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牛津译林版2019-2020学年小学英语三年级下册期末复习(单项选择)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选出不同类的单词。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)选出不同项( ) A . onB . inC . your2. (2分)选出不同类的一项( ) A . dressB . niceC . skirt3. (2分)Let me take them. A . yourB . heC . him4. (2分)选出下列单词中不同类的单词( ) A . colourB . redC . green5. (2分)drawA . class B . read二、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)6. (2分)Dont _ late for school. A . beB . areC . is7. (2分)选出不同类的单词( ) A . pieB . cakeC . three8. (2分)Whats that?_A . Its an apple. B . Yes, it is.9. (2分)你进房间要脱鞋,妈妈说: A . take off your shoes. B . put on your shoes.10. (2分)The boys _ in China. A . livingB . livesC . live11. (2分)Whats your name?_A . My name is Jane.B . Thank you!C . Good morning!12. (2分)Are they in the study? _A . Yes, it is. B . Yes, they are.13. (2分)My family four people A . hasB . areC . is14. (2分)I like Yao Ming. Hes a famous star. A . baseballB . basketballC . football15. (2分)_ do you brush your teeth?Because I want strong and healthy teeth.A . WhatB . WhenC . Why16. (2分)A . Eat the eggs. B . Eat the mangoes.17. (2分)你要告诉别人,这是我爷爷,应该说: A . This is my father. B . This is my grandfather.18. (2分)_ is the dress?Its ninety-nine yuan.A . How muchB . How manyC . What time19. (2分)_can he be healthy and strong? A . HowB . How oftenC . What20. (2分)Christmas is on December the A . twentyfiveB . twentyfifthC . twentiethfiveD . twenty-five21. (2分)A . Its spring. B . Its summer.22. (2分) Are you ready for your trip tomorrow? _ ( )A . Yes, Im not.B . I think so.C . No, you arent.23. (2分)当李老师下午向你问好,你可以说: A . Good morning. B . Good afternoon.24. (2分)A . The book is on the desk. B . The book is under the desk.25. (2分)介绍你的一家,你会说:_ A . This is my family.B . This is my father.C . This is me.26. (2分)Look at me! _A . Red.B . Hello.C . Great!27. (2分)Where are my _?_ in your bedroom.A . toy;ItsB . toys;TheyreC . toys;Its28. (2分)Janet _lots of stamps _ 20 countries.A . have, inB . have, fromC . has, from29. (2分)“指那个胖鸟儿。”下列那个句子正确?A . Look at the fat bird.B . Point to the fat bird.C . Look! Its a fat bird.30. (2分)_ in the street. Its dangerous. A . Not playB . Not to playC . Dont playD . Dont to play31. (2分) A . My head hurts.Lets see a doctor. B . See you later!Bye!32. (2分)She _ to the supermarket. A . goB . goesC . is33. (2分)Lets the cake together. A . cutB . eatingC . blows34. (2分)Put your book in the bag. A . B . 35. (2分)妈妈对你说“Try some!”时, 你会说: A . ByeB . Thank youC . Excuse me三、 根据所给情境,选择合适的句子。 (共15题;共30分)36. (2分)你想问Danny蝴蝶是什么颜色,可以说: A . What colour is the butterfly, Danny? B . What colour is the kite, Danny?37. (2分)_ a fine day! A . HowB . WhatC . Who38. (2分)根据图意选出问句的正确答案。Whats this? A . Its a kite.B . Its a dog.C . Its a cat.39. (2分)Happy birthday to you.A . Yes, I am. B . Thank you.40. (2分)Eleven chairs? . Twelve chairs.A . YesB . AmC . No41. (2分)_Turn left at the bookstore and you can see the hospital.A . How can I get there?B . Where is the library?C . Is it far?42. (2分) Do you want some bread?_A . No, you dont.B . No, thank you.C . No, I dont.43. (2分)Is it under the desk? _A . Yes, it is.B . Its under the desk.C . Yes, they are.44. (2分)Did he play football yesterday ? _ .A . Yes , he will .B . Yes , he did .C . No , I didnt .45. (2分)Will you go shopping this afternoon?I think_.A . tooB . willC . so46. (2分)你有一个新朋友,你妈妈想知道他的名字,你应该这样说:A . Whats his name? B . His name is Li Ming.47. (2分) pictures are these? Theyre . A . Who; weB . Whose; ourC . Whose; ours48. (2分)当你向同学们介绍你的全家福时,你说: A . This is my father. B . This is my family.49. (2分)选出与其他单词不同类的项( ) A . shortB . shirtsC . socks50. (2分)Can we have a dog? _A . Yes, we cant.B . No, we cant.C . Yes, I can.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 选出不同类的单词。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、


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