



玛丽皇后学院研究生入学申请要求 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen Mary-University of London)1建校于1887年,1915年加入伦敦大学,是伦敦大学最大的学院。在伦敦大学各学院中,只有玛丽女王将教学、科研和住宿全部集中在了伦敦市中心的校园。 【原文】Taught degrees (MSc/MA: one year) 【原文】For entry onto our masters level courses students should normally have achieved: Four-year bachelors degree from 211 or 985 University with 75%+ average Four-year bachelors degree from non-211 University within top 300 with average 80%+ 学校硕士水平的课程入学要求一般要: 211或985工程大学的四年制学士学位,平均分75%以上。 排名前300的非211工程大学的四年制学士学位,平均分80%以上。 【原文】The usual entrance requirement to a taught masters degree is a four-year bachelors degree from a 211 University. However, all applications are considered on an individual basis and students may be admitted to masters programmes with a lower level degree if they have work experience relevant to the degree applied for. 授课型硕士学位的基本入学要求就是211大学的四年制学士学位。但是,所有的申请者都会基于个人的情况被考虑,如果申请者有与申请学位相关的工作经验,具有较低学位的学生也可以申请硕士课程。 【原文】Students with a three-year diploma (dazhuan) from a recognised institution may apply for the Postgraduate Foundation Programme, a year-long course which will gain them aess to a masters programme. 正规学校三年制文凭(大专)的学生可以申请研究生预科课程,为期一年,是过渡到研究生课程的基础。 【原文】Research degree (MPhil/PhD: three years) 【原文】For entry onto our research degree courses students should normally have a masters degree from a recognised university. 想进入研究型学位课程学习的学生一般应该有正规大学的硕士学位。 【原文】English language requirements 【原文】Please refer to English language and foundation courses for different course requirements. Students with A-levels or IB will not require IELTS or TOEFL Students who achieve slightly below these requirements may be admitted onto a presessional English course at Queen Mary. Please see the Entry Level Guidelines for English Language for full details. 请参考英语语言及基础课程查询不同课程的要求。 有A


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