中学七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
中学七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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教学资料范本中学七年级英语下册 Unit 10 Id like some noodles教案 (新版)人教新目标版编 辑:_时 间:_ Unit 10 Id like some noodles 第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)一 教学目标(一)知识与技能:1)语言知识目标:通过学习是学生掌握并能熟练运用四会三会词语、句型,并对可数名词和不可数名词的进一步学习与区分。Words: noodles beef cabbage potatoes special size bowl mutton chicken dumplings soup green tea would like largeSentences: What kind of noodles would you like? What size bowl of noodles would you like? Id like . Whats your address? My address is (2)语言技能目标:能运用所学词汇、句型点餐,能在真实情景中熟练运用。(二)过程与方法:培养学生自主学习的能力、语言综合运用能力、听力、英语会话能力、与他人合作的能力。(三)情感态度与价值观:通过运用本单元的语言知识,激发学生的学习兴趣,热爱生活二教学重点:1、学习日常生活中有关食物的名称。2、进一步学习与区分可数名词与不可数名词。 3、含有 would like 的特殊疑问句及其回答。三教学难点:1、would like 的用法及其与like在用法上的区别。 2、模拟生活场景点菜、用餐等对话。四教学准备: 运用多媒体辅助教学,将本课所需要的录音、图片、文字制成PPT课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情境,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。五教学过程 (一).温故互查温故互查 学生自学新单词(教材P55-56的单词),看谁记得又快又准。(2 分钟)1. 面条8.还;仍然2. 羊肉9. 点菜3. 牛肉10. 碗4. 卷心菜;洋白菜11. 大小;尺码5. 土豆;马铃薯12. 豆腐6. 特色菜;特价品; 特别的;特殊的13. 大号的;大的7. (表示意愿)愿意14. 愿意;喜欢【新词自查】根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. What s shoes would you like, small, medium or l ?2. May I take your o now?3. Todays great s is mapo tofu. Its only 2 yuan.4. Im hungry. Id like a large bowl of n . 5. What w you like for supper?6. What size of b would you like?7. Which do you like better, m (羊肉)or b (牛肉)?8. Id like some p (土豆)for lunch.(二).设问导读I、新课呈现Step1 Brainstorming(头脑风暴) Try to speak out the names of food you know.Step2 Presentation1. Learn the new words about food in 1a. 2.Finish 1a, then check the answers.3.Look at the picture in 1a and learn the drills: -What would you like? - Id like some.Step3 Listening Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers.Step4 Pair work Practice the conversations in 1a .Then make your own conversations.Step5 ListeningListen to 2a and check the food you hear.Go through the sentences in 2b. Listen and finish 2b. Check the answers.Step6Pair work1. Ask and answer questions with your partner. Finish 2c. Role-play the conversations in 2d.(三).自我检测 一、对话排序。A. What kind of noodles do you have? B. Can I help you?C. We have small, medium and large bowls. D. OK, Id like mutton and potato noodles, please.E. We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato.F. What kind of noodles would you like? G. Sure. And what size would you like?H. Id like some noodles, please. I. Oh, a medium bowl, please.J. What sizes do you have?排序结果: 二、补全对话。A: Hello! House of dumplings! (1) B: Id like two bowls, please.A: (2) B: Id like a large bowl and a small one.A: (3) B: Id like a large bowl of chicken, and a small bowl of egg and carrot.A: (4) B: No. Two glasses of milk. (5) A: Theyre just25. B: Thanks.A. What would you like in them? B. How much are they?C. What size bowl would you like? D. Can I help you?E. Is that all?(四).巩固训练:I、完美呈现Some _ (beef) is in the box.Mutton _ (be) my favorite food.Bring me some _ (orange), and I want to make orange juice.I like rice. But my sister _ (not like) it.II、连词成句1. you, would, what, of, noodles, like, kind ?2. I, beef, would, noodles, like .3. size, like, of, what, bowl, noodles, he, would ?4. I, a, bowl, large, like, would, of, noodles .(五)拓展探究:你知道这些有关食物的短语和句子吗?让我们一起来做快乐的收集者吧!* go bananas发疯的* the big cheese 很有影响力的人* as cool as a cucumber 非常冷静,镇定自若* couch potato 极为懒惰的人;成天躺着或坐在沙发上看电视的人 * You cant have your cake and eat it, too. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。* If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 意思是在困境中也要做到最好。六.课堂小结: 1. A: What would you like? 您需要什么? B: Im not sure yet. 我还没想好。 would like 和want 表示“要;想要”,但比want语气委婉、客气。其后可接名词、代词宾格或动词不定式。其中,would是情态动词,常可缩写为d。例如: Id like a cup of black tea with milk, please. 请给我来杯奶茶的红茶。 I want some hot tea, Mom. 妈妈,我想喝些热茶。2). Would you like to ? 你愿意去做吗? 该句型表示向对方有礼貌地提出建议或发出邀请,其中like可用love替换。如: Would you like / love to play football with me? 你想要和我一起踢足球吗? Yes, Id like / love to. 是的,我非常愿意。 Id like / love to, but Im too busy. 我非常愿意,但我太忙了。七.布置作业Homework:了解父母所喜欢的食物, 并为家人配制一星期的菜谱, 说明理由。 八板书设计 Unit 10 Id like some noodles. Section A(1a 2d)1.What kind of noodles would you like? 2.What size bowl of noodles would you like? Id like .3. Whats your address? My address is 九教学反思: Unit 10 Id like some noodles.第二课时 Section A (Grammar Focus 3c)一 教学目标(一)知识与技能:掌握目标句型,能运用所学词汇、句型点餐,能在真实情景中熟练运用。(二)过程与方法:培养学生自主学习的能力、语言综合运用能力、听力、英语会话能力、与他人合作的能力。(三)情感态度与价值观:通过运用本单元的语言知识,激发学生的学习兴趣,热爱生活二教学重点:1、总结归纳Section A部分语法重点;2、并将所学知识学以致用。三教学难点:能在真实情景中熟练运用所学句型四教学准备: 运用多媒体辅助教学,将本课所需要的录音、图片、文字制成PPT课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情境,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。五教学过程 (一).温故互查温故互查 学生自学新单词(教材P57的单词),看谁记得又快又准。(2 分钟)1. 肉3. 牛肉面2. 一大碗4. 土豆沙拉【新词自查】根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. What kind of m do you like better, mutton or beef?2. Id like (一大碗)noodles.3. What kind of noodles would you like? B (牛肉面).4. Would you like (土豆沙拉)or fruit salad?(二).设问导读I、新课呈现Step1 Grammar Focus 1.Give a summary about it. 2.Try to recite it.Step2 Presentation1.Go through sentences in 3aon. 2.Check the answers and practice the conversation.Step4 Group work1. Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. Finish 3b.2. Work in groups. Who would like the food in 3c? Write their names on the cards above the food.3. According to 3a, 3b, 3c, make your own conversations.4. Show time: act out your conversations. eg:-Anna, What would you like to eat? - Id like beef noodles with carrots.-What size would you like? -A medium bowl, please.-Are there any ? - .II、合作交流1. Group work: 总结归纳Section A部分语法重点Notes:_ _2. Group work: 单词归类可数名词:_不可数名词:_可数名词&不可数名词:_(三).自我检测句型转换。(1)Hed like a large bowl of porridge. (对划线部分提问) bowl of porridge would he like?(2)Can I help you? (改为同义句) can I you?(3)Id like a small orange juice. (改为一般疑问句) you a small orange juice?(4)kind, what, they, like, of, would, noodles (连词成句) ? (5)Nancy wants some salad. (改为同义句) Nancy some salad.(6)Mary would like to drink something. (改为同义句) Mary drink.(7)He likes fish and meat. (改为否定句) He fish meat. 二、根据首字母提示补全对话。Woman: Good morning, sir!Can I help you?Dad: Yes, please. What w you like, Ann?Ann: A l bowl of noodles w carrot and beef. Im hungry.Dad: Anything to d ?Ann: Yes. A glass of orange j .Dad: OK. What a you, Tom?Tom: Im not h . Just a b of water.Dad: All right. And Id l a cup of tea.Woman: H you are.Dad: Thank you.(四).巩固训练:完形填空 Its 12 oclock. A man goes into a restaurant for _ _1 _ . “Hi! Can I _ 2 _ you?” a waiter says. “Id like some French fries, a _ 3 and a medium Coke,” says the man. “_ 4 _ else ?” asks the waiter. “No,” the man answers. “Thats _ _5 . ” “For here or to go?” asks the waiter. “To go, please,” says the man. The waiter puts the food into a bag. Then the man goes away _ 6 _ the bag. “Have a nice day,” the waiter says.The man walks to the park. He sits down and opens the bag. There _ _7 _ a hamburger, some French fries and a Coke. There is also some _ _8 _ in the bag. “Thats the money for my lunch,” says the man. Then he goes back to the _ _ 9 _ because he doesnt want to _10_ his lunch for free. He is really a good man.( ) 1. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( ) 2. A. ask B. call C. help( ) 3. A. hamburger B. dumpling C. tomato( ) 4. A. Anyone B. Anything C. Something( ) 5. A. all B. her C. his( ) 6. A. of B. with C. from( ) 7. A. am B. is C. are( ) 8. A. money B. beef C. cabbage( ) 9. A. park B. house C. restaurant( ) 10. A. get B. give C. play(五)拓展探究: Riddle (谜语) - 打食物名 1.What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark? - hot dog2.What is the smallest room in the world? - mushroom3.What table is in the field? - vegetable4.What stays hot even if put it in a fridge? -pepper5.What is the only vegetable that will make you cry? - onion6. My first letter is in tea, not in sea. My second letter is in those, not in these My third letter is in fine, not in nine My forth letter is in buy, not in boy. -tofu 六.课堂小结:掌握句型1. What kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef and tomato noodles, please.2. What size bowl of noodles would like?Id like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.3.Would you like any drinks?One large green tea. 七.布置作业Homework:(一)选择填空()1. -What size would you like, small or large?- .A. Small, pleaseB. Medium, pleaseC. Red, please()2. -What sweater do you want? -Medium.A. colorB. sizeC. kind()3. Shed like a small bowl of noodles. “Shed” means .A. she wouldB. she needC. she had()4. -What of noodles would you like?-Beef and tomato noodles, please.A. kindB. sizeC. color()5. There are few in the fridge. Lets go and buy some carrots and cabbage.A. meatB. fruitC. vegetables(二)连词成句1. you, would, what, of, noodles, like, kind ?2. I, beef, would, noodles, like .3. size, like, of, what, bowl, noodles, he, would ?4. I, a, bowl, large, like, would, of, noodles .(三)完成对话,每空一词A: Can I 1 you?B: I 2 like some noodles, please.A: What 3 of noodles would you like?B: Id like chicken 4 cabbage noodles, please.A: What 5 would you like?B: Id like 6 small bowl, please.A: OK. Wait a minute. Ill get it for you.B: Thank you.八板书设计Unit 10 Id like some noodles.Grammar Focus 3c1. What kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef and tomato noodles, please.2. What size bowl of noodles would like?Id like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.3.Would you like any drinks?One large green tea. 九教学反思: Unit 10 Id like some noodles.第三课时 Section B (1a 2c)一 教学目标(一)知识与技能:1、巩固上节课的单词,掌握本节课的单词和短语。 2、进一步掌握可数名词和不可数名词。 3、巩固重要句型:What kind of noodles would you like? What size bowl of noodles would he like? Id / Hed like (二)过程与方法:培养学生自主学习的能力、语言综合运用能力、听力、英语会话能力、与他人合作的能力。(三)情感态度与价值观:通过运用本单元的语言知识,激发学生的学习兴趣,热爱生活二教学重点:1、在巩固上节课的重要句型的基础上,掌握like句型的肯定句和否定句。 2、进一步掌握可数名词与不可数名词。 3、学会通过电话在餐馆点菜。三教学难点:如何预定食物,并会表达自己的喜好和选择。四教学准备: 运用多媒体辅助教学,将本课所需要的录音、图片、文字制成PPT课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情境,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。五教学过程 (一).温故互查温故互查 学生自学新单词(教材P58的单词),看谁记得又快又准。(2分钟)1. 饺子4. 鱼;鱼肉2. 粥;面糊5. 烙饼;薄饼3. 洋葱6. 桔汁【新词自查】根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. Chinese people usually eat d on the Spring Festivals Eve(春节).2. Id like a glass of o (桔汁). 3. And we dont like o (洋葱)or potatoes.4. My parents and I like f ( 鱼)very much.5. My grandmother eats (一大碗粥)every morning.(二).设问导读:I、新课呈现Step1 Review & Lead-in Grammar FocusStep2 Presentation(1) Learn and finish 1a. Then try to remember the names of food.(2) Game: Quick action about the food. eg: A: 汤. B: soup.(3) Make sentences as following. Finish 1b. - I like dumplings, fish and orange juice. - I dont like onions, green tea or porridge.Step3 Listening1.Go through the food order form in 1cStep4 Pair workAsk and answer questions according to the order form.II、合作交流Group work: 分析总结and 和or的联系区别,并举例说明。Notes:_ _(三).自我检测:一精挑细选( ) 1. Grace doesnt like green tea, onions _ dumplings A. but B. and C. or ( ) 2. We have some _ here and we can cook _ soup. A. egg, egg B. eggs, egg C. eggs, eggs( ) 3. - _ rice would you like? - Small, please. A. What kind of B. What size C. What size bowl of二补全对话。A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. (1) I want to order a birthday cake for my mother.A: (2) B:A large cake, please.A: What would you like to write on it? B: (3)A: OK. Whats your phone number? B: (4)A: Whats your address? B: (5)A. What size would you like? B. Please write “Happy Birthday to Mother”.C. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. D. Its 8910566.E. What kind of cakes would you like? F. 56 Lincon Drive.(四).巩固训练:【快乐阅读】: A Special giftChina to visit his grandparents. Today is Sunday. Its his eleventh birthday. He gets up early and he wants to buy some food for his birthday party in the afternoon. usually eats bread for breakfast in America. He likes egg and tomato noodles, but he wants to know why Grandma cooks noodles this morning. “It is your birthday today,” says Grandma. “In China, eating noodles on your birthday means you can live longer. We call noodles changshou noodles. I hope you live a happy and healthy life.” “Thanks, Grandma. I think its the first special gift I get for my birthday,” says Alan.( ) 1. How old is Alan? A. He is 10. B. He is 11. C. He is 12.( ) 2. When is Alans birthday party? A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday afternoon.( ) 3.What does Alan see on the table? A. A big bowl. B. A bowl of noodles. C. A tomato.( ) 4. What does Alan often have for breakfast in America? A. Bread and milk. B. Fruit and milk. C. Egg noodles.( ) 5. From the passage, we know that _. A. Alans mother cooks noodles for him B. Alan thinks his grandmas gift for him is specialC. Alans grandma doesnt want to have the birthday party (五)拓展探究:1、 总结介词for的用法。2、 would like + 动词原形六.课堂小结:总结一下到现在我们所学的内容。1. Id like chick, fish and cabbage.2. What kind of dumplings would you like?3. What kind of soup would you like?4. Would you like some drinks?5. I like dumplings, fish and orange juice. I dont like onions, green tea and porridge.6. Whats your address, please?7. Whats your telephone number, please?七.布置作业:(一)将下列短语翻译成英语1. 橘子汁 2. 绿茶 3. 电话号码 4. 两碗饺子 5. 羊肉土豆面条 6. 鸡肉卷心菜面 (二)完成对话,一格一词Mary: Dad, could you help 1 , please?Dad: Sure! Whats wrong?Mary: I want to eat 2 noodles. But I dont know where I can buy them.Dad: Oh, I can help you. What 3 would you like?Mary: A small one.Dad: 4 5 of noodles would you like?Mary: Id like chicken and cabbage, mutton and potato, beef and carrot noodles.Dad: 6 7 of noodles would you like best ?Mary: I would 8 beef and carrot noodles.Dad: Would you like something to drink?Mary: Yes, 9 like 10 . Id like a glass of orange juice.Dad: OK! Ill go and buy them.Mary: Thank you, Dad.12345678910(三)完成句子1. 你想要哪种比萨饼? What of pizza you like?2. 我能替你做点什么? can I do you?3. 我妈妈想吃羊肉土豆面。 My mom like and potato noodles.4. 我哥哥想吃羊肉胡萝卜水饺。 My brother like and carrot dumplings.5. -你要多大规格的? -我要一个大份的。 What would you like? Id a one.八板书设计Unit 10 Id like some noodles.SectionSection B (1a 2c)1.What kind of noodles would you like? 2. What size bowl of noodles would he like? 3.Id / Hed like 九教学反思: Unit 10 Id like some noodles.第四课时 Section B 3a Self Check一 教学目标(一)知识与技能:1、复习掌握本单元的单词及短语。 2、熟练运用本单元句型。 3、学会制作食品广告以及订购食品。(二)过程与方法:培养学生自主学习的能力、语言综合运用能力、听力、英语


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