



八年级上学期英语期末复习期末测试题词汇(5%)1What a _ story it is! (fun)2Please take care of your _. (tooth)3What about _(go)to the cinema?4My garden is _(beautiful)in our town.5Which do you like _(well), football or soccer?单项选择(20%)1Jim is _ in his class.A. very tall B. too tall C. the tallest2Look at the twins. One is carrying a basket, _ is carrying a box.A. another B. the other C. the others3You are ill. Youd better _ the doctor right now.A. look at B. watch C. see4I often go to school _.A. by bus B. by buses C. by a bus5What _ he _ yesterday evening?A. is; do B. was; do C. did; do6Would you like _ a cake _ meat in it?A. have; of B. to eat; for C. to have; with7What was _ yesterday? It was March 2nd, 1997.A. it B. the day C. the date8Most boys enjoy _ games after class.A. play B. playing C. to play9What _ you _ breakfast?A. had;for B. did;have for C. have;for10Its _ colder today than yesterday.A. more B. much C. very情景交际(15%)(A)看图补全对话:Jim: Im (1)_, I broke a (2)_ this morning.Mum: Oh, dear, you must be (3)_ next time. Kate is _(4)careful than you.Kate: Yes. My teacher says Im the (5)_ girl in our class.Jim: Oh, Kate, you broke _(6)cup!Kate: Oh, dear! Im sorry!(B)看图填空(每空一词)Mr. Yang is a _. He teaches English. He _ to work _ bike every day. Tomorrow is Saturday.He _ free. He isnt going to work. He is _ to stay _ home.Li Lei and Wang Fei are his students. They go to school _ _ every day. They _ good boys.Mr. Yang loves them very much. Tomorrow the two students are _ to the Wildlife Zoo.口语应用:根据问题找出相应的答语(10%)1When did you have the meeting? A. Basketball and football.2What was the date yesterday? B. No, they didnt.3What time do you have lunch every day? C. Four days ago.4How long did they stay here? D. In a month.5What day is it tomorrow? E. January 5th, 19996How often does she have chicken and beef for lunch? F. Less than a week.7Did the twins go to school on foot yesterday? G. Yes, he did.8How soon will Mr. King be back, do you know? H. Quite often.9Did Jim have bread, meat and vegetables for supper? I. At 12 oclock.10Which is your favorite sport? J. Thursday 动词填空(10%)1On Saturday Mrs. Brown usually _(wash)some clothes.2Look! The old man _(get)on the bus.3We _(visit)that factory next week.4Please _(look)after the little boy. Dont let him _ (cry).5Why _ you _(not come)last time? Because I _(be)ill.完形填空(20%)Mike always loves ships. When he was 1, he said, “Im going to go into the army. ” but his eyes were not very 2, and he did not get in.Then he said, “Im going to buy a small 3, and Im going to go around the world. ” but boats 4 very expensive, and Mike did not have5 money.But last summer Mike found a swimming club near 6 house. The lessons did not cost very much, and Mike began going to the club at every end of the week and7. Now he is a good swimmer.Last week a little boy said to him, “Youre a very good swimmer. How do you learn to swim8? ”“Im not good 9 all, ” Mike said and smiled. “Im in the water, and I say to myself, there are dangerous fishes in this place! Then Im very 10, and I swim quickly. ”1A. dead B. young C. older D. ill2A. good B. had C. broken D. weak3A. plane B. train C. boat D. car4A. are B. is C. were D. was5A many B. much C. a few D. very few6A. his B. her C. him D. she7A. having B. watching TV C. having lessons D. seeing films8A. so slowly B. so fast C. not so fast D. not so well9A. in B. on C. with D. at10A. afraid B. busy C. poor D. rich阅读理解(10%)Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice cream, they are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite. Its important for us to eat our meal at regular time each day. When we feel worried or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges often decided whether a man was telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish, they thought it was a good way of finding out truth. A man who is worried about something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry because he loss his appetite.1Good eating habits are very important for our _.2The sweets and ice-cream may _ our appetite, if we eat them before a meal.3A person may not want to eat when he feels _ or _.4The judges in old England thought if a man didnt tell the truth, he could _.书面表达(10%)根据所给情景和提示词语,写出语法正确、意思连贯的句子。二班的学生下周日打算去长城。他们打算怎样去?和谁一起去?都带些什么东西?他们去那里干什么呢?1students, Class Two, the Great Wall _2are, going, by bike _3with their teachers _4take, food, fruit, young trees _5plant tress, there _ 参考答案1funny2teeth3going4the most beautiful5better15 CBCAC610 CCBBB(A)sorry, cup, more careful, more, most careful, another(B)teacher, goes, by, is, going, at, on foot, are, goingC E I F J H B D G A1washes2is getting3are going to visit4look, cry5dont, come, was15 BACCB610 ACBDA1health2take away3worried or excited4worry about somethingThe students of Class Two are going to the Great Wall next Sunday. They are going by bike. They are going there with their teachers. They are going to take some fruit and some young trees because they are going to plant trees there. How happy they are!岁月匆匆像一阵风,有多少故事留下感动。愿曾经的相遇,无论是锦上添花,还是追悔莫及;无论是青涩年华的懵懂赏识,还是成长岁月无法躲避的经历愿曾经的过往,依然如花芬芳四溢,永远无悔岁月赐予的美好相遇。其实,人生之路的每一段相遇,都是一笔财富,尤其亲情、友情和爱情。在漫长的旅途上,他们都会丰富你的生命,使你的生命更充实,更真实;丰盈你的内心,使你的内心更慈悲,更善良。所以生活的美好,缘于一颗善良的心,愿我们都能善待自己和他人。一路走来,愿相亲相爱的人,相濡以沫,同甘共苦,百年好合。愿有情有意的人,不离不弃,相惜相守,共度人生的每一个朝夕直到老得哪也去不了,依然是彼此手心里的宝,感恩一路有你!斗转星移,物是人非。尽管有的背影,已


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