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PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2 My favorite season A Lets talk教学设计 共和一小 曲珍措一、教学目标:1、能够在图片及老师的帮助下理解对话大意。2、能够用正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能分角色表演。3、能在情景中运用句型 Which season do you like best? I like.询问并回答最喜欢的季节。4、能在语境中理解生词season ,spring及winter的意思,并能正确书写。二、教学重难点重点:能在情景中运用句型 Which season do you like best? I like.询问并回答最喜欢的季节。难点:1、生词winter和spring在语境中理解意思,并正确书写。 2、灵活运用所学句型询问和回答最喜欢的季节,并能简单描述喜欢的原因。3、Spring的发音。三、教具准备 课件、学生分组评价表、图片、词卡。四、教学过程Step1 Preparation1、 T:Today is warm, I feel so happy, are you happy? Ss:Yes.T:Lets enjoy some music. 播放The Four Seasons.电视音乐,欣赏。 T: Do you like the music? Ss: Yes. S1: Its very beautiful. What is it?T: The Four Seasons. 出示词卡,教读:season, seasons.The four seasons. 生练读。【设计意图】欣赏对话中提到的The Four Seasons的音乐电视,活跃气氛并处理情景语言: Do you like the music, children? Yes, its very beautiful. What is it? The Four Seasons.2、 T: Children, lets play a game. The brain storm! If you can read the word, please stand up quickly and read it loudly, then sit down. Are you ready? PPT快速闪现有关天气的词汇,复习。【设计意图】头脑风暴,复习天气词汇,为Lets try及拓展做铺垫。3、T: Well done! Look, Mike and Chen Jie are talking about the weather,too. Please open your book and turn to page 14, look at the picture of Lets try. Can you find any tips? 引导学生找出提示的词组,朗读。T: Whats the weather like today? Lets listen and write. 播放听力录音,生听音答题。核对答案。【设计意图】处理Lets try, 引入天气和季节的话题,为进入文本做铺垫。Step2 Presentation1、T: You did a good job. Look at the picture. PPT出示对话背景图。Who are they? Where are they? 引导学生看图回答。What will they do today? 引导生预测。Lets listen and choose. 看对话视频,做选择。If you find the answer, please underline it.核对答案。T: Right? How do you know it?出示对话文本,红线标出答案,处理情景语言: Today well draw the seasons.师教读Season, seasons, draw the seasons. Today well draw the seasons.生跟读。 【设计意图】整体感知文本,理解文本大意,并处理情景语言:Today well draw the seasons. 揭示本文话题背景:画四季。2、T: We know Mr Jones and his Ss will draw the seasons. Which season does Mike like best? Like best means favorite. We can say what is mikes favorite season? A or B? Lets listen and choose. 看对话视频,做选择。核对答案。T: Right? How do you know it?出示对话文本,红线标出答案,处理主句型:Which season do you like best?Winter. I like snow.先处理答语,生回答后出示句卡:Winter. I like snow.Winter, winter. I like snow. 教读,练读。师问生齐答,师问男生答,师问女生答。T:贴Winter. I like snow.句卡,You ask me together, please.出示问句句卡,教读,带读,练读。师问生答,生问师答,男生问女生答,女生问男生答。【设计意图】在整体感知的基础上,通过再次视听,进一步熟悉文本。进而学习文本的核心句型:Which season do you like best, Mike? Winter. I like snow.3、同法教学 Which season do you like best, Wu Yifan? Spring. Its pretty.【设计意图】分听并看视频,处理主句型: Which season do you like best, Wu Yifan? Spring. Its pretty.4、Ask and answer. 用主句型操练,同桌问答。5、Listen and imitate. 对话文本逐句听音跟读,模仿,注意语音语调。【设计意图】通过听音正音,让学生模仿流利准确的语音语调。6、Read in roles. 师生分角色齐读对话;生小组合作分角色读。Step3 Practice1、Act it out in roles. 戴头饰分角色表演对话。2、续写对话。Continue the dialogue. Which season do you like best, John? 同桌合作,一个为John, 问答练习。 3、对话主句型检测题: 选一选,写一写,说一说。【设计意图】本环节设计了三个活动:表演对话、续写对话和根据文本内容设置的检测题。通过这几个活动,对本课时的主句型进行听、说、演、写的练习。Step4 Production1、 师播放PPT,伴随背景音乐介绍自己最喜爱的季节,并渗透情感教育:享受自然之美,并分享你的喜悦。 T: What a wonder show! Boys and girls, I like summer best. I can wear my beautiful dress. I can eat ice-cream and go swimming. The nature is so beautiful. In spring, we can ride bikes. In summer, we can go swimming, In autumn, we can pick up apples. In winter, we can make lovely snowmen. Please enjoy the beauty of nature, and share your happiness.2、T:Now its your turn ! You can talk about the weather, clothing, and activities. If you like, you can say sth about colors and food,too. Please take out your white board and paper, ask and answer like this. 师展示展板,生问,师选择对应磁卡,边答边完成展板表格。出示对应文本,书写完成空格。(回答并完成展板的同学,向下一位同学提问,听完对方回答后,书写自己的文本。)Work in your groups. Then you will show it to us. Now, lets begin.Group work, group show.学生在小组内调查最喜欢的季节,然后汇报。【设计意图】学生小组讨论自己最喜欢的季节,以问答的形式练习主句型。PPT提供拓展话题所用词汇,对应季节的天气,服装,活动,颜色,食物等。选择相应的磁卡,完成自己展板并整理自己的文本。在情景中运用主句型进行拓展,实现听、说和写的练习。Step5 Progress1、检测题。(见评测练习题)2、Summary. T: What have you learned for today?引导学生总结本课所学内容。3、Homework、Listen to the tape and follow it.(听录音,跟读对话。)、Do exercises on your Activity Book.(活动手册习题)、Go on talking about the seasons and share your feelings with your friends. (继续讨论季节这个话题,并将感受与你的朋友一起


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