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1、GRE写作argument和issue模板准备技巧介绍 GRE写作argument和issue模板准备技巧介绍?快来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE写作Argument模板准备:掌握逻辑 Argument要求考生分析所给题目,完成一篇驳论文,指出并且有力地驳斥题目中的主要逻辑错误。Argument部分,首先要熟悉每一个题目,找出主要的逻辑错误,也就是Argument题目的提纲,同时每一个逻辑错误准备一套语言套路去说。写完每一个题目的提纲后,写10-15篇完整的文章(语言能力弱的话,可以增加写作量),找partner帮你改,知道错误以后再重写。 有些考生写GRE文章,喜欢用专业性

2、的逻辑用语,其实没有必要,就事论事比较好。在批驳的时候为了显得有力,可以多用用for example、it is possible that、it is likely that之类的句型,因为Argument就是挑错与找茬的过程。如果实在觉得错误不好找,那么就根据每一句话批,基本上,每一个表示原因的句子中都可能存在逻辑错误。 有人认为,Argument背一下错误分类就可以了。但是在实践中这些只是次要的方面,主要的还在于寻找论述者的论据和事实是否对论点做了充分且必要的证明。只有找出他们之间的缺点和不足,文章才会流畅。掌握逻辑的因果关系,更好地把握文章的结论,会写出更漂亮的文章,而不是仅仅的sur

3、vey、response、data等一些谁都用的东西,无论什么都是越具体越有说服力。 GRE写作Issue模板准备:准备提纲 Issue要求考生根据所给的题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。Issue题库涉及社会、文化、科技、历史、政治、艺术等诸多方面。不同类型的题目有较大差别,但在同一类型的题目中却包含了许多命题方向非常接近的题目。 Issue写作对于论据的要求是非常高的,因此你的名人事例的储备,相关知识量的积累是非常重要的。这一环节也正是GRE考生最为头疼的一部分,举不出支持自己的观点的例子,因此让自己的文章显得只有苍白的论证,缺乏说服力。因此要多读历史,积累例子,尤其关注那些重要的哲学家

4、、科学家、艺术家、政治领袖等人的生平事迹、主要贡献。 例如Issue里的这样一道真题:“Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society。”(真正影响深远的思想家和具有高度创造力的艺术家总是与他们的时代和社会步伐不一致)。这个题目如果没有必备的那些思想家和艺术家的例子,文章必然缺乏说服力。因此读历史积累写作素材,具体说就是论据素材是拿高分的一个重要环节。 另外,写提纲对于Issue部分的备考是至关重要的,也是最占用时间、最核心的

5、一个环节。每一个题目的提纲力求详细,不用去写开头段和结尾段,就写正文各段你的各个分支观点,也就是正文部分的论证过程。除了论证以外,写完后想想可以用些什么论据,把支持论证的论据也写上。 需要强调的是,一定要较为详细地写Issue提纲,否则,在考场如果遇到没有思考过的题目,很容易自乱阵脚,导致失败。此外,题目必须考前按题材分类去写提纲,看懂,知道对立面和大致写作思路。论据往往在同类的很多题目中通用。写完提纲后,再写20-40篇完整的文章(语言能力弱的话,尽量多写)。 GRE写作模板准备难度对比:IssueArgument 总的来看,Issue难度高于Argument。对于考生来说,Issue比Ar

6、gument要求拥有更扎实的写作功底和更严密的逻辑思维。同时,ETS对于Issue的模板化和plagiarisms更加敏感。总之,获得Issue高分需要较多的努力。相比之下,Argument内容相对单一(出错的逻辑类型比较少),题目中给了考生更多的提示信息,因此提高Argument成绩容易一些。 参照ETS评过分的范文,我们不难发现:无论Issue还是Argument在评分标准上都有共同之处:第一,观点要有深度,论证要有说服力;第二,组织要有条理,表达清晰准确;第三,语言流利,句式复杂,词汇丰富。这三条说的也就是行文的“思想性”、“结构性”以及“表达性”。众多高分作文的考生大凡都在这三个方面做

7、得很好,我们理所当然也要从这里入手,采取“各个击破”的方法解剖GRE作文的本质,从而得到一个理想分数。 GRE写作计分方式 GRE写作的记分方式是这样的,两篇作文总分都是六分,计算公式为你的得分=(Issue的得分+Argument的得分)/2,最终的计分是以0.5分为一个格。而要获得满意的写作分数,应保证Issue在4.0以上,Argument在5.0以上,这样总分才能在4.5以上。 以上便是为大家介绍的如何准备GRE写作的方法了,各位考生不要畏惧GRE写作,只要认真准备,想取得高分还是不难的。大家可以参考以上文章来多练笔,从根本上提高自己的写作水平。 Consciously Reconne

8、cting There may be times when we feel like our connection to the universe is closed. Maybe things dont seem to be going well in our day, or our lives, or we may feel out of our element. The truth is, the universe is always there for us. We know that we create our experience with our thoughts, and th

9、is is another way we need to make a conscious decision about how we want to experience life. It is up to us to do the work of making the connection, because nobody can do it for us, though sometimes the universe may send us wake-up calls. You can think of it as getting some fresh air. We are always

10、breathing and the air is always around us, surrounding us, moving through us. But we may need to step outside of where we are in the momentphysically, mentally, or emotionallyand make the conscious choice to take a deep breath in order to feel the air ing in and going out. Whether this means steppin

11、g outside physically or merely shifting our thoughts, it is only our perception that changes; the air remains the same. It is just as easy to reconnect with the universe. Using the same technique as a breath of fresh air, a deep breath can bring us back to our center. As we inhale, we fill our bodie

12、s with the oxygen needed to replenish our most basic physical needs, allowing the air to circulate within us. Exhaling, we release the stale, the used, the potentially toxic air, removing any blocks that may keep us from going deeper into the stillness that lies at our center where we connect to the

13、 universe. Feeling closed off does not need to be a negative experience. When we bee conscious of it, we can think of the wholeness of a closed circuit, which allows electricity to connect and flow properly. Our bodies work the same way, and when we make that connection in our minds, it can help bri

14、ng us back to the connection we seek. Direction Many old building are protected by law because they are part of a nations history. However, some people think knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history st

15、and in the way of progress? Example Old buildings sometimes conflicts with social advancement. Appealing as it is in the eyes of business people, tearing down old architect to make room for real-estate development is not a wise idea in many ways. The primarily reason is that old buildings, like our

16、native language, forms our cultural identity and keep a unique record the history of a country. From this aspect, old buildings are considered very valuable as one of the symbols of the culture of a nation. For instance, the traditional Chinese residence in Bei _g, Siheyuan, are once seen as the rem

17、ains of the Old World, and were destroyed by people shortly after the founding of Peoples Republic of China. Until recently did the people and policy makers as well realize that it is an inexcusable and stupid idea to mit such a terrible deed because old buildings, once gone, are not restorable. But

18、 their economic values and aesthetic appeals have just caught the attention of Chinese people. Moreover, old buildings, if planed and preserved properly, could coexist with modern real-estate development. In France, aged buildings bring millions of dollars of revenue for the government and amazed th

19、ousands of tourists. Yet no one thinks the high-rising office buildings and apartment buildings make the old architect a sore of the eye. By contrast, the new learn from the old, a fact that makes them more attractive. We admit that not all old buildings should be treated equally and some of them do

20、 need to be torn down for various reasons such as safety and new buildings. However, we should not be too blind to see their value too. If only the real and practical factors are being considered, the country will be sorry for its loss in years to e. As we have discussed, old buildings are part of a

21、 countrys history and are valuable in many ways. We should plan well and be wise enough to see their value. But the same time, we should also do our best to find solutions to make the old and the new coexist in harmony. 题目: The following appeared in a magazine article about planning for retirement. Clearview should be a top choice for anyone seeking a place to retire, because it has spectacular natural beauty and a consistent climate. Another advantage is that housing costs in Clearview have fallen significantly during the past year, and taxes remain lower than those in neighboring towns.


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