Unit 1 Laughter is good for you单元复习学案_第1页
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Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 单元复习学案 词汇导练 1 She 举起 her finger to her lips as a sign for silence 2 Books offer an excellent 消遣 for idle hours 3 This is an 出色的 performance 4 The most 紧急的 thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is out of the building 5 We were 逗乐的 to see his face covered in thick cream 6 This isn t the a time to discuss the problem We can do it another time 7 The parents are often a with their naughty child 8 The Spring Festival is drawing near and all the railway stations are c with people 9 I can t stand people with no sense of 幽默 10 He e us with a series of jokes about John 11 The singer got an e reception 12 she burst into laugh at the joke 1 raised 2 entertainment 3 outstanding 4 emergent 5 amused 6 appropriate 7 annoyed 8 crowded 9 humour 10 entertained 11 enthusiastic 12 laughter 短语汇集 1 取笑 拿 开玩笑 2 对 作出反应 3 排队 列队 4 接受 雇用 5 结对 两人一组 6 发生 进行 7 不久以后 8 接下去 继续 9 腾出地方 让出地方 10 一卷 1 make fun of 2 in response to 3 queue up 4 take on 5 in pairs 6 go on 7 soon after 8 move on 9 make room 10 a roll of 语句试译 1 回归课本 P3 seems appropriate he got his start in silent films 看来 他不愧是从无声电影起步的啊 2 回归课本 P11 So if you want to try crosstalk lessons with a real old master 所以 如果你想要学相声 为什么不跟一个真正的老相声大师学呢 3 回归课本 P3 research shows that in the end the English saying Laughter is the best medicine may be true after all 不管是什么原因 研究最后表明 英语格言 笑是最好的药 毕竟可能是正确的 4 回归课本 P14 I sit down 我坐下你介意吗 5 回归课本 P14 Mike moves over as if 麦克 挪过去 好像是要腾出 空间 1 It that 2 why not study 3 Whatever the reason 4 Mind if 5 to make room 核心知识 1 award vt 授予 判给 裁定 n 奖 奖品 奖金 回归课本 P2 People around the world enjoy watching him when he hosts the Academy Awards 全世界的人们都喜欢看他主持奥斯卡颁奖庆典 归纳拓展 例句探源 牛津 P119 He was nominated for the best actor award 他获得最佳演员提名奖 朗文 P116 After seven years in court he was awarded 750 000 compensation 经过七年的诉讼 他获得了 75 万美元的赔偿 Prizes will be awarded to the top three runners 跑前 3 名的人将获奖 易混辨析 award reward prize 1 award n v 指为鼓励在工作中达到所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励 往往强调 荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少 2 reward n v 指对某人的工作或服务等的报答 也指因帮助警方抓到罪犯或帮助失主找 到东西而得到的酬金 赏金 3 prize n 多指在各类竞赛 竞争或抽奖中所赢得的奖品 这种奖赏有的凭能力获得 有 的凭运气获得 4 award 与 reward 都可表示 给予 award 强调 授予 奖章 奖金等 后面可接两个宾语 被授予的人和所授的奖励 reward 则强调 报酬 只能以人或人的行为作宾语 如果要说 明因何获得报酬 须加 with for 短语 1 用 award reward 或 prize 的正确形式填空 1 He received a of 900 from the police for catching the criminal 答案 reward 2 The university her a scholarship 答案 awarded 3 He won first in the singing contest 答案 prize award 2 routine n 常规 惯例 常规节目 回归课本 P2 Each time he performs his standup routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV 每一次电视直播时 全世界有数百万观众都能看到他现场表演的单口喜剧 归纳拓展 n 惯例 常规 adj 惯常的 定期的 例行的 例句探源 朗文 P1783 The daily routine starts early around 6 00 a m 一天的生活从清晨 6 点左右就早早开始了 牛津 P1743 The fault was discovered during a routine check 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的 易混辨析 habit custom customs routine habit 指一个人在长时间内逐渐养成的一时不易改变的行为或习惯 custom 则强调社会民族 经过一个较长时间的过程而形成的 风俗 习惯 customs 为复数名词 意思是 关税 进 口税 当首字母大写并与 the 连用时表示 海关 的意思 routine 例行公事 惯例 常规 daily routine 每天要做的事情 日课 2 用 habit customs custom routine 填空 1 He has formed the of saving money 答案 habit 2 Social vary greatly from country to country 答案 customs 3 We re trying to get the baby into a for feeding and sleeping 答案 routine 3 live adv adj 现场直播的 精力充沛的 活的 生动的 vt vi 实践 身体力行 居住 生存 回归课本 P2 Each time he performs his standup routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV 每一次电视直播时 全世界有数百万观众都能看到他现场表演的单口喜剧 归纳拓展 例句探源 朗文 P1206 They are compaigning against experiments on live animals 他们正在开展反对活体动物实验的运动 We ll be broadcasting the programme live from Washington 我们将从华盛顿现场直播该节目 It was the first inter view I d done in front of a live audience 那是我首次在观众面前做现场采访 She lived a very peaceful life 她过着十分宁静的生活 Small birds live mainly on insects 小鸟主要靠食昆虫为生 易混辨析 live alive living lively 1 live 作形容词时 常用于物且作定语 表示 活的 活着的 现场直播的 2 alive 作表语 后置定语或宾语补足语 多用于人 表示 活着的 活的 3 living 表示 活着的 逼真的 指人或物 在句中作表语或前置定语 4 lively 在句中作表语或定语 表示 有生气的 活泼的 生动的 既可修饰人又可修饰 物 Is she still alive He s the living image of his father He has a lively imagination 3 用 live alive living 或 lively 填空 1 The club has music most nights 答案 live 2 The fish we caught is still 答案 alive 3 The only season that makes one feel is the spring 答案 lively 4 All things need sunlight 答案 living 4 worthwhile adj 值得的 回归课本 P9 Writing is tough work but I hope it will all be worthwhile 写作是项艰难的工作 可是我希望它都是值得做的 归纳拓展 1 worthwhile 分开写时 while 前可加 one s 或 the 即 worth one s the while The work is worth the your Jack s while 这工作值得做 值得你做 值得杰克做 2 be worthwhile to do sth doing sth 值得做某事 It s worthwhile for sb to do sth 某人值得做某事 例句探源 牛津 P2328 It is worthwhile to include really highquality illuastrations 把真正高质量的插图包括进去是值得的 朗文 P2372 Programs like this one get kids involved in worthwhile activities 这样的一些课程能让孩子们参与到有价值的活动中来 易混辨析 worthwhile worth worthy 1 worthwhile 值得 指花时间去做某事是值得的 可作表语 定语或补语 worthy 可作表语也可作定语 作定语时意为 有价值的 值得尊敬的 应受到赏识的 4 In my opinion this kind of works can t represent Chinese culture so it s not worth A publishing B being published C to be published D to publish 解析 选 A be worth doing 用主动语态表达被动含义 5 一句多译 他证明他是值得信赖的 5 tear vt 撕 扯 n 常用复数 眼泪 回归课本 P15 The king tears the paper in two 国王 把文件撕成了两半 归纳拓展 例句探源 朗文 P2114 Celia grabbed the envelope and tore it open 西莉亚一把夺过来信封 把它撕开了 They re finally tearing down that old house on State Street 他们终于要拆掉国家大道的那座老房子了 牛津 P2074 She left the room in tears 她哭着离开了房间 Their story will move you to tears 他们的故事会使你感动得流泪 6 完成句子 1 小男孩从广告牌上扯下一张海报 The little boy a poster from the advertisement board 答案 tore down 2 他气愤地将信撕碎 扔到废纸篓里 He angrily and threw it into the wastepaper basket 答案 tore the letter into pieces 3 她撕这块布 但是没有撕开 She at the cloth but couldn t it open 答案 tore tear 6 burst vi 破裂 爆发 突然发生 突然发作 vt 使破裂 使破口 n 感情等的 爆发 回归课本 P15 Servant bursts in next to Queen emptyhanded shrugs shoulders 仆人突然闯了进来 站在王后身边 空着手 耸了耸肩膀 归纳拓展 burst into n 突然 开始做某事 burst out doing 突然出现 突然发生 burst into laughter burst out laughing 突然大笑起来 burst into tears burst out crying 突然大哭起来 burst forth 突然爆发 冒出 burst in on upon 突然插嘴 打扰 突然闯入 例句探源 牛津 P261 The aircraft crashed and burst into flames 飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧起来 He burst in on the meeting 他闯进来打断了会议 朗文 P256 Rubin burst out laughing as he read the letter 鲁宾读信的时候突然大笑起来 The door burst open and the kids piled into the house 门突然开了 孩子们一拥而入 7 完成句子 1 那女孩一看见母亲 便失声大哭 Instantly the girl saw her mother she 答案 burst out crying 2 当这个电影名星出现时 人群中爆发出欢呼声 When the film star turned up the crowd 答案 burst into cheers 3 她的门被猛地推开 警察冲了进来 Her door was thrust open and the police 答案 burst in 8 He on our conversation with the news we would have a listening test next week A burst out which B burst in that C burst forth which D burst up that 解析 选 B 句意 他打断了我们的谈话 告诉我们一个消息 下周要进行听力测试 第 一空是固定搭配 burst in on 打断 打扰 突然插话 第二空是 that 引导的同位语从句 修 饰 news 7 make fun of 回归课本 P2 A standup comedian may make fun of an audience member or he or she might decide to tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience 单口喜剧演员可能就某一观众开玩笑 或是根据观众的反应讲不同的笑话 归纳拓展 例句探源 牛津 P827 It s cruel to make fun of people who stammer 嘲笑口吃的人是很不人道的 We had a lot of fun at Sarah s party 我们在萨拉的聚会上玩得很开心 Encourage your children to read all kinds of books for fun 鼓励你的孩子阅读各种各样的书籍来寻找乐趣 9 it is to jump into a river in summer A How a fun B What a fun C How fun D What fun 解析 选 D fun 是名词 所以要用 what 来感叹 同时 fun 又是不可数名词 故其前不可 用 a 修饰 所以选 D 10 完成句子 1 人们拿她开玩笑 因为她戴着一顶古怪的帽子 People her because she wore a strange hat 答案 made fun of 2 由于她总是很严肃 所以受到其他孩子的嘲笑 She by the other children because she was always serious 答案 was made fun of 3 他们做这些事不仅为了省钱 也为了乐趣 They do these things as well as for economy 答案 for in fun 4 祝你在今晚的晚会上玩得开心 at the party tonight 答案 Have fun 5 在冰上走很有趣 It is to walk on ice 答案 great fun 8 in response to 对 作出反应 回归课本 P2 A standup comedian may make fun of an audience member or he or she might decide to tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience 单口喜剧演员可能就某一观众开玩笑 或是根据观众的反应讲不同的笑话 归纳拓展 1 in response to 对 作出反应 make a quick response to 对 作出很快的反应 make give no response to 对 没有作出回答 反应 2 respond vi 回答 作答 回应 作出反应 respond to 响应 回答 respond by doing sth 通过做某事作出反应 respond to sb with 用 回答某人 例句探源 She said she was writing in response to an ad in the paper 她说她是看了报纸上的广告才写信的 牛津 P1699 She made no response 她没作任何回答 I received an encouraging response to my advertisement 我的广告宣传有了令人鼓舞的回应 11 完成句子 1 公司对消费者的抱怨作出反应 将汽车降价 5 The company reduced the price of the cars by 5 the customers complaints 答案 in response to 2 政府对那件事没有作出任何反应 The government to the matter 答案 made no response 3 我请他喝酒 但他未作回答 I offered him a drink but he didn t 答案 respond 9 take on 接受 雇用 呈现 露面 承担 回归课本 P11 In an interview he told us that he is always happy to take on new foreign students 在一次采访中 他告诉我们说他随时都乐于接受外国学生 归纳拓展 take sb on 聘用 雇用 take sth on 呈现 具有 特征 外观等 take sb sth on 决定做 同意负责 承担 责任 工作 等 接纳 乘客 装载 货物等 take after sb 外貌或行为 像 父或母 追赶 跟踪 take sth away 解除 消除 感情 痛苦等 take away from sth 减少 减弱 贬低 take sb in 留宿 收留 欺骗 蒙骗 take sth in 吸入 吞入 体内 改小 衣服 包括 包含 take off 飞机 起飞 匆忙离开 大受欢迎 迅速流行 take sth over from sb 接收 接管 企业 公司等 接替 接任 控制 接管 政党 国家等 take up 继续 接下去 拿起 从事 例句探源 牛津 P2059 She was taken on as a trainee 她受聘当实习生 牛津 P2059 His voice took on a more serious tone 他说话的语气变得严肃起来 朗文 P2100 If you agree to take on this project it ll mean a lot of extra work 你如果同意承接这项工程 这将意味着大量的超时工作 12 完成句子 1 她从北京大学毕业以后 开始从事英语教学工作 She started English teaching after she graduated from Beijing University 答案 taking up 2 他无家可归 所以我们收留了他 He was homeless so we 答案 took him in 3 你为什么要从事业余工作 Why do you a parttime job 答案 take on 4 北京现在展露出了一种新的面貌 Beijing has a new look now 答案 taken on 5 我得到了一些止痛药片 I was given some pills to the pain 答案 take away 6 她的一番花言巧语完全把我蒙骗住了 She completely with her story 答案 took me in 7 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎 The new magazine has really 答案 taken off 10 glare at 对 怒目而视 回归课本 P15 He glares at Queen 他生气地瞪着王后 例句探源 朗文 P877 Lilly just glared at me when I asked her what was wrong 当我问莉莉出了什么事时 她只是对我怒目而视 牛津 P863 He didn t shout he just glared at me silently 他没有喊叫 只是默默地怒视着我 易混辨析 glare stare glance 1 glare 意为 怒目而视 后接介词 at 2 stare 意为 凝视 吃惊地看 后接介词 at into 3 glance 意为 匆匆一瞥 后接介词 at over 13 I don t think Jim saw me he into space A just stared B was just staring C has just stared D had just stared 解析 选 B 句意 我认为吉姆没有看见我 他当时正注视着天空 由句意可知应用过去 进行时态 表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或存在的状态 14 The little boy the rich lady when she refused to give him any food A glanced at B stared at C glared at D looked at 解析 选 C 由下文中的 拒绝给他任何吃的 故应用 glared at 表示 怒目而视 11 hold out 拿出 维持 守住 伸出 回归课本 P15 The servant holds out a roll of toilet paper 仆人 拿出一卷卫生纸 归纳拓展 hold up 延迟 支撑 阻碍 使停顿 hold on 坚持 打电话 不挂断 hold on to 抓住 不放手 不放弃拥有 不让出 hold back 阻止 抑制 感情等 hold to 使 坚持 原则 方向等 紧握 hold together 在一起 成为整体 团结在一起 例句探源 牛津 P974 We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out 我们可以在这里一直呆到储备品用完 朗文 P991 For ten weeks the troops have held out against mortar attacks 10 周以来 部队一直顶住了迫击炮的攻击 Putting down his shopping bag Will held out his hand and the cat came up to him 威尔放下购物袋 伸出手 小猫向他走过来 15 完成句子 1 我们的供应还能维持多久 How much longer can our supplies 答案 hold out 2 新公路的建造由于天气不好而耽搁下来了 The building of the new road has been by bad weather 答案 held up 3 请稍等 我去拿一支笔来 a minute I ll just get a pen 答案 Hold on 4 你一定对我隐瞒着什么 You must be something from me 答案 holding back 5 你应该继续保留你的石油股份 You should your oil shares 答案 hold on to 16 Is Peter there please I ll see if I can find him for you A Hold up B Hold on C Hold out D Hold off 解析 选 B hold on 意为 不要挂断 请等一会儿 符合句意 其余选项均不是打电话时 的用语 17 2011 年西安中学模拟 a moment and I will go to your rescue A Go on B Hold on C Move on D Carry on 解析 选 B go on 继续 hold on 抓住不放 坚持 move on 继续前进 carry on 继续进行 根据后半句的 I will go to your rescue 可知 这里应是 坚持住 别松手 句型解析 1 教材原句 It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films P3 看来 他不愧是从无声电影起步的啊 句法分析 it 作形式主语 真正主语为后面的 that 引导的从句 It 作形式主语的句型 1 It takes sb some time to do sth 2 It be adj to do thatclause 常用的形容词有 possible necessary important strange natural 等 3 It be n to do thatclause 常用的名词有 a pity an honour a shame one s duty a wonder 等 4 It be adj n doing sth 常用于此句型的名词和形容词有 no good no use useless 等 5 It be 过去分词 thatclause 常用于本句型的过去分词有 said announced believed reported known hoped 等 18 2010 年高考天津卷 As a new graduate he doesn t know it takes to start a business here A how B what C when D which 解析 选 B 句意 作为一名新毕业生 他不知道创业需要什么 it take sth to do sth 花 费 干某事 本题考查宾语从句 且从句中 take 缺少宾语 故用 what 19 2009 年高考天津卷 It is obvious to the students they should get well prepared for their future A as B which C whether D that 解析 选 D 句意 显然 学生们应该为他们的未来做好充分的准备 that 引导主语从句 在从句中不作句子成分 it 是形式主语 as 引导定语从句或状语从句 which 引导名词性 从句时意为 哪个 些 whether 是否 此句中如用此词 则语义矛盾 20 2009 年高考上海卷 It is not immediately clear the financial crisis will soon be over A since B what C when D whether 解析 选 D 句意 金融危机是否很快结束不会立刻明朗的 因从句中有时间状语 soon 故排除 C 项 句中不缺少主语 表语 故排除 B 项 whether 是否 为连词 引导真实 主语从句 it 为形式主语 21 is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London A It B What C As D Which 解析 选 B 句意 我们都知道 2012 年奥运会在伦敦举行 此题由一个主语从句 is known to us all 和一个表语从句 that the 2012 Olympic 组成 主语从句中缺少主语 用 what 指代这一事件 注意本题可以转化为 It is known to us all the 2012 Olympic Games will It 作形式主语 或 As is known to us all the 2012 Olympic Games will As 引导非限 制性定语从句 2 教材原句 So if you want to try crosstalk lessons why not study with a real old master P11 所以 如果你要想尝试学习相声课程 为什么不向真正的年长大师学习呢 句法分析 Why not do Why don t you do 1 为什么不做 呢 提出去做某事的建议 2 好啊 表示赞同对方的建议 I won t go on a picnic 我不去野餐了 Why not 为什么不去 Let s go to the movies 我们去看电影吧 Why not 好啊 22 完成句子 1 为什么你不把业余时间花在集邮上呢 your spare time collecting stamps 答案 Why not spend 2 你伤得很厉害 为什么不服些药呢 You re badly hurt you take some medicine 答案 why don t 23 2011 年南昌调研 How about going to a concert this weekend It s a few months since I enjoyed myself in the last one A Why B Why not C What for D What 解析 选 B 句意 这周末去听音乐会怎么样 好啊 我得有几个月没好好享受 一下了 why not 表示赞同对方建议 好啊 3 教材原句 Mind if I sit down P14 你介意我坐下吗 句法分析 本句是省略句 完整的形式是 Do you mind if I sit down 常用 Would Do you mind 来提出请求或征求意见 基本结构有 温馨提示 注意其回答 1 表示不介意 Oh no please Certainly not Absolutely not Definitely not Of course not Not at all Not a bit No go ahead 2 表示介意 I m sorry but I do Yes I do mind I m sorry but you d better not Would you mind my smoking here 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗 I m sorry but you d better not 对不起 你最好不要 24 一句多译 你介意我把门关上吗 答案 1 Would you mind my me closing the door 2 Would you mind if I closed the door 25 2010 年高考浙江卷 Would she mind playing against her former teammates She is willing to play against any touch players A I think so B I m not surprised C Of course D Not likely 解析 选 D 句意 她介意和从前的队友打球吗 不可能 她愿意和任何有风格 的球员打球 not likely 不太可能 26 Do you mind turn the volume down as a matter of fact A Go ahead B Yes my pleasure C Yes I do D Come on 解析 选 C 句意 你介意我调低音量吗 事实上 我介意 as a matter of fact 表 示和上文构成转折 所以应该是介意 故选 C 作文指导 议论文 体裁导航 写议论文要注意三个问题 1 议论文要有论点 论据和论证三个环节 即三个要素 并在论证的过程中 让阅卷老师 充分感受到你的英语水平 2 议论文的时态比较灵活 应根据具体内容使用正确的时态 3 英语的议论文受篇幅限制 短文开头就应提出论点 杂议短评类的议论文 就是指通过语言或文字 对某一现象进行议论 或对所读的材料进 行评 析 并通过议论 从而提出自己独到见解的分析文章 也就是我们平常所说的 小论文 杂议和短评本身并无实质性的区别 只是其范畴有时可能存在一定的差异而已 例如 某 年的上海高考英语题 就曾要求对孩子被溺爱的现象进行杂议或短评 近几年北京的开放 作文 也多属杂议或短评类的一种书面表达形式 写作示例 健康是福 但是随着人们生活水平的提高 生活节奏的加快 越来越多的人喜欢吃形形色 色的简单快捷的包装食品 交通工具的改进也使得人们越来越缺少必需的体力运动 所以 出现了很多的 亚健康 subhealth 人群 请你以 How to Be Healthy 为题 写一篇 120 词 左右的短文 就此事发表一下你的看法 写作要领 一 审题要点 1 体裁 议论文 2 时态 一般现在时 3 人称 第一人称 二 内容要点 1 描述出目前存在的问题 食物方面 吃快餐 运动方面 缺乏体力运动 2 这些问题造成的后果 亚健康 描述一些症状 3 提出自己的建议 多吃健康的食品 多运动等 金点模板 一 开头 参考句式 1 Nowadays because of the fast pace of life more and more people like eating fast food 2 Today people are busy with their work so they always eat some fast food 3 In order to save time many people like eating fast food 4 Because of the fast pace of life people have to eat more fast food and have no time to take exercise 二 主体 参考句式 1 How can we keep fit 2 What is the good way to keep fit 3 We must pay attention to our health 4 First we should and then we should 5 The most important thing is 6 It is good for us to 为使各项内容衔接自然 可以适当添加过渡词语 如 firstly secondly thirdly on one hand on the other hand when while as but however because so as a result 三 结尾 参考句式 1 In a word we must eat healthily and take more exercise to keep fit 2 In short if we want to keep fit we must have a good habit and do more physical exercise 3 As is said above the healthier we eat the fitter we will be 可用来表示总结的短语 in a word in short in conclusion all in all 等 范文点评 How to Be Healthy Today wi


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