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PEP5 Unit 3 My School Calendar B Read and write教案 执教者:西樵第四小学 李淑仪教学内容:B Read and write 教学目标:1.能够听、说、认读理解句子:We will play games . We will roll Easter eggs . We will look for eggs . We will eat chocolate eggs . You will meet the Easter Bunny .2、能读懂Read and write 的对话,完成课后练习。3、理解书写请谏的四个元素,并能仿写。德育渗透:鼓励学生了解西方文化。教学重点: 准确理解Read and write对话中的语句。教学难点:1. 能够听、说、认读理解句子:We will play games . We will roll Easter eggs . We will look for eggs . We will eat chocolate eggs . You will meet the Easter Bunny .2. 描述某个节日的活动,并写邀请函。课前准备:ppt课件教学过程:1、 前提检测(5分钟)1.Dictation.2. Show time. A: When is your birthday? B: Its in / on.A: What will you do? B: I will.3. Warm up:1)Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词) 2)A guessing game: (guess bunny and Easter) Bunny: animal long ears red eyes Easter: spring egg bunny设计意图:温故知新,为本课学习做好铺垫。二、学习新知(7分钟)1. Watch a video and find out: What will we do if we have an Easter party?设计意图:通过视频引入,形象生动,吸引学生的兴趣。2. Learn the new phrash: roll Easter eggs, look for eggs, eat chocolate eggs, meet the Easter Bunny T:What will we do if we have an Easter party?S1: We will roll Easter eggs.S2: We will look for eggs.S3:We will.3. T: We can do lots of fun things on Easter. Robin will have an Easter party. too . He gets an invitation. Lets read and answer the questions .(1) Whats in the invitation? Underline.(此时教师板书邀请函的几大要素:when,why, where, what, PSVP)设计意图:默读,让学生找出邀请函的几大要素。(2) T: When is the Easter party ? S: Its on April 12th,7p.m.(贴板书)(3) T: Why they have an Easter party ? S: Because of the Easter holiday.(贴板书)(4) T: Where is the party held ? S: At Wu Yifans home.(贴板书)(5) T: What will they do at the party ? S: They will roll Easter eggs, look for eggs, eat chocolate eggs and meet the Easter Bunny .(贴板书)(6) 解释理解RSVP:美国人普遍在请帖上用RSVP,里面有回复的方式,被邀请的人收到请帖后在预定的日期前回复,告诉主人你是否能去。 T: How can Robin reply(回复)? S: He can send an email. T: Whats the email address? S: R T: When should Robin reply(回复)? S: By March 23rd.(用日历帮助学生理解3月23日之前)设计意图:细读,让学生理解邀请函里的内容。三、语言操练(8分钟)1. Read after the video .2. Retell the invitation in group.设计意图:让学生进一步巩固课文内容,并且根据板书进行复述,熟悉邀请函的四大要素。四、巩固训练(12分钟) 1. Read and tick or cross.2. T: When do you eat the birthday cake ? S: On the birthday. T:What will you do on your birthday ? S1: I will sing. S2: I will eat the birthday cake. S3: I will make a wish. S4: I will.3. T: Now Miss Lis birthday is coming. Can you guess when is my birthday?S1: Is it in March?S2: Is it in April?4. T: Yes, my birthday is in April.I want to have a birthday party. And I write an invitation. What do you want to know about my invitation? S1: Who will come to your party? S2: Where will the party help? S3: Why do you have the party? S4: What will you do? S5:.5.6. Show my example: Miss Lis Birthday PartyWHEN:April 15th,7p.m.WHY: Miss Lis birthday WHERE: Miss Lis homeWHAT: We will eat the birtday cake. We will sing and dance. We will make a wish. We will eat noodles.RSVP: Will you come to my party? Please me an email at 583652906 by April 14th. 设计意图:通过让学生提问,激发学生提问意识。接着教师通过范文引导学生如何根据自己的实际写邀请函。五、有效训练(8分钟)1. Lets invite our friends to the party . Lets write an email to our friends.2.Check the answers .设计意图:让学生学以致用,写自己的生日邀请函。六、课后延伸1. Listen and repeat the passage five times.2.Try to write My birthday板书设计: Unit 3 My school calendar B Read and write 附student sheet: PEP5 Unit 3 My School Calendar B Read


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