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听力理解第一节 概述高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级)的第一部分为听力理解。根据高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求,A级听力理解主要测试考生理解所听对话、会话和简单短文的能力。听力材料以日常生活和交际性内容为主,语速为每分钟120词。词汇限于基本要求的“词汇表”中3400词的范围,交际内容涉及基本要求中的“交际范围表”所列的全部听说范围。听力题共15题,得分占总分的15%,测试时间约为15分钟。听力部分由三部分组成:Section A (short dialogue), Section B (short conversation) 和Section C (short passage)。Section A的对话和问题只读一遍,Section B的会话与问题及Section C的短文与问题均读两遍。第二节 题型分析与解题技巧一、Section A (short dialogue) 1. 题型分析Section A简短会话(short dialogue)共分5组,一般先是一男一女各说一句,然后就他们对话内容提出一个针对性的问题,要求考生从4个选项中选出正确的答案。本部分每题1分,共占总分值的5%。这一部分为日常生活中的一般对话,句子结构和内容都不太复杂,根据对近几年A级全真试题听力部分Section A的考点的分析与总结,考试的重点内容包括:逻辑推理、对话主旨、建议及请求、地点、职业、人物关系类、数字及计算、活动类、原因及结果、词汇及习语等。2. 解题技巧2.1 逻辑推理逻辑推理题主要测试考生的理解与推理能力,考生注意听的是说话人的态度、情感、观点、抉择以及说话时从事的活动。逻辑推理题是Section A中难度最大的一种题型。要求考生在基本听懂的情况下,根据对话内容及双方的语气来进行合理的推断并得出结论,切勿听到什么就选什么,要对对话内容进行综合、归纳,最后才能做出选择,提问中常使用的动词有mean,form, suggest,learn, think, indicate, imply,infer。示例 M: Do you mind if I open this window?W: As a matter of fact, Im feeling a little cold.Q: What does the woman want the man to do?A. Open the window a little bit. B. Leave the window closed. C. Get her a coat. D. Keep the window open. 正确答案B解题要领本题为逻辑推理题。对话中并没有明确提到那位女士要男士干什么,但从他们的对话中,尤其是男士的问话“Do you mind if I open this window?”可知男士想打开窗户,而女士却说“Im feeling a little cold.”可知女士不想打开窗户,故B为正确答案。2.2 对话主旨主要就对话围绕的话题来提问,考查考生的综合能力。常见的提问方式有:What are they talking about? 做这类题时,要把听和看结合起来,从四个选项先推测可能会问及的问题,对话中的关键词一般为名词或名词词组,所以在听时要特别留意名词或名词词组。示例 W: Your new sports jacket has a very unusuasal color.M: What youre really saying is you dont like it.Q: What are they talking about?A. A new T-shirt. B. A new sports jacket. C. A new vest. D. A new sports cap. 正确答案B解题要领本题为对话主旨题。考生只要听到关键词组your new sports jacket,就很容易判断出对话中双方在谈论有关运动衫的问题。故B为正确答案。2.3建议及请求关键词地点职业人物关系menu, order, bill, delicious, dish, desert, drink, table, foodat a restaurant(在饭店)waiter, waitress(服务员)waitrer/waitress and customer(服务员与顾客)patient, doctor, medicine, dentist, headache, stomachache, pill, tablet, examineat hospital(在医院)doctor or nurse(医生和护士)doctor/nurse and patient(医生与病人或护士与病人)renew, borrow, lend, keep return due, librarian, bookin the library(在图书馆)librarian(图书馆管理员)librarian and stuents/teachers(图书馆管理员与学生或老师)single room, double room, reception desk, check in, check out, room, bathroomin a hotel(在宾馆)receptionist(接待员)receptionist and customer(接待员与客人)flight number, seat belt, departure time, arrival time, take off, land, cancelat the airport/in the plane(在机场或在飞机上)hostess(空姐)hostess and passenger(空姐与乘客)train, platform, timetable, carriage, sleeping car, pull in, pull out, leave forat railway station(在火车站)attendant(乘务员)attendant and passenger(乘务员与乘客)stamp, postage, mail, parcel, telegram, air mail, ordinary mail, registerin the post office(在邮局)draw, deposit, a savings account, a checking account, open an account, close an account, credit card, loan, check, interest in the bank(在银行)teller (出纳员)teller and depositor(出纳员与储户)size, color, price, cost, cheap, expensive, dear, changein a shop(在商店)clerk/shop assistant and customer(店员与顾客或售货员与顾客)homework, assignment, test, examination, teacherat school(在学校)teacher, professor(老师,教授)teacher and student(教师与学生)haircut, hairdresser, hair style, barber, set ones hairin a barbers(在理发店)barber, hairdresser(理发师)barber/hairdresser and customer(理发师与顾客)这种类型的题比较简单,在听对话时,注意捕捉常见的表示建议或请求的固定句型,请求题型常对第二位对话者的内容进行提问,但答案往往出现在第一位说话者的讲话内容中。而建议题型要注意捕捉第二位对话者的建议内容,因提问往往是针对第二位对话者的,其答案往往也在第二位说话者的讲话内容中。表示请求的句型有:Do you mind? May I ? Shall we? 等表示建议的句型有:How about? Would you like? Why dont you? Shall we? 等示例1 M: Linda, could you type the report again?W: Certainly, Ill do it right away.Q: What will the woman do?A. Report a report. B. Type a report. C. Check a report. D. Read a report. 正确答案B解题要领本题为请求类题。虽然问题是针对第二位说话者即女士提出,但答案出现在第一位说话者男士的话中,男士要Linda重新打一份报告,很简单,故B为正确答案。示例2 M: Linda, could you type the report again?W: Certainly, Ill do it right away.Q: What will the woman do?A. Report a report. B. Type a report. C. Check a report. D. Read a report. 正确答案B解题要领本题为请求类题。虽然问题是针对第二位说话者即女士提出,但答案出现在第一位说话者男士的话中,男士要Linda重新打一份报告,很简单,故B为正确答案。2.4地点、职业、人物关系这种类型主要测试考生对于对话中提及的地点场景或人物去向,说话者的职业及两位说话者之间的关系的判断能力。在做这种类型的听力题时,要把听和看结合起来,在听之前要快速浏览四个选项,从选项中很容易推测将被问及的问题是什么,听对话时就能有的放矢。此类题型的题需要考生从对话的关键词及交流的信息中推断出对话的地点、说话者的职业及他们之间的关系。因此,答题的关键是捕捉关键词。常见、常考的关键词及地点、职业、人物归纳如下:示例1 M: Good morning. Id like to check out. The names David Wang. Room 321.W: Just a moment, Mr Wang. Ill prepare your bill.Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a restaurant. B. At a hotel. C. In an apartment. D. On a train. 正确答案B解题要领本题为地点类题。从第一位说话者的话中可以找到关键词check out,Room 321,可知这类词与宾馆有关,故B为正确答案。示例2 W: I have a sore throat and my chest hurts.M: Oh, get this prescription filled and go straight to bed.Q: What is the possible relationship between the speakers?A. Daughter and father. B. Patient and doctor. C. Student and teacher. D. Customer and shop-assistant. 正确答案B解题要领本题为人物关系类题。从两位说话者的话中可以找到关键词sore throat, chest hurts,prescription,可知这类词与病人和医生有关,故B为正确答案。示例3 W: May I take your order?M: Yes. Id like some fried chicken, please.Q: What is the woman?A. A manager. B. A waitress. C. A student. D. A teller. 正确答案B解题要领本题为职业类题。从两位说话者对话中可以找到关键词order,fried chicken,可知这类词与饭店有关,在饭店里工作的人的职业可能是服务员,故B为正确答案。2.5数字及计算数字及计算类是常考题型,题型特点是每个问题都与数字有关,其内容涉及到时间、价格、年龄和尺寸等。做此种类型的题时要把听和看结合起来,先判断选项是时间、价格、年龄还是尺寸有关,然后推测问题可能是什么,听对话时留意相关的关键词。在听的过程中要听清楚所提的问题,不要听见什么就选什么,避免答非所问。注意选项中未出现的数字,通过关键词,搞清楚它们之间的关系,通过加、减、乘、除运算,最后作出选择。和数字有关的关键词有:early/late, fast/slow, double/times, half the price, delay等。示例 W: I like your new shoes very much. How much are they?M: Do you? $ 70. I got them on sale. They were 30 percent off.Q: What is the original price for the new shoes?A. $30. B. $100. C. $70. D. $120. 正确答案B解题要领本题为涉及价格的题。对话中出现了两组数字:$70和30 percent。$ 70是针对问题How much are they?作出的回答,而本题需要回答的问题是原价是多少,所以应该是70乘30%再加上70除70%,故B为正确答案。2.6活动类活动类题其内容涉及到上课,娱乐、工作、日常生活等各种情况。做此种类型的题时要把听和看结合起来,从选项的词性可判断出将被问及的问题可能与活动有关,因此在听对话的过程中注意与动作有关的关键词。根据说话者所使用权的词,尤其是动词,在选项中找出其相应的同义词。示例 W: Im sorry. I wasnt paying attention.M: Listen. Im going to givve you some advice. Slow down! When youre speeding, youre risking your life.Q: What was the woman probably doing just now?A. Driving a car. B. Listening to the radio. C. Making a phone call. D. Giving a lecture. 正确答案A解题要领本题为活动类题。对话中出现了与速度有关的动词词组:slow down,speed,risking your life,故A为正确答案。2.7原因及结果此类题侧重于对原因的考查,而很少考查结果,有时对话中含有信号词。表原因的有:because, since, as, for, result from, due to, now that, cause, on account of, thanks to, owing to, attribute to等;表结果的有:so, therefore, so that, result in, so that等。但更多的情况是通过上下文或关键词,在听对话的过程中注意与动作有关的关键词。尤其注意转折词but。示例 W: Ive never traveled by air, and I dont want to, either! It seems to be far too dangerous!M: Oh, no, thats not right.Q: Why has the woman never traveled by air?Because traveling by air costs too much money. Because traveling by air is uncomfortable. She thinks traveling by air is very dangerous. She is too old to travel by air. 正确答案C解题要领本题原因入结果题。此题中没有出现与原因及结果的信号词,但从选项和第一位说话人的话中可以找到相同的一个词:dangerous,故C为正确答案。2.8词汇及习语此类题侧重于对一些固定词组、否定句、比较句、条件句、与让步句等常用句型的考查,因此,平时要注意词汇和常用句型的积累。要注意听到的习语不能完全按其字面意思来理解,在听的时候要抓住选择项的同义或反义词或词组,从相关的词的引申含义去猜测。示例 M: I think it is high time we turn our attention to the danger of drunk driving now.W: I cant agre with you more.Q: What does the woman mean?She doesnt agree with the man. Drunk drivers are not guilty. She doesnt think so. People should pay more attention to the danger of drunk driving. 正确答案D解题要领本题中“I cant agre with you more.”的意思是“完全同意你的看法”,故D为正确答案。Section A 部分的解题技巧归纳如下: 听前快速浏览4个选项,以期得到提问有关的更多信息; 将听的重点放在第二个说话者所说的内容上,因为有很多的提问是针对第 注意捕捉对话里的关键词; 如果对话里所用词或选项里的用词不同,但意思一致,应重点考虑;二个说话者的内容来设计的; 在选项中找出关键词或词组,把重点放在选项中不同的部分,以得到未知的、不确定的信息,这往往也就是题目所要问的内容。二、 Section B (short conversation)1. 题型分析Section B (short conversation)会话,共有两个会话(conversation 1和conversation 2),每个会话后有2-3问题,共5小题,占总分值的5%,每个会话长约120-150词,内容以日常生活和实际内容为主。要求考生根据所听到的内容在四个选项中选出正确答案。该部分录音播放两遍。2. 解题技巧其题型与对话的题型有许多相似之处,大多数都是以等开头的特殊问句。此部分考题大致为:细节题、主旨大意及判断推理、地点场合及人物去向、人物关系、因果关系、数字计算、行为方式等方面的题。说话双方在交谈中给出的信息比较多,所以要把听和看结合起来,听录音前要快速浏览每小题的4个选项,从中得到一些可以帮助理解会话的信息,弄清楚问题考查的侧重点是什么,即出题者想对哪一点进行提问,避免盲目性,在听录音时要找到选项中与之相关的内容,其中以细节题为主要代表(具体解题技巧参照对话部分)。示例 Conversation 1You will hear:M: Well, what do you think of the film?W: I read the novel. I think its about average. The film turns out to be much better.M: Really? I think its a bit slow. Could have been more exciting. You know what I mean?W: Yes. I think though the actress is not well-known, she has done a very good job.M: But I never expected the film would end that way.W: To tell the truth, I like this ending. It gives a chance to the audience to interpret in their own ways.Questions 6 to 7 are based on the conversation you have just heard.6. What is the topic of the speakers? 7. What does the man think?You will read:6. A. A novel. B. A play. C. A movie. D. An actress.7. A. He likes the novel better. B. He doesnt appreciate the movie. C. He doesnt like the ending of the film. D. He likes the actress.正确答案试题6答案为C。试题7答案为B。解题要领试题6为主旨大意题。会话中多处出现了关键词和关键句:What do you think of the film? actress,ending, audience。故C为正确答案。试题7为判断推理题。选项He doesnt appreciate the movie.与会话内容I think its a bit slow. Could have been more exciting.用词不一样,但表达的意思相同。故B为正确答案。Conversation 2You will hear:W: Excuse me, are you Mr Smith from Britain?M: Yes, I am.W: How do you do? Im Li Fang from Nanjing University.M: How do you do, Miss Li. Nice to meet you.W: Nice to meet you, too, Mr Smith. How was your flight?M: Good. It was very smooth.W: Thats good. Can I help you carry your suitcases?M: Yes, thank you. Could you take the black one?W: Sure. This way, please. Well take a taxi to your hotel.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. Where does Mr Smith come from? 9. How does Mr Smith come here?10. Which suitcase does the man want the woman to take?You will read:8. A. Great Britain. B. Beijing University. C. The USA. D. Nanjing University.9. A.By air. B.By ship. C. By train. D. By car.10. A. The red one. B. The big one. C. The black one. D. The small one.正确答案试题8答案为A。试题9答案为A。试题10答案为C。解题要领试题8为地点题。会话中出现了两个表地点的词组:Britain,Nanjing University,做这题时注意问题中的人物是Mr Smith,故A为正确答案。试题9为行为方式题。会话中出现了一个关键句:How was your flight? 由此可知A为正确答案。试题10为细节题。会话中出现了一个关键句:Could you take the black one? 由此可知C为正确答案。Section B 部分的解题技巧归纳如下: 听录音前快速浏览选项,猜测可能被问及的问题; 听第一遍时掌握所听内容的中心意思和所提出的的问题,同时应该适当做些笔记,有助于短时间内加深对会话的理解; 做简单的笔记,抓住关键信息,用自己能懂的简单符号记下重要信息; 第二遍时根据所提的问题确定其具体答案,要边听边看答案,听到什么选什么; 注意对话中出现的关键词语和短句,尤其是动词、名词(人名及地点)、数词及形容词等; 注意连词、介词或介词短语及疑问词等; 充分利用上下文,将听到的信息进行归纳、推理和判断。三、Section C (short passage)1. 题型分析Section C (short passage),共一篇短文,短文后有5个问题,占总分值的5%,题型为填空简答题,每个问题的答案均以未完成的填空形式出现在答题纸上,要求考生根据所听内容,用一个词或最多不超过三个词的短语来完成每个答案。字数大约为120-150词,语速为每分钟120词。该部分短文与问题播放两遍。短文题材涉及历史、地理、文化、教育、科普、人物传记和小故事等。体裁包括记叙文、说明文和议论文。2. 解题技巧从历年的考题来看,细节、原因和数字是最主要的考点。示例 In many English houses people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Breakfast takes place at any time from 7 to 9. It consists of porridage, eggs, toast and butter with marmalade. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch comes at one oclock. It can range from a ham sandwich to a three-course meal. Afternoon tea is between 4 and 5 and dinner is about half past seven. The first course is soup, the next course consists of meat or fish with vegetables. Then comes some sort of dessert either pudding or fruit of various kinds: apples, pears, bananas, etc. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day, their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. How many meals do English people have a day? _ a day.12. What do English people drink at breakfast? _ at breakfast.13. When do English people have afternoon tea? Between _.14. How many courses do English people probably have at dinner? _ courses.15. What does the second course consist of? Meat or fish with _.正确答案试题11答案为Four meals。试题12答案为Tea or coffee。试题13答案为4 and 5 oclock。试题14答案为3/Three。试题15答案为vegetables。解题要领本文主要讲的是英国大多数家庭的一日四餐及饮食习惯,具体谈到了每餐的具体时间和主要吃的东西。试题11根据短文中“In many English houses people eat four meals a day”可知答案为Four meals。试题12根据短文中“English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.”可知答案为Tea or coffee。试题13根据短文中“Afternoon tea is between 4 and 5 and dinner is about half past seven.”可知答案为4 and 5 oclock。试题14根据短文中“The first course is , the next course consists of . Then comes .”可知答案为4 and 5 ocloc3/Three。试题15根据短文中“The first course is soup, the next course consists of meat or fish with vegetables.”可知答案为vegetables。Section C 部分的解题技巧归纳如下:在播放录音前,快速浏览五道题的问题及未完成的答案,确定问题类别和未完成答案所缺部分,做到心中有数;2. 巧用问题及答案部分已提供的内容为线索,在听短文时着重注意听问题及答案部分已提供信息词或关键词所在的句子;3. 从历年的考题来看,短文后面的问题一般多为明示信息题,问题比较具体,一般是按照行文的顺序出题,所以答案也较为直接,可以按顺序听到什么就写什么;4. 第二遍时根据所提的问题确定其具体答案,要边听边看答案,听到什么选什么;5. 抓住主题句(topic sentence),主题句经常是第一句或最后一句;6. 听完之后,马上检查答案的拼写、单复数、时态,确保在结构上和意义上都是通顺的。答案不要用缩写;7. 若没全听懂,不要慌,不要留空,根据所提问题以及你所听到的点滴内容,甚至是你平时所拥有的知识综合起来做出答案。第三节 专项训练Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 15-recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The recording will be played only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.131. A.To do business.B.To give lectures.C.To have a sightseeing.D.To attend a meeting.2. A.He will buy something else.B. He doesnt like Mothers idea.C. He will buy a bike for the girl.D. He doesnt like girls old bike.3. A.To the airport.B.To the cinema.C.To the theatre.D.To the railway station.4. A. Fine.B. Better.C. Sick.D. Tired.5. A. Husband and wife.B. Boss and secretaryC. Policeman and driver.D. Customer and shop assistant.6. A. In a car.B. On a plane.C. In a cinema.D. On a sports ground.7. A. He is strict.B. He is healthy. C. He is friendly. D. He is careless.8. A. He is losing his way.B. He is doing a maths exercise.C. He is looking for a parking lot.D. He is facing a traffic problem.9. A. She didnt feel very well yesterday. B. She attended another party yesterday. C. She didnt see the man at the party. D. She got a severe headache yesterday.10. A. Because she didnt pass a test. B. Because her teacher scolded her. C. Because she couldnt go on to study. D. Because her teacher fell seriously ill.11. A.The library. B.The office. C. The bookstore. D. The post office.12. A. She enjoys her weekends. B. She enjoys her housework. C. She has much homework to do. D. She has much housework to do.13. A. Sandy is not likely to come. B. Sandy is good at fixing things. C. Sandy will come in a minute. D. Sandy will not believe them.14. A. She suggests an outing. B. She suggests staying at home. C. She tries to convince the man. D. She tries to comfort the man.15. A.Eat less.B.Eat more.C.Eat better.D.Eat worse.Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 3-recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The recording will be played only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A), B),C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 1Questions 16 to 17 are based on the conversation you have just beard.16. A. pair of pants.B. A pair of gloves.C. A pair of shoes.D. A pair of socks.17. A. It is too small for him. B. It doesnt match his gloves. C. It is too large for him. D. It doesnt match his shoes.Conversation 2Questions 18 to19 are based on the conversation you have just beard.18. A.To ask Mr. King to call back.B.To leave a message for Mr. King.C.To take a message to Mr. King.D.To send a fax to Yangzhou, China.19. A. About the delivery of goods.B. About the transfer of his job.C. About the ordering of goods.D. About the address of his office.Conversation 3Questions 20 to21 are based on the conversation you have just beard.20. A.A single room for one night. B.A double room for one night. C.A single room for two nights. D.A double room for two nights.21. A.There were not any vacant rooms. B.The single room was not available. C.The double room was not available. D.There were not any small rooms.Conversation 4Questions 22 to24 are based on the conversation you have just beard.22. A.He got injured when driving a sports car. B.He got injured when he was playing footbal


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