(深圳专用)2013高考英语 电子题库 Module 5Section Ⅳ课时作业 新人教版必修5_第1页
(深圳专用)2013高考英语 电子题库 Module 5Section Ⅳ课时作业 新人教版必修5_第2页
(深圳专用)2013高考英语 电子题库 Module 5Section Ⅳ课时作业 新人教版必修5_第3页




1 深圳专用 深圳专用 20132013 高考英语高考英语 电子题库电子题库 ModuleModule 5Section5Section 课时作课时作 业业 新人教版必修新人教版必修 5 5 语法填空 One Sunday morning in August I went to local music festival I left it early because I had an appointment 1 late that day My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 2 the bus arrived I got on the bus and found a seat near the back and then I noticed a man 3 sit at the front He 4 pretend that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice He must be 5 mental disabled Behind him were other people to 6 he was trying to talk but after some minutes 7 walked away and sat near me looking annoyed I didn t want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didn t like leaving him 8 his own either After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus I sat next to the man and introduced myself We had 9 amazing conversation He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home I m glad I made a choice It made 10 of us feel good 答案 1 later 2 till until 3 sitting 4 was pretending 5 mentally 6 whom 7 they 8 on 9 an 10 both 写作 第一节 基础写作 假如你是李华 在美国的姑母给你发来一封电子邮件 说你刚上大学的表哥王林染上了抽 烟的习惯 你姑母很担心他的身体健康 请你给你的表哥写一封电子邮件 劝他戒烟 写作内容 1 吸烟既浪费钱又危害健康 甚至能引起致命性疾病 2 吸烟对周围的人也有害 会影响同学 朋友间的关系 3 在宿舍吸烟如不注意会引起火灾 4 为了自己和他人 应尽早戒烟 写作要求 请使用完整的句子表达全部内容 不超过 7 个句子 注意 电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出 参考词汇 染上了 习惯 get into the habit of 致命性的 deadly 影响 have a bad effect on Dear Wang Lin Congratulations on your entering the college How are you getting on Best wishes Yours Li Hua One possible version 2 Dear Wang Lin Congratulations on your entering the college How are you getting on I was shocked to hear that you got into the habit of smoking As we know smoking not only wastes much money but also leads to many diseases even deadly ones Since smoking does harm to you yourself and others around you it may have a bad effect on the relationship between you and your classmates and friends Besides if you don t smoke in the dormitory with care it may cause a fire For the sake of yourself and others you should give up smoking as soon as you can Best wishes Yours Li Hua 第二节 读写任务 阅读下面的短文 然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文 A grand memorial service was held Wednesday October 28 2009 in central Hubei Province to honor three college students who died rescuing two children from the Yangtze River on October 24 Thousands of people holding chrysanthemum flowers went to the Jingzhou Memorial House to see off the teenagers all 19 year old students from the Yangtze University based in Jingzhou City The trios were Chen Jishi He Dongxu and Fang Zhao More than 10 students from the Yangtze University formed a ladder with one student holding another s arms to rescue the two boys in the river on the afternoon of October 24 One of the students lost his grip on his classmates and all of them were in danger Several members of a winter swimming team nearby came to help Chen Jishi He Dongxu and Fang Zhao were swept away in the torrent but others were saved People touched by their selfless act had donated more than 500 000 yuan 73 206 to their relatives as of Wednesday Zhang said Millions of Internet users made online comments on major news portals to show their grief I am also a college student I feel sorrow for you said Liu Zhuoya from northwestern Xi an City However some questioned the sacrifice Sacrifice three and rescue two is that worthwhile asked Tiaozhantianya on the forum of Rescue can not be blind as they could not swim 写作内容 1 以约 30 个词概括短文的内容要点 2 以约 120 个词就 救人是否要考虑自身安全 的主题发表看法 内容包括 1 当别人有难时 你是否会马上伸出援手 为什么 2 救人时你是否会考虑自身的安全 3 假如你当时在场 你会怎样做 写作要求 1 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点 也可以参照阅读材料的内容 但不得直接 引用原文中的句子 2 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 评分标准 概括准确 语言规范 内容合适 语篇连贯 3 One possible version Three college students from the Yangtze University who lost their lives in order to rescue two drowning children were honored as heroes in many ways Their behaviour drew public attention and wide discussion As to me I will help the people in trouble without hesitation Just as the saying goes life is difficult Everyone may face difficulties that they cannot overcome by themselves so an instant help is important Moreover if you often try your best to help others you will be helped when in trouble in return However I will first consider my own safety before I can rescue someone in danger because it is not worthwhile to lose one more life in case I fail Therefore if I h


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