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1、人教版九年级英语第一二单元知识点测试题九年级英语第一、二单元知识点测试题一 . 单项选择 (20 分)()1、 - How do you study _ a test?- I study _ working with a group、A: for ; byB: by; inC: for; from()2、 Have you ever _ with a group?A: studyB: studyingC: studied()3、 My sister said she studied by _ English-language videos、A: watchB: watchingC: watch

2、ed()4、 What about _ the textbook?A: readingB: readC: to read()5、 It improves my _ skillsA:spokenB: speakC: speaking()6、 I have trouble _ the new words、A: memorizeB: memorizingC: to memorize()7、 I don t know how _ commas、A: useB: to usedC: used()8、 Miss Li regards all his students _ his children、A: a

3、sB: forC: to()9、 If you dont know how to spell new words, look them _ in a dictionary、A: upB: forC: after()10、 The small boys decided _ to each other、A: not talkB: not talkingC: not to talk()11、 I founddifficult to learn English grammar 、A、 itB、 thatC、 it isD、 that is人教版九年级英语第一二单元知识点测试题()12、 Chinese

4、 English learners often talk about topics in English at first but_ up in Chineseat last、A、 finishB、 startC、 endD、 stay()13、 When she was a child, shepiano、A、 enjoys playingB、 enjoyed playC、 enjoy play theD 、enjoyedplaying the()14、 -Thank you for helping me a lot、 -、A、 Never mindB、 You are welcomeC、

5、It doesnt matter、D、 Noproblem()15、 Lily didnt know the answer、I didnt know the answer,、A、 tooB、 alsoC、 eitherD、 neither()16、 After hearing her words, my teacher was、A、 impressedB、 impressingC、 to impressD、 impresses()17、 Remember not to speakwhen we are in the reading room、A、 fastB、 loudlyC、 quietly

6、D、 quickly()18、 She needs a partner、A、 to practice EnglishB、 practicing EnglishC、 to practice English with D、practice English with()19、 She said she had some trouble _ her homework、A、 finishB、 finishingC、 to finishD、 finished()20、 I spend some time _ newspaper every day、人教版九年级英语第一二单元知识点测试题A、 readB、

7、readingC、 to readD、 on read四、完成句子 ( 共 15 个小题 , 每个小题 2 分, 共 30 分)A、根据下面句子的意思, 写出符合句意的单词 ( 每个一词 )36、 Whats your favorite way to improve your spoken English?I thinkaloud is a good way to speak well、37、 What aboutflashcards to improve your English?38、He failed in the exam, because he made too many m、40、

8、 As young adults, its our _ to try our best to deal with each challenge in our educatwith the help of our teachers、B、根据句意 ,用所给词的适当形式填空、41、The boy is(excite) about going to summer palace、42、The teachers(pronounce) is very good 、Everyone likes her class、43、Doing more writing practice is one of the sec

9、rets of becoming a good Chinese(learn)、44、As for the way of playing basketball, Tony feels(different) 、45、Sarah added that making vocabularyistsl wasnt(help) at all、46、He finds watching movies _ 、 (frustrate)47、Doing morning exercises every day _ ( be) good for our health、48、 I hope the _ (friend) b

10、etween us lasts forever、49、 Let s forget the _ ( important) things and try to be happy、人教版九年级英语第一二单元知识点测试题50、 Watching movie is a good way _ ( improve) your English、五、句型转换 ( 每空 1 分,15 分)51、 She usually studies by making vocabulary lists、 (对划线部分提问 )_ she usually _ ?52、 Why donyout put your bike over

11、there? (改为同义句 )_your bike over there?53、 She finds that learning English isn、(改为t简easy单句 )She finds _ hard _ English、54、 Little Tom go to is too young to go to school、(改为复合句 )Little Tom is _ he can t go to school、55、 Let s not worry about our problems、 Let s face the challenges instead、(改为同义句 )Let s

12、 face the challenges _ about our problem、九年级英语单元检测 (Unit 2)()1、 In the end,he got the full mark in the math exam、A 、 At lastB、At the endC、 At first()2、 He made a decision to leave his family、A 、 decideB、 decidedC、 decides()3、 We are proud of our strong country、A 、 take pride inB、 take prideC、 are pr

13、ide of()4、 She used to be afraid of the dark、人教版九年级英语第一二单元知识点测试题A、 be afraid toB、 be terrifiedC、 be terrified of()5、 Wang ping is no longer a child、A、 notany moreB、 notany longerC、 not more二、 填空 ,从各 的三个 中 出一个最佳答案。(共 25 分,每小 1 分)()6、 They enjoyed _ piano、A、 playB、 playing theC、 playing()7、 _ you _ to

14、 go to the park when they were children?A 、 Did, useB、 Did, usedC、 Do, use()8、 Mary _ six dollars for the pen、A、 spentB、 paidC、 cost()9、 I m _ in the _ film、A、 interested, interested B、 interested, interesting C、 interesting, interested()10、 - _?- She is medium height、A、 Whats she like?B、 How is she

15、?C、 What does she like?()11、 He _ has time for concerts, does he?A、 hardB、 hardlyC、 already()12、 My life _ a lot in the last few years、A、 changeB、 changedC、 has changed()13、 I will eat ice, meat _ noodles、A、 instead ofB、 stead ofC、 instead for()14、 There used to be a tall tree in front of our classr

16、oom、 _?A、 used thereB、 didn t there C、 wasnt there()15、 That _ like a good idea、人教版九年级英语第一二单元知识点测试题A、 soundB、 soundsC、 looks()16、Yesterday they watched spiders and other insects、A、 all the timeB、 all timeC、 along the time()17、 He used to be _ the children with ghost(鬼样的 ) stories、A、 terrifyB、 terrif

17、iedC、 terrified of()18、 Uncle Wang_ a worker and he is seventy now、A、 uses toB、 used toC、 used to be()19、 He has_ eaten dumplings, has he?A、 everB、 neverC、 just()20、 When he was young, he used_ swimming in the river、A、 to goingB、 to goD、 go()21、 Let s go to watch the football match, _ ?A、 dont weB、

18、do weC、 shall we()22、 My sister has been in America for half a year、 She _the life there.(be used to sth/dong 习惯于做某事 )A、 is used toB、 used toC、 is used()23、 Shes never read this book before、 _?A 、 has sheB、 hasnt sheC、 is she()24、 Peter will come back tomorrow、 _ ?A、 will heB、 wont heC、 wont Peter( B)25、 Zhao Ruirui is_ the Chinese Womens Volleyball、 Team人教版九年级英语第一二单元知识点测试题A 、 atB、 onC、 to三、句型转换 ,一空一词。 (10 分)1、


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