高中英语 Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading重点词汇及用法 文字素材2 牛津译林版选修7_第1页
高中英语 Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading重点词汇及用法 文字素材2 牛津译林版选修7_第2页
高中英语 Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading重点词汇及用法 文字素材2 牛津译林版选修7_第3页
高中英语 Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading重点词汇及用法 文字素材2 牛津译林版选修7_第4页
高中英语 Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading重点词汇及用法 文字素材2 牛津译林版选修7_第5页
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1 Unit1Unit1 LivingLiving withwith technologytechnology ReadingReading 重点词汇及用法 1 audio adj Of or relating to the broadcasting or reception of sound 声音 的 audio visual adj 视觉听觉的 视听 教学法 的 2 device n A machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks 装 置 设备 3 review n A retrospective view or survey a general idea or conclusion 回顾的观点或 调查 综述 A report or an essay giving a critical estimate of a work or performance 评 论 给出对一部著作或行为批评性评价的报告或评论 重新考虑 复习 检阅 部队 give a general review of 概括地谈谈 in review 回顾 检查中 book review 书评 a monthly of progress 进展情况的月度评述 a of the year s sport 全年体育活动回顾 be come under 在检查或重新考虑中 keep sth under 不断复查某事物 vt To look over study or examine again 复习 检查 重新仔细察看 研究或检 查 To consider retrospectively look back on 回顾 回顾性地考虑 对 进行回顾 review last week s lessons 复习上周的功课 review the past 回顾过去 the situation 重新检讨 回顾形势 one s lessons 复习功课 the army 检阅军队 a new novel 为一本新小说写书评 for a magazine 为杂志写评论 4 wireless adj Having no wires 无线的 a wireless security system 无线安全系统 wireless telegraphy telephone 无线电报 电话 wireless communication 无线电通讯 a wireless set 无线电收音机 a wireless message 无线电讯 5 transmission 传输 传送 n The act or process of transmitting information transmission 信息传输 intelligence transmission 情报传递 6 long distance 远距离的 长途的 adj Covering a long distance 7 broadcast 播送 广播 n Transmission of a radio or television program or signal for 2 public use 8 broadcasting 播送 广播 n Transmission of a radio or television program or signal for public use 9 uncertain adj 不确定的 adj Not known or established questionable be uncertain about of sth I was uncertain about what to do next 我确定不了接下来做什么 I m still uncertain of my success 我仍然对成功没有把握 be uncertain whether how what etc He was uncertain how much farther he could walk 他不确定还能走多远 It is uncertain whether how what etc It was very uncertain whether Henry would make a speech in the meeting Henry 是否会在讨论中发言还很不确定 uncertain plans 未决定的计划 uncertain weather temper 变化无常 难以捉摸 10 altogether adv Entirely completely utterly On the whole with everything considered 用以强调 完全 全部 表示总数或数额 总共 总之 总 而言之 The rare animals may soon disappear altogether disappear completely Eventually they chose an altogether different design 最后他们选择了一种完全 不同的设计 How much do I owe you altogether in all in total 我总共欠你多少钱 Altogether I m sorry it happened all in all 总之 我对所发生的事表示抱歉 11 black and white adj 黑白的 Nowadays almost all TV programs are broadcast in color while in the past most broadcasts were in black and white Put down what he had said in black and white in case he breaks his promise 12 age 时代 n A period in the history of humankind times Bronce Age 铜器时代 The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the lron Age 人类学会制造铁器的时期称为铁器时代 长时间 I haven t seen her for ages 我有很长时间没有看见她了 It s been an age since we met 我们好久未见面了 13 superior adj adj Higher or better than another in rank station or authority be superior to better in quality or value 比 好 比 强 This machine is superior in many aspects to that one He always feels superior inferior to others Their performance was inferior to that of other teams He is always superior to hardships 不屈服于艰难困苦 superior n 长者 高手 上级 immediate superiors 顶头上司 3 14 consumer n A person who buys goods or uses services 消费者 15 signal n A movement or a sound that you make to give sb information instructions a warning ect 信号 16 household 家庭 一家人 n A unit consisting of the members of a family 家用的 家庭的 adj Of relating to or used in a household 17 questionnaire n A form containing a set of questions as a way of gathering information for a survey 问卷 调查表 18 recording n A recorded sound or picture Something on which sound or visual images have been recorded 录音 录音制品 We made a recording of the songs 我们制作了一盒歌曲录音磁带 19 record n A disk designed to be played 唱片 20 recorder One such as a tape recorder that makes recordings or records 录音机 21 play vt To cause a record or phonograph for example to emit recorded sounds 播放 22 wind vi 上发条 缠绕 wind wound wound 缠绕 卷起 上发条 蜿蜒 Wind the bandage 绷带 around your finger He wound the wool into a ball wind up made to move around itself or something else 给 上发条 使某 人高度兴奋 Remember to wind your watch up 记得给手表上发条 wind down 松开发条 人 松弛下来 a river winds its way through a valley along the coast 河流在山谷中 沿海岸线蜿蜒 a winding path 蜿蜒的小路 23 transistor n A small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts used in a circuit as an amplifier a detector or a switch 晶体管 24 electric Of relating to or operated by electricity electric adj 电的 发电的 电动的 用电的 导电的 electrical adj 电的 电气科学的 electronic adj 电子的 an electric fan blanket an electrical engineer an electronic music 1 The boy is playing an electric train 2 Now every room has an electric light 3 My brother studies electrical engineers 电气工程学 4 The machine has an electrical fault 25 current flow 电流 the flow of the electricity through a wire 水流 the movement of water in the sea or a river 气流 the movement of the air in a particular direction a current of air from a fan 从风扇中吹出的一股气流 4 row out into the river s swift current 划出来进入河水迅疾的水流中 adj 现时的 当今的 时下的 current English 当代英语 流通的 通用的 流行的 current money 通用的货币 n currency 流通 货币 26 patent n a paper that proves you are the only person or company able to produce a certain product 专利 27 apply vt To put to or adapt for a special use 应用 把 应用于投入或应用 于 一项特定用途 apply to prep Scientific discoveries are often applied to industry 科学上的发明通常都应用 于工业上 涂 敷 抹 Apply medicine to his wound 在他伤口上涂药 专心 集中精力 apply oneself to 专心从事 埋头于 The new comer applied his mind to the job 新来的职员工作专心致志 Students should apply themselves to their study 学生们应该专心致志地学习 vi 申请 apply to sb for Frank applied to the company for the job applicant 申请者 application 申请 应用 28 cassette n A small flat tape used in audio or video tape recorders or players 盒式磁带 29 portable adj Carried or moved with ease 便携的 手提的 a portable typewriter 手提式打字机 a portable book computer 便携式笔记本电脑 portable type 轻便式 移动式 portability n portably adv 30 pocket sized a Of a size suitable to be carried in a pocket 口袋大小的 袖珍的 a pocket sized radio 袖珍收音机 Small 小的 pocket sized riot in the Lower House Terence Smith 下议院里一场小小的骚动 特伦斯 史密斯 31 compact adj Using or filling only a small amount of space 紧密的 紧凑的 体积小的 Closely and firmly packed together The kitchen was compact but well equipped 厨房空间虽小但是设备齐全 A compact mass of earth 压得很结实的泥土 32 launch vt To make a product available to the public for the first time 投 放市场 发动 发起 发射 火箭等 The new model will be launched in July 新型号产品将在七月推出 launch an artificial satellite 发射人造卫星 5 launch one s son into the world 把儿子送到社会上 launch a new enterprise 创办一个新企业 launch an attack 开始攻击 launch a mass production movement 开展群众性生产运动 33 demand v ask for something firmly 需要 要求 demand sth demand to do sth demand that sb should do sth The staff last night demanded an immediate explanation from the boss 昨晚员工们要求经理马上作出解释 The guards demanded to see her I D card before allowing her into the building 门卫要求看过她的身份证后 才允许她进大楼 They demanded that the government should free all political prisoners 他们要求政府释放所有政治犯 n 需求 demand for in great demand the growing demand for knowledge their demand for higher salaries All these skills are much in demand in society 有需要 吃香 supply and demand demanding adj a demanding job 费力的工作 a demanding boss 苛求的 要求高的老板 34 mini combining form 迷你的 袖珍的 Something such as a minicomputer that is distinctively smaller than other members of its type or class pl min is miniskirt 超短裙 minicar 微型汽车 35 degree n The extent or measure of a state of being an action or a relation 程度 An academic title given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study 学位 Mathematics 度数 to a some a certain degree To what degree can they be trusted Applicants must have a degree in Engineering The temperature dropped to five degrees Centigrade 36 corporation n firm company enterprise 公司 企业 John works for a large American chemical corporation 约翰为一家美国大化学公司工作 37 spring 跳 跳跃 弹起 Leap To move upward or forward v spring sprang sprung sprung spring up 突然出现 涌现 迅猛发展 Dozens of websites have sprung up to provide information for travelers 6 几十家给旅行者提供信息的网站涌现出来 A breeze sprang up 突然吹起一阵微风 spring out of bed She sprang out of her chair to greet her father 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲 spring to one s feet stand up suddenly spring n 春天 弹簧 发条 泉 38 personally adv As far as oneself is concerned 从个人角度 主观地 Without the intervention of another in person 亲自 I admire his skill but dislike him personally 我佩服他的技巧但不喜欢他这个人 d Personally speaking I don t like this painting 就我个人而言 in my opinion The president personally answered her letter 亲自地 由本人 I will speak to him personally about his transfer 我将私下跟他谈调职之事 39 delight n n Great pleasure joy 高兴 巨大的喜悦 乐事 It is a delight to do sth laugh with delight to one s delight to the delight of sb take delight in doing sth 喜爱 以 为乐 Chris takes great delight in teasing his sister Chris 以戏弄妹妹为乐 It was a delight to see him so fit and healthy 总结词组 with delight 高兴地 乐意地 to one s delight 令某人高兴的是 be in high delight 非常高兴 delighted adj 高兴的 快乐的 delightful adj 令人愉快的 可喜的 40 variety several different sorts of the same thing 多样 种种 丰富多彩的生活 a life full of variety and change 种类繁多的样式 a large wide variety of patterns large wide varieties o


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