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1、Unit 4Public transport,基础知识,考点知识,基础知识梳理 抓主干固双基,1. vt.运送,输送;表达 2. vt.部门,convey,undertake,enlarge,large,load,unbelievable,via,postpone,section,9. n.间隔,间隙 10. adv.遗憾地,不幸地 adj.幸运的 n.运气,财富 11. n.权力;官方;批准 12. n.增加;成长 v.生长 13. n.询问;调查 v.咨询 14. adj.每年的 15. n.预订;保留意见,interval,unfortunately,fortunate,fortune,

2、authority,growth,grow,enquiry,enquire,annual,reservation,16. n.离开;背离,违反 17. adj.准时的,守时的 18. vi.出现,产生 19. adj.好斗的,挑衅的 20. n.碰撞 21. vt.处以罚金 22. adj.喝醉的 n.醉汉 v.饮,喝 23.violate vt. 。 24.architect n. . n.建筑,建筑学,departure,punctual,arise,aggressive,crash,fine,drunk,drink,违犯,违反;侵犯,建筑师,architecture,25.anniver

3、sary n. . 26.handful n. . 27.pedestrian n. .,周年纪念日,一把(的量),行人,步行者,1.put 使经历 2.decide 决定,选定 3.link 联合,连接 4.speed (使)加速 5.turn 出现;调高 6.put 推迟;取消 7.drop 中途下客或卸货 8. (.)intervals 每隔距离或时间 9.fill 填写(表格) 10.a handful 少量的 11.split 分组,分解;分离 12.arise 由引起,through,on/upon,up,up,up,off,off,at,in,of,up,from,1.Why w

4、ould many people choose to travel by airplane . by ship?为什么许多人宁愿选择乘飞机而不愿乘船呢? 2.So, take a trip on the oldest underground system today?因此,今天为什么不在最古老的地铁系统上旅行呢? 3.However,most trains to London only went to the outer city limits,because . would have damaged many old buildings. 但大部分通往伦敦的火车只到外伦敦的边界,因为在市区修

5、建铁路会 损坏许多古建筑。,rather,than,why,not,building,railway,tracks,into,the,city,1.convey vt.运送,搬运;传播,表达,传递,转让,考点知识导练 解疑难提知能,英文典例: Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators. 管道把热水从锅炉输送到暖气片。 Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength.红色之类的 颜色可给人以充满活力与力量的感觉。,即学即用:完成句子 眼睛可以传情。 Eyes can

6、 . 这艘船从中东运输石油。 The ship oil the Middle East. 请向他转达我最美好的祝愿。 my best wishes him,please.,答案:convey ones feelingsconveys;fromConvey;to,2.undertake vt.承诺,答应,英文典例: The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident. 公司已宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。 He undertook to finish the job by

7、Friday. 他答应星期五或之前完成这一工作。,即学即用:完成句子 他保证6个月内还钱。 He pay the money back in six months. 她为新变化承担全部责任。 She full responsibility the new changes.,答案:undertook toundertook;for,3.enlarge vt.重担;装载量;工作量;负载;责任,英文典例: Shes got loads of friends. 她有很多朋友。 Men were loading up a truck with timber. 工人正在把木料装上卡车。,即学即用:完成句子

8、 果真如此,我就放心了。 If this is really true,itll . 。 . 澳大利亚有很多特别棒的地方值得一看。 There are great places to see in Australia. 餐桌上摆满了各式各样的美味食品。 The table delicious food of many different kinds.,答案:take a load off my mindloads ofwas loaded with,5.put through给某人接通(电话);使经历,英文典例: Could you put me through to the manager,

9、please? 请帮我找经理接一下电话好吗? They decided to put aside their differences. 他们决定搁置双方的分歧。,即学即用:完成句子 如果她不在,请帮我把电话接到她秘书那里好吗? If shes not in,can you me to her secretary? 这书棒极了,我是爱不释手。 Its a great book;I couldnt .,答案:put;throughput it down,6.decide on/upon 决定,选定,英文典例: Were still trying to decide on a venue. 我们仍然

10、在设法选定一个会场。 Weve decided not to go away after all. 我们到底还是决定不离开。 Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead. (2017浙江,阅读理解A) Benjamin决定用猫毛来代替。 He is really bad at making decisions. 他的确不善于决策。,即学即用:完成句子 不要过于匆忙地对重要的事情作决定。 Dont important matters too quickly. 她决定去巴黎度假。 She to Paris for her holiday.,答

11、案:decide on/upondecided to go,7.link up 连接,联合,英文典例: The bands have linked up for a charity concert. 这些乐队已联合起来,准备办一场慈善音乐会。 The Channel Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe.英吉 利海峡隧道把英国和欧洲其他国家连接起来了。,即学即用:语法填空 Our economy is linked Americas. All these PCs are linked to the network.,答案:to/withup,

12、8.speed up (使)加快速度,英文典例: The train soon speeded up. 火车很快加速了。 This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed. 这门课的设计思路是让学生自己掌握进度。,即学即用:语法填空 Can you speed your work a little?The manager cant wait to see the result. Nowadays the fastest maglev trains can travel a speed of up t

13、o 500 kilometers an hour.,答案:upat,9.Why would many people choose to travel by airplane rather than by ship? 为什么许多人宁愿选择乘飞机而不愿乘船呢?,英文典例: Today,many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing on Chinese traditions. (2018全国,阅读理解C) 现如今,许多中国人学习西方风格和理论而不愿关注中国的传统。 Peter would rather he had attended the meeting yesterday. 彼得宁愿昨天参加了会议。 I was rather surprised than fright


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