us _ by telling the story. A. to set a good example to others B. to try to help the poor C. not to believe in magic D. to ask for help when in troubleCDespite the countless differences between peoples characters and careers, or their likes and their dislikes, it seems that we are all connected in this wonderful world by one thingthe pursuit(追求)of happiness.For me, happiness is horse riding, Cadbury Crme Eggs and spending time with my friends. Some people are at their happiest at home, while others find their paradise through traveling in far-off foreign lands. Happiness can be as simple as a surprise bunch of fresh flowers or a really strong coffee, just when you need it most. Sometimes, happiness comes from spending time with loved ones; at other times, its having a quiet night at home, with nothing but a movie and a comfortable bed for company.Since it comes in so many shapes and sizes, its sometimes easy to take happiness for granted. Maybe you overslept, missed the bus and had to walk to school in the rain, only to be told off for being late. Or perhaps, because of work, you had to cancel plans with friends, despite looking forward to seeing them for ages. Forgotten keys, delayed flights, an argument with your parents, untimely illness or injuryall very frustrated and understandably guaranteed to make you feel unhappy.Luckily, there are a few simple ways to make the glass seem half-full again. To start with, things like trying out cycling or walking instead of driving to work and listening to music are great mood-boosters. Volunteering and getting involved with a charity are two ways in which you can become happier through helping others. Last but not least, trying hugging on your way to happiness; its been suggested that we humans need at least five hugs a day. If youve been having a bad day, theres nothing better than a good old bear hug.( ) 58. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A. Happiness is getting what you need. B. Flowers can easily surprise someone.C. One mans meat is another mans poison. D. Happiness means different things to different people.( ) 59. To tell us that its easy for people to take happiness for granted, the author _. A. performs an experiment B. provides some examples C. tells an interesting story D. presents some difficulties( ) 60. By “ make the glass seem half-full again”, the author means “_”. A. make up for your loss B. refill the glass half full C. make you feel happy again D. help you become a positive manDWhen I was 4 years old my mother taught me to play the piano. I remember my fingers were lightly placed above the black and white keysnot knowing that music would be the key to my future. My mother taught me to feel comfortable and safe in the world of melodies(旋律)and notes. It was the start of a great bond between us. No matter what happened, music would always be there.In 2014, my mother was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. The year that followed was one of the most difficult times for my family. No one, no family, is ever prepared to deal with the emotional journey ahead that comes with cancer. Sadness, anger and confusion become part of your reality, and you cant help but ask “Why?”A memory that always stands out to me is a particular day when my mother was not doing well during her treatment. I was driving to the hospital, feeling anxious and scared. To deal with my fear, I turned to the familiar thing that always made me feel better: music. I started humming a melody to calm down before I arrived at the hospital. When I walked into my moms room, I knew I had to share the tune with her. So I sat there, singing next to her bed and trying to piece together the song I felt inside me. I needed to find a way to ease our pain.My moms face immediately lit up. Her smile was bigger than that I had seen in months. Ill never forget the way she looked at me with joy. She encouraged me to record it. This simple, self-healing moment led to the creation of my first single, “Cry Cry Cry”, which appeared on my first solo album. The lyrics are so important to me. I hope the words in my song inspire people to do the samereminding anyone listening that its OK to cry a little when youre waiting for the change to come.Music, by any means, is not a cure for cancer, but I can honestly say that it saved our lives in a special way. It provided a sense of peace as I struggled with the negative effect that cancer had on family, friends and loved ones. For my mom, music was a source of true comfort during her treatmentmaking days filled with pain a little bit lighter. As I share this story, I can say with great happiness that my mom is cancer-free and has fully recovered.My mom always said that if she ever recovered from cancer, she would take the stage with me and play some music. I couldnt be more excited that she has been able to keep that promise. Today, we are performing our song together.I never imagined the first note my mother taught me to play would become a source of healing for both of us one day. But it did. It is my hope that our story will serve as an inspiring example of what it means to find light in the darkness, and how cancer doesnt stand a chance when we all unite and stand up together.( ) 61. On the way to the hospital, why did the author start humming a melody? A. Because she felt happy and peaceful. B. Because she wanted to write a song for her mother. C. Because she was preparing for an album.D. Because she wanted to reduce her anxiety and fear.( ) 62. After hearing the song, the authors mother _. A. loved it very much B. was moved to tears C. decided to record it D. soon rec


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