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人教PEP版六年级下册期末综合测试英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的单词或词组。(_)1. A. ten B. twelveC. take(_)2. A. noodlesB. juiceC. ice cream(_)3. A. teaB. dogC. cat(_)4. A. pearB. eggC. apple(_)5. A. teaB. waterC. drink2 . 找出画线字母发音不同的选项(_) 1. A.cookedB.listenedC.playedD.pulled(_) 2. A.boyB.dayC.play(_) 3. A.officeB.hotC.boxD.other(_) 4. A.metB.sheC.well二、阅读选择阅读理解Hi, my name is Ann. I am going to tell you something about my sister and her friend Mike. My sister is a policewoman. She goes to work by motor cycle(摩托车).She enjoys helping people. She works very hard. In the evening, she likes listening to music and reading magazines. Her friend Mike is an engineer(工程师).He works in a big company. He designs(设计) machines(机器).He often walks to the company, because he wants to be healthier. He enjoys playing basketball. He wants to be a writer in the future.3 . Anns sister is a(n) .( )AwriterBengineerCdoctorDpolicewoman4 . She likes .( )Aplaying basketballBreading booksClistening to musicDplaying football5 . Where does Mike work? ( )AIn a bank.BIn a company.CIn a factory.DIn a hospital.6 . Mike designs .( )AcarsBkitesCmachinesDcomputers7 . Mike goes to work .( )Aon footBby carCby busDby motor cycle三、情景交际8 . 当别人问你会不会洗衣服时,如果你会,你可以说:( )AYes,I do. I always do it.BYes,I can. I always wash my clothes.9 . 下雪了,你穿的很薄,你会说:( )AI feel cold.BI am happy.CI like winter.10 . 当春节到了,你应该对爸妈说:_( )AHappy Christmas.BHappy New Year.11 . 新年走亲访友,可以说:( )AHappy New Year!BNice to meet you!12 . 当你想告诉别人“我有大眼睛”,你要怎么说?_( )AI have big eyes.BI have big ears.13 . 顾客问你能试穿鞋子吗,你应说:( )AOf course.BAre they OK?14 . 下午放学时,王兵和李老师告别,他会说:( )AGoodbye.BGood morning.CGood afternoon.15 . 别人送你礼物时,你会说: ( )AOK.BThank you.16 . 当你想知道别人姓名时,你会问:_ . ( )AHow old are you?BHow are you?CWhat s your name?17 . 你的同学头发很长,鼻子很小,你可以这样评价她:( )AYour hair is long, and your nose is small.BYour hair is short, and your mouth is small.18 . 早上老师上课时,向同学们问好,会说:_ ( )AGood morning, boys and girls.BGood afternoon, boys and girls.19 . 当你想要喝一些果汁时,可以这么说:_( )AId like some juice.BI like water.CWhat would you like?20 . 你想吃些水果时,你应说:( )ACan I have some fruit?BHave some fruit.21 . 你想问今天天气如何,应问:_( )AWhats the weather like today?BHow are you today?CWhat day is it today?22 . 当你想向别人问去动物园的路怎么走,应问:( )AIs this the zoo?BWalk straight on Hong Qi Road and turn right to Huang He Road.CExcuse me. Where is the zoo?四、填空题23 . 用所给词的正确形式填空。1Today is December _ (eight).2What a cold, _ (snow) day!3I want _ (take) a book to the park.4She is _ (go) to the zoo.5Li Ming _ (put) on his scarf in winter.6Jenny and Li Ming _ (be) going to play with Danny.五、匹配题选择合适的答句。A. I go to bed at 9:00 p.m.B. I like summer best.C. Its a rainy day.D. Because I can go swimming.E. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.24 . What do you do on the weekend?(_)25 . Why do you like summer?(_)26 . Which season do you like best?(_)27 . When do you go to bed?(_)28 . Whats the weather like today? (_)29 . 为下面的句子选择合适的图片。ABCDE(_)1. The pencil is long. (_)2. The bike is beautiful. (_)3. This computer is big. (_)4. This camera is new. (_)5. This pen is cheap.六、字母题30 . 请默写SsVv。_七、连词成句连词成句。31 . can, go, I, in, skating, winter (.)_32 . a, I, like, cup, milk, would, of (.)_33 . water, cold, have, can, I, some, please (, ?)_34 . to, am, going, party,


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