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1、可编辑1. come across 碰到遇见-When you read this mornings paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week.2. seem as normal看起来正常-Normally, theres never anything newsworthyabout my life. That all changed last Thursday. Of course everything seemed as normal at first.3. chore 零工,而h

2、ousehold chores 可指家务劳动- I performed my chores.4. errand 任务使命- I ran my errands.5. in truth 事实上,不仅要会用actually, as a matter of fact,还要会用in truth,它们语意相近,但是之间存在一些语感上的微妙差异,请试着去体会。-In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day.6. In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day -quietly polishi

3、ng the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.这部美剧的旁白具有很好的文学鉴赏价值,而本句就是这种文学色彩的代表句之一。Polish愿意为打磨,擦亮,推敲,润色,那么打磨常规的生活,就是指,不断重复过着例行公事的生活,借以把生活润色得完美。全句的意思则是,不断重复这例行公事的生活,直到生活闪现出完美那一刻。而直到完美之前都在例行公事般的生活,那么这个达到完美状态的时刻,就暗示了她自杀这件不平凡的事情的到来。7. arouse唤醒引起-Her curiosity aroused. 当旁白说道自杀者的尸体被邻居发现的同时,镜头

4、正好对准发现尸体的邻居吃东西的画面。而她吃的东西,是用手指从木质吧台上蘸了的一点红色酱汁,很容易让人误解为她在从地板上蘸了鲜血来吃,编剧和导演的用心可谓良苦,总是利用这种雷人的玩笑增加影片的行为艺术效果。8. drop in on sb unannounced 不请自来。Unannounced是副词,用来表明探访某人而事先未通知对方。-Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the b

5、lender she had borrowed from me 6 months before. 语法上的一个注意点是,she had borrowed 是过去完成时态的从句,用来修饰名词blender, 所以时间上要用 before 而不是ago。为什么她犹豫了片刻?因为不请自来是很不礼貌的,也是经常会令人感到尴尬的。除非她能够想出一个探访的好理由,这样的理由要具备两个条件,一是要有必要性,就是说理由很充分;二是妥协性,即假如无法探访对方,也没有什么不妥。所以她选择了归还绞肉机作为探访的理由。接下来你会发现为什么这个理由符合这两点条件。9. 一系列描述人由于震惊或悲痛而神情恍惚的表达,mot

6、ionless静止的; grief-stricken极度忧伤的,在下边的例句中是做过去分词使用;tragedy 悲剧-And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. But, only for a moment.If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side. 用only对for a moment

7、进行强调,以及反复出现for a moment,极大地讽刺了这位善于化悲痛为力量的主妇的品质。10. be laid to rest安息,死的委婉说法-I was laid to rest on a Monday.11.电话求救中的时态关系Step1-一般现在时陈述事件当事人Its my neighbour. Step2-完成时态表该事故已发生I think shes been shot. Step3-一般现在时描述现场Theres blood everywhere. Step4-用you have got to do要求帮助Yes, youve got to send an ambulanc

8、e. Youve got to send one right now!12. as sb do sth in the situation+一般现在时的瞬时动作,表示在某种情形之下的常规行为as是一个词性较多,用法繁多并且意义容易混淆的词,作连词的时候的用法有a描述同时发生的事 As she grew older she gained in confidence.b描述途径 They did as I had asked.c表示原因As you were out, I left a message.d引导评论 As you know, Julia is leaving soon.e引导补充说明S

9、he is very tall, as is her mother.f就算某事的真实性成立,接下来发生的事情也成立。Happy as they were, there was something missing.(就算他们曾经快乐,也是有损失的)-After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects. And as people do in this situation, they brought food.问题一请问原句中的AS是以上哪种用法?请说明道理。13. a recipe fo

10、r sth 菜谱-Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.14. move over/up 使提升-Of course, she didnt cook much as she was moving up the corporate ladder. 为了晋升而忙碌,所以她很少做饭。问题二move up the corporate ladder的字面直译是什么?15. 动词短语做名词性定语stay-at-home mum全职主妇-Why not quit your job? Kids do much better with stay

11、at home mums.光看美剧学英文是不够滴!o口语也要扎实学16.事实并非如此-But this was not the case. In fact, Lynettes life had become so hectic. 丈夫提议让妻子辞去工作,可以过上没有压力的日子,而事实并非如此,因为妻子因繁忙而兴奋。17. She was now forced to get her chicken from a fast food restaurant. Lynette would have appreciated the irony of it if she stopped to think

12、about it, but she couldnt. She didnt have the time. 虽然她懂得如何做出令人称赞的炸鸡,但她不得不去餐厅买一只做好的。如果她能够停下来思考一下这件讽刺的事情的话,她应该感谢这件事,可惜她没有机会去感谢,因为她没有时间去考虑这个讽刺。该句中的诸多宾语的省略或替代会引起理解困难。另外,此处的虚拟语气 would have done +if did 是混合虚拟,主句用would have done表示和过去事实相反,表示她过去应该感谢这种讽刺,而事实上她没有过;从句用一般过去时,表示对现在或者未来事实假设,如果现在或者将来她能够停下来思考。问题三你是

13、怎么理解这个虚拟语气句子的?18.get over with一劳永逸地做完,不愿意也不得不做完-lets get this over with.19. reupholstering her own furniture给家具换面,这可是公认的技术含量很高的家务劳动20. And everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. Everyone, that is, except her own family. think of sb as sth认为某人怎么样。这句竭尽讽刺之能事。21.Susan

14、Meyer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese. Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well. It was too salty the night she and Carl moved into their new house. It was too watery the night she

15、found lipstick on Carls shirt. She burned it the night Carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary. A year had passed since the divorce. Susan was starting to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, even one who would make fun of her cooking.tease揶揄挖苦burn 可用语表示做菜时烧焦时间+had passed

16、 since sth一种具有文采的表示时过境迁的方法。这段描写SUSAN的语篇,很适合做写作素材。22.Sometimes people pretend to be one way on the outside and theyre totally different on the inside. 表里不一的说法,收藏。23. -An erect penis doesnt have a conscience. -Even the limp ones arent that ethical.虽然偏激,但是是不错的用来揶揄男性的句子。24. we are at a wake我们是来守灵的,wake还

17、有守夜的意思。25.housewarming gift乔迁之礼,辽宁的方言里也有类似的词叫温锅饭,就是乔迁之宴。光看美剧学英文是不够滴!o口语也要扎实学26.Good news travels quickly.好事传千里27.And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun. For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly. But she was reminded that when it came to men,Women d

18、ont fight fair. 有一段经典的情敌赛事解说。一段争夺MIKE的竞赛已经开始了。此时SUSAN怀疑她们的竞争会否保持有好,但是她一下想起来,在争抢男人的问题上,女人们从不遵循公平原则。28. order sb around对某人发号施令- You cant order me around like Im a child.29. hand carved手工雕琢的,名词性短语。30. say sth in the sullen tone用阴沉的,没好气的语气说话How do you think it makes me feel when you say its OK, in that

19、sullen tone?31.Im just saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Cant we ever just have food? 卖弄厨艺得到的抱怨。32.-Well, he promised to give me everything Ive ever wanted.-Well, did he?-Yes.-Then. why arent you happy?-Turns out I wanted all the wrong things.一段发人深省的对话。Turn out结果是,到头来的意思33. -The clogs in

20、the pipe.-Yeah, thats usually where they are.clog做名词时为堵塞物。这组对话很幽默。34. Bree longed to share the truth about her husbands painful betrayal, but sadly for Bree, admitting defeat was not an option. long to do渴望去做。嘲讽一下Bree。35. -It was a mistake.-Since when do you make mistakes?-Whats that supposed to mea

21、n?-It means Im sick of you being so damn perfect all the time. I-I-Im sick of the bizarre way your hair doesnt move. Im sick of you making the bed in the morning before Ive even used the bathroom. Youre, youre this plastic suburban housewife with her pearls and her spatula, who says things like “we owe the Hendersons a dinner”.bizarre法语词,稀奇古怪的suburban土气的spatula抹刀最后这句臆想中的,手拿抹刀,佩戴珍珠的土气的塑料主妇应该说的话,是否有一个典故?字面上只是我们应该回请一下亨德森一家。光看美剧学英文是不够滴!o口语也要扎实学36. And suddenly,


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