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1、Unit 5 Signs【教学目标】1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor, around2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, takeinto, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell, outing, walk on3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语:What does it mean? / It means/ No littering/ parking/ smoking/ / You can / cant4.能听懂、会说、会读“Public signs

2、”5.能听懂、会说字母ir在单词中的读音,要求发音准确6.能正确朗读课文,灵活运用本单元所学的句型整体复述语篇7.通过本单元的学习,让学生能够看懂一些常见的公共标识,并能用英语进行询问极其描述【教学重难点】1.教学重点(1) 句型:What does it mean? It means No littering/ parking/ smoking/ You can / cant(2) 词汇:sign, shopping centre, mean, around(3) 语音:字母ir在单词中的读音。2.教学难点(1 ) 句型:What does it mean? It means No litt

3、ering/ parking/ smoking/ (2) 词汇:letter, restaurant, smoke, careful的读音。【教学时间】 六课时【教学方法】谈话教学法,任务型教学法,朗读教学,角色扮演【教具安排】各课时教学PPT,教学光盘第一课时授课时间: 总第_课时【教学目标】1、能听懂、会说、会读:Public signs。2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant 3、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take into

4、, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell。4、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。5、通过课文学习,帮助学生掌握“公共标识”的英语语言知识,发展听说读写技能,形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的综合人文素养。【教学重难点】1、句型:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.2、词汇:sign, shopping centre, mean。【教具安排】

5、各课时教学PPT,教学光盘【教学内容】Story time【教学过程】Step 1 Warming upGuessing gameT: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you like watching TV at weekends? Can you guess what does Miss Ding like doing at weekends?S: She likes .( one by one)PPT: She likes reading books, doing housework and going shopping.T: Who was right

6、? Please hands up.2、Buying thingsT:I like going shopping at weekends. If I want to buy some beautiful dresses and skirts, I can go to the shop. If I want to buy some food, I can go to the supermarket. I like going window shopping at the shopping centre. If I want to buy some books, I can go to the b

7、ookshop. I can buy some fresh fruit at the fruit shop. I like eating bread very much. So I often go to the bakeshop. If I want to have a big lunch with my family, we can go to the restaurant.PPT依次出现图片:shop,supermarket,shopping centre,bookshop,fruit shop,bakeshop,restaurant。TS: shopping centre, books

8、hop (渗透单词fruit shop,bakeshop,restaurant)SignsT: When I go shopping, I always see these things. (PPT呈现公共标志图片)。T: They are signs. There are many signs. They mean different things. They can tell us what can we do and what we cant do.TS: Unit 5 Signs.2、Look and say(PPT出示故事图片1)T: Who are they?Ss: They ar

9、e Mike, Helen and Tim.3、Listen and answer:T: Where are they? Please listen to the tape, than answer my question.Ss: They are in the .TS: juice shop, restaurant4、Read and chooseT: Now please read the story quickly, than finish the exercises on page 8 “Read and choose.”(内容详见英语书P8。)T: Number 1, Where a

10、re Mike, Helen and Tim? How do you know?(依次讨论4个选择题,并追问如何得出答案,让学生说说依据)。5、Look and answerT: What does it mean? (PPT出示标志“Wet floor”)S快速在书中找出句子It means the floor is wet.TS: It means Wet floor. It means the floor is wet.采用此法依次教学:What does it mean?It means No littering / No eating or drinking / No smoking

11、.It means you cant litter / eat or drink / smoke here.6、Listen and repeatT: Now lets listen to the tape, repeat the sentences.1、Read and act.T: Now its your turn to read the story. Then you can act in your groups.2、Look and write. (P8)3、Work in groups.TS: What does it mean? It means No parking / Dan

12、ger.It means you cant park here. / It means you must stay away from it.【作业布置】1、听录音,模仿朗读课文Story time。预习Grammar time。2、模仿课文,小组内编演新故事。 3、搜集整理身边的公共标志,写一写、画一画或制作成PPT,尝试用英语说说它们的名称和含义。下节课展示交流。【板书设计】Unit 1 Signs(Story time)What does it mean? It means . It means you cant .Who: Mike, Helen and TimWhen: Maybe

13、at the weekendWhere: shopping centre, juice shop, bookshop, restaurantWet floor No littering No eating or drinking No smoking【教后记】第二课时授课时间: 总第_课时【教学目标】1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mea

14、n, floor。3.掌握谈论公共标识的问答句型和常用文字标识句型,即No+doing(动名词)结构.【教学重难点】1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor.【教具安排】单词卡片(标志图片) PPT【教学内容】Grammar time& Fun time【教学过程】Step 1 Sing the song What sign

15、 can you see in the park? What does it mean? Review No lettering / keep off the grassStep2 RevisionReview the storyWhat signs can you see in the story time?What signs can you see in the story time?Where are the signs?The sign isIt meansIt means we三种方式选择1.Read in groups 2. Recite the story 3. Choose

16、and actStep3 Presentation (Grammar time)1 Show the public signs in the story2 PPT shows the sentences:What does it mean?It means: the floor is wet. you cant eat or drink there. you cant smoke here. you cant litter here. ask students to discuss in group of four, talk about their differences between t

17、hese two groups of sentences.Show the grammar: No+ v.ing4、Try to know Try to Finish the exercise of this part and learn the new words. 说出本节课所认识的新标志及出现的地点和意义。Step 4 Consolidation1、 Fill in the blanksa. Look at that sign, it _ (mean) we cant _ (run) in this room.b. What _ (do) these signs _ (mean)?c.

18、The sign tells us: No _ (climb).d. Can we _ (park) our cars here?e. We should _ (keep) quiet in the library. Step 5 Fun time1 Review the signs.2 T: What signs can we use in this picture?(想一想,在这幅图中可以用到的标志)3 Show the picture of Fun Time, talk about the signs in it.T: Where is it? What signs can you se

19、e?4. Play the game in pairs.Step 6 Extension1.What new signs do you know from the lesson?2.Where can you use them?3.Exercises in classListen and choose.( b ) A. Dont pick flowers. B. No littering. C. No running.( c ) A. In the clothes shop. B. In the bookshop. C. In the restaurant.( c) A. On the wal

20、l. B. On the chair. C. On the floor.( a ) A. No fishing B. No climbing C. No dogs( b ) A. No working B. Childrens passage C. No parking【作业布置】1. Talk about the signs in your daily life.2. Preview Sound time, Culture time and Cartoon time.3. Finish after-class exercises.【板书设计】Unit5 signs ( Grammar tim

21、e& fun time)What does the sign mean?It meansyou cant No + ving【教后记】 第三课时授课时间: 总第_课时【教学目标】1. 能熟练说本课所学各类公共标志,并且发音准确2. 能正确运用What does it mean? It means.3. 能熟练背诵课文4. 能读、演Cartoon time,并能掌握其中的知识点5. 能理解Culture time的内容,并适当拓展。【教学重难点】1. 学生能正确运用本课重要句型What does it mean? It means. 2. 通过学习学生能熟练地朗诵和表演cartoon time.

22、【教具安排】标志图片 PPT【教学内容】Cartoon time& Culture time【教学过程】Step 1 Revision1.Look and sayNo eating or drinking No littering No parkingNo smoking No fishing No swimmingDanger! Wet floor2.Ask and answer同桌选择一幅图片问答,操练本课句型。Model 1: What does it mean? It means you cant eat or drink there.3. 课文配音Step 2 Presentatio

23、n( cartoon time)1.Look and say (出示第一张图片)a. T: Boys and girls, Ive got a picture. Please look at the picture and ask some questions: Who are they?Where are they?What are they doing?2.Watch and answerQ1: What time is it?Q2: What did Bobby have for lunch? 3.Read and answerQ1: Did Bobby have a good lunc

24、h?Q2: Why cant they eat bananas there?4Read after the tape5. 四人一组给动画配音6.Write and sayBobby and Sam were on an _in the _. It _ time for _.Bobby was tired and _.He _ some _ for lunch. Bobby and Sam _ on. They _a sign on the tree. It means they cant _ _there. Then, they _ many _around them. So, they kn

25、ew why they shouldnt _ _ there! 7. 续编故事Bobby 和 Sam被猴子们包围后又会发生什么呢?T: Well done ,but I think (然后出示老师编的故事,引出metro)T: There are so many monkeys around Bobby and Sam, They are very afraid .So they run away fast and leave(离开) the forest. At last, they go home by metro.Step3 Culture time课件出示一些地铁的不同标识。T: Th

26、ese signs are the same meaning. Metro.地铁再逐一回放刚才的标识并解释。In the UK, people call the metro “underground”.In the US, people call the metro “subway”.【作业布置】1.熟读并背诵Cartoon time2.熟读并背诵Culture time. 3.预习Sound time和 Checkout time【板书设计】【教后记】第四课时授课时间: 总第_课时【教学目标】1.正确完成书上Checkout time 中的练习。2.能复习并巩固所学公共标识及关于公共标识的提

27、问和回答。3.了解并体会字母组合 ir在单词中的发音。4. 能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。【教学重难点】1能灵活运用所学公共标识并进行相关提问。1能灵活运用所学公共标识并进行相关提问。2. 能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。【教具安排】PPT【教学内容】Sound time/Checkout time & Ticking time【教学过程】Step1 Revision续编故事:Bobby和Sam被猴子们包围后又会发生什么呢?T: There are so many monkeys around Bobby and Sam, They

28、 are very afraid .So they run away fast and leave(离开) the forest. At last, they get to a grass.Model: Bobby and Sam walk on. They find a sign on the grass.A: Look , Bobby .Theres a sign.B: What does it mean?A: It means we shouldnt eat or drink.B: Why?A: They see a lot of birds around here. They are

29、looking at your food.B: I know why we cant eat or drink here!Step2 Sound time1.Talk about the pictures,引出 bird girl skirt shirt2. Brainstorming让学生自己找一找;thirteen , thirsty, first, 3.归纳含有ir /3:/的单词4.鼓励学生读出生词:ladybird, firm, third, circle. dirty ,skirt 5. 归纳发 /3:/这个音的字母组合:字“ear”、“ere”、“eer”、“eir”、“er”。

30、Step3 Checkout time1.Listen and chooseT: Well. Here are some public signs for you.(标识分为红色和蓝色两种不同的颜色) There are two kinds of public signs. The red ones and the blue ones. Whats the difference between them?T: Great. Lets listen and choose the right signs.2教读两种公共标识:Parking. Restaurant.(1)Draw and sayT:

31、 教读蓝色公共标识的同时板书这两个标识图片。Here are two new signs. Look at this sign. What does it mean?(Parking.)T: (Where can we see the sign? )Where can we put it? T: What about this sign? What does it mean?T: Where can we put it?板书Draw and say 中的句型: What does this sign mean? It means Where can we put it?We can put it in/atT: This time design signs for some public places by yourselves.T:Ask and answer with your partner. Show time :投影个别同学的设计,并全班提问。老师根据学生间的回答在黑板上标注Sign: Place:Meaning:完成listen and choose3.Every minute counts(争分夺秒)将学生分为AB两组。A组学生背对黑板,B组学生看着屏幕上的公共标识图片,用英文表述其含义。A组学生来猜标志的名称。在规定时间内猜出最多的一组获胜。如:G:Wh


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