浙江省临安市2013届九年级英语上学期期末综合考试试题一 人教新目标版_第1页
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1 浙江省临安市浙江省临安市 20132013 届九年级英语上学期期末综合考试试题一届九年级英语上学期期末综合考试试题一 人教新目标版人教新目标版 本卷满分 120 分 听 力 部 分 25 分 一 听短对话 回答问题 共 5 小题 计 5 分 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 并 标在试题的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每 段对话仅读一遍 1 Where does the conversation most probably take place A In the hospital B In the clothing store C In the post office 2 What would the man like to have A Coffee B Tea C Milk 3 How many of the students come to school by bus A Six students B Thirteen students C Half of the students 4 What s wrong with Tommy A He has a headache B His back aches C He has a toothache 5 What are they talking about A English newspapers B TV programs C Story books 二 听较长对话 回答问题 共 6 小题 计 12 分 听下面一段对话 回答第 6 至第 8 三个小题 现在 你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题 6 What happened to the man this morning A He missed his train B He arrived at the office just on time C He got up late and still caught the bus 7 Why wasn t the boss angry with him A He was a kind man B He was late for work too C He didn t notice it 8 When did the boss arrive A At half past ten B At ten thirteen C At ten o clock 听下面一段对话 回答第 9 至第 11 三个小题 现在 你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题 9 Why hasn t the woman seen the man before A The woman has just moved into the village B The woman has just come back from abroad C The man is new in the village 10 Where does the man want to go A The Green House B The Balls C The hospital 11 What is the man going to buy A Some medicine B Some bread C Some vegetables 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 1 页 共 8 页 三 听独白 回答问题 共 4 小题 计 8 分 听下面一段独白 并按独白的要求在试卷上完成任务 你可以边听边完成任务 然后你会看到 4 个问题和相关的选项 请从每个问题的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 听独白前 你有 20 秒钟 2 的时间阅读有关材料和 4 个小题 听完独白后 你有 20 秒钟的时间来选择有关选项 独白连读两遍 Tip Form Items A Drive slowly B Drive carefully C Drive slowly and carefully D Parking 12 How many signs are you asked to fill in the blank behind B A Three B One C Zero 13 Which is the last blank the speaker asks you to fill in A The blank behind A B The blank behind C C The blank behind D 14 You have to drive not only slowly but also carefully as soon as you find A either of Signs 2 or 3 B any of Sign 2 3 and 7 C all of Signs 1 3 6 15 Which blank you fill in has the most signs A The blank behind A B The blank behind B C The blank behind C 笔 试 部 分 95 分 四 单项填空 共 15 小题 计 15 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 16 The underlined part in the word needed is pronounced as A t B d C id D it 17 The book is very difficult read something easier A Why don t B Why not C Why you not D Why not you 18 Martin was once problem student but now he s one of top students A a a B a the C the a D the an 19 Come and join us 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 2 页 共 8 页 I m sorry but I m busy If I time I would go A have B had C will have D have had 20 The book be Tom s Look His name is on it A have to B might C could D must 3 21 I like the house in I used to live A that B which C where D what 22 The singer sang many songs some of my favorites A include B included C including D to include 23 Jenny some clothes to charity because the children in some poor areas need them A gave out B gave away C handed out D gave up 24 By the time we rushed to the hall the party for ten minutes A had begun B began C was on D had been on 25 How did you work out the difficult chemistry problem I worked it out by A working with a group B think very hard C ask the teacher for help D doing oneself 26 Lucy is girl of the twin sisters A tall B taller C the taller D the tallest 27 I have finished my homework already Mum When you it A did finished B did finish C have finished D were finishing 28 How kind you are You always do what you can me A help B helping C to help D helps 29 Every year lots of trees to make our country more beautiful A is planted B was planted C are planted D were planted 30 The newly built school canteen 餐厅 is big enough to hold two students at lunch time A thousand B thousands C thousand of D thousands of 五 完形填空 共 15 小题 计 15 分 通读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 Ladies and gentlemen Thank you very much for coming to this concert I hope you have enjoyed the music The purpose of this concert is to 31 money for children in Africa Every day 32children in Africa die 33 they have diseases or have not enough 34 There are two main reasons First there are no jobs for the children s parents so they have no money to buy food or 35 Second the governments in 36 African countries do not have the money to take care of poor people 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 3 页 共 8 页 37 African countries are poor The land is not good for 38plants and the 39 is also bad for farming The organization we are trying to help the Feed Africa Fund 40 a lot of money every year on food for people in Africa The money comes from people 41 you kind generous 慷慨 大方 people who do not want to see children die from hunger Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to 42 a family of four for three days 4 How much do you spend on food every day Ten dollars Twenty dollars I am sure you can spend a little 43 on your own food so that you have a 44 dollars for the Feed Africa Fund Ladies and gentlemen we will now take a 45 Please be generous Thank you 31 A borrow B raise C pay D lend 32 A hundred B hundred of C hundreds of D thousand 33 A because B so C therefore D thus 34 A to eat B to sleep C to play D to drink 35 A clothes B medicine C drinks D toys 36 A many B much C few D little 37 A Little B Few C Most D Less 38 A growing B laying C eating D putting 39 A rain B weather C sun D moon 40 A costs B lends C spends D pays 41 A and B as C like D of 42 A feed B build C develop D raise 43 A more B few C less D little 44 A few B little C less D more 45 A show B collection C look D competition 六 阅读理解 共 15 小题 计 30 分 其中第一节 10 小题 计 20 分 第二节 5 小题 计 10 分 第一节 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中选出最佳选项 A Do you know how to play a game called Musical Chairs It is easy to play and most people enjoy it All you need are some chairs some people and some way of making music You may use a piano or any other musical instrument if someone can play it You may use a tape recorder You can even use a radio Put the chairs in a row The chairs may be put in twos back to back A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it The game is easy When the music starts the players walk round the chairs Everyone goes in the same direction of course they should walk in time to the music If the music is fast they should walk quickly If the music is slow they should walk slowly The person playing music cannot see the people in the game When the music stops the 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 4 页 共 8 页 players try to sit on the chairs If a person cannot find a chair to sit on he drops out Then before the music starts again one chair must be taken away When the music stops again one more player will be out At last there will be two players and one chair The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner 5 46 If ten people are playing musical chairs you must begin with A nine chairs B ten chairs C eleven chairs D one chair 47 Which of the following is not suitable for playing musical chairs A A piano B A radio C A tape recorder D A telephone 48 The chairs should be put A with the desks B before the winner C all over the room D in a line 49 When the music starts the players must A run about the room B get down C walk around the chairs D sit on the chairs 50 Which of the following statements is NOT true A The game Musical Chairs is not difficult to learn B The last one can sit on the last chair C The winner can sit on the chair D If the person plays music he cannot be the winner B Dear Dr Jackson My parents are never happy with me They are always criticizing my clothes my hair and the music I listen to They hate my friends looks and they keep complaining when I go with them I m not allowed to stay out as late as my friends do so I can t have any fun My parents only seem to care about my school grades Although I love them sometimes I feel we live in different worlds If they love me can t they understand me How can I make them understand me Angel Dear Angel Your problem is common to both teenagers and parents Don t worry because all this is natural You see your parents have grown up at a different time and they have different experiences So they think some things are strange but you find the same things are all right For example the music you like may sound like noise to them Your parents love you so they feel they must stop you from doing whatever they find strange On the other hand you don t want to be different from other teenagers so you feel that your parents restrict you I think you should talk about this problem with your parents Try to explain to them what you want and make them know they can believe you And then they ll find you are a responsible person and they will give you more freedom Jackson 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 5 页 共 8 页 51 Why has Angel written to Dr Jackson A Because her parents make her happy B Because her parents can t understand her 6 C Because her friends don t like her D Because she is not good enough at school 52 Angel has than her friends A more fun B less freedom C more freedom D less clothes 53 What advice does Dr Jackson give to Angel A Be different from other teenagers B Pay no attention to whatever her parents tell her C Discuss her problem with her parents D Don t tell her parents what she wants to do 54 What does the word restrict in the article mean in Chinese A 限制 B 保护 C 放纵 D 抛弃 55 Which of the following is TRUE A Dr Jackson thinks Angel s problem isn t usual B Angel s father likes the music that Angel likes C Angel should show her parents that she is a responsible person D Angel probably doesn t love her parents at all 第二节 材料 A E 提供了五家旅行社的信息 请根据以下五人 Nancy Carlos Edie Tom Alice 各 自的需求选择合适的旅行社 A Dalian International Tourist Agency Our tourist agency has a five day tour from Yantai to Qingdao During this period our best guides will take you to see the attraction of the sea and swim by the seashore B Mount Tai Tourist Agency Mount Tai is well known for its great views at home and abroad This time our trip will give you the chance to enjoy the typical attraction of the natural scenes of the mountain During this time you can see how the sun rises in the east and the endless sea of clouds at sunset C New Land Tourist Agency In this summer vacation our agency plans to visit Wang s Grand Courtyard in Shanxi Province In this one day tour we will lead you to the attraction of the well known courtyard as well as the typical food culture in this area D Peking Tourist Agency Our agency will have a special three day trip in Beijing In our trip you will see the grand Forbidden City the Bird s Nest Hutong and the Great Wall E Sichuan Youth tourist Agency Our agency will organize a special trip to Jiuzhaigou In the valley we can enjoy the beautiful lakes waterfalls and animals During the period you can put yourself in the natural environment 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 6 页 共 8 页 F Hangzhou Tourist Agency Our agency plans to boat in the West Lake in this summer vacation During 7 this tour you will see the beautiful scene of the West Lake Also you can have fun with your friends on the boat 56 Nancy I really want to visit a place where I can be far away from the city I want to see wonderful waterfalls and quiet lakes there is no noise no pollution and no troubles 57 Carlos Recently I am interested in the courtyards and the special food culture in Shanxi Province So I want to see the famous courtyards this summer vacation 58 Edie I really want to see the typical sports stadium in Beijing Besides I want to visit the For bidden City and Hutong so I can know more about the culture there 59 Tom I like climbing very much because I find it not only a kind of sport but also a good way of getting closer to the nature At the same time I can enjoy the scene of sunrise and the sea of clouds 60 Alice I live in a place far from the sea so I want to go somewhere by the sea 七 词语填空 共 10 小题 计 10 分 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 使短文通顺 正确 连贯 每个单词限用一次 danger high other hundred also foot in them that climb Some people say the 61you climb the harder you fall Those people probably wouldn t be rock climbers There are about nine million rock climbers in the United States Some do it just for fun 62 compete 竞赛 Rock climbing can be 63 but there are many ways 64 can protect climbers They hope to challenge 65 through climbing There are several kinds of rock climbing Traditional 66is done outside Climbers use ropes and equipment to climb many 67 of meters up Sport climbing is similar There is 68 indoor climbing Rock walls made of wood or concrete 混凝土 have places for climbers hands and 69 Nowadays many American teenagers take part 70the activity of rock climbing It is a great way to build their confidence and strength 八 单词拼写 共 10 小题 计 10 分 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 每空限填一词 71 One of the rules is that all the students must pay a to their teachers in class 72 A k person is a person who knows a lot about everything 73 My mother p coffee to tea But I like tea a lot 74 I won t go to his birthday party u I am invited 75 The old man lives alone and aren t happy these days Let s go to see him and c him up 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 7 页 共 8 页 76 He told his mother he needed a mobile phone but she gave a d ear 77 When he got to school he found the classroom was e He realized it was Sunday 8 78 There are many a and modern things on display in the museum 79 W backpack is it I don t know Let s ask them and find the owner 80 My bike is broken I ll get it r this weekend 九 书面表达 共 1 小题 计 15 分 假如你叫 Liu Mei 前不久 你和来自英国的一位中学生 Allen 一起讨论了一个话题 the ways to learn English better 现请你根据他的观点和你自己的观点 用英语给你的外籍老师 Mr Nunan 写一篇关于这次讨论的汇报材料 注意 1 开头和结尾部分已写好 2 可适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语 使所写内容连贯 3 所写内容必须包括上面表格中他的观点和你自己的至少三个观点 4 词数 80 个左右 His ideasYour ideas 1 reading English newspapers 1 2 talking with friends in English 2 3 seeing English films 3 Mr Nunan Recently I have had a discussion about the ways to learn English better with Allen Liu Mei 九年级英语期末试题卷一 第 8 页 共 8 页 9 九年级英语期末综合试题卷答案 卷 一 听力材料 一 听短对话 回答问题 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 并 标在试题的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每 段对话仅读一遍 1 W I d like to buy a new coat for my daughter M New coats for girls Oh they re on the second floor 2 W Do you prefer tea or coffee M I don t care for tea that much I only drink coffee with milk W Coffee OK I ll get one for you 3 W How many of your classmates come to school by bus M Let me see six students thirteen students Oh yes half of the students in all 4 W You don t look well today Tommy What s the matter with you M My tooth aches I couldn t fall asleep last night 5 M What do you want to watch W I don t know What s on M Well Around the World is on Channel 2 CCTV 二 听较长对话 回答问题 听下面一段对话 回答第 6 至第 8 三个小题 现在 你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题 W Did you catc


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