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五年级下册期中综合检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列不属于同一类的单词。1 . AchairBdeskCschoolDtable2 . ApenBpencilCswimDbook3 . AwhenBinConDby4 . AcakeBpandaCpigDmonkey5 . AoneBnumberCtwoDthree6 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. SundayB. some C. Saturday(_)2. A. dadB. happyC. sad(_)3. A. fever B. coldC. fine(_)4. A. hear B. hungry C. thirty(_)5. A. thankB. talkC. speak7 . -_ is the coffee house? ( )-Its near the toilet.AWhereBWhatCWho8 . -Howmany_doyouwant?( )- One_,please.Akilos;kiloBKilos;kilosCKilo;kilos9 . I _ see everything _ my way to school. ( )Acan; onBcan; inCam; onDam; in10 . She is going to have_ art lesson. ( )AaBanC/11 . Chen Jie _ pictures every weekend but she didnt _ last Sunday. ( )Adraw; drawingBdraw; drawCdraws; draw12 . Lingling is. ( )AangerBangryCangery13 . What do you usually do on? ( )ASundaysBSundayCsunday14 . I will go_. ( )Ato thereBthereCin there15 . 选出单词中画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AcameraBhadCstamp二、填空题16 . 根据实际情况写一写你的学校生活。This is my school. I usually go to school at _ I have _ every day. I often play with my friends here. You can see _ at my school. I love my school.17 . 根据汉语和首字母提示完成句子:Where will you go? Ill go to the z _(动物园).三、任务型阅读阅读理解,根据短文内容判断对(T)错(F)。My name is Bob. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to the bookstore by bus. Then Im going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema.18 . Today is Friday.(_)19 . Bobs father is going to visit his grandparents in the morning.(_)20 . Bob is going to the bookstore by bike.(_)21 . Bob is going to play computer games with his sister.(_)22 . After dinner they are going to the cinema.(_)四、汉译英根据中文提示,完成句子。23 . 现在九点。是上床睡觉的时间了,海伦。好的,妈妈。Its _. Its time _, Helen._, Mum.24 . 我的书包在哪里?在桌在上。_ is my _?Its on the desk.25 . 醒醒,李涛。现在七点了。_, Liu Tao. Its _ now.26 . 那是我的包。That is _.五、匹配题27 . Read, think and choose.(_)1. Do you like milkshake.AI dont like meat.(_)2. What is that?BYes, I do.(_)3. I dont like apples.CIt is a banana.为下列句子选择相应的图片。A. B. C. D. 28 . The hat is beautiful.(_)29 . These shoes are new and nice. (_)30 . The T-shirt is too big for me. (_)


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