已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、旅游英语情景对话here is the tourist information center?旅游咨询处在哪里?A:Excuse me. Could you tell me where the tourist information center is?打扰一下,你能告诉我旅游咨询处在哪儿吗?B:Im new here. You had better ask the policeman over there.我初来此地,你最好问问那边的警察。A:Thank you all the same.谢谢你!Is there a tourist information center in this ci

2、ty?本市有没有旅游咨询处?A:Is there a tourist information center is this city?本市有没有旅游咨询处?B:Yes, there is one near the airport.有,在飞机场附近有一个。Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗?A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗?B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which

3、costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?有一家青年旅馆,一晚上不到20美元,您觉得如何?A:OK! Thank you!好的,谢谢!Id like to stay at a hotel near the beach.我想要住在一间靠近海滩的旅馆。A:May I help you?需要什么帮助吗?B:Yes, Id like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?是的,我想要住在一间靠在海滩的旅馆。你能为我推荐一个吗?A:Well, there is a Moonligh

4、t Hotel with excellent service near the beach.嗯,有个月光宾馆,离海滩不远,而且服务是一流的。B:Thank you!谢谢!小提示:初次踏入异国旅游,人生地不熟,在旅游咨询处可问询关于住宿的信息,可以根据自己的要求具体询问。比如还有以下相关的问法:Do you have a hotel list? 这儿有旅馆目录吗?Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的旅馆?Could you recommend a hotel in the city cente

5、r? 是否可推荐一家位于市中心的旅馆?Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。A: Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。B: OK, what are you interested in?好的,你对什么感兴趣?A: I want to visit some historic sites.我想参观一些历史名胜。What are the places of special inte

6、rest here?这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗?A: What are the places of special interest here?这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗?B: Why dont you go to the Disneyland? Im sure youll have fun here.何不去迪斯尼乐园玩玩呢?我相信你在那儿肯定会玩得很开心。A: Thank you!谢谢!初到异地旅游若是不熟悉该国的旅游景点可以向别人询问,其他类似的表达法还有:Could you recommend some interesting places to visit in the city?你能

7、为我介绍一些这座城市有趣的可供参观的地方吗?What are the best places to visit here, please?请问这里最好的旅游观光处在哪里?Which places are the most-sees?哪些地方是必看之地?第一句:May I have a free city map?我可以要一张免费城市地图吗?A:Excuse me. May I have a free city map?打扰了,我可以要一张免费城市地图吗?B:Sure, here you are.当然可以,给你。A:Thank you very much. Thats very nice of

8、you.多谢了!您真好!B:Not at all.不客气!第二句:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city?你有这座城市的旅游手册吗?A:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city?你有这座城市的旅游手册吗?B:Yes, but Im afraid its not free.是的,但不是免费的。A:All right! Ill take one. Here is the money.没关系,我买一本,给你钱。B:Here is your change. Have a nice trip!给

9、您找零,祝您路途愉快!知识延伸:想要索取或购买旅游手册,还有以下相关的说法:Please give me a sightseers pamphlet.请给我一本观光手册。Where can I get a tourist handbook?我在哪里可以买到旅游手册?第一句:Id like to know the route of the streetcar.我想知道电车行进的路线。A: Id like to know the route of the streetcar.我想知道电车行进的路线。B: Its shown on this map.地图上有。第二句:Is there a bus t

10、o go to there?有到那儿的公汽吗?A: Is there a bus to go to the Star Hotel?有到星星宾馆的公汽吗?B: Yes, the bus runs every hour.有,每小时一趟。A: By the way, could you tell me which bus to take to go there?顺便问一下,能告诉我乘哪路公交去吗?B: No. 12.12路。A: Thank you.谢谢!关于乘车路线的表达法还有:Is it far to walk?走到那儿远吗?Should I take a bus?要乘公共汽车吗?Should

11、I go this way or that way?我应当走这条路还是那条路?Is there any landmark there?那个地方有路牌吗?第一句:How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks?我如果在那儿待两周要多少钱?A:How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks?我如果在那儿待两周要多少钱?B:It doesnt cost much, because its far from the downtown area.不会花费太多,因为那儿离市中心远。A:Thats

12、 good.那还不错。How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days?香格里拉7日游多少钱?A:Hello, CITS? How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days?你好,中国旅游吗?香格里拉7日游多少钱?B:The winter program is 650 dollars.冬季游是650美元。A:For each person?每个人650美元?B:Yes, including meals.是的,包括饭钱在内。旅游前选择一家好的旅行社很重要,他们会安排行程、住宿和饮食等。如果询问机票的话可以说:Is the t

13、icket included? 含机票吗?Do you give a discount? 你们打折吗?第一句:Do you have any tour including all these places?你们有没有包含所有这些地方的旅游路线?A: What places do you prefer to go?你们想去哪些地方?B: We particularly want to visit Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Do you have any tour including all these places?我们特别想去北京、西安和上海。你们有没有包含所有这

14、些地方的旅游路线?A: Yes, we do. But it is a little bit expensive!是的,我们有,但稍微有些贵!How much do you usually charge for a tour to China?到中国旅行一般收费多少?A: Here are the brochures that describe various tour routes in China. You can choose anyone you like.这些是介绍到中国旅行各种路线的小册子。您可以选择您喜欢的任意一种。B: How much do you usually charg

15、e for a tour to China?到中国旅行一般收费多少?知识延伸:出门前向旅行社咨询信息很重要,他们一般会提供住宿、餐饮和交通方面的信息。如果想问机票是否打折的话,可以说:Do you have discount for air tickets?机票打折吗?第一句:Room service, please.我要客房服务。A:Room service, please.我要客房服务。B:What can I help you?能为你做点什么?A:Please change our sheets and pillow cases.请换一下床单和枕套。第二句:Please come to

16、room No. 312.请到312房间。A:Room service. What can I do for you?客房服务部,您需要什么服务?B:Please come to room No. 312 and bring me bath towels.请给312房间送几条浴巾来。A:OK, well send a waiter soon.好的,我们会马上派服务员过来。B:Thank you.谢谢!知识延伸:寻求旅店的客房服务或主动提供客房服务时还可以说:Housekeeping, may I come in?我是房客服务员,可以进来吗?Room service. What can I do

17、 for you?这是客房服务部,我能为你做点什么吗?第一句:I have some laundry to do.我有衣服要洗。A:Room service, I have some laundry to do.客房服务部,我有衣服要洗。B:OK, Ill ask a maid to do.好的,我会叫服务员来做的。第二句:Could you send someone up for my laundry, please?你能叫人来把我的衣服拿去洗一下吗?A:Is there anything I can do for you?我能为您做点什么吗?B:Could you send someone

18、 up for my laundry, please?你能叫人来把我的衣服拿去洗一下吗?A:Yes, madam. Ill send someone immediately.好的,女士。我马上派人去。寻求旅店的客房服务或主动提供客房服务时还可以说:Housekeeping, may I come in?我是客房服务员,可以进来吗?Room service, what can I do for you?这是客房服务部,我能为您做点什么吗?第一句:When would you like me to do your room, sir?您要我什么时候来给您打扫房间呢,先生?A:Housekeepin

19、g. May I come in?我是客房服务员,可以进来吗?B:Come in, please.请进。A:When would you like me to do your room, sir?您要我什么时候来给您打扫房间呢,先生?B:You can do it now if you like.如果你愿意,你现在就可以打扫。第二句:May I clean your room now, madam?女士,我现在可以打扫您的房间吗?A:May I clean your room now, madam?女士,我现在可以打扫您的房间吗?B:Im afraid not. Will you come b

20、ack in about half an hour?恐怕不行,你半小时后来好吗?客房服务部说明整理房间时还会用这样的表达:May I do the turn-down service now? 现在可以为您收拾房间了吗?May I tidy your room right now? 我现在能为您整理房间吗?客人也可以提出要求,比如说:How about tidying up a bit in the bathroom? 卫生间稍微打扫一下行吗?第一句:Would you please get me some hot water?你能给我送些热水来吗?A: Room service. May I

21、 help you?这是客房服务部,需要什么帮助?B: Would you please get me some hot water?你能给我送些热水来吗?A: All right.好的。第二句:Please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.请给我们送瓶刚烧开的水来。A: Is there anything I can do for you?我能为您做什么?B: Please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.请给我们送瓶刚烧开的水来。A: OK. Anything else I can do for y

22、ou?好的,还有其他要我为您做的吗?B: No, thank you.没有了,谢谢!请求客房服务部提供开水的相关表达法还有:I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water.我想请你给我拿一瓶开水来。Is hot water available any time?随时都有热水供应吗?Please bring me some ice cubes and water.请送给我一些冰块和水。第一句:Id like to order my breakfast.我想预定早餐。A: Good morning. Id like to order m

23、y breakfast.早上好,我想预定早餐。B: All right, sir. What will you have?好的,先生,您要什么?A: Buttered toast, fresh ham and a cup of black tea.奶油吐司,鲜火腿和一杯红茶。B: Wait a moment, please.请稍等。Please bring my breakfast at seven oclock.请在早上七点送早餐过来。A: Room service, please.客房服务部。B: Is there anything I can do for you?能为你做什么吗?A:

24、Please bring my breakfast at seven oclock.请在早上七点送早餐过来。B: All right. Im glad at your service.好的,乐意效劳。向客房服务部说明在房间用餐或是订餐的相关表达还有:Id like to have my breakfast in the room.我想在我的房间用早餐。breakfast 早餐,lunch 午餐,supper 晚餐,dinner 也指晚餐,但dinner一般指较正式的、丰富的晚餐。第一句:How many kinds of Chinese cuisine do you have?你们这有多少种中

25、国菜?A:Here is the meun. Which do you prefer, Western food or Chinese food?这是菜单。西餐和中餐您比较喜欢哪一种?B:A real Chinese dinner. How many kinds of Chinese cuisine do you have?要地道的中餐。你们这有多少种中国菜?第二句:May I have your order now?现在点菜吗?A:May I have your order now?现在点菜吗?B:Yes. Two shrimp cocktails and some fried peanut

26、s for appetizer.是的。要两杯虾仁鸡尾酒和炸花生米来开胃。A:What would you like to drink?要喝点什么?B:Beer for me. Budweiser.我要百威啤酒。请别人吃饭时,可以说:treat sb. to.Would you like some dessert? After you.你要什么点心?您先点。dessert 是开胃的食品或饮料等,一般是在饭后用。After you. 您先点。这个短语用来请别人先干什么,如先走路、先下车等。第一句:Im checking out.我要退房。A: Im Mr. Li. Room 1024. Im ch

27、ecking out. Will you make out my bill, please?我是1024房间的李先生。我要退房。能把我的账单准备好吗?B: Yes. Well have your statement ready in a few minutes.好的。我们将马上为您准备好账单。第二句:Could you please explain this for me?您能为我解释一下这个吗?A: Id like to have a look. Could you please explain this for me?我想看一下。你能为我解释一下这个吗?B: They are a few

28、small bills from the bar.它们是酒吧的几张小单子。知识点延伸:the cashiers desk 指的是结账处,cashier指的是出纳员,statement指的是结账单,如果游客对账单有异议的话,可以让出纳员核查一下,这时可以说:Could you please go through it one by one?你能一个一个核查一遍吗?第一句:Do you have any plan on your mind?你有什么打算吗?A:Do you have any plan on your mind?你有什么打算吗?B:I want to go to Italy for

29、travelling this summer vacation.这个暑假我想去意大利旅行。Where do you plan to go?你打算去哪儿?A:Where do you plan to go this summer?今年夏天你打算去哪儿?B:Japanl, I suppose. What about you?你想是日本吧。你呢?A:Well, I have not decided yet, Id like to go to France.嗯,我还没决定呢,我想去法国。知识点延伸:询问假期旅行计划的相关表达法还有:Where are you going on your vacatio

30、n?你打算去哪儿度假?旅行计划用英语说是:travel planWhats your travel plan?你的旅行计划是什么?第一句:Show us our itineraries.请给我们看看旅游日程吧。A: Show us our itineraries, please.请给我们看看旅游日程吧。B: Well first go to Versailes, then well go to Saint Denis.我们首先去凡尔赛宫,然后去圣丹尼斯大教堂。Can you show me a brochure for tour courses?你能给我看一下线路手册吗?A: Can you

31、show me a brochure for tour courses?你能给我看一下线路手册吗?B: Here it is. Take your time.给您,慢慢看。A: By the way, does the tour include meals?顺便问一下,这趟旅行供餐吗?B: Yes, we do.是的。有关旅游日程的表达还有:According to our schedule, today were going to visit.根据我们的行程安排,我们今天要去参观Do you have night tours?你们有夜间旅游项目吗?Where will we visit on

32、 the tour?这趟旅行我们将参观哪儿?第一句:I prefer a package tour.我喜欢组团旅游。A: Do you like a package tour to travel alone?你喜欢组团旅游还是独自旅游?B: I prefer a package tour, and we dont have to worry about accommodation, meals and sort of trivial things. And you?我喜欢组团旅游,不用操心住宿、吃饭等那样的小事。你呢?A: Id rather travel alone, for I can h

33、ave more time to visit those that attract my attention.我宁愿独自旅行,这样我会有更多的时间去参观那些吸引我注意的事物。第二句:Im going on a guided tour.我要跟导游团旅行。A: Im going on a guided tour in the mountain.我要跟导游团在山里观光。B: Youll see the world-famous magnificent waterfall.你会看到世界著名的壮观的大瀑布。组团旅游是:package tour,相对应的就是自助旅游:budget travelling或者

34、叫self-help tour,导游用英语说是tour guide,导游团则是guided tour。第一句:I want to visit some historic sites.我想参观一些历史名胜。A: Where do you plan to travel?你打算去哪儿旅游?B: I want to visit some historic sites. Can you suggest some places for me, please?我想参观一些历史名胜。请问,你能给我推荐一些地方吗?A: How about visiting the Great Wall? I hear the

35、Great Wall is one of the eight wonders of the world.去参观长城怎么样?我听说长城是世界八大奇观之一。第二句:I want to see beautiful scenery.我想看看美丽的风景。A: I want to see beautiful scenery.我想看看美丽的风景。B: Why dont you go to the beach? You can enjoy fishing, boating and swimming.你为何不去海边?你可以享受垂钓、划船和游泳的乐趣。根据自己兴趣的不同,旅游时可选择不同景色,如历史古迹histo

36、ric spots、名胜古迹places of interest 或文化遗址cultural relics 等等。第一句:Have a nive trip!旅途愉快!A: Next week Im going to Hawail for my holiday.下周我要去夏威夷度假。B: Have a nice trip!旅途愉快!第二句:Good luck!祝你好运!A: Ill visit Disneyland with my wife and children a couple of days later.过几天我将和我的妻子和孩子们去迪士尼乐园玩。B: I hear that there

37、 are often a lot of people there at this time of year.我听说每年的这个时候会有很多人去那儿参观。A: Oh, really? I hope there are not too many people then.哦,是吗?我希望我们去的时候人不是很多。B: Good luck!祝你好运!知识延伸:表达良好祝愿还可以说:Have a good trip!/Have a good journey! 旅途愉快!May you have a wonderful journey! 祝您旅途愉快!And a safe landing! 祝您平安到达!第一

38、句:Id like to speak to the ticket reservation department.我要接通电话。A: Hello. Id like to speak to the ticket researvation department.你好。我要接通订票部。B: Just a minute, please.请稍等。A: Id like to book tickets from Huston to Shanghai.我要订从休斯顿到上海的机票。第二句:When will the nearest flight be?最近的航班是什么时候?A: When will the nea

39、rest flight be?最近的航班是什么时候?B: Next Friday morning.下周五下午。A: OK. I want two tickets for children.好的。我要两张儿童票。相关讲解:1. 当接线员说Youre through to.时,意思是你与接通了。2. fix your tickets指的是办理好机票。3. check in意思是办理(住宿、登机)手续,游客在订票时应询问相关的信息。第一句:May I have a look at your passport, please?可以看看您的护照吗?A: May I have a look at your

40、 passport, please?可以看看你的护照吗?B: Sure.当然。A: You have a tourist visa. Where will you be staying?您持有旅游签证,准备待在哪儿?B: Mainly in Texas.主要在德克萨斯州。第二句:May I see your customers declaration form?可以看看您的报关表吗?A: You may go to the baggage claim area and get your luggage, then proceed through the Customs.您可以到行李提取处拿您的

41、行李,然后进行海关检查。B: Thank you.谢谢。A: May I see your customs declaration form.可以看看您的报关表吗?B: Yes. Nothing illegal.好的,没有什么违法的。第一句:May I have a look at your passport, please?可以看看您的护照吗?A: May I have a look at your passport, please?可以看看你的护照吗?B: Sure.当然。A: You have a tourist visa. Where will you be staying?您持有旅游

42、签证,准备待在哪儿?B: Mainly in Texas.主要在德克萨斯州。第二句:May I see your customers declaration form?可以看看您的报关表吗?A: You may go to the baggage claim area and get your luggage, then proceed through the Customs.您可以到行李提取处拿您的行李,然后进行海关检查。B: Thank you.谢谢。A: May I see your customs declaration form.可以看看您的报关表吗?B: Yes. Nothing

43、illegal.好的,没有什么违法的。第一句: Id like to take a sightseeing tour.我想参加一个观光游。A: Id like to take a sightseeing tour.我想参加一个观光游。B: OK, what kind of tour would you like?好的,你想要什么样的旅游路线?A: Are there any tours to visit the Polar World?有去极地世界的旅游路线吗?B: Yes, we do.有的。第二句:Id like a half-day tour.我想参加半日游。A: Which tour

44、would you like to take?你想选择哪种观光游?B: Id like a half-day tour.我想参加半日游。相关的表达法还有:Id like to make a reservation for two this tour.我要预订两个人的行程。Is there a day/two hours tour?有一日/两小时游吗?Id like a full-day tour.我想参加全天游。Do you have a morning tour?有上午的观光游吗?词组记忆:a sightseeing tour 观光游a half-day tour 半日游句型学习:Id li

45、ke to 我想,相当于I want toeg. I think thats something Id like to change in my country.我相信,那就是我想要在我的国家作出改变之处。eg. Lets say I pledge to run 100 miles this month. I can then enter the email addresses of people Id like to cheer me onmy wife, my mother, my boss.也许我发誓这个月要跑100英里,然后我就可以输入一个电子邮件地址给那些乐于鼓励我的人,例如我的妻子

46、,我的老妈,我的领导。小提示:Id like to take a sightseeing tour. 这句中to take 在双方明白所指的时候也可以省去,例如:Id like a half-day tour.第一句:Please find me a Chinese-speaking guide.请帮我找位讲中文的导游。A: Tourist Agency. What can I do for you?这是旅行社,你需要什么帮助?B: Please find me a Chinese-speaking guide.请帮我找位讲中文的导游。A: OK. Please leave your tele

47、phone number, later well call you.好的,请留下您的电话号码,等会我们会联系你的。B: . Thank you!。谢谢!第二句:Where can I ask a guide?哪里可以找到导游?A: Where can I ask a guide?哪里可以找到导游?B: You can find one through Tourist Agency.你可以通过旅行社找。词汇学习:1.find a guide=ask a guide 找导游2. Chinese-speaking 讲中文的3. throughprep. 通过;穿过;凭借adv. 彻底;从头至尾adj

48、. 直达的;过境的;完结的We should temper ourselves through manual labour.我们应该 通过 劳动锻炼自己。I liked to meander through familiar streets.我喜欢闲逛 穿过 熟悉的街道。The only way to find out is through a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.找到这些答案的唯一方法就是通过一场对美联储的 彻底 审计。He read through the manuscript.他把手稿 从头至尾 看了。其他表达:一般组团旅游有特定的

49、导游,这时你可以问:What language is going to be used?导游解说使用何种语言?Will we have a Japanese-speaking tour guide?我们有说日语的导游吗?Is there a guided tour in this area?这一地区有导游团吗?第一句:How much is this tour?旅行费用是多少?A:How much is this tour?旅行费用是多少?B:60 dollars in all.总共60美元。A:Is lunch included?包括午餐吗?B:Yes.是的。第二句:How much is

50、the guide fee for a half day?半天的导游费用是多少?A:How much is the guide fee for a half day?半天的导游费用是多少?B:Well, it depends. Usually its about 50 yuan.依情况而定,通常情况下大约是50元。相关表达:询问租车游览观光及导游的费用时,还可以说:How much is the guide fee per day?导游费每天多少钱?词组学习:1.in all 总共,合计eg. The new method departs from the old in all respect

51、s.这种新方法与旧方法在各个方面都不同。eg. He rooted about in all his drawers and found the lost ball-pen at last.他在所有的抽屉里翻来翻去,最后终于找到了丢失的圆珠笔。eg. In all of those areas you identified, what would you like to be different?在你指出的全部那些范围内,有什么是你想要变得不同的?2.it depends 看情况而定eg. It depends who you ask.答案取决于你问谁?eg. It depends entir

52、ely, of course, on your condition.当然这完全取决于,你的身体条件。eg. Well, it depends, of course, whether I choose it pointing out or in.它取决于我对指向的选择由里往外,或由外往里。第一句:What kind of tour do you have?你们有什么样的旅行路线?A: What kind of tour do you have?你们有什么样的旅行路线?B: We offer many kinds of tours.我们提供多种路线。第二句:What can I see on the tour?这趟线路可以


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