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标题内容搭配题(1)Directions: Questions 41 to 52 are based on book reviews given below. Answer each of the questions by choosing the right book(s) marked by A-H. You may choose some of the books more than once.The book isa guide for those who have recently become interested in studying animals and plants. 41._a guide book for walkers. 42. _concerned with the need for us to know more about the variety of species on Earth. 43. _arguing that some large-scale projects may be disastrous undertakings. 44._about a species which is well-known but widely misunderstood. 45., _an influential account of environmental damage. 46. _an emotional account of one species. 47. _written in the style of a different type of book. 48._suggesting that action is necessary to prevent disaster. 49. _an account of a research project. 50. _a beautifully-written work by an exceptional character. 51. _re-released in paperback and is very popular. 52._AThis book was first published in 1982-but its re-release in paperback is welcome because it is still one of the most attractive and useful guides for amateur naturalists, especially those starting from scratch.Part of the book is devoted to experiments in the home, such as how to dissect a cockroach, keep a snake or mount a skeleton. And for those who just want to read about some of the worlds richest habitats (动植物的生境), this book is an equally good companion.BRightly dubbed the first classic of the modern environment movement, Silent Spring remains a book of extraordinary depth and prescience. If the campaign against DDT has been largely won in the developed World, theres still a fight going on in the South. But this is not just a book about the dangers of pesticides: it is an intensely evocative and powerful account of the rupture between ourselves and nature, and of the illusions peddled by politicians to justify that rupture. CI dont know off-hand how many adjectives and adverbs could legitimately be used to describe falling water, but I suspect Mary Welsh has all but emptied the store while guiding us to these 30 assorted spouts, gills, forces and falls.Her aim is two-fold. She wants us to share her fascination with spumescent cataracts (thats a new one) and also her delight in birds and plants. Consequently the text reads more like a nature notebook than a walks guide.That criticism aside, Mary Welsh writes a good deal better than most guidebook authors, while the complementary pen drawings by Linda Waters add their own charm. Most of the chosen waterfalls lie within gentle strolling distance of the road and, this being Yorkshire, you can expect a cathartic jolt from the contrast between the quaint and the bleak, the pastoral and the wild.DNo animal inspires fear in humans quite like the great white shark. Whoever produces an effective shark repellent will become an overnight millionaireand people are presently engaged in such a quest.Yet, as Cousteau explains in this handsome book, the great white shark attacks human flesh only occasionally, probably for no better reason than that the flesh was in the way or that the shark wondered what it was.In fact Cousteau found it difficult to attract sharks for his research, for not only are great whites threatened by commercial and sports fishing (increasingly popular since Jaws), but they also reproduce rarely.Based at Dangerous Reef in southern Australia, a team of 40 experts studied the life of the great white for two-and-a-half years, tagging, tracking and observing from specially-bulk steel cages. This absorbing account of Cousteaus quest to understand this mysterious creature is terrifyingly illustrated.EIn 1956 Chairman Mao took a swim in the Yangtze, the great river that effectively divides China in a line from Tibet to Shanghai. He was intent on reviving a project that had been smouldering since the 1920s: to harness the notoriously violent waters with a vast dam at the easterly end of the rivers upper reaches, the breathtaking Three Gorges.Decades on, the foundations of the Three Gorges dam are already being laid. If the project continues, it will be the biggest, most expensive dam in the world. Should it be a failure, as many experts predict, it would rank as one of the worst man-made disasters.This and other similar tales of river exploitationthe proposed Mekong staircase of dams in Vietnam, superdams for Nepal for example-are the meat of Pearces study. As the worlds waterways seem set to become one of the great battlefields of the environmental movement in the Nineties, he points to the folly of numerous grandiose schemes. If we intend to replumb the planet, are we sure we know what were doing?FThe message in Wilsons book is mostly not new: man is in imminent danger of precipitating a biological disaster of catastrophic proportions, as species disappear at the rate of 27,000 per year, 74 a day, three an hour.Shock-horror statistics that weve all heard before. Yet probably never has the story of evolution been told as eloquently, or with such a galaxy of biological detail. We learn, for example, how spiders travel through the air, spinning web filaments long enough to be carried on the wind, like a balloon, and how the Californian acorn woodpecker is adapted to save its brain from destruction; above all we learn of the importance of interdependency of species. Yet far from being depressing, this account of the worlds complex evolution and current crisis is thoroughly inspiring. What can we do about it? Make an urgent survey of global biodiversity, says Wilson, before its too late. GThe whale has come to symbolise everything thats both good and bad about our relationship with other creatures, and this wonderful book describes the whales life and being with unforgettable drama. But you cant just imagine all this; youve got to feel it, be seized by it, let go for it. Heathcote Williamss poetry does all of that with knobs on (尤其突出地).HFarmer, poet, essayist, philosopher, naturalist, Wendell Berry is a really unique person. A love of the land combines with a love of the English language to produce that rarest combination of true profundity accessible to all. If every world leader had to spend a month working on Wendell Berrys farm in Kentucky, then we could do without any further Earth Summits! Reading his book is the next best thing. 标题内容搭配题(2)A) Can you control how well you age?B) Diversity works.C) This is the truth.D) Turn burglary into attempted burglary.E) Why did you stop asking for the window seat?F) LOSE FAT FAST /NO DIETINGAdvertisement AppreciationLove at first sight It was love at first sight, I suppose. And yet it wasnt just the way she looked. It was also the way she talked.Wed been for a stroll in the country, one lazy, hazy summer Saturday. I felt about sixteen again-walking close enough for our hands to keep touching in the hope that she might hang on.At a little country pub overlooking Evesham vale, I popped the inevitable question.Ill have a Jameson, she replied.A what? A Jameson. You know, the famous Irish Whiskey.Oh, I said somewhat blankly.Havent you tried it? she said, laughing. Dont look so amazed, its great. Made from the finest Irish barley, the softest spring water, and its distilled three times, so its really smooth.Two Jamesons, please I said to the barman a moment later. And before going back to my partner I took a little sip-just to see if she was right.Was I right? she said. I saw you taking a crafty swig!Excellent taste, I said.She raised an eyebrow quizzically and said, Are you talking about me, or the Jameson?41. _Frequent travelers often forget that a flight can be a breathtaking experience, not merely a means of transportation. But at Hyatt, we believe every journey should be uplifting. Even after youve landed.Thats why we fill our hotels and resorts with so many opportunities to broaden your horizons. Unique restaurants in the sky where you can dine with sparkling cities at your feet. Meeting rooms that free your imagination by opening to grand panoramas. And lobbies that greet you with spectacular architecture and dramatic vistas.Instead of merely a place to stay at your destination, a Hyatt is a destination in itself. A place to experience. A window seat that always rewards you with a fresh perspective.So next time, ask to stay with the people of Hyatt. We think youll like what you see.42._ Human beings do not come with odometers. So how do you tell who is a serious runner? We dont believe serious runners are defined by how many miles they cover in a week. Theyre defined by how important running is in their lives. It doesnt matter why you run, or how far. If its important to you, youre a serious runner to us. Thats why we work so hard to make great running shoes. Because the goal of a running shoe is very simple. To keep you running.The more comfortable you are, the more miles youll run. Thats the idea behind the GEL-130.43._ Are you tired of the diet-go-round? Why torture yourself with diets that dont work? MELTAWAY REDUCING CANDY really works! MELTAWAY will help you lose weight the safe, natural, easy way!SHED FAT LIKE MAGIC!The unique MELTAWAY formula breaks up those stubborn fat cells and melts them away! MELTAWAY speeds up your bodys natural fat burners. Eat as much as you wantyou still lose weight!SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!Clinical studies have proven MELTAWAY REDUCING CANDY to be safe and effective. There are no unpleasant side effects when taken in the recommended doses.Lose 6 pounds in 48 hours!Lose 14 pounds in 7 days!Lose 21 pounds in 14 days!44._ When 3M Scotchshield Ultra Safety and Security Film is applied to windows, it resists penetration and helps keep glass in place through attempted break-ins, storms, even earthquakes. Its another innovative 3M product that helps make your home more safe and comfortable. And one more result of our unique culture, which lets us make the leap from need to 3M innovation.45._ It has long made sense to us at IBM to welcome and value individual differences. We prove this commitment to our workforce every day. Programs such as employee networking groups, child/elder care, domestic partner benefits and flexible work hours help us attract and retain the best and most talented individuals. And in our diverse marketplace, thats always good business.标题内容搭配题(3)A) Tell someone else.B) The importance of deadline.C) Avoid momentum busters.D) Hold a positive attitude.E) Use a simple approach.F) The power of priorities.It is important that you take the time to recognize which reasons apply most to you or to your staff members. By doing so you will be able to select from the solutions that follow, the one or more that will best help you to overcome procrastination.41._ If you analyze an overwhelming task that is currently facing you, you will probably find that it can be broken down into a number of smaller, more manageable pieces. A logical order will emerge for completing each part, or you may have to impose such an order on the component parts. You can then SWAP-Start With A Part. And if youve listed the various parts in writing-which is recommended-you can have the pleasure of crossing them off step by step, and seeing a visual representation of the fact that as you complete each step you bring yourself closer to the completion of the overall project.42._ We tend to see deadlines as a cause of stress rather than as a solution. This is because they are often unrealistic, and they are often imposed by others. Actually, when you face a project of which no deadline has been established, you should establish one. This helps you to focus on a project, and it helps you plan your time. Deadlines should not be set only for the completion of the project, but for the various steps along the way as well. Be sure, however, that your deadlines are realistic, or you will only increase the pressure which deadlines-strange as it may seem-have the power to reduce.43._ When is procrastination not procrastination? When you have postponed low priority tasks in order to complete tasks of a higher priority. Not everything we do has the same importance and we must recognize this and use it in setting priorities. We must also remember that priorities must constantly be reevaluated and recorded as circumstances change. If you find that the tasks you are postponing are consistently of low importance, dont worry. Sometimes, though, you may find that high priority items are the very ones you seek to avoid, while filling your time with comfort tasks. If this is the case you may choose to give yourself a reward. It may sound trivial, but it works.44._ If you have a big project to work on, let someone else know about it, and let them know what your deadline is. It may be a co-worker, it may be a family member, it may be a friend. The fact is that while we often dont mind disappointing ourselves, we are far less likely to disappoint others. Thus, we have the incentive to work on the project, if for no other reason than that we would be embarrassed to have to admit to a friend, family member or co-worker, that we have failed.45._ It is imperative that you build-and maintain-momentum in working on a project. As Newton tells us, “A body at rest tends to remain at rest, while a body in motion tends to remain in motion.” Newton wasnt talking about procrastination, but he might have been. Surely the most important step in completing any project is to start it, by whatever means necessary. Once youve started, then you have to try to avoid things that will bring you to a halt again. The worst of these is interruptions. If at all possible,12 try to remove yourself from the source of interruptions. Its all right to say to a friend that you cant talk because youre working on an important project. And as far as the interruptions you cant avoid, be sure that you return to the project immediately after you have dealt with them. Dont stop when youre facing a difficulty, because you wont be inclined to return to the project and face that same difficulty the next time.Breaking habits requires the creation of other, better habits in their place, and this is never an overnight process. Nor should it be an overwhelming one. The surest route to failure is to look at this list of solutions and attempt to put them all into effect at once. Select a single solution which seems to have the greatest impact on your specific pattern of procrastination behavior, and begin to put that into effect immediately. Recognize that it will take some time before these new behaviors become ingrained in your regular work process. Once they have, however, you can add additional solutions and change additional behaviors, always being careful to avoid the temptation to become obsessed with the subject. There are, and there always will be, things that you should postpone until later, and you must differentiate these from cases of true procrastination.标题内容搭配题(4)The owner of a New Jersey printing business was delighted when another company wanted to buy one of his used printing machines. After careful calculations, he fixed a price of $ 2.5 million and formulated his arguments.When he sat down to negotiate, however, an inner voice told him, Wait. The buyers quickly filled the silence with a rundown of the machines strengths and weaknesses. The seller said nothing. Then the buyers said, Well give you $ 3.5 million, but not a penny more. Less than an hour later, the deal was made.41. Opportunities to improve a situation by zipping your lip come up all the time in everyday dealings with others. Sometimes the benefit of keeping your mouth shut may be that you wont have to eat your words.42. Sometimes an unthinking remark, no matter how innocently made, can have serious consequences. 43. Not only is there wisdom in knowing when to keep your mouth shut; there are practical advantages as well. 44. As the saying goes, Few men have ever repented of silence. Or few women.45. Waiting is a strategy that is too often overlooked in all kinds of situations. Sometimes its a wonder what a small dose of determined silence can do.Like a composer who knows that the space between the notes is as important as the notes themselves, each of us must realize that our silences can be as expressive as the words we choose. The result is greater harmony and effectiveness. A) Harold and his wife once ran into neighbors in their apartment building late at night. Startled, he tried to be friendly and said, I hear congratulations are in order. There was an awkward silence. Later Harolds wife reminded him that the woman had recently miscarried. Nowadays, Harold says, if Im momentarily thrown, I count to ten before I say anything.B) My husband was under so much pressure at work when our first child was born that he became somewhat distant from me and the baby. After a few weeks of this, I was exhausted and burning to vent my feelings.One day I wrote him an angry letter. Then, I dont know why exactly, I put the letter aside. The next day my husband offered to change the babys diaper. I guess its about time I learned to do these things, he said.I never did find out what caused his change of heart. Im glad I gave him time. A blowup would have accomplished nothing, and he was great after that.C) Take my friend Ben. Like many of us when we are unsure of ourselves or trying to be polite, Ben sometimes blurts out things that come back t


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