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北师大版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 D卷一、 单选题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分) Its sunny today. How about going skiing in Zhongshan Park? _! Lets ask the twins to go together.A . Sounds greatB . Best wishesC . Good luckD . Thats OK.2. (1分)Nowadays, I have difficulty in studying English. Can you _me with some advice about it according to your experience? A . offerB . giveC . provide3. (1分)The workers are building a bridge_the river. A . overB . toC . acrossD . through4. (1分)_name is Mary. _ is a student . A . She ,HerB . Her ,SheC . He, HisD . His, He5. (1分)Are you Tina? A . No, I amB . Im notC . Yes, I amD . Yes, Im not6. (1分) _ bread do we need, Mom? Two kilos, I think.A . How manyB . How oftenC . How longD . How much7. (1分)_ camera is not as expensive as _, but it works well, too.A . My; hisB . Mine; himC . My; himD . Mine; his8. (1分)Follow your doctors and you will feel better in two days.A . adviceB . serviceC . talentD . information9. (1分) _ will go to the old peoples home this weekend. So will I.A . I and LilyB . Lily and IC . Lily and meD . Me and Lily10. (1分)_ do you go camping?Once a month.A . How longB . How often.C . How many.二、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 Look at this girl. 1name is Wang Meimei. 2is twelve. Wang Ming is her brother. He is 3Class Three, Grade Two. Do you know how old he is? He is fourteen years old. The brother 4the sister are in No.2 Middle School. Their mother 5a teacher. She is an 6teacher. Their father, Mr Wang, is a teacher, 7. He is a Chinese teacher in No.8 Middle School. Their students all love them because they love their students. They have(有)a cat. 8name is Mimi. 9a nice cat. The cat and Wang Meimei are 10friends. (1)A . Her B . She C . He D . His (2)A . He B . I C . You D . She (3)A . on B . with C . in D . at (4)A . but B . so C . or D . and (5)A . am B . is C . are D . be (6)A . English B . Chinese C . French D . England (7)A . to B . too C . either D . also (8)A . Its B . It C . Its D . its (9)A . Its B . Theyre C . Its D . It (10)A . right B . fine C . well D . good 三、 、阅读理解(共20小题,12每小题1分,其余每小题2分,共3 (共4题;共40分)12. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。Mr Smith had a weeks holiday, so he said, Im going to see the sea by train. He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the railway station and got onto the train. He wore a beautiful hat, and he often put his head out of the window during the trip and looked at the beautiful scenery. But suddenly the wind pulled his hat off.Mr Smith took his old bag and threw it out of the window quickly too. The others in the train laughed. Is your bag going to bring back your beautiful hat? they asked.N0, Mr Smith answered, but there is no name or address in my hat, and theres a name and an address on the bag. If someone finds both of them, he or she will send me the bag and the hat.(1)Mr Smith went to have his holidays for .A . nine daysB . half a monthC . seven daysD . eight days(2)Mr Smith put his head out of the window to .A . see the beautiful sceneryB . say goodbye to his friendsC . throw his hat out of the windowD . say hello to the people outside(3)Mr Smith is going to during his holiday.A . visit his friendB . see his parentsC . enjoy himself on the trainD . see the sea(4)Why did Mr Smith throw his old bag out of the window?A . Because he hoped someone would find his bag.B . Because he hoped someone would send back his bag and hat.C . Because he hoped his bag would bring back his hat.D . Because he hoped the people in the train would laugh.(5)From the passage, we can see that Mr Smith Was a .A . clever manB . rich manC . foolish manD . poor man13. (10分) One windy spring day, I noticed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Colorful creations of different shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds flying and dancing. As the strong winds blew against the kites, a string kept them in control.Instead of blowing away with the wind, they rose against it to achieve great heights. They shook and pulled, but the restraining (控制的) string and the cumbersome (笨重的) tail kept them in control, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They rose beautifully even when they fought the restriction of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose(松散的). “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.”Yet freedom(自由) simply put it in the control of an unkind wind. It fell down to the ground and landed in a mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. “Free at last”, free to lie powerlessly in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to stop lifelessly against the first obstacle (障碍物).How much like kites we sometimes are. The Heaven gives us adversity (逆境) and rules, rules to follow from which we can grow and get strength. Some of us break away from the rules so hard that we never reach the heights we might get to. We keep part of the rules and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.Let us each rise to the great heights, knowing that some of the rules that we may be angry about are in fact the strong force that helps us achieve.(1)Why does the writer write the first paragraph?A . Because it was the first time that he had seen young people flying kites.B . Because he wants to share his feelings in nature with the readers.C . Because he wants to tell the readers how to make beautiful kites.D . Because he wants to use readers similar life experience to understand the article better.(2)By writing the second and third paragraphs, the writer seems to let the readers know_.A . anyone who wants no restraints is sure to be a sad endB . what a pity it is that one kite flew down to the groundC . man with freedom cant be like that kite which fell downD . the unkind wind is the cause of the fallen kites failure(3)What does the underlined word “restriction” in the second paragraph probably mean?A . 束缚B . 放纵C . 摇摆D . 牵引(4)In the writers opinion, _.A . without restrictions and rules we can make endless progressB . kites are good examples to those who want to get freedomC . restrictions are necessary for us human beingsD . we dont need any freedom at all14. (10分)阅读理解ALooking for a housemate Im Mary. I have a house with 3 bedrooms. There are many things in it, including(包 括) a TV, a washing machine and a fridge. You only need to pay 300 dollars for a bedroom each month. And it includes the cost of surfing the Internet. There are two rules for you to follow: you mustnt make lots of noise in the house and you must keep the house clean.Email: room. To .Health CenterTime: 9:00-17:30Address: 16 Qingyun RoadTel:ree medical examination(体检) for those over 70 Give you good advice on keeping healthy!(1)If you want to rent a bedroom for half a year, how much need you pay? A . 300 dollars.B . 900 dollars.C . 1800 dollars.D . 3000 dollars(2)You can in the house. A . make noise.B . surf the Internet.C . throw away rubbish.D . have a free medical examination(3)Which of the following is NOT true about the Health Center? A . You can find it at 16 Qingyun Road.B . You can call it for more information.C . It doesnt open until 9:00 in the morning.D . Everyone neednt pay for the medical examination.15. (10分) Joe Read studied in this school for fourteen years. When he finished school, he was already eighteen years old. And then his father said to him, You finished school, and you are a good student. Now you may go to town and get a good job. They need some clever people to work in the office. The people there can get a lot of money now. If you stay at home, you cant get money from our family. A few weeks later, Joe went to the office and asked for a job there. A man took him into a small room and gave him some questions on a piece of paper. Joe answered the questions quickly, and he gave the paper to the man. The man looked at the paper for a few minutes and then asked, “You were born on Sep. 23. But which year were you born in? Joe answered, “Oh, every year.”(1)How old was Joe when he went to school?A . 8.B . 18.C . 4.D . 14.(2)What place did his father want him to work in?A . A school.B . An office.C . A house.D . A shop.(3)What did his father think of Joe?A . He was a good student.B . He wasnt a good student.C . He wasnt clever.D . He could get money from his family.(4)Why did the man give Joe a piece of paper?A . Because he wanted to give Joe a job.B . Because he wanted Joe to answer some questions.C . Because he wanted to know if Joe was clever.D . Because he wanted to know how old Joe was.(5)From Joes answered, “Oh, every year.”, we can infer(推测) that_.A . he didnt want to work in the officeB . he was hardworking but dishonestC . he was outgoing and cleverD . in fact, he didnt really answer the mans question四、 情景交际(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)根据所给出的选项,补全对话。A. Hows it going?B. Its Frank.C. What are you doing?D. OK, no problem.E. Are you watching TV?F. Hows the weather in Sydney?G. Can I take a message for her?A: Hello, Rick speaking.B: Hello, Rick. _A. _B: Not bad. Thanks. People in Sydney are friendly.A: _B: Its windy and cold. Sometimes it snows. How about your city?A: Its raining. Is your sister at home now?B: Oh, she is not here. _A: Sure. Could you tell her to call me back?B: _五、 单词拼写:根据括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词,并将答案填 (共5题;共5分)17. (1分)Ann was so c_that she made the same mistake again.18. (1分)Look. Hes my father and shes my mother. They are my p_. 19. (1分)Dont _(相信) him. He likes making up stories. 20. (1分)The girl wrote a book about her_(冒险经历)in the forest 21. (1分)What a beautiful _ (丝绸)blouse ! 六、 词形变换:根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,并将答案 (共6题;共15分)22. (1分)Of all the students in my class, Jim lives _(close) to the school. 23. (1分)Do your parents work at the same_(bank)?24. (1分)I love this song My _(happy) is to mee


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