



-教育精选-课 题Unit 2 English around the World(words and expression)科 目英 语教学对象高一年级提供者一、教材内容分析本节课是以学习课后词汇短语用法为主题的一节课。本节课所学的大部分单词和短语是新课标所要求掌握的,而且经常会出现在阅读中,所以掌握本节课内容很重要。二、教学目标(知识、技能、 情感态度)知识目标:掌握 because of, come up,actually gradually, be based on等这些单词拼写 和的用法,并能运用这些单词灵活造句。技能目标:提高学生的总结能力和自学能力。情感目标:让学生对词汇学习感兴趣及构建学习词汇,学句子的自信,做到小组合作学习。三、学习者特征分析大部分同学认为词汇课无聊,对于词汇的学习没有兴趣,课上不够活跃。所以作为老师,应在课上设置各种活动,运用多种教学方法,调动学生积极性。使他们在愉快的气氛中学到知识。通过个人努力及小组合作能够完成教学任务,达成教学目标。四、教学过程教学过程教师活动设计意图导入(1) a song”because of you”向学生展示音乐“because of youbecause I love you 在屏幕是展示歌的名字。轻松进入学习状态,学会读音,按音记单词。Read the wordsAsk ss to read the words of unit2 Step1 revisionTask1 and task2Task1. match the words with their meaningsVoyage A not suddenlyGradually B the second of the two thingsThe latter C long trip by seaActually D able to speak or write a language wellFluent E in factplay a part in F move towardsat present G use from sb. Or e up H nowbe based on I play a role inmake use of J use sth. as groundtask2 fill in the blanks using the wordsGradually/made voyages /at resent/Actually/ latter /make use of / such as /than ever before/be based on/ because of/ fluentAt the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English. Later in the next century, people from England _ to conquer other parts of the world and _that, English began to be spoken in many other countries. _all languages change and develop when cultures meet. Between about AD450 and 1150, English was different from today. It was _more _ German than the English we speak _. Then _ between about AD800 and 1150,English became less like German. By the 1600s Shakespeare was able to _a wider vocabulary _. Finally by the 19th century, English was settled. People wrote two dictionaries. The _gave a separe identity to Ameirican English spelling.Now ,English is spoken in many countires _Singapore ,Malaysia and India. They can speak _English.让学生熟悉单词的英文意思,连线降低学生的难度。让学生根据课文填空,进一步熟悉课文,体会所学单词在课文中的意义。Step2 learn the words and expression.Teacher will give ss the sentence from the text and ask them to understand the meaning of the word. Then ask them to do some exercises about the word. Eg.1.Id like to come up to your apartment.She came up with a problem at the meeting yesterday._A problem came up at the meeting.While we were talking,a stranger _ us and asked for some money2. 2.Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of world and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.Because/because ofBecause it was raining outside,we stayed at homeBecause of the rain outside, we stayed at home I knew she was crying _ the bad news.根据每个单词的不同词性和词义给学生展示几个例句。让学生自己通过观察,总结搭配和意思。之后再将这些用法总结,造句。Step3exerciseTask1 and task2Task1 fill in the blanks with the words and expressions.be based on/ at present /play an important part / gradually/ actually/because of/ such as/ made a voyage to /came up/make use of 1.You can _every chance to practise(练习) your spoken English.2.Every method must _ _hard work.3. _ _the heavy rain, our sport meet has to be put off.4. _,more and more people speak English in China.5.Computers are_ _in our daily life.6.While we were talking, a man _ to us.7._, it is not difficult to learn English.8.I can play with many people _ my classmates, my roommates.9. She _ Europe at the request of the.10. Believe it or not, after you learn it for some time, _your English will improve.Task2. translate the sentences and connect them into a passage.1.在日常生活中,英语扮演着重要的角色。2.目前大多数学生在学习英语。 3.事实上,学习英语并不难。4.利用每次机会练习英语。5.我们应该多与他人交流,例如同学.6.任何一种方法(method)都建立在努力的基础上。7.坚持一段时间,你的英语就会提高。在不同的环境词汇的意思及用法,练习句子的翻译,为写作奠定基础。 通过翻译,降低难度,深化词汇的使用,练习写作,注重上下句的连接。Step4 homeworkPolish their work.板书设计1. come up to 2. make voyage to/voyage 3. Be based on/ base sth on sth 4.Because/because of 5.at p


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