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利用语言支架提升学生英语的语用能力PEP Book6 Unit4 Part B Lets Try/Lets talk设计学校:南昌市进贤门小学 王琳 【教材分析】本单元学习的话题是有关中西方节日及个人的生日。本单元B部分学习的主题是个人的生日。学生能够在情景中运用目标句型询问并回答有关生日日期的内容。本节课是B部分第一课时,整个单元中的第四课时,包括Lets try, lets talk & role-play三个内容。Lets try部分要求学生通过听Mike和陈杰谈论Mike的小表弟的一段对话录音,勾选出婴儿的生日让学生感知本课核心句型,并能在语境中理解;lets talk部分通过谈论Mike及Chen Jie母亲生日等内容学习核心句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is on April 4th.What will you do for your mum? Ill.并能在情景中恰当运用句型,表达自己能为家人或朋友做些什么。Role-play活动部分,教师通地创设情境,请学生根据核心句型进行对话创编。【设计理念】按照学生的认知规律,我采用直接演示和交际相结合的方法,在课堂教学中,注重趣味教学,适当地结合愉快教学,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。通过营造生活化的交际情境,使学生敢于交际、乐于交际,调动学生交际的积极性。教师从搭建情境支架、提供语言支架、设计问题支架和撤除语言支架四个方面创设情境、滚动复习旧知、呈现新知和拓展语言,通过支架式教学策略由扶到放,最终达到提升小学生英语语用能力的目的。为充分体现“以教师为主导,以学生为主体”,根据英语新课程标准的要求,这节课我引导学生采用小组合作这种学法,在自己小组中完成相关的教学任务。这样可以让学生成为积极参与,主动学习的对象,把学习的自主权还给学生。当然在课堂交际活动中,采用自评与他评、师评与生评相结合,让评价主体多元化;倡导积极肯定的评价方式,激励交际信心,让学生在“评价”中成长。【教学目标】知识目标:1、通过学习,学生能听懂对话,并勾选出婴儿的生日。2、通过学习,学生能理解Lets talk的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。3、学生能理解并运用目标句型:When is your birthday? Its on. What will you do for your mum?Ill for her.能在语境中理解短语both of you的意思并能正确发音。能力目标:1、能在语境中运用When is your birthday?-Its on April 4th询问并回答有关生日日期的内容。2、能在语境中中恰当运用句型What will you do for your mum? Ill cook noodles for her.表达自己能为家人或朋友做些什么。3、通过学习,学生能模仿并朗读对话,两人一组尝试表演对话。情感目标:学会关心家人和朋友,当他们过生日的时候,为他们做点什么。【教学重、难点】教学重点: 1. 能够在情景中运用目标句型就生日日期及自己能为家人或朋友做些什么展开问答。2. 能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。教学难点:1. 能理解并在情景中运用词组both of you及句型What will you do for your mum? Ill.2. 能够在情景中运用目标句型就生日日期及自己能为家人或朋友做些什么展开问答。【教学目标】(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1Free talk.2. Brain storming.(复习序数词)a. Remember the days in easier ways Try to find out an easier way is to remember is good for our learning.b. Quick responsePlease say the dates as quick as you can. (二)呈现新课(Presentation)1.When are these special days?Here are many special days in June. What are they? Teaching the sentences: When is the? Its on2. Pair workAsk and answer in pairs about the dates of their birthdays.A: When is your birthday?B: Its on .3. Lets try.Here comes a cute baby. He is Mikes cousin. How old is he? (点击出现,He is 15 days old. ). When is his birthday?4. Lets talka. Read the picture and answer the questions.What are they talking about?When is Mikes birthday?b. Watch and answerWhen is Chen Jies mothers birthday?c. Read and choose( )1. What will Chen Jie do for her mum?A. sing and dance B. cook noodles C. wash the clothes( )2. They will have a birthday party for .A. Mike B. Chen Jies mother C. Mike and Chen Jies mother教授目标句型: What will you do for your mum? Ill.及词组both of you。d. Practice in groups.Suppose you are Chen Jie, what will you do for your mum?(陈杰为妈妈煮生日面条作为学生的榜样加以引导学生拓展思维,用本课重点句型表达自己能为家人生日做的事情)(三)巩固拓展(Consolidation)1. Listen and repeat.2. Read in roles.3. Summary Chen Jies mothers birthday is on . She will for her mum. Mikes cousins birthday is on . He will for his cousin. They are both very kind.They all know their familys birthdays. Do you know your familys birthdays?4. Task Time Birthday party ideas.We know our friends birthdays. Do you know your familys birthdays? Lets have a birthday party for them. Whatre your ideas for the Party?a. Share the ideas with your friends.b. Write down the ideas.c. Assessment your friendsideas.I like s idea. s birthday is on . He will for her/him. I think its a idea.(四)家庭作业(Homework)1.Make a family birthday chart.2.Share the birthda


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