



新一代大学英语(发展篇)综合教程 2-unit4 Unit4 Kindness and indifference iExplore 1 4-5 iExplore 1: Building your language Task 1 更多 vx 关注:课后助手 1. criminal / medical 2. infamous 3. shocking Task 2 1. come across 2. observe 3. faced with Task 3 1) take 2) action 3) offer assistance 4) intervene in Task 4 1. was reluctant to get involved 2. be afraid to endanger themselves 3. fear getting caught up in Task 5 Reference: 1. The research aims to investigate some of the social and psychological factors that have helped to account for peoples responises to some emergencies. 2. Bill isalikable guy and a good father who would endanger himself in protecting his son. 3. To deliberately get involved in a situation that does not concern you may be annoying to others. 4. Awareness of the fact that the child was in danger impelled the police to take action immediately. 5. The nation was outraged by the news of the assassination of the president. 6. Changing the way we interpret an event can change the way that we experience it. iExplore 2 4-7 iExplore 2: Building your language Task 1 1 benefits 2. gain 3. pay off Task 2 1. acts of kindness 2. out of good wil 3. a selfless act 4. the goodness of my heart Task 3 1. the fear of criticism 2. impose a fine 3. comes at a cost 4. lend a hand to 5. promote altruism 6. motives to help Task4 D E A C B iProduce 4-8 Unit project 4-8 Unit project 1-3 Reference: K indness? Indifference? A woman named Kitty Genovese was brutally murdered in 1964 in New York. Thirty-eight neighbors heard her desperate cries for help, but no one offered to help or called the police, which outraged the nation. We couldnt help wondering Whats wrong with those bystanders? Isnt kindness our human nature? It is beyond doubt that helping strangers out of good will is in our human nature. Psychologists have found out that kids as young as 18 months old spontaneously help others without being told to do so, e.g. picking up the dropped items or opening doors for the experimenter. Whats more, wehelp others out of the goodness of our hearts. As Abraham Lincoln said, When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. Thats my religion. We will feel better about ourselves when we help others and worse when we do not. Finally, we get a warm glow when we help others, which. is an experience registering in our brains pleasure centers. The kindness of strangers indicates that humans are altruistic and willing to help others even when there is no immediate gain or indeed there is no reward in the future. Since helping others out of good will is in our human nature, why dont we offer assistance in. emergencies? Psychologists have found out that the bystander effect is the result of a complex set of psychological factors. Onc factor is social affirmation, which means people tend to do what everybody else is doing. They are afraid to stand out and be different. For instance, if a fire alarm goes off in a building and no one else. seems concerned, most people will tend to do nothing . because other people are doing nothing. Another factor is the level of ambiguity involved in the situation. Many times lovers do quarrel, sometimes violently. So people are afraid to look foolish if they intervene in the situation and take the wrong action. A third factor is the principle of moral diffusion, which means the larger a crowd, the less likely people will get involved. Everyone thinks that someone else will help. When an old man collapses in front of a group of people, the result is few people will offer help and most of them choose to wait for others to take action. So what shall we do to encourage people to help? First of all, we should educate people about the bystander effect. Once we know about the phenomenon, we are more likely to escape it, and take action. Besides, we can pass a law to protect those helpers in emergencies. When protected by law, people will not be afraid to be caught up in legal proceedings or get themselves into trouble. To sum up, its in our human nature to help strangers out of good will, but sometimes people may do nothing when faced with emergencies. Its not that we are cold or indifferent, but rather, a complex set of psychological factors prevent people from taking actionis. Now that we have learned about all those factors, hopefully we iAssess 4-10 Unit test Part I 1. collaboration 2. intervene 3. consistent 4. likelihood 5. desperate 更多 vx 关注:课后助手 6. dismiss 7. ambiguity 8. spontaneously Part II D A C B A PartIII 1-1 Reference; 社交媒体充斥着美国青少年的生活,以至于上网就几乎 等同于在社交网站上出现。95%的 12-17 岁青少年都上网, . 而他们中的 80%都是社交网站的用户。我们之所以着力 研究社交网站是由于我们想了解青少年在这些网站,上的 经历以及他们是如何处理他们所见到或经历的负面行为的。 Part III 1-2 Reference: I have discovered that one thing has a great bearing on the success of my business - the values that I acquired in China long before coming to the United States. These values have much in common with some of the virtues of Confucianism - the Chinese philosophy that stresses moderation. However, although I respect the spirit of Confucianism, I have not tried to adapt this ancient Chinese philosophy to modern s


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