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Unit11 Section A(1a-2c)名师教案【教学目标】1. 能掌握下列词汇: milk, cow, milk a cow, horse, ride a horse, feed, feed chickens, farmer, quite, quite a lot of anything, grow, farm, pick.2. 学生通过听、说训练掌握以下句型:-How was your school trip?-It was great!-Did you see any cows?-Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.-Did you go to the zoo?-No, I didnt. I went to a farm.-Were the strawberries good?-Yes, they were. /No, they werent.3. 能够听懂一般过去时的对话,能准确抓住听力材料中的细节问题。4. 学会使用一般过去时的陈述句及一般疑问句和答语来谈论过去的事情。5. 学生通过谈论学校组织的旅游,感受生活的乐趣,开阔视野,激发他们对大自然的热爱。【教学重难点】重点:1. 认识一般过去时态,并能用一般过去时和描述性的形容词谈论过去的经历。2. 掌握一般过去时的一般疑问句的结构,并能用该结构进行简单的交际。难点:1. 准确写出动词过去式形式。2. 能听懂含有过去时态的句子,正确使用一般过去时进行简单的对话。【课前准备】课本、录音机、多媒体课件、学案。【教学方法】任务型教学法、情景交际法、自主学习与合作学习相结合。【教学进程】Teaching procedures 【新课导入】Step I: Warming-upChant. Get the students to do a chant with the rhythm “Two Tigers”.What do you do? What do you do?Go for a walk. Go for a walk.Milk a cow.Ride a horse. Ride a horse.What do you do? What do you do?Feed some chickens. Feed some chickens.Talk with a farmer.Take some photos. Take some photos.This chant helps to prepare the verb (base form) phrases in this unit.(设计意图:通过学生熟知的chant,为正文即将要出场的动词短语作铺垫,使学生容易接受所要学的新知识。)【新知呈现】Step 2: Presentationl. Show on the screen a picture of a school trip. Teach the phrase “school trip”. Present the unit title “How was your school trip?” Help the students answer “It was great/boring/fun/relaxing/interesting/.”.(设计意图:从学生熟知的学校旅行入手,运用评价词进行评价。)2. Present a picture of a farm.T: What did he do? Help the students answer with the phrase: went to a farm.3. T: My last school trip was great. Do you want to know what I did?S: YesT: I went to a farm and did something interesting. Such as: I ked.rode.and so on.4. Play a game: Memory challenge. Get students to say the phrases.(设计意图:运用图片向学生呈现本课的重点短语,不仅设置了过去时态的情境,还让学生感知了动词过去式的用。再通过做游戏的方式,激发学生的兴趣,进一步巩固、复习本课的重点短语。)【新知学习】Step 3: Listening 1bBefore listening1. Match the phrases with pictures of 1a.2. Get students to write the base verbs of the phrases of 1a. (设计意图:在听力材料中,学生会听到大量过去时态的一般疑问句,因此学生需要熟知动词的原形和过去式,这为下一步的听力扫除障碍。)While listening1. Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a. Show the listening tips before listing.2. Check the answers3. Listen again and answer the questions. Get students to look through the questions and then try to answer them.(1) How was Carols school trip?(2)Did she go to the zoo?(3)Where did she go?(4)Were there any chickens?4. Show the tapescript and get students to imitate.5. Imitate the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation.Bob: Hi, Carol. How was your school trip yesterday?Carol: It was great!Bob: Did you go to the zoo?Carol: No, I didnt. I went to a farm. Look, here are my photos.(设计意图:通过听的方式输入本课功能句,学习句型,达成知识目标。跟读、模仿语音语调,使学生学说最纯正的语言。)After listeningStep 4: Pair work1. 1c: Ask and answer questions about Carols school trip.A: Did Carol take any photos?B: Yes, she did2. Ask and answer questions in pairs.A: Hello, X X. Long time no see.B: Hello, X X.A: How was your school trip?B:It was fun(评价词替换). A: What did you do?B: I went to the zoo and saw some pandas(用过去式替换). A: Did you take any photos?B: Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. But I .(其他活动)。A: That sounds good. Goodbye.B: Bye.(设计意图:设计不同层次的口语任务,引导学生逐步深入的学习。引导学生运用合作学习法进行初步的语言实践,引导学生在语境中感知模仿所学语言,培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力。)Step 5: Listening 2a and 2bBefore listeningLook through the sentences of 2a and translate them into Chinese.Carol went to a farm yesterday. What did she do?(设计意图:在初一的听力教学中应为学生多设梯度,降低难度,老师适时渗透听力技巧,增加听前的活动可以使学生熟悉话题,进行热身,激活背景知识,明确任务要求,扫除听力障碍,在听的过程中做到有的放矢。)While listening1. Listen and check () the questions you hear. (finish 2a)2. Check the answers of 2a.3. Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false. (finish2b)4. Check the answers of 2b.5. Listen again and fill in the blanks.Bob: What did you see?Carol: We a lot of interesting things and we a lot from him about farming.Bob: Did you ask him any questions?Carol: Yes, I him if the farmers strawberries. Bob: Do they?Carol: Yes, they ,They them from December to June.Bob: Do they apples?Carol: Yes, they .(设计意图:听力教学中听力任务的设置一定要注意层层递进且符合学生的认知水平,并针对教材特点做适当的延伸。本环节中听录音并填空的设计,对所填空的设计都有不同的针对性,既巩固了本课的知识点,又为下一步的会话训练和作小组报告奠定了基础。)After listening1. Pair work: Get students to make up new conversations like 2c.A: How was Carols school trip?B: It was fun.A: What did Carol do?B: She picked some strawberries.2. Make a survey:Where did you go last weekend?What did you do? How was your last weekend?namewherewhathowGive a report like this:In our group, Lucy went to the zoo with her parents. Shed the monkeys. It was interesting. Mike.3. Do exercises.4. Summary.(设计意图:使自主学习和合作学习相结合,注重任务设置层层递进,由易到难,逐步突破难点。最后学以致用,把本课学习的重点内容全部融入到任务中,使学生在完成任务的同时全面复习巩固本课重点知识。)观察与思考1. 观察1b中的句子,Carol与Bob谈论她昨天的旅行情况时,用的是一般过去时态,动词用一般过去式。其中,am/is的过去式是 ;go的过去式是 。1a中的动词过去式有 。2. 在一般过去时的一般疑问句中,我们用 +主语+ 这种结构。肯定回答是 ;否定回答是 。【板书设计】Unit 11 How was your school trip?Section A la-2c-Did you feed chickens?-No, I didnt. But I rode a horse.School trip-How was your school trip?-Its great.-Where did you go?-I went to.-What did you do?-I saw/rode/took.【教学反思】本节课的设计体现了任务型教学的特点,整堂课的设计注重了由易至难,逐层递进,逐步完成各个任务。整堂课学生进行了听、说、读、写、唱的全面训练,学生参与度高、参与范围广。所学功能句都是日常用语,因此课堂任务侧重培养了学生的语言实践能力,避免了死记硬背。作为听说课老师重了听前预测方法的指导,同时能够注重自主学习与合作学习相结合,充分发挥学生的学习能动性。当然本节课中也存在几个需要继续探索的问题:1. 本节课对1b的听力材料挖掘的比较细,任务设置更有层次性


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